I'm Happy For Hardy


Please excuse the lame a$$ tittle of the thread, lol.

Now in this thread im gonna talk about Jeff Hardy(everybody boo's, 1 guy cheers at the back). I wanna talk about how hes transfored from a berr belly crack head, to whatver u call it when u can actually see abs and he walks straight and say the alphebet backwards, forwards, side ways, the other side ways..(srry i was pretending to be stone cold, WHAT!) Back to seriousness i was watching tna impact and have noticed a considerable amount of weight change(loss). He looks like hes acctually trying to get the respect that he lost from me and almost all his fans. I think he's finally cleaned up his dirty drug act and is focused on wrestling.


i want to know if what im seeing in jeff hardy is true or im just becoming a crackhead myself . Have you guys noticed the difference of hardy since he came back and returned to action.
The man has indeed turned things around. He's been solid during his feud with Roode and he should have a show stealing performance with Kurt Angle at Lockdown. He's lost a lot of weight and seems like he has actual focus and interest in the ring. It seems a child could do wonders for your life.
I'm proud of him as well. Cant say that about his brother but Jeff seems like a completely changed man so its only right to give respect to where its due. Hopefully he stays on this path and continues to have success in TNA. Hes come a long way from that shameful main event match against Sting.
Having been a MASSIVE fan of the Hardy's growing up watching them in WWE its hard to hate on any of them.

They both have had their massive ups and downs but credit to Matt for hanging in there a lot longer than Jeff did, sticking by him in the tough times, which I have no doubt Jeff is doing now for Matt. It is quite sad to see where Matt is now and can only hope for a return to a great performer he once was.
I sure hope he keeps it up. I have always love Jeff's work. I am glad to see him back on track, and this time seeming to stay on it. I actually want him to get a good run at the top of TNA.
So...... He's amazing just because he's dropped a few pounds? You do realise use of speed, cocaine, or even canabis can cause weight loss, right?
Big deal, the guy is getting into shape, doesn't change the fact he blew his chance to be the biggest thing in wrestling and instead chose to become the modern day Sean Waltman.
So...... He's amazing just because he's dropped a few pounds? You do realise use of speed, cocaine, or even canabis can cause weight loss, right?
Big deal, the guy is getting into shape, doesn't change the fact he blew his chance to be the biggest thing in wrestling and instead chose to become the modern day Sean Waltman.

People like you love to focus on negativity. It's pathetic. Instead of focusing on the positives like him turning his life around and getting back in shape, it's right to the insults and bashing. Grow up kid, and if you aren't one that's even more pathetic.
If indeed Jeff Hardy has turned his life around for the better then that's awesome. I've always been a fan of Jeff. Matt well not so much but Jeff is awesome. If he does continue to improve from where he lost control, good for him. Never too late to try and redeem yourself with the fans, well at least the ones who can let a person try and redeem themselves.
So...... He's amazing just because he's dropped a few pounds? You do realise use of speed, cocaine, or even canabis can cause weight loss, right?
Big deal, the guy is getting into shape, doesn't change the fact he blew his chance to be the biggest thing in wrestling and instead chose to become the modern day Sean Waltman.

Actually Sean Waltman was best known for banging the tranny known as Chyna...Don't think even Jeff when he was high as a kite would have touched that.

And if you knew anything about addiction and inner demons you would know that Jeff shedding those pounds and such is more than just weight. It's a mental, and physical burden he has lifted off of himself. He is showing everyone that people CAN change. Addiction is one of the hardest if not THE hardest thing to rid yourself of. ESPECIALLY in the pro wrestling industry where drugs and other temptations come so easily. Get off your high horse kid.
I had noticed it myself, and it seems he is really trying to do the right thing this time. I have been a fan of the Hardy's since the beginning, and was sad to see the path he was going down. I was skeptical at first when he came back, but so far he seems to be doing well. I hope he stays clean, and his career does well. Addiction is a hard thing to overcome so we should all wish him the best.
So...... He's amazing just because he's dropped a few pounds? You do realise use of speed, cocaine, or even canabis can cause weight loss, right?
Big deal, the guy is getting into shape, doesn't change the fact he blew his chance to be the biggest thing in wrestling and instead chose to become the modern day Sean Waltman.

Do you even know what cannabis is? i never once in my life hear anyone say "yup, i lost all this weight smoking cannabis"
So...... He's amazing just because he's dropped a few pounds? You do realise use of speed, cocaine, or even canabis can cause weight loss, right?
Big deal, the guy is getting into shape, doesn't change the fact he blew his chance to be the biggest thing in wrestling and instead chose to become the modern day Sean Waltman.

You are such an idiot! You OBVIOUSLY don't watch Impact, because if you did then you would know the difference in Jeff Hardy. Anyone who has watched Impact can clearly tell that Jeff Hardy is in a clear state of mind. Jeff has been a lot of fun to watch as well. But our troll here (Cookie14) wouldn't know anything about that because he is too busy watching some idiot yelling "woooo, woooo, wooo, you know it" or watching the 3 stooges because only the "universe" can have an entertaining wrestling program... YOU ARE A TOOL!!!
Plain to see isn't it? Jeff has mended his ways and looks in good shape. He is a cash-cow of sorts.I think among his first few episodes back when Storm and Feud were having their war of words built on a feud built for weeks, Hardy comes and out pops them. There is a certain rootability, that 'it-factor' that Hardy posseses. Dusty said it best when he said "Hardy ain't a wrestler, he's a rockstar." If done right he is a good money churner for any promotion. He has been given more chances than maybe his brother because Jeff is a bigger and more exciting star. But yes, still credit where credit is due, Hardy looks in good shape and is having a killer feud with Angle btw.
So...... He's amazing just because he's dropped a few pounds? You do realise use of speed, cocaine, or even canabis can cause weight loss, right?

Single dumbest thing I've ever read on WZ forums. Weed has never caused ANYONE to lose weight, the primary benefit from medical marijuana is that it causes patients to get an appetite and GAIN weight. That's why it's used with cancer patients going through chemo, otherwise they'd be too sick to eat.

But about hardy, he's obviously got his shit together don't deny him of that. And I don't give a FUCK what the WWE marks say about Jeff, everyone knows that when he shows up on WWE tv again in the future he will get a huge pop. It's the same thing with RVD and "washed up" Ric Flair. People talking shit about flair in TNA but now that there is interest in bringing him back to WWE all of a sudden he's a "legend" again.
People like you love to focus on negativity. It's pathetic. Instead of focusing on the positives like him turning his life around and getting back in shape, it's right to the insults and bashing. Grow up kid, and if you aren't one that's even more pathetic.

idk man he has a good point. im all about second chances and all that jazz, but Sting main event incident is still just a MASSIVE fail for hardy. Yes he has lost weight but that doesnt erase the fact the he showed up to a main event match on a PPV against a legend, and was too phucked up to perform. Just like in WWE when he was getting pushed to the moon but couldnt stay off the dope. If he really is clean now, then GREAT! Its not cool to call people pathetic tho just beacuse they dont agree w you. People can forgive, but they never forget, and Jeff is the perfect example
I was a Jeff Hardy fan for years until Victory Road. Recently I'd started watching Impact for the first time again and it looks like he's back on track to recovery. He doesn't look as fat as he used to, he is fast in the ring, decent on the mic. I'd say he is 10x better off than this time last year. He's finally realized the error that is letting down his loyal fans. Hopefully at Lockdown I'd love him to do something crazy like do a Swanton Bomb on Kurt Angle from the top of the cage. That is the Jeff Hardy millions know and love.

On a side note; His Dragon tattoo on his arm is freaking epic.
idk man he has a good point. im all about second chances and all that jazz, but Sting main event incident is still just a MASSIVE fail for hardy.

It is, but maybe that was the "hitting bottom" event that caused him to realize he was living his life in a dangerous manner and hurting people other than just himself. It's one thing for a person to be stuck in a drug habit and unable to kick it despite trying. In Jeff's case, my feeling was that he liked living that way.....and that might have been the main reason he ditched a higher paying job at WWE to go to TNA, where they wouldn't bother him by interfering with his chosen lifestyle.....(and if that's true, it sure came back to bite TNA in the ass, didn't it?)

It's only a guess, but he might have been one of those people that regarded WWE's drug policy as a nuisance; that he was a guy who knew he was in full control of his actions....and was annoyed at being hassled. Perhaps the PPV with Sting was the event that finally convinced him he was wrong.

He does look better today; no question. If he was able to achieve stability without rehab, without any outside help......more power to him. Of course, if he manages to convince himself that he's in such great shape that he can return to using "just a little"..... then hopefully he won't be headlining a PPV when it happens.

I'm rooting for him to succeed.....aren't you?
As long as he's not showing up drunk/high he is doing alright for me. He can live his life however he wants.
But seeing some abs insted of a beer belly is nice.
The Sting main event incident had to be the rock bottom for Jeff. I mean you can't get much worse than that. I hope that was the wake up call he needs to continue to remain sober.

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