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IMO, most interesting WM match possibility would be....

Would the Undertaker in a triple-threat WM match make you more interested in watching

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I know its only July, but, being the kinda wresting fan I am, after the last WM, almost instantly my mind began to wonder who might take on the Undertakers vaunted streak next year. After a few months, I came to this conlusion:

Undertaker v Cena v HHH

Here are my reasons.

Lets face it....at this point the Undertaker v Cena would be the freshest and most attention getting WM match up for the Undertaker.I dont think many poeple would deny that. But you toss in another man, and not only do you have another guy who could end the streak, but it also give the Taker more of a chance to rest. If that other guy is a main eventer, then we could have an epic match....the likes of which I dont think any other WM match can duplicate. Not with those big names involved, and not with the streak on the line.

Ive been aching to see the Undertaker in a WM 3-way for about 3 years, and with him basically taking half the year off any way since he is hurt so much, and getting old....the clock is ticking. So a decent match with Cena at WM is also ticking. Though you buy more hours if you include a worker in the 3-way.

Which is the one downfall. I dont really like the idea of HHH being in there, but you cant deny he is a big name.....so adding him to the mix would make it GREATLY anticipated. But I am a HUGE fan of fresh matchups.....and Taker took out HHH at WM 17 (I think), and honestly there are other options that could be place here. Rey Mysterio for one....since he is Smackdown.....Jericho never had a shot at Taker at WM, and I think that'd appeal to his heel hijinx. Id like to think CMPunk, but I dont think he is quite there yet. Same with Dibiase, or Swagger (though, at the Rumble or something, Id love to see it.). That reason and that reason alone is why HHH is the 3rd guy. Gotta admit...that'd get you watching.

I really am interested in what you think.....would you put Taker in a 3-way, or at this point....its it one-on-one or nothing. And if you did think the 3-way is a fresh, and interesting way to risk Takers streak (like myself), who would you pick as the 3rd man..(sorry, but Cena, in my eyes is concrete, cant convince me otherwise.).
I don't know about other people, but almost every single Triple Threat match is boring. Here are a couple of reasons why:

1. If someone was to say, use their finisher, you think "the third guy can just stop him".

2. You can't create the same "story" with a one-on-one match.

3. Too many people. There aren't a lot of people but it is distracting.

So I would definately hate that idea!
I don't really want to see Taker in a triple threat match at Wrestlemania, the reason for this is because I think it should be about someone trying to end the streak and if it were a triple threat match it could have one of the others pin the other and that wouldn't really be ending the streak.

For the oponents I would like Jericho one year and Cena the next.
I'm really not a big fan of triple threat matches in general, but when you book someone like the Undertaker in a tag match or a triple threat match it is pretty much a waste of talent. Undertaker is known for his streak at Wrestlemania. Lets say he loses a triple threat match at Mania, is his streak still intact since he wasn't pinned although he lost the match? The main reason this match wouldn't be interesting is because it has little to nothing to do with Undertaker or the streak. Undertaker could sit outside for the entire match and the other two wrestlers for example Triple H or Cena, could pin one or the other and Undertaker wouldn't be affected by it.

A huge name attraction like The Undertaker needs to be in a one on one match at WrestleMania for it to really matter. If he wins or loses then it greatly affects his streak. It doesn't matter if the Undertaker wins or loses a triple threat or a fatal 4 way match.
A triple threat match wouldn't be great with the Undertaker because hes a big guy and usually with triple threat matches you need quick, fast pace guys to have a good match. Guys like Orton and Cena can have good triple threat matches but it depends on who their opponents are. But guys like Big Show are hard to have a decent triple threat match because of his size and I think thats the same with UnderTaker.
I for one am a fan of triple threat matches, but not for this occasion. The whole concept of ending the Streak is for one man to challenge The Undertaker. If you look at the list every single one (with the exception of Wrestlemania 19 when it was a forgetful handicapped match with the Big Show and A-Train but should have been a single match with the Big Show) has been a personal one-on-one match which is the way it should be. So while the triple threat idea is creative, it's still not right.
Stick with Cena vs. Taker. Let Cena turn heel at Wrestlemania and have Cena be the first wrestler to beat the Undertaker. Cena will get heel heat forever after that.

Have him win the match by cheating. Like with a couple chair shots or a FU on a chair.
I voted yes, but now i'm thinking no. Triple Threats today are an over-used gimmick with the same physics every time. Sure someone other than Taker could win, but then you could argue that he wasn't pinned, and then we get a GIANT argument that might never be answered, no matter what WWE would say.

So anyway, it's not a good idea IMO.
Stick with Cena vs. Taker. Let Cena turn heel at Wrestlemania and have Cena be the first wrestler to beat the Undertaker. Cena will get heel heat forever after that.

Have him win the match by cheating. Like with a couple chair shots or a FU on a chair.

Uhhh absolutely NOT. Cena is already the face of the WWE. He doesn't NEED to beat the Undertaker and out of respect for the Undertaker I know Cena would do the exact same thing Kane did and turn down the chance to beat Taker at Mania.

Besides. The build right now as I understand it is for Taker vs. Kane @ WM. Which could mean Kane does indeed end the streak.

As far as your question goes. Triple Threat Matches that in itself are fun. When it's with young stars. Nothing against the older generation but they just don't have the speed and agility that some of the younger stars do. Look at Orton vs. Ted vs. Cody. That was a "triple" threat match and it was semi decent. Now let's think of say Undertaker. A guy who has paid his dues, has lost a step due to age finally catching up with him. If he's on the outside of the ring and say Cena is pinning HHH. Undertaker isn't fast enough anymore to bolt into the ring and stop the 3 count. That would mean the ref would have to blatantly slow down his 3 count for the dead man to roll in just in time. Yes it would allow for a longer match because Taker could rest up while Cena/HHH beat on eachother. But isn't the streak REALLY about individuals trying to step up their game and dethrone the dead man at WrestleMania? Yeah
I think the only way you could justify putting the streak on the line in a triple threat match is to make it elimination. The only way you could end the streak is to pin the undertaker. This would add a new twist in the streak since everyone wants to be the one to end the streak and be embedded in history books as the one to end it. I would personally like to see the match include HHH (you made my best friend retire angle and wants revenge) and a Sheamus (new guy who has defeated all the top guys on raw and wants to be the one to end the streak) I think it would be interesting as HHH would still have a grudge with Sheamus for taking him out. I think it could pan out and go down as one of the best undertaker matches if the cards were played right.
I think if it gets to be HHH involved in the ending the streak, i really think he's egotistical enough to actually end it himself, plus it'd make him the ultimate heel for the rest of his career coz people would hate him kayfabe and in real life for that. But a for the triple threat idea, i think it is a good idea, and it wouldn't have to take away from the undertaker, i mean it could be two guys who want to cement their legacy and do it against the undertaker and they fight each other all the way to Wrestlemania for the opportunity but in the end it has to be made a triple threat match, Undertaker lets them fight it out for he first part but when he finds out its a triple threat he destroys both of them in singles matches, they both get on the same page and there you have the match up set looking like a handicap match but ending up with the inevitable greed and Undertaker having to take them both out...just a thought :)
No way. God no. A million times no. A billion times no. Oh my god, for the love of all that is good in the world, absolutely NO.

What happens to Undertaker's streak if Cena pins Tripe H? It's a loss, but it's not a clean loss, and I think we all can agree that Undertaker's streak needs to end cleanly if it ends. Plus...for the most part, triple threat matches just aren't as good as one-on-one matches. Not to mention it just doesn't sell as well or build the hype as much. You just can't come up with storylines for a triple threat match like you can a one-on-one match. I'd pay to see Undertaker vs. John Cena. I'd pay to see Undertaker vs. Triple H. I'd pay to see John Cena vs. Triple H. A triple threat? Hmm, I'll catch that on Raw, thanks.

Undertaker vs. John Cena MUST happen at Wrestlemania. Not necessarily this year, but whenever they're ready to end the streak - presumably in Undertaker's last match. Cena's the only one that deserves it. That would be the perfect exclamation mark on his heel turn. It's just a shame they had Cena lose to Orton in 2008, otherwise he could take over the Undefeated Wrestlemania Streak legacy.

If Undertaker's healthy enough to go four more years(unlikely, but who knows), I'd like to see him face Chris Jericho next year, and Jack Swagger and Sheamus the next two years. Then Undertaker vs. John Cena, Wrestlemania XXX.
While I aggree with you that it would be fun to see the Undertakers streak in such jepordy it shouldnt happen he should face one of the Two one on one. The main reasoning behind the Triple Threat you suggested is so that people would legit believe that takers streak was in jeapordy right? I think that people would believe that the streak was in jeapordy if he faced either of those guys one on one especially Cena. Besides could you imagine the backlash if HHH pinned Cena to end the Undertakers streak, the people in the crowd would probably riot and while im sure the WWE would never book that to happen stranger things have happened right.
Eh, I think he should face Chris Jericho next year in a one on one match. One on one match is usually better than Triple Threat.

The Streak has gained a mythical reputation for over the years, both in the younger generation fans and older generation fans. And as you can see in the last two Wrestlemania, The Streak has become somewhat a bigger deal than both world titles. The last four Wrestlemanias has proved that The Undertaker could create classic matches (yes, even with Batista) if he's given the right main eventer.

Thanks to The Five Nobodies (Gonzales, Bundy, Boss Man, Train, and Henry), however, The Streak lacks big name and credibility it needs. Only another classic and another worthy name would fit and be able to follow two Wrestlemania matches with Shawn Michaels. One could argue that The Undertaker should face HHH or Punk or Sheamus next year, but let's not forget the match with HHH has been done before and neither Punk nor Sheamus got the 'name' to follow Mr. Wrestlemania. And Jericho is due for another Wrestlemania classic. His last Wrestlemania classic was against Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania XIX. After that, his Wrestlemania matches are abysmal and even his match with Edge this year was underwhelming. We all know both men are capable of putting great matches, so give this match a proper 20-25 minutes of back and forth wrestling, and trust me, we will witness a match greater than Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania XIX or Edge vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania XXIV. And let's not forget, although the outcome is pretty much obvious, this match would draw kids thanks to Undertaker and adults thanks to both men.

This match would own the entire show if it happens. Trust me.

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