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I'm really hoping this Anderson/RVD/Sting thing ends soon.


Getting Noticed By Management
Ok, I will give TNA props for this that they have built this thing up quite a bit over the last few months. Some of it has been entertaining *cough*Anderson*cough* but that's the kind of guy Anderson is. Besides that though I really have been sick of seeing RVD and Sting feuding with Anderson in the main event scene. You want to talk about WWE guys getting lost in the shuffle? It happens even more often in TNA.

I made a thread about this in January but it got deleted. Allow me to put some more thoughts into this right now. Since I am boycotting Smackdown due to a certain match that happened last night, I'll only be watching Impact and RAW until a certain someone loses a certain something.

WWE has had their youth movement. This was what drove me away from wrestling in 2007. We always got the same old people. Why did I start watching again? Fresh faces in the title picture. It was refreshing. Sheamus winning at TLC 2009 got me into wrestling again. It then followed up with the likes of Jack Swagger and The Miz. Say what you will about their title reigns but I'm definitely a huge fan of all three.

I just have to ask: where is TNA's Youth Movement? Why is everybody getting lost in the shuffle? Why do Hogan and Bischoff not have faith in pushing homegrown talent or fresh peope for the main event? It really drives me up a wall. I've been a huge Anderson mark and I marked pretty damn hard when he won the title in January. Then he drops it back a month later. This really pissed the fuck out of me and he hasn't gotten it back since. It was the first time since Samoa Joe in 2008 that someone who was never a World Champion in WWE or TNA that got to see the belt.

And no, I'm not saying I want to see the TNA World Title passed around like a hot potato either but it really upsets me how they have no one waiting in the wings. How no one is getting close to main event ready when there are a lot of guys they have.

You have Kazarian- nice look, incredible wrestling skills and good mic skills. Yet he gets very little time as X Division Champion.

You have Robert Roode who also has basically the complete package. Where on Earth is he in the main event scene?

The Pope D'Angelo Dinero. People always talk about how blacks don't measure up in wrestling. Pope is one of two guys in wrestling (the other being Kofi) who could possibly work as champ. Especially Pope with his outstanding mic skills. If Elijah Burke was pushed to the main event in WWE I think it would've worked. Or at least better than their other talent.

I'm really impressed with Crimson. Hopefully he gets the TV title soon and continues his undefeated streak.

Not sure if we'll ever see Desmond Wolfe on TV. Too bad.

Daniels, Williams and Hernandez are all getting up there but I think they would do just fine in the ME scene. Maybe it's just that I'm a Williams mark but he is TNA's version of Christian for me.

I understand that it's a business and all but it's not like the business is thriving or anything. It's not like it's posing a serious threat to WWE. Would TNA really go out of business if they gave someone new a main event push? In fact I think they are on their path to going out of business if they keep up this same formula.

I love TNA. Though it can be irritating at times it does serve a nice alternative to WWE. They have a bunch of talented guys I just listed who I wouldn't mind as main eventers or at least to be tried in the main event scene. So TNA please, wherever you're going with this formula of RVD/Anderson/Sting, I just hope you finish it soon.
What are you crazy ?!! TNA needs to keep this money fued going maybe even add Jeff Jarrett to it. I love how with this current fued with Sting/RVD/Anderson represents past, present and future of the wrestling business
What are you crazy ?!! TNA needs to keep this money fued going maybe even add Jeff Jarrett to it. I love how with this current fued with Sting/RVD/Anderson represents past, present and future of the wrestling business

Agreed. I like this formula better, at least there is a story to the point that i don't know what is going to happen in the main-event at sacrifice. Unlike another company (hello WWE) who we know that the champion at Raw will dominate for 1 year:banghead: and the champion on smackdown only had the belt for 2 days after waiting 17 years for it. :banghead:
1st off , I just wanna say I watch TNA a long time and I have noticed their feuds usaully last a full year and then everything changes. Its no fly by night one week this guy hates you and the next another guy hates him. When its a feud it usually lasts the full year. And if it SEEMS like they are jumping around they tie it together in the end.

Now, lets see, I actually wondering if all this talk of Karen being Queen of The Mountain is a possible bringing into question why Jeff is The King of Mountain (even though he wasnt the last winner, I dont think) with that said...

I am really hopeing everyone comes together and a final winner is decided. The only problem is Kurt would probably win and everyone would be upset that everyone else just spent forever feuding over that title only to have Kurt come in and win.

So, I agree, I say keep it going and bring on Jarrett with Angle but end it at King of The Mountain.

Now, random comments, I believe Pope is hurt at the moment isnt he?

Robert Roode...did you watch last week? I think its kind of obvious where this is headed....TNA isnt as stupid as the fans think they are. Dont count your chickens before they hatch and all those other cliches.
I agree, this should end soon. If it doesn't end at least add a new dimension to it. I don't add a new person I mean turn one of them heel.

I don't like face vs face feuds too much to begin with, but this is face vs face vs face w/ the heel on the outside. I really think RVD should turn heel. I don't think he should join Immortal because of all the history, but at the same time it looks like Immortal is becoming EV2...2. To me its getting stale, so is Immortal. Maybe the network rep will shake things up a bit.

Just as a side note I think Kurt Angle should be world champ right now. I would love if Immortal turned on Jarret for losing to Kurt and Kurt became the focal point of Immortal.
1st off , I just wanna say I watch TNA a long time and I have noticed their feuds usaully last a full year and then everything changes. Its no fly by night one week this guy hates you and the next another guy hates him. When its a feud it usually lasts the full year. And if it SEEMS like they are jumping around they tie it together in the end.

Now, lets see, I actually wondering if all this talk of Karen being Queen of The Mountain is a possible bringing into question why Jeff is The King of Mountain (even though he wasnt the last winner, I dont think) with that said...

I am really hopeing everyone comes together and a final winner is decided. The only problem is Kurt would probably win and everyone would be upset that everyone else just spent forever feuding over that title only to have Kurt come in and win.

So, I agree, I say keep it going and bring on Jarrett with Angle but end it at King of The Mountain.

Now, random comments, I believe Pope is hurt at the moment isnt he?

Robert Roode...did you watch last week? I think its kind of obvious where this is headed....TNA isnt as stupid as the fans think they are. Dont count your chickens before they hatch and all those other cliches.

TNA has slow burn storylines? Since when? Gen Me were splitting up; now they are back together. How long did that last, what 3 weeks? Ink Inc. were about to split up, now they're back and tighter than ever as they take on Mexican America. How long did that one last a month? Sting was face, heel, face, all in the space of about a year. (remember he signs a year to year deal with TNA.) Beer Money were face, then heel, now face all in the span of about 18 months. Ken Anderson, heel, face, now tweener in about a year. Jeff Hardy face, heel, now gone. Again, less than 2 years. Hogan, face, heel, face, heel. How long's he been there? Jeff Jarrett, heel, face, heel. Angle, face, heel, face. None of these storylines have lasted that long. We had MCMG v. Beer Money. Over in about 6 months tops. MEM didn't last a year. Angle feuded with Joe, then Jarrett, then led MEM, now feuding with Jarrett and as a face. TNA does anything BUT slow burn storylines. A long storyline would be Dusty Rhodes v. Ric Flair back in the day. The NWO v. Sting/WCW.
Shawn Michaels v. HHH over the years. Undertaker v. Kane over the years. The Freebirds v. The Von Erichs over the years. THOSE were slow burn storylines.
I agree with the Robert Roode comment first off. Keep an eye on that. Anderson to me reminds of a whiny version of Stone Cold right now. I enjoy his tweener attitude. Became a big Sting fan during the NWO era and it took me that long to finally appreciate what he brought to the table. Still wished he went to WWE still think it would have been bigger better than Undertaker VS HHH but that's an opinion and I'm sure WWE would have somehow screwed that up never been impressed with their handling of certain superstars of WCW. Anyway this will i think end in some crazy way with someone turning or screwing the other because that seems to be the special of the week on Impact right now. But with these superstars the potential for a great entertaining match is absolutely there. I just wish Impact would realize the talent they have with the established stars and so would the audience because if you want the solid wrestling as I have heard you will find it there more than in The WWE right now because more of it is there in my opinion. Just has to be established but just as you I have my doubts with those in charge too. But I am always hopeful.....
TNA has slow burn storylines? Since when?

Main Feuds. I was refering to main feuds. The main feuds are those like Angle and Jarrett right now or RVD/Anderson/Sting.

How many times over the years have people posted here and other forums that TNAs storylines go on for too long? I see it all the time.

Gen Me wasnt a main feud. Besides? are they? Were they ever gonna break up? How do you know? Just because they are coming together to raise up for the X Divison doesnt mean they arent fighting for the right to feud each other. I think GenMe's feud was to test loyality but in anyevent with The X Divison fighting back you can call off all bets.

Sting is a Mystery. He always has been always will be.

I think, some people sees a Guy A feuding with Guy B and then Guy C enters the picture and everyone thinks its a new feud. When I see that I consider it all the same thing. Remember the promo between Sting and RVD the other week? RVD is basically mad and wants his title back and his beef with Sting goes ONE YEAR back when he debut. Tie that together with Anderson on the war path to get his title back. If Jeff Hardy hadnt of screwd up he should of been apart of this but TNA had to switch it up.

Look at the TNA PPV list

January - Genesis
February - Against All Odds
March - Victory Road
April - Lockdown
May - Sacrifice
June - Slammiversary
July - Destination X
August - Hardcore Justice
September - No Surrender
October - Bound for Glory
November - Turning Point
December - Final Resolution

Do you see the pattern in the names? The "Wrestling Year" starts in June for TNA in WWE its usaully after Mania. Each PPV name (with the expection of some) are a build up toward a full year of a main feud.
RVD doesn't need to turn heel at the main event at sacrifice, what we need is for Jeff Hardy to crash the party. End the match in No Contest then we get Jeff Hardy, Sting, RVD, Anderson, Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle King of The Mountain match at Slammiversy !
Good Thread....

All I can say is in WWE Mr. Kennedy was 1 of my favorites...In TNA I am so sick of this "asshole" gimmick

He isnt being an Asshole, he is trying and quiet poorly at recreating Stone Cold Sreve Austin...

I am just ready for Stone Cold Steve "Mr. Anderson" to go away... The gimmick doesnt work for him... Hell for all I care RVD bye bye also...

Make room for Styles, Roode, Morgan, Pope, Kazerian, MCMG, even Robbie E...
Good Thread....

All I can say is in WWE Mr. Kennedy was 1 of my favorites...In TNA I am so sick of this "asshole" gimmick

He isnt being an Asshole, he is trying and quiet poorly at recreating Stone Cold Sreve Austin...

I am just ready for Stone Cold Steve "Mr. Anderson" to go away... The gimmick doesnt work for him... Hell for all I care RVD bye bye also...

Make room for Styles, Roode, Morgan, Pope, Kazerian, MCMG, even Robbie E...

You might not like the gimmick and others might not either but hey that gimmick is keeping him in the public eye. Chances are it will get him back to the WWE if TNA lets him go.

I mean, what gimmick did he have in WWE? Did he have one?
it seems like lately the main 3 guys for the heavy weigh title have been Sting/RVD/Anderson. I do think it would be nice to get others involved, including some of the younger talent. you can use the "name" wrestlers to help push the younger ones that some might not know who they are.

Robert Roode has a good future, but right now is half of the tag team champions. even if TNA decided to split them up right now, it would still be months before you build Roode up into a singles contender. how many general wrestling fans know of Robert Roode? they probably know him better as the money part of Beer Money.

I hope TNA uses the Morgan/Steiner feud to have Morgan win that and help elevate him to maybe those who know the great history of Steiner, and then for Morgan to get back into the title scene.
Good Thread....

All I can say is in WWE Mr. Kennedy was 1 of my favorites...In TNA I am so sick of this "asshole" gimmick

He isnt being an Asshole, he is trying and quiet poorly at recreating Stone Cold Sreve Austin...

I am just ready for Stone Cold Steve "Mr. Anderson" to go away... The gimmick doesnt work for him... Hell for all I care RVD bye bye also...

Make room for Styles, Roode, Morgan, Pope, Kazerian, MCMG, even Robbie E...

Actually I like Anderson's gimmick.. the only problem i have with it, is that any chance he gets, he has to say "he's an asshole" fifty times.. we get it, he's an asshole, but he doesn't have to keep telling us.. that'd be like Stone Cold saying he's an SOB every time he's on the mic, at least I don't remember Austin doing that.. he could have though :)
I want this triangle to end as soon as possible. Anderson annoys the living shit out of me, RVD can't talk, and Sting...well, he's doing fine, actually.

I'm hoping Sting keeps the title, and moves on. Problem? Immortal. Whoever the Champ feuds with will be working for, or with, Immortal. That bothers me, personally.

There are several candidates who could have a great feud with Sting. Samoa Joe, Matt Morgan, Kurt Angle, A.J. Styles. Problem with these guys? None of them are in Immortal, which is something Hogan, Bischoff, whoever, isn't anywhere near ready to pull the plug on.

I guess a feud with Bully Ray wouldn't be terrible. The promo segments would be gold, but what about the match(es)? They wouldn't be pretty, that's for sure. I suppose Matt Hardy is an option, but that would be brutal in terms of mic work. I don't know. Goddamnit. I hate Immortal. Please, just end that shit.
Daniels, Williams and Hernandez are all getting up there but I think they would do just fine in the ME scene. Maybe it's just that I'm a Williams mark but he is TNA's version of Christian for me.

This nearly made me spew.

TNA imo only have 6 maineventers imo. Jeff Hardy,Sting,Anderson,Jeff Jarrett,Kurt Angle and AJ Styles. The only guy i could see getting into the mainevent is Robert Rhoode. The guy imo is the next Triple H. Guys like Hernandez and Daniels and Williams are not ever going to be maineventers. they aren't good on the mic and aren't over. Look Hardy for a example. he may have knockers but the guys sells merchandise. none of the 3 you mention can do any of that. A guy tna tries to push Morgan is not over enough to be a maineventer and i doubt he will ever be. Thats why imo tna need to go get some young stars. The first 2 guys that pop into my head are John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler. These 2 guys are the perfect 2 to target imo. Morrison is always in the dog house and ziggler is stuck in the midcard and imo both would be great addidtons and i believe you could get them both. The Ultimate Wrestler for TNA is CM Punk. The guy can walk in and instanley be your number 1 heel. he is still young and has a contract up soon and if i was tna i would throw a bucket of money at him. You get a 10 Year maineveter and a great wrestling mind into your company.
This nearly made me spew.

TNA imo only have 6 maineventers imo. Jeff Hardy,Sting,Anderson,Jeff Jarrett,Kurt Angle and AJ Styles. The only guy i could see getting into the mainevent is Robert Rhoode. The guy imo is the next Triple H. Guys like Hernandez and Daniels and Williams are not ever going to be maineventers. they aren't good on the mic and aren't over. Look Hardy for a example. he may have knockers but the guys sells merchandise. none of the 3 you mention can do any of that. A guy tna tries to push Morgan is not over enough to be a maineventer and i doubt he will ever be. Thats why imo tna need to go get some young stars. The first 2 guys that pop into my head are John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler. These 2 guys are the perfect 2 to target imo. Morrison is always in the dog house and ziggler is stuck in the midcard and imo both would be great addidtons and i believe you could get them both. The Ultimate Wrestler for TNA is CM Punk. The guy can walk in and instanley be your number 1 heel. he is still young and has a contract up soon and if i was tna i would throw a bucket of money at him. You get a 10 Year maineveter and a great wrestling mind into your company.

Very nice call on CM Punk. I see him much the same was as I see Jericho. Very cerebral in the way he approaches storylines. He wants that slow burn, which I'm a big fan of. He seems to approach his work in a very methodical way, much the same way Jericho does. Great as a heel, solid on the mic, and very good backstage.

I don't see Morrison the same way you do. I love his athleticism, but he's borderline terrible on the mic. Not sure how he can overcome that, but if he were to jump to TNA, he'd need a character overhaul. The Jim Morrison gimmick is stale now and he needs a fresh look and feel to his persona.

I like Ziggler. He's got great heel personality, look, and mic work. I've read talk about his turning face, but I'm not sure that's a good idea. Although if so, a good feud for the WWE to run would be he and Miz. Two younger guys with lots of upside, good mic skills, athletic, and can put on a good match. A series of matches with these 2 could really elevate both.
Wow, imagine if TNA could get their hands on a couple of them. Their main-event roster could look like this:

CM Punk
Jeff Hardy (he could re-start his feud with Hardy LOL)
Dolph Ziggler
Kurt Angle
AJ Styles
I agree with a couple of exceptions. I would not bring back Jeff Hardy. I think he's burned that bridge and shouldn't be allowed back on the property. He's had all sorts of chances to turn his life around and refuses to do so. (In other words, he doesn't see anything wrong with his actions.) Also don't care for RVD. Always felt like he was overrated as a talent overall. I like his athleticism as well, but he's not a good storyteller in the ring, doesn't really add anything outside the ring to further plot lines, and seems much more like a "me" guy than a team guy.
I think Anderson is shit, and I can't understand why some people obsess over his "mic skills." He just whines and bitches about everything, and most of the time, he can be annoying as all hell. He is NOT the next Stone Cold Steve Austin, and I wish TNA would end this whole rebel/anti-hero routine fast. Anderson is tolerable as a heel, but this "cool bad guy" act is just painful to watch. I can't stand to hear RVD cut a promo, but at least he can still give you a good match.

I seriously don't have that big of problem with Sting being the champ. Sting as TNA World Heavyweight Champion works. He can still cut a good promo, and he still has plenty of name value left. I hope he can move on to feud with someone else. Having to constantly hear about Anderson and RVD being "screwed" is enough already. It's just become overkill now.

I wouldn't mind a feud with Bully Ray. Ray is doing a fantastic job with his character, and his mic work has been golden. Ray has been on fire as a heel, so I wouldn't mind seeing him get a chance at a real feud with Sting.
I think Anderson is shit, and I can't understand why some people obsess over his "mic skills." He just whines and bitches about everything, and most of the time, he can be annoying as all hell. He is NOT the next Stone Cold Steve Austin, and I wish TNA would end
this whole rebel/anti-hero routine fast. Anderson is tolerable as a heel, but this "cool bad guy" act is just painful to watch. I can't stand to hear RVD cut a promo, but at least he can still give you a good match.

This coming from a knob with a picture of Triple Roids for his profile. I suppose you also jerk it every week to Daniel Bryan too.

Anderson will never be the next Stone Cold. No one will. He was trained by Austin though. His character is from his own personality, with a few "stone cold" quirks in it.
I think Anderson is shit, and I can't understand why some people obsess over his "mic skills." He just whines and bitches about everything, and most of the time, he can be annoying as all hell. He is NOT the next Stone Cold Steve Austin, and I wish TNA would end

This coming from a knob with a picture of Triple Roids for his profile. I suppose you also jerk it every week to Daniel Bryan too.

Anderson will never be the next Stone Cold. No one will. He was trained by Austin though. His character is from his own personality, with a few "stone cold" quirks in it.

Oh. wow. You used a Triple H steroids joke. Clever. Real clever:rolleyes:

Anderson's current character just annoys the shit out of me. He's an asshole. We get it. I don't have to be reminded of it over and over again. It just becomes overkill after a while.

And if you also believe Anderson won't be the next Stone Cold, then why did you quote my post? To take a lame cheap shot?
Oh. wow. You used a Triple H steroids joke. Clever. Real clever:rolleyes:

Anderson's current character just annoys the shit out of me. He's an asshole. We get it. I don't have to be reminded of it over and over again. It just becomes overkill after a while.

And if you also believe Anderson won't be the next Stone Cold, then why did you quote my post? To take a lame cheap shot?

I agree with your take on Anderson. They've pushed too hard with his storyline and it comes across as forcing the lines on the fans. Not to mention how he was courted by Immortal, appeared to have gone to the dark side, only to doublecross them as well. (while I liked that particular bent to his character, they've really done nothing with it since.) Just more wasted motion by TNA on a character that's been mishandled.
This nearly made me spew.

TNA imo only have 6 maineventers imo. Jeff Hardy,Sting,Anderson,Jeff Jarrett,Kurt Angle and AJ Styles. The only guy i could see getting into the mainevent is Robert Rhoode. The guy imo is the next Triple H. Guys like Hernandez and Daniels and Williams are not ever going to be maineventers. they aren't good on the mic and aren't over. Look Hardy for a example. he may have knockers but the guys sells merchandise. none of the 3 you mention can do any of that. A guy tna tries to push Morgan is not over enough to be a maineventer and i doubt he will ever be. Thats why imo tna need to go get some young stars. The first 2 guys that pop into my head are John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler. These 2 guys are the perfect 2 to target imo. Morrison is always in the dog house and ziggler is stuck in the midcard and imo both would be great addidtons and i believe you could get them both. The Ultimate Wrestler for TNA is CM Punk. The guy can walk in and instanley be your number 1 heel. he is still young and has a contract up soon and if i was tna i would throw a bucket of money at him. You get a 10 Year maineveter and a great wrestling mind into your company.

Good spew I don't care.

Williams and Hernandez I don't know maybe you're watching a differnet prorgam as I am but they can talk and I think Daniels can cut a good program as well. Plus I would happily buy their merchandise as well/

Robert Roode the next HHH? I hope you're right but damn this is TNA. People always get lost in the shuffle in TNA.

And why do people crap on Anderosn's gimmick? I love this guy. He's funny as hell. There never will be another Austin but Anderson does the gimmick 10,000,000 times better than Orton does. Anderson is not only funny but he's a badass in the process with the way he defies Hogan. I have loved him since WWE.
Good spew I don't care.

Williams and Hernandez I don't know maybe you're watching a differnet prorgam as I am but they can talk and I think Daniels can cut a good program as well. Plus I would happily buy their merchandise as well/

Robert Roode the next HHH? I hope you're right but damn this is TNA. People always get lost in the shuffle in TNA.

And why do people crap on Anderosn's gimmick? I love this guy. He's funny as hell. There never will be another Austin but Anderson does the gimmick 10,000,000 times better than Orton does. Anderson is not only funny but he's a badass in the process with the way he defies Hogan. I have loved him since WWE.

I think the criticism of Anderson isn't his execution of the lines, but rather that the writers are pushing the line over and over and over. We get it already! It's not like he's going on some rant and at the end adding something like 'And that's the bottom line...cause..."; you get the idea. So while I do also like Anderson the character, I also believe the whole A-hole line over and over has been overplayed at this point. And it seems like Hogan and Bischoff seem very out of place now backstage almost forcing and fumbling for their lines as well. The execution there seems really inconsistent from a production standpoint. Sometimes they are both on their marks and other times, like they've either forgotten the lines, or decided to ad lib and it seems forced.

Look, we're going to keep hearing these comparisons to WWE all the time but truthfully speaking, WWE is major league and TNA just isn't. So the comparisons just don't fit.
I think the criticism of Anderson isn't his execution of the lines, but rather that the writers are pushing the line over and over and over. We get it already! It's not like he's going on some rant and at the end adding something like 'And that's the bottom line...cause..."; you get the idea. So while I do also like Anderson the character, I also believe the whole A-hole line over and over has been overplayed at this point. And it seems like Hogan and Bischoff seem very out of place now backstage almost forcing and fumbling for their lines as well. The execution there seems really inconsistent from a production standpoint. Sometimes they are both on their marks and other times, like they've either forgotten the lines, or decided to ad lib and it seems forced.

Look, we're going to keep hearing these comparisons to WWE all the time but truthfully speaking, WWE is major league and TNA just isn't. So the comparisons just don't fit.

Gee, it's not okay for Anderson to repeat the same line over and over but it's prefectly fine for The Rock to do it? The Rock's promos are literally repeating the same quotes every single time. The content between them is nothing, it's just a way to lead up to the catch phrases.

I bet that if Anderson was doing this gimmick in WWE, people would be swinging from his nuts like there's no tomorrow. Hell, they're swinging from Miz's nuts, so why not Anderson's?

Mr.Anderson DOES have great mic skills whether anybody likes it or not. What he does wrong is the fact that he overacts his ASS off. That's what annoys me, personally. He puts emphasis on EVERY SINGLE WORD. I was fine with it at first but it's getting nauseating. You don't have to scream like a jackass until the veins on your neck pop. This is how a normal wrestler would say the following line ...

"So, Hulk, you want to screw me out of my title match again? I need my rematch, Hulk!"

This is how Anderson would do it ...

"S-s-s-s-s-s-s-SO HULKY! HULKSTER! HULKAROONIE! HULKAFREAKIN'HULK! S-s-s-s-s-so ... you ... YOU ... want to screw ME! ME! ME! ME! ... out of MY title match again? AGAIN? I NEED MY REMATCH! MY REMATCH! MY RE-RE-REMATCH, HULK!!!1!!"

That's what's bad about Anderson. It's not the gimmick, it's not how he's portrayed. He's just trying too hard.

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