I'm I the only one who feels like...


Everybody Has A Price!
that just for nostalgia sake,they should bring back Bobby Heenan (if he can talk,feel like he could go,and can handle it)to replace Tazz and be Jr's color commentator.The same with the Raw announce booth,they could have someone come on in and replace michael cole,maybe mean gene.

So intead of having Tazz and Michael Cole doing the commentating,we have them doing backstage segments/interviews.I have nothing against them btw.

I love the idea..but only because it involves getting rid of that P.O.S Michael Cole. I wish his contract would expire already so WWE can FIRE his ass. he is KILLING all the segments...honestly he is just a world class f-ck up and a dips-it
jr was really good when he was young, i remember listening to him on some old tapes.

and it would be fun to have some of the other guys come in. hell, i'd love to hear jesse the body doing color. that was always fun too, hell even vince would be fun to listen to again...

anything is better than hearing VINTAGE coming from cole. i swear i want to poke my eyes out with a stick everytime i hear cole say that's vintage undertaker..or vintage orton...i didnt know anything orton does is vintage...taker yeah..or hbk...they've been around for 20 plus years...oh well
I love the idea..but only because it involves getting rid of that P.O.S Michael Cole. I wish his contract would expire already so WWE can FIRE his ass. he is KILLING all the segments...honestly he is just a world class f-ck up and a dips-it
get over it . you are never getting rid of cole . cole is WWe lifer. cole has been there too long & does not bother me . todd grishima is worse then cole ever will be. cole has been there since attitude & will not be going anywhere . also tna's team is worse then cole. cole does not kill anything for me at all.i am more focused on what is going on in the ring then who is talking during a match. cole is J.R.'s replacement & that is vinces doing.
get over it . you are never getting rid of cole . cole is WWe lifer. cole has been there too long & does not bother me . todd grishima is worse then cole ever will be. cole has been there since attitude & will not be going anywhere . also tna's team is worse then cole. cole does not kill anything for me at all.i am more focused on what is going on in the ring then who is talking during a match. cole is J.R.'s replacement & that is vinces doing.

Did you watch the Raw when HHH teamed with HBK to take on Y2J and Cade? All Coleslaw could say was "no way......no way...no way" Listen back to his calling the WM main event Angle vs. Orton vs. Mysterio. Cole sounded like he has explosive terds flying from his @$$. He screamed until his voice gave out. He is bland, boring and so pathetic. Jr and King make a MUCH better duo! hell bring back Tony Schavoni (spell chk) and Mike Tenay to join the Brain and I'd be thrilled. That trio was SO entertaining!

Oh and as far as your "lifer" comment. WWE released several Veterans and backstage people and even MANY vet referees. So saying he is a Lifer is a bit of a stretch.
Maybe I just miss WCW too much, but I wouldn't mind Tony Schiavone, who was the main announcer I grew up watching, coming back. Yeah, he's no JR...no where near it...but who is really?

I honestly don't see why people bashed him so much. Other than him always saying, "This is the greatest moment in the history of our sport!" or "This is the greatest match I have ever seen!" all the time, what was wrong with him? He's got a great voice with a lot of charisma. It's like he "acts out" the moves with his voice (if that makes sense). I think he and Tazz would be a great combination. It'll never happen but I would love to see it, even if he was filling in for a short period.
I'd rather they bring back Joey Styles to replace Grisham.
I don't think Cole's as bad as all that, and it's not like JR's fantastically amazing anymore. Sad, but true.
He and Tazz are not that bad of a team.
but I'd prefer either Striker/Tazz or Styles/Tazz and move Striker to SD.
But maybe they can bring back and old commentator as a guest for WM25.
My real question is, Why the hell are they wasting such great talent as Joey Styles? Stick Michael Cole on wwe.com and put Styles in his place! Lawler and Styles, what an announce team!
This makes no sense. Why would you want to put a guy who is old and LONG past his time in the business in for people who have many many years left, and do a decent job?

That seems silly to me. If you want to get rid of Taz, then move JBL back into the role when he retires. But bringing back Heenan and Mean Gene is silly.

My real question is, Why the hell are they wasting such great talent as Joey Styles?
Because Styles completely blew when he was lead for Raw and ECW. Why would you continue to put a guy on TV who was terrible?
heenan can't talk the same way that he used to because i think that he had some reconstructive jaw surgery or something so thats the reason that he won't come back even if they asked he which i doubt... he was one of the best though no doubt about that....
Styles wasnt horrible, he just wouldnt confrom to the way Vince wanted him to call the matches. Styles had a different style than what the WWE is used to and thats why he was replaced
I don't think commentary on any of the shows is that bad, it doesn't catch ur attention like it used 2 and there are no memorable lines said, if I had it my way lawler would go bak 2 the comedy heel commentating he did, back with j.r (what's the point replacing the best BEFORE he retires) on raw, move striker (best thing on ecw) to SD! With cole, tazz bak 2 ecw but give him the freedom 2 say what he wanted bcos when that was the case I thot he was pretty good. Ultimately the commentary on all shows needs 2 come from their own heads and not from backstage via their headsets, fix that and there will b no need 2 bring in any1 else just now.
Michael Cole is the best in the WWE. I can’t stand JR and his commentating. I just think Cole should be back with Tazz or JBL. I can’t stand Todd Grisham as the guy screwed up Christian’s return. I mean a guy returns and you talk in the most mono tone voice ever! Then him calling the matches before they are over just bothers me. Bring back Joey Styles!

But as for Mean Gene, I would love to see him back as I miss the old “Well you know something Mean Gene” or as Flair would say it, “ MEEEAANNN!!!!! GGGGGEEEENNEEE!!! He still works for the WWE, but the WWE wants a young look, so he wouldn’t be brought back. That’s why The Fink doesn’t announce matches anymore. I would love to see Heenan back, hell listen to him and Mean Gene call the gimmick Battle Royal at WM17 was great.

I would love to see it, but it wouldn’t happen. I’ll pay to see Tony Shicvione back.
I love Bobby Heenan. He his my favorite color guy of all time from his days in the WWF all the way to the end of his time with WCW. I could listen to that man til my ears bleed. However, to my understanding the man is very very ill and looked really bad when he was inducted to the hall of fame a few years ago and i believe he has trouble speaking.

It's time to bring in some new blood instead of bringing back guys from the past. Striker is a breath of fresh air even though i wish he was a bit more heelish at times. Tazz is awful the man stutters, does that stupid chuckle and talks about brooklyn well past my liking. The King isn't the king anymore. He's a full blown face and is past the point of being able to turn. Being a heel was what made him great, he's not that anymore. Hell, he's not even the guy who would almost have a stroke when he saw a nice pair on a diva. I really enjoyed JBL when he was the color guy on Smackdown because he is the perfect obnoxious arrogant heel, which is what the color guy traditionally is supposed to be.

Even if I may not liek the color guys in the WWE now its still a hundred times better then having Don West as your color guy.
This makes no sense. Why would you want to put a guy who is old and LONG past his time in the business in for people who have many many years left, and do a decent job?

That seems silly to me. If you want to get rid of Taz, then move JBL back into the role when he retires. But bringing back Heenan and Mean Gene is silly.

Because Styles completely blew when he was lead for Raw and ECW. Why would you continue to put a guy on TV who was terrible?

You mean would I rather listen to a guy that gets emotional and excited in the job, as opposed to some guys that are as stale as two week old open crackers? Joey Styles brings passion and excitement to the announce table. Does he get over the top, hell yes he does, but he's no different then what JR was when Austin was blowing a load over every single time Austin threw a punch in the ring.

Styles is certainly better then the likes of a Todd Grisham, who blew the Christian return worse then Monica on Bill. Or I could watch some more Michael Cole. Maybe I'll start the Michael Cole drinking game, and take a shot every time the man says Vintage, but then I'd be completely hammered before the first commercial break.
J.R. is great. Does he mess up the names of moves? Sure, nobody's perfect. J.R. will go down as one of the greatest who ever called a match in the business.

Lawler is classic. Tazz I enjoy. He brings a unique style to the game. Styles in fucking good. I also like Coach, but that's probably only me.

I met T. Grish once. He's a cool guy. Stiker is a better announcer.

Tony & Mike, I never cared for. Don West should stick to selling Michael Jordan rookie cards.

But all in all, Cole sucks.
You mean would I rather listen to a guy that gets emotional and excited in the job, as opposed to some guys that are as stale as two week old open crackers? Joey Styles brings passion and excitement to the announce table. Does he get over the top, hell yes he does, but he's no different then what JR was when Austin was blowing a load over every single time Austin threw a punch in the ring.

Styles is certainly better then the likes of a Todd Grisham, who blew the Christian return worse then Monica on Bill. Or I could watch some more Michael Cole. Maybe I'll start the Michael Cole drinking game, and take a shot every time the man says Vintage, but then I'd be completely hammered before the first commercial break.

Haha, yes! I agree with everything here. Styles is the man. First person, and probably only, in history to carry PPV's by himself and do a great job. Because the line between face/heel treaded close, so did he as a commentator.

Vintage, I also agree with, and make fun of it all the time. "Old school" is vintage Undertaker. Snake eyes has only been used by him in the last 7 years or so.

HBK's comeback is vintage? Orton locking in a chinlock is vintage? Rey just flying all over the place is vintage? Give me a break. DX pantsing Cole is vintage.
I personally feel that the best announcing duo's were Cole and JBL and J.R. and Heyman.

JBL was fantastic on color and if he said a guy was the mutts nuts you were inclined to believe him as he had just recently wrestled the top guys in the biz. Cole only ever felt alive for me with JBL and what was even more surprising is that he seemed to have an attitude. It was like he personally wanted to prove something to JBL all the while mugging him off about his losses, especailly to Rey Rey. Cole had passion then.

Heyman did the same thing to JR. JR used to get so pissed at him that it created passion which I thought was long gone in JR.

JR and King during attitude were great but when that ended they just went through the motions. They should only team together on special occassions like the Rumble if at all.
Michael Cole is so bad he makes Jerry Lawler look bad too. He sucked the life out of Jerry the King Lawler too. Remember when the King left for a while and Paul Heyman was on Raw with JR? Remember when King came back after the invasion angle and how amazing that was when Vince fired Heyman on the spot? They need to bring JR back on RAW in the same way because having to watch Raw on mute is starting to gain some momentem. Also make Cole kiss Vince's ass before he goes.
To add, I think that Matt Striker is the most underrated commentary now. I watch ECW because unlike JR, Cole, Tazz, or King, he doesn’t forget wrestling. The WWE likes to live in these 5 year cycles where any thing before the last five years didn’t happen and announcers never mention them. Yet Striker throws in those facts which makes the matches better and teaches newer fans on what happen in the WWE before.
yeh good points form both of you, Micheal cole is just so boring, king and jr were always a great fit and they seemed like good friends in real life as well, while cole is always to seriouse witch sucks the fun out of some matches, the only time cole was good was when he was with JBL but only becouse JBL was so damn good at owning cole on the spot.

and yeh matt striker is very underated he has a great mix of knowledge of wrestling, humour, and great calling skills, i can guerentie that he will be anouncing for raw in 2-5 years or atleast smackdown
I don't think "underrated" is really the right word. Everyone on here seems to have a high opinion of him.
The only thing I dislike about Striker is that he's not heelish enough. If he walked the line a bit more, he'd be even more incredible.
I wouldn't like Heenan back at all, Nothing personal.

Instead i'd like to see someone in the mold of Jesse Ventura, As he was a great commentator, If the face would question an illegal move, He would throw out something like. "He went for a gut kick, But his opponent moved." And he would hate on the face so much. It made a great contrast in opinion's.

Matt Stryker could be the man to take the role as well, He has knowledge of the ring, And has a "heelish" arua about him, Over a span of week's he could easily drop a few line's in favour of the heel's, And with a little bit of time, Could become the best heel commentator in the business.

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