I'm Officially a John Cena Fan


I Don't Need No User Title
Yep. It probably seems weird seeing me make a thread about this, especially after some of my earlier posts.

How can you not like Cena? With all the work he puts in, his dedication to the sport, and the stuff he does outside the ring with the Make-A-Wish kids.

I'm not going to include his ring gear on my post-Christmas wishlist, and he's not my favorite, but I am officially a fan of his.

Have you ever went from strongly disliking a wrestler to liking them?
It doesn't matter how many sickly kids he visits, I'll never think of Cena as being anything other than the worst thing to happen to modern wrestling.
@BSE, You previously were not a fan? I can't recall a single time you had a harsh word to say about the man. I figured you a major member of the CeNation.
I like his matches. I don't really care for his persona. I think I'd like him more if he drank beer and beat up women.
Have you ever went from strongly disliking a wrestler to liking them?

Once that comes to mind and I doubt I was alone because it was Rocky Maivia. He was just a super lame character that was pushed in your face. We get it, Vince; he's a blue chipper. Ugh. The Rock was a 180 degree turn, and I've been a fan ever since.

As for Jhon, hey, I'll give the man his due on whatever anyone wants to point to as a reason to like him, but I don't like his wrestling character. I've said it before: his character is just not geared towards me, and he is too ubiquitous. I still don't miss him despite his absence. His residue is too thick.

Good for you though, BSE!
I used to hate Big E, but now I'm very much a fan.

And Cena is the best professional wrestler in the world by a very wide margin, and he has been for a long time. I'm bored to tears by his stuff much of the time, but I absolutely recognize greatness.
I used to hate Big E, but now I'm very much a fan.

And Cena is the best professional wrestler in the world by a very wide margin, and he has been for a long time. I'm bored to tears by his stuff much of the time, but I absolutely recognize greatness.

I've never understood the hate for Big E before he joined New Day. Fair enough he wasn't great but he wasn't just some guy who was getting pushed just because he was big.

I remember a few times he showed his personality and I still think he can go far.

As a kid I hated the guy, since he was the closest thing to an American superhero in wrestling and I really really hated superheroes and OTT American pride in general. As a teen I just became indifferent. I'm still indifferent to him, but if I were to turn on the show and he was on it I'd be all but guaranteed either a non cringeworthy promo or a non cringeworthy match - and that's so far beyond the average in the industry you have to appreciate it.
Sometimes I like what people are doing and sometimes I don't but most of the time I am indifferent and just waiting for the next segment.

Even New Day fails to entertain me sometimes and Miz isn't all bad.
Have you ever went from strongly disliking a wrestler to liking them?

The Miz.

I hated this guy when he first came around. I really thought he was a joke and very limited. But then he went to ECW. Then he was given the role of carrying John Morrison. And the two of them were given the Dirt Sheet, and then after their separation he was given Daniel Bryan. And instead of being out shined by Bryan, The Miz in my opinion became more relevant than anyone in the company. He won Money in the Bank, he won the US title, the Tag titles, he beat Orton for the title, got a little girl so mad her stare is still one of the best memes to date, and he had a great program with Lawler before going on to be over shadowed by Rock and Cena. And then after that, he and R-Truth went on to become a highly under utilized tag team that could've been the best thing since sliced bread, but instead they got blamed for an actor's inability to no longer do what he used to do.


Anyway, I like Cena. Always have. I think everyone does... especially the ones here who say "turn Cena heel" every 20 seconds.
I was always a fan. Granted, he is not at the top of my list but he is easily on top 10, maybe even top 5 wrestlers ever if you could put any "all time best" list. And that means huge deal when you have somebody like that still competing.

Have you ever went from strongly disliking a wrestler to liking them?
With CM Punk. Though I didnt dislike him, just thought he was kinda "meh" when he has gone to RAW and that he doesnt have what it takes to be at top of WWE.
I guess if you factor in when I was a child watching wrestling then every single heel that was on the roster :lmao:

In this day and age though, lets call it my smark days, well after sitting here for 5 minutes and thinking about it I'm going to say John Cena like you BSE. He's been the most consistent performer on the roster since I started watching againin 2011.

I'd also like to say the Miz but that's less for his work as a wrestler and more having respect for him for been an average guy who worked hard and achieved.his dream in the WWE.
About time you accepted John Cena as your Lord and Savior. Now I shall recite from the Book Of Thuganomics 1:12. Giving you the very essence of Cenaism.

"Hustle. Loyalty. Respect."
More people are getting to the point where they respect cena its like angles you suck chants meaning they are there now for basically a thank you and show of support. With that being done now is when they will turn him heel and flip the whole foundation having heel cena destroy taker, lesnar, bryan and then super roman stopping super heel cena and i think it will be entertaining just imagine an authority with a cocky cena who has enough pull to basically do whatever on air even make HHH carry his bags.
I wouldn't say I had a strong dislike but I remember laughing out loud at the Hardy Boyz with their attire that one said "Hope" and the other said "Faith". It was this dumb plaid attire.

I ended up becoming a big fan of them though.

And the one Jon Moxley match I saw turned me off of him, so when he became Dean Ambrose I wasn't particularly looking forward to him. It took a while for me to warm up to him but I like him now.
It took me a while to warm up to CM Punk. I found his character too awkward for me to related to and his in ring skill seemed more mechanical than natural. His last 2 or so years were great though, with his "best in the world" gimmick.
I disliked Sheamus at first and thought he was boring as shit but I personally think he's pretty awesome now. I find him somewhat oddly entertaining and his TLC match and RAW match with Reigns were really good
I didn't like his rap-battle-gimmick in 2004/05 and I never liked his stand-up act where he talks about the local major league team. He's also a wine drinking prude on Total divas-

But how can you not like the guy who:

Went toe to toe with The Rock during his BIG comeback promos

Went toe to toe with CM Punk when CM Punk was given the once-in-a-lifetime push

Survived the beating at the 2012 Extreme rules

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