Immortal Has No Leader


King Of The Ring
Immortal is a big faction in TNA made up from various people. Matt, bully ray, abyss etc. They do not have a true main eventer in their stable. If Jeff is to return than he would automatically obtain that role but who knows what is going on with Jeff.

What other choices do they have?

Anderson- he is cocky and thinks he is better than everyone else and not bad in the ring. Good option but he is feuding heavily with them at the moment.

Joe- Monster heel image. He could turn heel and just join them so he can destroy everyone he wants when he wants. Currently face ( i think, never know in TNA) but can be an amazing heel but is being misused in TNA.

AJ- Currently in Fortune but there is four others in that stable. AJ is a better face but he could turn heel. Preferably he could have turned heel at lockdown and been in the immortal team instead of Flair or he could have come down to the ring and take out fortune.
Even if Immortal had a main eventer It wouldn't matter since the leader is Hogan and thats the way he wants it to have the spotlight on him. The only guy that could take the spotlight from Hogan is Sting and he isn't going to join Hogan. Immortal needs to end anyways its too much like the nWo except not as interesting I find the RVD, Anderson and Sting story line to be better than any recent or past story with Immortal.
Immortal does have a leader - in fact it has two in Hogan and Bisch, I think what you mean OP is that they need a main event "figurehead". In which case I totally agree with you. Someone to set the example to the rest of the stable that "we follow Hogan blindly and to the death, brother!". (Funny side thought, remember that time Triple H's music used to sarcastically say, "Follow the leader, let the blind lead the blind!" Just think about that for a second. But I digress) Someone to be the Lieutenant for General Hogan.

Now as much as everyone sighed due to the random-ass heel turning of Jeff Hardy, it was refreshing and Hardy, to be fair, did bring us a new and interesting character. I fully agree with the Hardy haters that Jeffrey should be nowhere near a wrestling ring 'til he's clean and can consistently stay that way, but I have to admit credit where credit's due, I didn't like Hardy prior to that but was pleasantly surprised by the Antichrist gimmick.

Now that Jeff's gone there is a gap. As good as Bully Ray is as his character, it's not a leader character. Ray is the enforcer, he should be the guy who's at ringside fucking shit up for the face while Jeff, or his equivalent, distracts the ref. So let's look at a few suggestions.

Who could be a convincing replacement for Jeff?

AJ Styles?
Certainly, he'd do it well, but I like him in Fortune far too much to support that. Plus it's another "too soon since the last" heel turn, and TNA already does far too many turns. So I'd personally only resort to AJ as a final option.

Pope D'Angelo Dinero?
Possibly. I like Pope, think he's very talented, plus he has the advantage of being heel already, this can be solved with a couple of backstage segs, which I think TNA does very well at the moment. Hogan buys out Pope with money, so Pope has the whole "You Sold Out" thing thrown at him by the commentators and the face opposition to Immortal.

RVD, Anderson or Sting
No. I think the way their characters have been set up in this, none of these three are convincing as the new Main Eventer for Immortal. The problem at the moment is the main event revolves around these three and really, two of them need to go down a peg so the Champ (any one of the three will do, but I'd like Anderson best as champ, with Sting as a mentor/temporary ally for fighting Immortal) can feud with Immortal's top guy.

Someone in a position similar to Samoa Joe
I like Joe but not exactly sure if he's right for this, he's pretty much established as a lone face for the time being.

Steiner, or even Crimson
I could see Steiner joining. He's old though. Build up Crimson enough and even he could do it but I think he's a bit too new at the moment to jump into the main event scene.

Conclusion, aka tl;dr
TNA really needs someone exactly like Jeff but without the issues, because I can't think of anyone who fills this position suitably enough. Either they're not established enough or their characters don't fit the situation.
Immortal already has a leader, the Immortal One himself, Hulk Hogan. Although I assume you’re talking about Immortal needing someone to compete for the World Title?

If that is what you mean, I really don’t see Samoa Joe as a viable option. He’s less of a main eventer than Bully Ray, Abyss or Matt Hardy. Those 3 would be better options as World Title contenders IMO. I don’t think Immortal really needs to add anyone to challenge for the World Title, they should just use Bully Ray as that guy.

No one has done more over the last couple of months to prove they are capable of main eventing and challenging for the World Title than Bully Ray. He has simply been on fire and is the best heel out there at the minute (sorry Double J). I would like to see Bully Ray in feuds with AJ Styles and Rob Van Dam to absolutely cement his place in TNA’s main event. His match with AJ is inevitable, and something I’m looking forward to. And I see no harm in adding Van Dam to that feud after Sacrifice, making it a number one contenders triple threat (tables match) at Slammiversary or something like that.

Bully Ray has shown he has the abilities to be a top guy and deserves to be given the chance. I don’t see anyone more deserving or credible to be honest, outside of maybe AJ Styles, Mr Anderson, Rob Van Dam and Matt Morgan. And all those guys are better off on their own so that’s why I don’t see the need or a viable option of another main eventer joining Immortal. Just use Bully Ray!
Immortal does have a leader. Hulk Hogan. He's the man who owns the company, making matches, antagonising the faces like Sting and RVD. To me, Hogan is the leader.

However, if you're looking for an active wrestler leader, then it is Bully Ray. Or it will be Bully Ray, to be more precise. He's clearly being groomed for the role. He's in #1 contender matches. He's in championship matches, like we saw on Thursday. He's at Hogan's side a lot, just like Jeff Hardy was. But to be the leader, he has to be world champion. Or heavily involved in the picture, at least.

He's the best man for the job, to be honest. AJ Styles has only just turned. He is also best in the face role. As is Samoa Joe. RVD doesn't want to be a heel. Anderson works best as a face (or tweener if you want to be picky) and is currently feuding with Immortal. It would be remarkably stupid for him to turn (which means it's a possibility in TNA). Sting is approaching legend status and would get cheered as a heel. Steiner is old. Crimson is boring. Which leaves Pope. I could see him being involved somehow.
I think they should use this as the perfect way to build up a current non Main Eventer with lots of potential - sort of like the (failed) face storyline with Hogan and Abyss, only with a charismatic guy who'll get the fans to care -

I think they should take a punt and bring back the Blueprint Matt Morgan as their World Title guy - he's got the look, is very good on the stick and has proven a good heel in the past. His obvious egotistic nature would be a great complementary factor in the whole 'Immortal' stigma.

He has garnered much discussion as to when he'll be given the push and this could be the perfect opportunity... who? Robert Roode. Beer Money has made Roode one of the most over guys in the whole promotion and I think he'd make a far more natural heel than AJ.

On the other names mentioned so far: AJ & Sting - fans just don't want to 'boo' these guys. Anderson & Joe - both these guys work best as loners against the establishment - keep out of factions. RVD - his slacker character just wouldn't fit, everyone kept on cheering him when he was part of the heel 'Alliance' during the WWF Invasion storyline. Crimson - too green and would likely fade into background alongside Terry & Murphy. Scott Steiner - enforcer at best. Current Immortal guys - either too old, too green or too 'blah' to be considered top dogs. Pope - something drastic would have to be done for him to be taken seriously, his current feud with Joe has done neither guys any favours.

He hasn't been mentioned as yet but I'm sure it's coming - Kurt Angle. Kurt has made a number of comments about looking to reduce his workload as part of a new contract in August. As such, he'd be better used in specific feuds rather than in the title picture.
yeah i agree with fitfinlay4 life morgan is the guy he cud use the fact that he aint won the title as a face 2 sell out 2 immortal and he can lead which may make hogan slightly jealous if morgan takes the spotlight off him i think that would be a good move 4 tna
I think they should take a punt and bring back the Blueprint Matt Morgan as their World Title guy - he's got the look, is very good on the stick and has proven a good heel in the past. His obvious egotistic nature would be a great complementary factor in the whole 'Immortal' stigma.

He has garnered much discussion as to when he'll be given the push and this could be the perfect opportunity... who? Robert Roode. Beer Money has made Roode one of the most over guys in the whole promotion and I think he'd make a far more natural heel than AJ.

Actually I like these really like these ideas FitFinlay, hadn't considered these two. Since I like the Fortune concept so much I think I'd prefer to go with Matt Morgan. He's quite big and looks dominant, but also he's got a charismatic streak. Perfect. This turn could come quite nicely out of the Steiner feud. How could we do this? This would be my preferred build:

1) Blow-off by having Morgan beat Steiner at PPV.
2) Hogan tells Morgan he was impressed by his victory over Steiner, and wants Morgan to join Immortal and he can make him World Champion.
3) Now Morgan is a face, so I think - don't have him accept straight away. Have him ask Sting for a title shot. Sting refuses, as Morgan's "just another name in a long line of hopefuls" or something to that effect.
4) Morgan gets pissed off by this - he's just beaten a veteran in Steiner, and Sting thinks he's unworthy? That does it. Morgan joins Immortal, and Hogan promises him a title match.

That's the only way I can think of doing it that makes sense and doesn't make a Morgan turn seem too out-of-the-blue.
I think they should take a punt and bring back the Blueprint Matt Morgan as their World Title guy - he's got the look, is very good on the stick and has proven a good heel in the past. His obvious egotistic nature would be a great complementary factor in the whole 'Immortal' stigma.

He has garnered much discussion as to when he'll be given the push and this could be the perfect opportunity... who? Robert Roode. Beer Money has made Roode one of the most over guys in the whole promotion and I think he'd make a far more natural heel than AJ.

FitFinlay4Life, No just No. Matt Morgan was already in Immortal, let him be face don't turn him again. As for Robert Roode, he was also part of Immortal via Fortune so no and besides you would break Beer Money apart. So again no just no.
FitFinlay4Life, No just No. Matt Morgan was already in Immortal, let him be face don't turn him again. As for Robert Roode, he was also part of Immortal via Fortune so no and besides you would break Beer Money apart. So again no just no.

Yes, but as followers, now they could be leaders.

I'll hate to see Beer Money break up to but both Robert and James could be great singles guys and this would be a massive boost to Roode's profile and it has built in feuds to get it off the ground - matches against his former Fortune stablemates would have me hooked.

He was only turned as a result of Mr Anderson's concussion and let's be honest - the DNA of TNA doesn't work as a face, he is way to egotistical and big to hold sympathy. Did you really buy the Hernandez feud? His true potential, in my eyes, is as a complete monster. Couple this with his obvious intelligence and you should have a brilliant recipe for an Immortal in ring general.

One of TNA's biggest criticisms is their desire to take former WWe 'names' and throw them to the top of the card. Here is a great opportunity to promote two guys that THEY have made stars (and please don't bring up Matt's WWe tenure because TNA have done far more for the big man than the embarrassing stuttering shtick he endured up North). As Chris Jericho described, TNA need to start promoting themselves as the best and stop degrading themselves - this would be a good place to start.
As others have already said, Hogan is the leader of Immortal, backed up by Bischoff and Flair. With Hogan believing his is still the biggest draw in the world (and I guarantee that's what he believes), who better for the job?

I agree there isn't an active wrestler in control of Immortal, but neither was Jeff Hardy. Everything Hardy did came as a direct order from either Hogan or (mainly) Bischoff. Jeff Hardy, like it or not, wasn't the main draw for Immortal, at least in Hogan's mind. What was the main draw? The idea of a heel group taking over TNA. Jeff Hardy was expendable, just like every member of the nWo was (minus Hogan, of course) in the late 90's.

I would guess Bully Ray is the #1 active wrestler in Immortal, given the feud with A.J., #1 contenders matches, etc. But, Matt Hardy has also been involved in similar situations, so I don't think it's all that clear. And in all honesty, I don't think it matters to Hogan. As long as he's featured, the group is fine (again, Hogan's opinion, not my own).

AJ- Currently in Fortune but there is four others in that stable. AJ is a better face but he could turn heel. Preferably he could have turned heel at lockdown and been in the immortal team instead of Flair or he could have come down to the ring and take out fortune.

As crazy it may sound (and yes, it would be a terrible idea), A.J. is more than likely a candidate. He has history with Flair, and it could be explained as if Flair convinced A.J. to head up Immortal. Not saying it's going to happen, but it's certainly possible.
I am going to throw out a guy who is an up and comer in TNA who I think has the look & talent to be the "wrestling main event" centerpiece of Immortal... However before going there I am going to say why some names I have seen earlier I personally dont like in that role...

Any of Fortune--- They just left Immortal and they are a good solid unit together... If anything have Daniels turn and move him into the "Hardy" role... Considering he is long known as the Fallin Angel it isnt a far strech for him to built off that in a similar Anit Christ style with some tweaks

Bully Ray--- Best as an Enforcer

Samoa Joe---Best as a loner

Sting/RVD--- Na Sting just doesnt fit, and RVD would be no fun being Hogans main pawn

Anderson--- I could see him dumping his Austin wanna be charater and becoming Hogans pawn... Decent choice provided he finds himself and quits playing SCSA

Matt Hardy--- Best used as a supporting member of Immortal

Crimson--- I like how he is now, leave him alone and let him develop

Steiner--- See Bully Ray

Morgan--- The man has played a supporting role to long, let him continue being on the hunt destroying all in his path... Plus he is to big & bad to need a group of guys watching his back and protecting him... Making him Hogans pawn will only make him look weak...

Now who I see being Immortals main eventer is already in Immortal... Over the last several weeks he has developed the look that sets him apart, his in ring skill has improved 10 fold, and if you have him working with the right people in the ring he will only get better, also have him working with Flair, Hogan, Jarrett, Angle and other good promo guys behind the scenes so he can can learn to cut a goot promo and GUNNER could be your new main event man for Immortal
they do already have 2 leaders hogan and bischoff! but as far as a main event guy....why not give Matt Hardy a chance? hes alot better then Bully Ray on the mic and in the ring and he could use the whole "avenging his brother" for why hes going after Sting plus Matt really isnt doing anything right now so let him go for the title for Immortal hes the best wrestler in Immortal everybody else pretty much sucks
I just think Immortal is horrible and I can't wait til they go away forever. Wow a stable consisting of Bubba Ray Dudley, Matt Hardy, Abyss, Rob Terry and Gunner and Murphy and sometimes Jeff Jarrett. That's quite a list of wrestlers who I couldn't care less about. I mean seriously, why is someone like Samoa Joe not getting as much TV time as f***ing Gunner, Murphy and Rob Terry? They are just horrible! Matt f'n Hardy get to be in a main event match with Sting and Joe's jerking the curtain? And sorry Bubba, but you're just not a believable singles wrestler and definitely not believable as a World Title holder. Please just go back to being a member of Team 3D as soon as possible. And Abyss is fine but I don't see him as a member of any stable. He should go back to being the tortured monster who walks alone and destroys anyone that gets in his way.

Is the whole gang warfare thing the only card that TNA has up their sleeve? I wish they would cut it out with all this stables bulls*** that they've been doing for the past few years and learn to create decent storylines involving feuds that involve individuals and tag teams and not some big clusterf*** of a storyline that everyone is involved in.
This could be TNA's chance to create a new major heel for the company. Taking a talent and placing it so high on the card, backed up by a stable full of veterans a getting a rub from some of the biggest heels in wrestling makes it the perfect chance. And with his smooth talking, cunning and deceitful mind, I'd say nobody's better for the job than "The Pope" D' Angelo Dinero. He's the kind of eccentric character that Hulk Hogan could relate to as well as the kind of deceiving bastard Eric Bischoff likes. He was the attitude Ric Flair likes. And of course, he's young daddy! He's already had experience in the main event and has had a rivalry with Mr. Anderson. So it shouldn't be hard in the eyes to have him go to the top again backed by Immortal.

You could pick other people. But nobody is a better choice than The Pope. Morgan? Just got off Immortal where he meant nothing. Plus he's better as a face. Joe? Him and stables don't mix. Hernandez? He leads his own faction. AJ, Robert Roode? KEEP. THEM. FACES. Don't mess with what isn't broken. Fortune is not broken. Immortal is though. And Pope's the one who can make that stable pimpin'.

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