I'm Tired Of Being Lied To


Getting Noticed By Management
As most of you know, there is an invention called DVR. It allows a person to record a T.V. show they would like to see and watch it at their leisure. It is a wonderful invention if you want to use it for anything other than recording TNA Impact. First of all, I watch Impact. I don't watch Reaction. I just don't care for it. I read that no good liar Dixie Carters tweet about a big surprise on Impact when she faced Immortal tonight so I used my DVR to record Impact. Well all night I sat through stupid skits and anther Tommy Dreamer speech that made me want to spit on my T.V. screen. (Tommy Dreamer was my favorite wrestler in ECW, but he has gotten so damn pathetic that I really wish I never had to see his face again. As soon as he grabbed the mic I wondered if I could change the channel fast enough before he cried, hugged somebody, or said it was for the real EV2 fans. By the way, he now wrestles in Justin Gabriel style boots and embroidered gym shorts. Pathetic.) So anyway, I sat through all of that to see what Dixie's huge announcement about what she was thankful for was going to be. Towards the end of the main event I realize that the Reaction logo is in the corner of my screen. (I say towards because I also never got to see the end of the match) Now my DVR has a three minute overflow so you make sure you catch the end of your show, and the big announcement wasn't even on Impact. So I didn't even get to see what happened with Immortal! The damned event they hyped all night didn't even happen on their damn show and nobody who recorded it got to see her suspend Hogan! (I had to go on the forums to see what happened) This wasn't an issue of a live event running long. They tapped this damn show weeks ago. If was a cheap ploy to get rating up for Reaction because they figured that people wouldn't change the channel. I watched their damn show all night and they screwed me over.

I'm not trying to make some stand for people to rally behind. Do what you want. Me, I'm never going to watch that lying piece of crap organization again.
I too record Impact as well and watch it the next day or in the wee hours of the morning. What I do is usually take a 20-25 minute overrun. I don't know if your DVR can do that but a lot of cable companies (Time Warner, Cox, Comcast) allow you to tape a program plus more for things like this.
Dude if you didnt know that the last moments of Impact ALWAYS run into the first moments of reaction you obviously dont watch TNA that much. It happens every week to keep people watching for Reaction.
Which is REALLY annoying in England, 'cos we don't get Reaction right away on Bravo.
We get it 4 days later. On a DIFFERENT CHANNEL.
I certainly appreciate the advice Stormlor, but I shouldn't have to do anything to watch Impact other than tape Impact. I always do the overflow feature when I watch Raw because it goes long sometimes due to being live. The fact that this was a tapped show is just pathetic. There is no reason for it to ever go long. The point is that they hyped this show as Dixie Carters return to face fortune, and it didn't happen. TNA doesn't respect the simple formula of wrestling. You advertise and promote something fans want to see. In turn, they watch your program. If they were honest they would have said, "be sure to watch our new show Reaction to see Dixie confront Immortal". They didn't. They lied again. Personally, I'm done with them.
It pretty much becoming standard that the first 10 or 15 min of reaction now hosts stuff that should be on impact. Really what u can do is tell ur DVR to overrun if it has that option. As for being misled on twitter its not like this is the first time Dixie has done this /shrug.
Dude if you didnt know that the last moments of Impact ALWAYS run into the first moments of reaction you obviously dont watch TNA that much. It happens every week to keep people watching for Reaction.

Thats not the point. The point is that they said that Dixie Carter was going to return to Impact tonight and she didn't. If there going to do that crap then they just need to have a three hour Impact and mix the Reaction stuff in with it. They are two different shows, and they are talked about on air as two different shows. The point is the going long angle doesn't work because everyone knows that they tapped this show two weeks ago and already did all the editing.
Which is REALLY annoying in England, 'cos we don't get Reaction right away on Bravo.
We get it 4 days later. On a DIFFERENT CHANNEL.

Don't even get Reaction at all in Australia. not that i care
Impoact is on at 11pm on a Saturday night. Guess what happens to that?

Tape it so i skip through most of it the following day

Really you are really hanging out for big news? what big news?

I know what it is

She's finally admitting she has no idea what they are doing, and are struggling to make anything remotely worth hanging out for on a week to week basis, and the people who are actually worth watching aren't going to be used.

Oh an Team 3D have kissed and made up again :p
back to the original problem, can't you just set your DVR to tape both impact and Reaction if they follow each other. Even if you don't watch the whole thing you'd atleast get the dark part of Impact thats not televised on Impact.
Something else he could do is with some DVR's, mine for example is that not only can you set it to run longer but you can also change the end time. If I remember correctly mine can be set to end at most 30 minutes earlier then the program is scheduled to run. Try that and then just record 30 minutes of reaction and that will pretty much cover anything that runs over.
At first I thought this would be just another complaint thread about how TNA or WWE "screws over" fans. But you make a very valid point. I as a viewer shouldn't have to sit through 2 hours of events that I wasn't interested in while the company states Carter would address some major news (Dixie likes throwing those words around) on iMpact. She said she would on iMpact so one would think she'd stick to her word regardless of what is going on.

So yeah; I enjoy quite a bit of TNA now and then, but if iMpact is going to keep running far into Reaction then why not just make iMpact a 3 hour show? There's really not much difference.
I figured that whatever Dixie Carter's big announcement was going to be was just absolute shit. I just turned it off an hour in because there wasn't gonna be an announcement, just a ploy to get people to watch their show.

B.T.W. they exemplify trash tv.
it's spelled "taped". Either way, TNA has tons of talent and they're allowing Bischoff and Hogan to run it into the ground, sad really. Theres no point to a second show period. We are in a serious down period in pro-wrestling and something has to give, I understand the Miz puts in work and is great for the company but a champion? Jeff Hardy was the sickest cat in WWE for YEARS before they gave hime a title, and TNA hands it to him and turns him heel?? I dont know im just hoping for something, anything to draw me back in, because as a loyal 20 year viewer i could care less.
Melodramatic much? Geez man just DVR ReAction too and just stop watching when the overflow wrestling is done with. Is it really that complicated? That's what I do. And if there's actually a segment on ReAction I wanna see, then I can watch it like the MCMG/GenMe match last week.
i hear ya and totally understand your point. TNA is advertising an event for that show and they don't follow through. from a fan stand point, it's crap.

but this is all a ploy. people wouldn't watch Impact if it was a Confidential type show where they show backstage and break kayfabe or whatever. what they're doing is MAKING you watch Reaction. they want to leave you wanting more and if that means an extra 30 minutes of another show, then so be it because they want the low rated show to get ratings. you may change the channel after you find out what you want or you may keep watching the whole show after, but little or the whole thing it will effect their ratings in a positive way unless you just don't care and check online for the results.

the reason Impact isn't 3 hours is because of the writing. they either don't want to write more for a show or they don't know what to write. so you mix in the Impact storylines to the Reaction "shoot" show and you give Reaction ratings while not doing much on the creative side.
Everyone should know by now that you have to watch ReAction. No matter what TNA says in order to understand just about every plot line you have to tune in and watch. There is no problem with just recording ReAction and watching what interests you.

Also the reason Impact is not 3 hours is because as history has shown ratings for 3 hour shows are very bad.
Also the reason Impact is not 3 hours is because as history has shown ratings for 3 hour shows are very bad.

Historically speaking you're right, but I think these guys have to throw out the old playbook and rethink things in the DVR era of television. I don't claim to know what the DVR-to-Non DVR ratio is among wrestling fans or America in general, but it seems most everyone I know has it at this point.

That said, they'd be much better off with a three-hour Impact that only occupies one recordable "block" on the schedule. A DVR user isn't daunted by the time as they can easily zip through commercials, women's matches, and Bubba Ray's promos. Hell, I'll even zip through the regular matches sometimes when they're not the best wrestling action (thanks Abyss). It probably takes me about 45-60 mins to watch Impact now, so what's another 20-30 mins from the third hour?

The advantages here are:

1. People like TUFFY don't fall into weeping despair when they missed a Dixie Carter segment (didn't know that was possible, BTW).

2. Most DVRs can only record two shows at the same times. For example, let's say my DVR is already set to record Impact from 11-12 and also Conan O'Brien's show every week. Now let's also say that there's a movie coming on HBO one Thursday night; I have to decide if I want to watch that movie or cancel one of my other shows. Now I'm just one person, but I can guarantee you that I'd cancel "Reaction" way before I'd cancel the third hour of Impact. I'm sure I'm not alone.

3. There are some very cool elements to Reaction which should be on the regular show. One nice thing about Impact being taped is that they have some more freedom than a live show. For example, wouldn't the MCMG/Gen-Me fight from last week have been great on Impact? What if they took some of the Reaction scenes/interviews from the previous week and used those a pre-match segments for next week's matches?

4. Let's face it, TNA's a bit too crowded right now but also can't justify a second show. I think they need the third hour just to give some guys a chance to get noticed. Their mid-card is getting no no real TV love and their gimmicks aren't being given a chance to grow.
1. People like TUFFY don't fall into weeping despair when they missed a Dixie Carter segment (didn't know that was possible, BTW).

Haha, more like tears of anger. It wasn't that I had a dying need to hear Dixie's segment, it was more a matter of false advertising. They said something was going to happen on Impact and it didn't. I understand why TNA does what they do with Reaction, but it still bugs me. It just seems like every time I try to watch TNA with an open mind, I either get mislead or let down. Two things last night really got me annoyed:

1. When Kaz said that when he was a kid, Thanksgiving meant live wrestling, pretty sure there wasn't any live wrestling last night.

2. Right before my recording ended, Taz said something to the tune of "sorry folks, all this action is running long, were going to have to finish in Reaction". Just please stop lying. The show was in the can weeks ago.

I know that people don't like TNA - WCW comparisons, but they have to be pointed out. Now I know it is kind of silly to say a Dixie announcement is huge, but the facts stay the same. Right after the huge Sting Hogan match at Starrcade 97 they said they would clear up who won on Nitro. They then said they wouldn't give the finish until Thunder. After that it was next weeks Nitro. Fans got pissed and didn't forgive them. Not airing Impact things until Reaction is no different. Bottom line is this, unless you have an injury or something you can't control (like a plane not arriving) you give people what they payed to see. It's just cheap dishonesty.
TUFFY has a point. I have no interest in watching ReAction, but for those of us who have night jobs, I have to set my DVR 15 minutes ahead to catch endings. Obviously, it's not something I should whine about, but for people who do remember the WWF vs. WCW days, I have a reference for you:

If you remember RAW and Nitro, did you ever tape either of the shows on a VHS tape? I usually watched Nitro and taped RAW, and I always had to set my VCR to catch any overrun just in case. Most VHS tapes could only record 2, 4 or 6 hours depending on the VCR speed, so if you went over, the tape would stop and without the internet you had to wait until the next show to find out what happened at the end. I don't know why the companies need to have overrun (maybe to cover how long main events really were, I don't know...) but it got annoying having cut off moments because of fear the tape would run out.

That's what TNA is doing now with this overrun into ReAction. Maybe it's not so inconvenient as the 90's, but the point is we shouldn't have to watch another show to get the end of the first one. At least RAW is set into a time frame. Imagine being a new fan trying to get into TNA and you didn't know about the overrun into ReAction. Hearken it to Lost or 24 or some other non-wrestling show you enjoy...what if the ending to an episode got cut off by the news, and you had to watch the news to find out what happens. Wouldn't you be pissed?

Maybe Bischoff and Russo can justify it by thinking ReAction is a part of TNA and Impact so it counts, but if people have to make the extra effort just to see the ending of a main event, some people won't bother, especially if the product isn't hooking them.
For the few that suggested just set the dvr to record longer although it would get rid of the issue. The thing is this shouldnt be an issue to begin with, its pretty sad to have to resort to an intentional overrun to boost ratings for a show following Impact. As far as the lies go that is more of Dixie over hyping something rather then her lying to people. But really their are other things that can be done to get ratings for a show like make it worth watching, and before i am branded as a wwe or raw mark they are just as bad at time trying to put something on worth watching.
First off Dixie did appear on impact. Second here is what her tweet said

iMPACT! starts in 20 minutes! I love my Thanksgiving surprise tonight.

I underlined tonight for what I hope are obvious reasons.

People talk out of both sides of their mouths so much on this topic. For starters it would be nothing short of idiotic to to have the main event go on close to midnight when the amount of people watching TV in general has dropped significantly. That is why they do not just mix in reaction. They would then be putting their best matches on for the smallest potential reward. What I really do not get is why people think TNA is doing a bad thing by encouraging the audience to watch reaction. That is the whole fucking point of having a show. People say they need to encourage people to watch reaction by having quality stuff on there and then when they put quality stuff on there people bitch about having to watch reaction to see it. Pick one side and stick to it. I find it amusing that people say they have no interest in watching reaction then complain they missed something they wanted to see on there. Newsflash! That means you do have interest in watching reaction. Thus, TNA is doing exactly what they should be doing by attempting to cultivate interest in their new show. TNA is hardly the only show on tv that uses "overruns" or "stay tuned fors." Hell, they are not even the only wrestling show that does it. Quit pretending everything in the world caters to you and record reaction or shut the fuck up because this is not remotely surprising anymore.
As most of you know, there is an invention called DVR. It allows a person to record a T.V. show they would like to see and watch it at their leisure. It is a wonderful invention if you want to use it for anything other than recording TNA Impact. First of all, I watch Impact. I don't watch Reaction. I just don't care for it. I read that no good liar Dixie Carters tweet about a big surprise on Impact when she faced Immortal tonight so I used my DVR to record Impact. Well all night I sat through stupid skits and anther Tommy Dreamer speech that made me want to spit on my T.V. screen. (Tommy Dreamer was my favorite wrestler in ECW, but he has gotten so damn pathetic that I really wish I never had to see his face again. As soon as he grabbed the mic I wondered if I could change the channel fast enough before he cried, hugged somebody, or said it was for the real EV2 fans. By the way, he now wrestles in Justin Gabriel style boots and embroidered gym shorts. Pathetic.) So anyway, I sat through all of that to see what Dixie's huge announcement about what she was thankful for was going to be. Towards the end of the main event I realize that the Reaction logo is in the corner of my screen. (I say towards because I also never got to see the end of the match) Now my DVR has a three minute overflow so you make sure you catch the end of your show, and the big announcement wasn't even on Impact. So I didn't even get to see what happened with Immortal! The damned event they hyped all night didn't even happen on their damn show and nobody who recorded it got to see her suspend Hogan! (I had to go on the forums to see what happened) This wasn't an issue of a live event running long. They tapped this damn show weeks ago. If was a cheap ploy to get rating up for Reaction because they figured that people wouldn't change the channel. I watched their damn show all night and they screwed me over.

I'm not trying to make some stand for people to rally behind. Do what you want. Me, I'm never going to watch that lying piece of crap organization again.

You really didn't miss anything on Reaction. I don't like how the Impact main event overflows into reaction, but it has been happening for a while now. The best thing to do is just record Impact for an extra 10 or 15 minutes if you don't want to watch Reaction. If you are afraid you are going to miss something, then play it safe and record both shows.

I guess TNA wants to beef up the ratings for Reaction by having most of the important stuff on Impact air on the first half of the show. It looks like we will have to suffer through this as long as Reaction follows Impact. You can either extend Impact, record both shows, or don't watch any. No one would blame you at this point.
People talk out of both sides of their mouths so much on this topic. For starters it would be nothing short of idiotic to to have the main event go on close to midnight when the amount of people watching TV in general has dropped significantly. That is why they do not just mix in reaction. They would then be putting their best matches on for the smallest potential reward. What I really do not get is why people think TNA is doing a bad thing by encouraging the audience to watch reaction. That is the whole fucking point of having a show. People say they need to encourage people to watch reaction by having quality stuff on there and then when they put quality stuff on there people bitch about having to watch reaction to see it. Pick one side and stick to it. I find it amusing that people say they have no interest in watching reaction then complain they missed something they wanted to see on there. Newsflash! That means you do have interest in watching reaction. Thus, TNA is doing exactly what they should be doing by attempting to cultivate interest in their new show. TNA is hardly the only show on tv that uses "overruns" or "stay tuned fors." Hell, they are not even the only wrestling show that does it. Quit pretending everything in the world caters to you and record reaction or shut the fuck up because this is not remotely surprising anymore.

Hey, here's an idea: let's have the wrestling main event for Impact...stay on Impact! How about that for a novel concept! I don't see how you can defend having a match drag onto ReAction because they are "encouraging the audience to watch reaction." Actually, they are BAITING the audience to watch ReAction. Encouraging would be seeing the end of the match on Impact then saying, "Tune into ReAction to see the post-match interviews and find out what happened afterwards." What TNA is doing is stretching out something people would want to see into a whole other show, which is a waste of time on people's DVR and their programming schedules. Funny thing is, it isn't really helping because people watch the end of the match then change the channel. Does anyone here actually FINISH watching ReAction that wasn't planning on watching it anyway? If that's the case, let's just have people watch one minute of ReAction to get the extra viewers so the 0.8 rating goes up to a 0.9.

What if TNA actually, I don't know, booked something INTERESTING on ReAction and marketed it BEFORE the show comes on? If they announced Dixie Carter was coming back on ReAction instead of Impact, wouldn't people watch Impact then stick around for ReAction for the right reasons? The Empty Arena Match would have been a great thing to market before Impact, or something to set-up for the next week. Why must we be lied to and lured into watching ReAction and feel tricked? Why not give us something to look forward to, other than finishing a main event that we already know the spoilers for AND is running over just to bait us?

Oh, NEWSFLASH! For the record, WWE RAW overruns, but not only is the time alloted in anyway, it's also a LIVE show! Smackdown is a taped show and ends promptly at 10 pm. How can TNA justify airing a pre-taped show and pretending like it's running over "by accident!" At least RAW can say, "Oh, so much is going on we need more time!" TNA is purposely showing parts of a previous show into another to boost ratings. Isn't that fraud or collusion or something?

So, yes, the world doesn't cater to me, but TNA should cater to somebody who cares about watching wrestling consistently. Oh, and I don't need to shut the fuck up. Thanks for asking, though.
Oh, NEWSFLASH! For the record, WWE RAW overruns, but not only is the time alloted in anyway, it's also a LIVE show! Smackdown is a taped show and ends promptly at 10 pm. How can TNA justify airing a pre-taped show and pretending like it's running over "by accident!" At least RAW can say, "Oh, so much is going on we need more time!" TNA is purposely showing parts of a previous show into another to boost ratings. Isn't that fraud or collusion or something?

And here in lies my ultimate complaint about TNA. It being pre-taped makes it so incredibly lame when they try and act as if it is live. I understand even the WWE pretapes. However, it is edited down so that it is close to the set ending time. TNA tapes four weeks ahead of time and then has the Impact main event run 20 minutes over. It just loses something and you, the viewer, feel cheated (funny we feel this way as we watch a fake sport, but never the less we do).

Also, it was very lame how they acted like it was Thanksgiving when it was in all actuality taped last Monday. Its fine when Soap Operas and sitcoms act like its a holiday, but this is supposed to be "the number two" wrestling promotion in America. Sad

I also hate it when its an Impact say that was taped on the 1st, aired on the 14th, and there is a PPV on the 17 and the wrestlers will say, "we are only three days away from the match at the PPV"

The Impact Zone and the Pre-taping make this promotion a joke.

PS, Ive said it before and Ill say it again: They are taping the Impact that will air in four weeks next Thursday night while another episode (taped next Monday) airs on TV. Step back and think about that. Lame
And here in lies my ultimate complaint about TNA. It being pre-taped makes it so incredibly lame when they try and act as if it is live. I understand even the WWE pretapes. However, it is edited down so that it is close to the set ending time. TNA tapes four weeks ahead of time and then has the Impact main event run 20 minutes over. It just loses something and you, the viewer, feel cheated (funny we feel this way as we watch a fake sport, but never the less we do).

Also, it was very lame how they acted like it was Thanksgiving when it was in all actuality taped last Monday. Its fine when Soap Operas and sitcoms act like its a holiday, but this is supposed to be "the number two" wrestling promotion in America. Sad

I also hate it when its an Impact say that was taped on the 1st, aired on the 14th, and there is a PPV on the 17 and the wrestlers will say, "we are only three days away from the match at the PPV"

The Impact Zone and the Pre-taping make this promotion a joke.

PS, Ive said it before and Ill say it again: They are taping the Impact that will air in four weeks next Thursday night while another episode (taped next Monday) airs on TV. Step back and think about that. Lame

Lets step back and think about what you said because if they banned people for being stupid you would have been banned for this post. Your telling me that you would rather have them tape a show 4 weeks before a PPV then when that Thursday show happens tell the whole world that the PPV is in 4 weeks instead of saying this Thursday. Or you want them not to even bother incorporating holiday themed shows. Get the fuck out of here with that BS.

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