Im Hungry (FMM)

The Samoan Heritage

Getting Noticed By Management
Yes, I'm hungry. I'm hungry for the return of Ryback, the never ending, never happy cyborg beast.
O.K. a lil too much, I apoligize, but I would just like to know people's thoughts on Ryback.

About 2 years ago WWE repackaged former Nexus member Skip Shieffield as Ryback and something WWE is so custom to doing with new talent, they gave him an undefeated streak, not knowing the reactions he would soon get.
Many people felt like he was going to be a bust because of fans comparing him to Goldberg. With the constant "Goldberg" chants, and the reports of him being a "danger" to work with, things was looking bad for Ryback, untill something that came from out of the blue happen, Ryback began to get over. Ryback slowly began to get more and more "Feed Me More" chants, until he was so over their were very little, if any "Goldberg" chants heard. He started feuding with actual talent after facing local jobbers and Hawkins and Reks for so long.
Ryback was the most over person (as a pure face) since Jeff Hardy, coming second only to THE GUY. Ryback was unstoppable untill he he meet his match.
WWE made some bad calls in his match ups with Punk, fed him to The new group The Shield in which he became just a needed third member for Team Hell No to team with. after a while he turned heel, lost to Cena, and was fed to CM Punk once again, with his new found assossiate/now tag team partner Curtis Axel. Now the two are coming together but have become jobbers in the tag team scene. Once destroying tag team jobbers, Ryback has now become one his self.

Forgive me for being long but here's a few questions on the topic.

If Cena had not gotten injured, how long do you think WWE would have taken Ryback's undefeated streak?
Who do you feel derailed Ryback's push CM punk or John Cena?
Do you believe that he should be face or heel at the moment? Which is your favorite side of Ryback?
How much do you think Ryback would have accomplished if he hadn't been pushed into the Main Event, so early?
Pardon me I kinda watches less when Ryback was getting over. But I remember my step sister who didn't watch wrestling she liked Ryback. This is only in response to the final question but if anything WWE did it right pushing him into the main event quickly. WWE has this problem of not playing the hot hand, like they did with Cesaro he was getting over and they smashed his train of momentum into a huge canyon where he plummeted to basically nothing. So why not push him if he's hot?

In response to the who killed his momentum part...I always heard Cena did? But now that I think about it, IWC likes blaming Cena and Orton for killing any push xP but I truly don't know.

I think he should become a face though, the fans want to cheer for him. When he does the set up now they start, so make him face. As I've said before, they could have pushed him like they're pushing Reigns now :p maybe it's just me.
This thread is hilarious. It epitomizes the stereotypical nature associated with these sites.

A) Guy gets pushed - He sucks
B) Guy gets stuck in mid card for a while - Push him

When Ryback was being pushed well he was getting so much shit on here. Now that he's been relegated to the lower card I've seen so many people saying he should be moved back up. :rolleyes:

Anyways, for anyone who has always been a fan of Ryback, they should've been happy that he got moved down, as long as it's temporary I mean. It gives him a chance to improve his abilities. Maybe work a little more "safer" if you believe the internet.

Plus it also gives him more time to "pay his dues" as people like to say. Crowds today are overly fickle. If someone isn't pushed the way they like, heel or face, they'll get booed regardless. Not that Ryback was being booed when he was face, but he is still very limited.

As for who derailed him? It wasn't any sort of wrestler who did that. It was creative. Even with Cena's injury, they never should've stuck him in that feud with Punk. Everyone knew Punk was going to win because it was clear as day from Raw 1000 he was going to hold the belt so he could drop it to Rock at RR. He was guaranteed to lose his first big program when that was the last thing that should've happened.

The one thing Ryback has going for him is his size. Like a Mark Henry or Big Show, if you're that size, it's believable for you to eventually start winning and getting some kind of push. As long as he stays with the company, I don't believe we've seen the last of Ryback near the main event. Even if for only short feuds.
Pardon me I kinda watches less when Ryback was getting over. But I remember my step sister who didn't watch wrestling she liked Ryback. This is only in response to the final question but if anything WWE did it right pushing him into the main event quickly. WWE has this problem of not playing the hot hand, like they did with Cesaro he was getting over and they smashed his train of momentum into a huge canyon where he plummeted to basically nothing. So why not push him if he's hot?

In response to the who killed his momentum part...I always heard Cena did? But now that I think about it, IWC likes blaming Cena and Orton for killing any push xP but I truly don't know.

I think he should become a face though, the fans want to cheer for him. When he does the set up now they start, so make him face. As I've said before, they could have pushed him like they're pushing Reigns now :p maybe it's just me.

Well, like everyone else, I can only guess if I'm right or wrong based on information covered by wrestling sites like WZ. Sometimes they get it right, sometimes they miss it by a mile, sometimes they get some stuff right while some stuff's wrong.

As far as Ryback goes, ALLEGEDLY there are several reasons why Ryback's push was killed. One of the more common reports was that several talents complained that Ryback was too stiff and too clumsy inside the ring. Reportedly, Ryback was spoken to about it, said he'd be more careful in the future and that was that. The complaints, however, kept coming as Ryback wasn't being more careful and injuries were coming about.

Another ALLEGED problem involved Ryback's behavior and work ethic. There were a lot of reports that came out stating that Ryback acted like a dick towards fans at autograph sessions and gave everyone the impression that he'd rather be doing anything else than be there. Also, ALLEGEDLY, Ryback was very, very, very reluctant about speaking to local media, going on local radio, speaking to newspaper reports, etc. in a city in order to hype the company and promote the cards that were going down in that town or surrounding area. I've read that he'd do everything he could to either get out of it and sometimes simply wouldn't do it.

Now IF, IF, IF those reports are true, it's understandable why WWE killed Ryback's push. If management asks you to do something as relatively simple as being more careful inside the ring, I don't see the problem with that. As far as the fan interaction goes, I can understand bowing out and getting out of it every once in a while, especially if you're feeling run down, you're tired, hurt, sick, etc., but it's extremely counterproductive doing it while you're in the middle of a big push. When you do it, it's prudent not treat fans as if they're something squishy you stepped in. When it comes to promoting the show, again, that's part of it. As with autograph sessions, there are times when it's perfectly understandable to get out of it or see if they can get someone else to do it, but management getting you to do it shouldn't be as difficult as pulling shark teeth out of your ass while the fucker's trying to get another helping of rump roast.

Again, IF all this is true, then I can't blame WWE. If someone wants to be a big star on the roster, if they want to be in the Cena spot someday, than that means going the extra mile. A wrestler has to do everything that he can to show them he deserves it and genuinely wants it. Even still, that's no guarantee he'll get that push that he wants or feels he deserves for whatever reason. In such a case, it's mostly on management and it's not like management doesn't make the wrong choice sometimes, God knows they do no matter what business or industry. WWE's on a big time level with big time money, and that means having to do more than just showing up. Everyone likes the big, bright lights, the capability of traveling the world and, of course, the fat paychecks but there's a price that has to be paid for all that.

We've all heard the old saying "if it was easy, then anybody could do it" right? As with everything else in life, it can be applied to pro wrestling. If it was easy, then anybody could be John Cena.
Do you believe that he should be face or heel at the moment? Which is your favorite side of Ryback? How much do you think Ryback would have accomplished if he hadn't been pushed into the Main Event, so early?

I understand that they went with the hot hand as he was extremely over at the time. I still felt he was green and as another poster pointed out it was good he was yanked down the ladder some to work on being a safer worker.

I always thought the biggest mistake made was putting a microphone in his face. He's booked as an unstoppable monster, no need for him to be cutting promos.

I don't really have a favorite side of Ryback. Unless you are referring to heel or face. I like him as a quiet face. He was already over was no need to start having him cut promos.

I believe he would ultimately be right where he's at now. Mid card/tag team level.
Definitely as far as Ryback the big guy goes if his push was killed for several reasons..

Complaints came in from day one,about how stiff he was to work with. Superstar after superstar complained about how clumsy he was,and just in fact didnt care if he injured someone. Those complaints are very much warranted,and Ryback was told to be more careful..

Ryback if if if was told this,simply just either didn't listen or didn't care.. He continued to work stiff. Plus rumors of him being an asshole,and rude to the fans is worse than him being stiff IMO.

You cant do that to the fans,us the fans pay your bills and everything else afforded to you.. I can totally understand bowing out once in awhile if your sick,injured,or just plain wiped out.. But don't do it all the time and especially not in the middle of a big push!
What does Ryback have that most wrestlers don't? The look of a beast! The only other beast type wrestler is Brock Lesnar. Not bad company. Cyborg Ryback has cash cow potential.

Ryback likes to yell "FEED ME MORE!" I don't think he'll eat humble pie much longer.

Ryback will be pushed. It's only a matter of when.
Definitely as far as Ryback the big guy goes if his push was killed for several reasons..

Complaints came in from day one,about how stiff he was to work with. Superstar after superstar complained about how clumsy he was,and just in fact didnt care if he injured someone. Those complaints are very much warranted,and Ryback was told to be more careful..

Ryback if if if was told this,simply just either didn't listen or didn't care.. He continued to work stiff. Plus rumors of him being an asshole,and rude to the fans is worse than him being stiff IMO.

You cant do that to the fans,us the fans pay your bills and everything else afforded to you.. I can totally understand bowing out once in awhile if your sick,injured,or just plain wiped out.. But don't do it all the time and especially not in the middle of a big push!

Way to write the exact same fucking thing that Jack Hammer just said, except in a shorter lazier form. I mentioned this to you before and obviously you're still ripping other peoples' opinions off and passing them as your own.

Why don't you try forming your own god damn opinion? All you do is leech off the people who are presenting a constructive argument.
If John Cena had not gotten injured then Ryback would likely have continued his undefeated streak until he was in a more realistic position to win a world title. They rushed him WAY too soon into the WWE Championship feud with Punk. They could have given Punk a different opponent toward the end of 2012. Ryback should have kept climbing up the card slowly, moving toward midcarders and winning against one or both of the midcard champions on multiple occassions. It could have been non-title matches, that way he does not have to go through losing the belt and can have been made to look good enough to hold those belts and still move on to the WWE Championship against Punk or Cena. I'd have given it another year before a world title shot.

It's neither CM Punk nor John Cena who derailed Ryback. It was WWE's creative team for rushing Ryback to the WWE Championship and then constantly making him lose in high profile matches. By the time he had lost to Cena in the 3 Stages of Hell match, he had lost so many world title attempts that he was no longer believable in belonging in that tier. He would have won at least one title had he not been rushed into the main event too soon, whether that be one of the midcard belts or the World Heavyweight Championship it would have been believable at the time. After the rushed push and numerous world title match losses, that believability was gone.
Don't know why his push was killed but I know he seems like a funny dude from the Instagram clips of him going around in everyday life listening to his own entrance music.

I also enjoyed the backstage segments where he would go and fuck with the production crew/backstage guys. In an era where they don't have many strong heels, I think Ryback could be playing a bigger role than what he is now.

It also says a lot about the WWE's process of choosing who to push. The fact that former World champions and world champion contenders like Ryback, Swagger, Miz, Ziggler, ADR are low card attractions now, says that they were either too impulsive on pushing them in the first place, or too impulsive in killing their push.
The second they turned Ryback and had him face Cena as a Heel, I bought flowers to lay on the grave of Rybacks main event push, at least for awhile. I couldn't believe they turned him, it made no sense in my book. Ryback was finally gaining good momentum as a face. It seemed like he finally got the hang of his character and then turned him before he could do anything with it. It seemed like they invested some good time in getting Ryback over as a face, and once it stated to click, they just flushed it down the drain before they could reap any benefits.

In short, I have always felt turning him was a a huge mistake. I hope they turn him back face, and he can regain momentum.

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