I'm gonna need Booker T and Triple H

Well, when Snooki who is very very super popular in the United States is by your side, you're gonna get some good attention.

This is very true. Relying on two super over guys to carry your roster is incredibly risky. Also, you can be booked like a champion but you can't always be over like one.

Capitalize on what? Dolph was no where near over at the time.

Quite true about everything correct?

He may be getting old but Booker T has another good five or so years left. He's still physically fit enough to put over some younger talent.

Or maybe they don't want him? Believe me, someone as healthy and successful as Booker T would always love to get back in the ring whenever possible. That's just my view.

You can't capitalize on someone who isn't over though. That's what Booker T and Triple H will do.

The only problem here is everyone you listed with the exception of Del Rio and Wade Barrett are already over. Booker T and Triple H need to be used for superstars who arent over.

Lawler was never meant to be taken seriously in the WWE. Booker T and Triple H have had phenomenal success in the WWE and that is still pretty fresh in the fans' minds. They're still credible.

Whoa whoa whoa! Who said shit about titles? Their sole purpose would be to put over talent. In fact, I'm pretty sure I said keep them out of the title scene.

So you're high right? I guess Dolph Ziggler, Del Rio and Wade Barrett can wallow in mediocrity the rest of their careers. Let's face it, some younger guys need putting over.

Barrett needed to be put over by Cena last year during their program, bringing back Triple H or Booker T to put Barrett over solves nothing for that large mishap.

Del Rio and Ziggler both worked lengthy programs with Edge, and had some quality matches during their programs with Edge, as far as I'm concerned both of these superstars are main event ready. Again its a case of the WWE dropping the ball.

IF Edge wasn't on his way out of the WWE to retire due to injury I'm guaranteeing Ziggler would have had a much longer reign as WHC, he could have easily held on to the title for a month or two after winning, then lost it back to Edge at EC. Rather than the reversed decision/fired story line they used.

Also Del Rio should have walked out of WM27 as the WHC after defeating Edge for the title. But as it appears they wanted to send an injured Edge out on top rather then have a newer star retire him.

Theres plenty of talent on the Raw and Smackdown Roster that could lead these top heel and face roles, but when the focal points are Cena and Orton on both shows you fail to build up those future main event people properly.
Barrett needed to be put over by Cena last year during their program, bringing back Triple H or Booker T to put Barrett over solves nothing for that large mishap.
Steam dies down. WWE hasn't completely drop the ball with Wade Barrett. They realized without a faction by his side, he's irrelevant. I guaranute you a feud with Booker T or Triple H will get him over enough to keep him relevant and push him a bit.
Del Rio and Ziggler both worked lengthy programs with Edge, and had some quality matches during their programs with Edge, as far as I'm concerned both of these superstars are main event ready. Again its a case of the WWE dropping the ball.
Main event ready? Del Rio maybe but Ziggler is not. Del Rio's heat has been dying down since coming to RAW. Ziggler was never meant to be in the main event scene for too long. He wasn't even over as a heel.
IF Edge wasn't on his way out of the WWE to retire due to injury I'm guaranteeing Ziggler would have had a much longer reign as WHC,
The WWE didn't even know Edge was leaving until after Wrestlemania. Had they known, he would've retired earlier.
he could have easily held on to the title for a month or two after winning, then lost it back to Edge at EC. Rather than the reversed decision/fired story line they used.
Ziggler wasn't worthy of the Title. Besides, it was Wrestlemania season.
Also Del Rio should have walked out of WM27 as the WHC after defeating Edge for the title. But as it appears they wanted to send an injured Edge out on top rather then have a newer star retire him.
Again, you think you know best, Edge didn't know he had to retire until after Wrestlemania.
Theres plenty of talent on the Raw and Smackdown Roster that could lead these top heel and face roles, but when the focal points are Cena and Orton on both shows you fail to build up those future main event people properly.
Not when they are some of the select few that are over and as credible as Randy Orton and John Cena are. You can't make new stars without getting them over with the audience. That's why Booker T, Triple H or some other very over stars are needed back in the WWE to put over younger ones. There isn't enough established guys to put over the unestablished guys. How can you not see that?
Would you like to see Booker T and Triple H back in action?
Yeah, I would. I enjoy both guys and they've provided some great moments over the years. They're in decent physical shape and their careers don't necessarily have to be over now, unless they want them to be (which it looks like they do). But would I be happy if I heard that Triple H and/or Booker was returning to the ring? Most likely yes.

Would climbing back in the ring do more harm than good?
Now, this depends on how they're utilized. For example, making Triple H the WWE Champion for another ten months would be a mistake. As far as he goes, I think bringing him back to television while acknowledging his executive role would be a genius move. He could be like Regal as commissioner, in charge but still wrestling regularly, and he would obviously be a better authority figure than a computer. Having him feud with people like Miz and Del Rio to further establish them as prominent players would be fun.

It's a little tougher with Booker, who doesn't have quite as much to give. I would maybe put him in a long term angle with someone like R-Truth. (Yeah, I can see the "LOL U PUT DA 2 BLACK GUYZ TOGETHA" posts coming a mile away.) It could be about how Truth used to be fun, but doesn't have respect anymore and how Booker got his six world title reigns by having respect and appreciating the fans' love for him. Or on SmackDown, maybe a Cody Rhodes feud, based on the fact that Rhodes' baggers have been giving him bags every week. I'm not sure if he should be a regular title contender, although one or two shots wouldn't really hurt.

Who would you like these two to feud with/put over?
I guess I already answered this question lol.
Would you like to see Booker T and Triple H back in action?

Would climbing back in the ring do more harm than good?

Who would you like these two to feud with/put over?

Fuck yeah!

Filled with mediocre novices due to a "youth movement" the E only has 4 wrestlers from that era being Rey, Big Show, Kane & Mark Henry. Bringing back two guys who are leaps beyond those 4 in talent would only improve the show.

Raw: HHH vs CM Punk, Sheamus, Mark Henry, Orton, Booker T, Taker
Theres an angle you can do with HHH as face alone and fued with these people, but after a heel turn he can make a longer run starting a new Evolution type stable himself being unquestioned leader, enforcer, trainer & resident manager will serve him best.

Smackdown: Booker T vs. Swagger, Sheamus, Christian, Wade Barret, HHH
Lets be honest Booker T is the biggest talent on Smackdown and he's behind a desk! Wrestling full time automatically add credibility to the show so one last run culminating in a title run as a face then he returns back to the desk within a year is the best thing to do.
A rivalry that I am DIEING to see Triple H vs. Alberto Del Rio.

Oh my God, this would do wonders for Del Rio. He has already worked with Edge, and imagine the promo's that Alberto and HHH can cut. Del Rio isn't too shabby in the ring either, so I think they can pull off a good match with an electrifying stipulation, say a Submission match. Maybe an Ironman match, if Del Rio has enough stamina to last an hour.

For Smackdown, maybe Booker T can fued with Mark Henry. I mean, it would start off with Henry going on a rampage after losing a match, and he tears up the announce table. Suddenly, he strikes Booker T, leaving him out for the rest of the night. He can be out for 1 week, or a couple. When he comes back, he says he'll lace up his boots to teach Mark Henry a lesson.

Could this work? I think it wouldn't be that bad.

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