I'm not going to be so easy to give out green rep anymore.

I've decided to start a new fanclub for D-Man.

We will call ourselves The D-Manifestation and we will adhere to The D-Manifesto. We will read D-Manga and our favorite jellyfish will be the D-Man-o-war.
See what I mean?? I want my green rep to be meaningful... rare... like a unicorn... only a little more realistic.
My final message before work, you do know that I marked like a motherfucker when you repped me the first time right?
I try to make my green rep meaningful as well (although my power is still only 2 at the moment).... I usually only rep if I completely agree with a post, and/or it was really awesome in my opinion. It's rare for me to rep bar room jokes anymore, as I think rep should be about good non-spam posts. (Not that the bar room stuff isn't hilarious, because it often is.)
I'm kind of surprised that my rep power is only 10, considering that I have almost 10k in total rep points.
You have more rep than me though and you're one of the most popular and respected posters her so I am not sure I entirely get the point behind it all.

And I'm happy to have got Dagger rep recently.
I got Dagger rep recently too, and trust me, your rep points will get much higher than 2 if you do a posting spree like that again
Never mind, D-Man, you've turned into a noob. I don't want to be part of The D-Manifestation anymore.

I am now a proud Docsicle!
Fuck you, X. I hate when you get the best of me...

And Numbers, I think people like me, but there's a ton of other guys on this site. I think I'm just overshadowed by them.
I think I have been repped twice by the D-Man. I think one was for the debate I had with IC and the other was for sigging him when he made a joke about Owen Hart's "Final Tumble". So I think I deserved them.

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