I'm meeting Shawn Michaels in October.

The Raven's Epitaph

Getting Noticed By Management
Yeah. I got some tickets from the 1PW's website to do a Q&A with Shawn Michaels and watch their 4th Anniversary show after. In total it cost £50. It's in Doncaster.

Gonna' head down there with some friends. I haven't really got many questions at all. I just want to get a photo with Shawn and get him to sign some things.

Anybody have any questions for him that I can ask on your behalf?
Sounds fun. I wish I was you. Here are some questions I would ask him.

1) Who was your favorite guy to wrestler during your whole career?

2) Out of all your matches, which one did you enjoy the most?

3) Was it funner preforming before you left the WWF, or after your return? (As a care-free guy who did crazy stuff and was in DX, or a religious more humbled HBK)

4) What are your thoughts on the Montreal Screwjob?

5) Besides HHH, who were you really close friends with in the WWE?

6) Did you ever think about jumping ship to WCW?

There more I could think of but I will just name a few.
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Where exactly did you find your lost smile? Further question, was it in the last place you looked?
Kb, if you live in Lexington then I'm only like two, two and half hours from you so why don't you send her down my way? :lmao:
Is this a new rule about not being allowed to post Wrestling in the GSD?
Shit. Sorry, I didn't realise. :banghead:

I was infracted in December 2008 for this, it is also in the description of the forum. It's always been in place.
I was infracted in December 2008 for this, it is also in the description of the forum. It's always been in place.

Ah. I didn't really think it was Wrestling related to be honest with you. It was more about asking people if they had any questions for Shawn, but nevermind. What's done is done. I'll remember for next time. :doh:
Some good questions here. Hopefully I'll get around to asking him a few of them, if not all of them.

I'm hoping the singings bit doesn't have the security rule where the guys are only allowed to sign 1 item per person. I'm only looking to get my Heartbreak and Triumph book signed and my World Heavyweight replica belt. Even has his nameplate on that.
Ah. I didn't really think it was Wrestling related to be honest with you. It was more about asking people if they had any questions for ShawnA WRESTLER, but nevermind. What's done is done. I'll remember for next time. :doh:

Sounds fun. I wish I was you. Here are some questions I would ask him.

1) Who was your favorite guy to wrestler during your whole career?

2) Out of all your matches, which one did you enjoy the most?

3) Was it funner preforming before you left the WWF, or after your return? (As a care-free guy who did crazy stuff and was in DX, or a religious more humbled HBK)

4) What are your thoughts on the Montreal Screwjob?

5) Besides HHH, who were you really close friends with in the WWE?

6) Did you ever think about jumping ship to WCW?

There more I could think of but I will just name a few.

Every single one of these questions is answered on his DVD.
Did you feel you were a more worthy upper-card good guy when you returned to the WWE in 2002 than a young, fresh talent like Rob Van Dam? Considering that business was shrinking when you swooped in and became the hottest good guy on the flagship show, do you think hindsight dictates that taking a chance on Rob Van Dam would have been more prudent than giving you a nostalgia run with the belt?

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