I'm leaving... Again...


As many of you know, my computer is a peice of crap now, because the hard drive is screwy. Tomorrow morning, after I cash my paycheck, I'm doing what should have been done months ago, taking my computer to the local computer shop and having it fixed. I don't know how long it will take to fix, hopefully not to long, but I will be offline for sure for a few days anyways.

On the flip side, for those that have noticed I havn't been online much lately, once my internet is better, I'll be online tons more, and I'll be able to do more things I couldn't before, including, but not limited to, helping Klunder in Survivor. So don't miss me to much, it shouldn't be more than a week.
Derf, you're the Terry Funk of WZ.. you leave more than you stay. :( Can't say much lately, I seem to be doing the same thing.
Derf, you're the Terry Funk of WZ.. you leave more than you stay. :( Can't say much lately, I seem to be doing the same thing.

Hahaha Irony... I just got back from the computer repair shop... They told me it's $30 just to find out whats wrong with my computer, then $50 an hour to fix it, and I don't even know how long it'll take. So at a minimum of $80+, I'm gonna pass on fixing the computer, it's not worth that much money alone. I'm gonna go buy a PS3 and just use the internet function on that baby. So that means that for the next few weeks, I'll be online just as much as I have been for the past month or so.
But the ps3 will be pretty difficult to use for posting on forums. Takes way longer than on computer, ive tried and i get too annoyed with it. Good luck anyway.
oh if you got a keyboard for it then yeh it should be sweet, i had to work with it with just the controller. Hell of a job it was..
PS3 works just as well as long as I have a keyboard for it. The only time my computer restarts is when I'm on Internet Explorer. If I'm not on that, my computer is dandy, maybe a little slow, but no problems.

Dont use IE, get Firefox
Do I go to google using Inernet Explorer? lol T'was a joke. No, with the shit on my computer, I'm gonna hold back from downloading anything.

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