I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas


Excellence of Execution
So apparently, it's supposed to snow really hard here tonight, mostly overnight, to the point it could develop into a blizzard which may drop over a foot of snow. As long as my power doesn't go out, this could be nice, as I love looking out into my yard and seeing snow.

Anyone else expected to have a white Christmas, or already has received snow?
Yeah, man, it's supposed to be wicked. The weather's got my family all wound up and the majority are planning on staying another night at our place cause travel is going to be hazardous. Last I heard it's calling for 6-12 inches with the possibility for more in different areas?
Yeah, man, it's supposed to be wicked. The weather's got my family all wound up and the majority are planning on staying another night at our place cause travel is going to be hazardous. Last I heard it's calling for 6-12 inches with the possibility for more in different areas?

Pretty much. I know they're scurrying around to try and figure out what to do with the Christmas tournament if it does snow. All the superintendents in the area were texting each other this afternoon. Didn't hear what the final decision was.
Pretty much. I know they're scurrying around to try and figure out what to do with the Christmas tournament if it does snow. All the superintendents in the area were texting each other this afternoon. Didn't hear what the final decision was.

That's something I didn't even consider. You wouldn't think they'd cancel it if weather is bad for an extended amount of time?

Show-Me Center isn't booked December 30 through January 2, then the Redhawks have a game on the 3rd. Hopefully they'll just be able to get the games in on schedule.
Not this year, but Ireland's had it heavy the last few years, think we've had a good three inches of snow or more every year since 2008. I don't mind it, makes this interesting, especially when enjoying the festivities, e.g. I enjoy watching drunken people fall on their asses at Christmas time, I gain a sense of satisfaction from their misery.
That's something I didn't even consider. You wouldn't think they'd cancel it if weather is bad for an extended amount of time?

It'll depend upon how much snow and how bad. It's not likely to be bad enough to keep them from having it all together. But there's a SEMO game on Saturday afternoon which makes things difficult if they have to push the tournament back a day.

I have a pass to go to the tournament, but I'll probably just watch it on the webcast if they have the webcast going. Like I said earlier, snow is wonderful when you can just sit inside and look at it.

I'm ready for it to start. If you look at radar, radar says it should already be doing stuff.
It'll depend upon how much snow and how bad. It's not likely to be bad enough to keep them from having it all together. But there's a SEMO game on Saturday afternoon which makes things difficult if they have to push the tournament back a day.

I have a pass to go to the tournament, but I'll probably just watch it on the webcast if they have the webcast going. Like I said earlier, snow is wonderful when you can just sit inside and look at it.

At my age, I like to go to all the games I can. Especially supporting the team. My dad's like that though, he may want to catch a single game, but then just follows the tournament from the computer and my retelling of it.

I'm ready for it to start. If you look at radar, radar says it should already be doing stuff.

It's getting ready to at least. Outside, the wind's blowing hard. Hard enough to change my mom's mind from her original plan to go look at the Cape County Park lights around this time.
We're not expected to get any snow, at least not till Thurs/Fri., but it is suppose to getting really fucking cold.
We're supposed to get some snow on Wednesday. It's supposed to snow really heavy south of us.
Also a friend of mine who lives in the Rochester, New York area said they are supposed to get a lot of snow too.
After a few hours of moaning and groaning from the wind, there is finally some snow falling and it is sticking it appears.
We're set for a lot in the afternoon, I'm told. Which is right about the time I'm supposed to be driving downtown.

Yay. I love Cleveland.
Sunday they said we were supposed to get up to a foot of snow. Monday they said nothing, then yesterday they say they guarantee 6-12inches and possible blizzard like conditions. We got maybe an inch, inch and a half overnight.
Sunday they said we were supposed to get up to a foot of snow. Monday they said nothing, then yesterday they say they guarantee 6-12inches and possible blizzard like conditions. We got maybe an inch, inch and a half overnight.

We had a few inches of snow, but not as bad as they were predicting. There is/was some ice though, which is always worse than snow. More dangerous, less pretty.
We got six inches of snow on Tuesday, but it stayed pretty calm on Christmas. We're supposed to get more over the course of these next two days -- should be nice, as long as I don't have to go do anything. Roads were awful on Tuesday, I want no part of driving in those conditions again.
We had a few inches of snow, but not as bad as they were predicting. There is/was some ice though, which is always worse than snow. More dangerous, less pretty.
Driving around Cape was difficult: busy and icy. William street was in bad condition which made things especially bad. Last I heard, the games tonight were cancelled.
Last Wednesday it snowed from 6pm to 9am Thursday and has been cold since. Snowing lightly now actually. Needless to say, we had a very white Christmas.
We had a pretty good snow/sleet on Christmas day here in the OKC metro. The roads were not awful, but were probably best untraveled by anyone who did not have front-wheel or four-wheel drive on their vehicle. We got some more this morning, but it is almost melted by now.
It didn't snow much where I am, it rarely does here in Texas, but we did run into a ton of ice on the drive back from medieval times in Dallas on the evening of the 25th. Icy highways plus holiday traffic at night is NOT fun. None of us expected to have any snow or even the icy rain we got that night, so it was a bit of an interesting surprise, until the drive home which sucked. It got a bit scary due to cars skidding on the ice so we tried to avoid the freeway until we got closer to home and away from most of the traffic. Other than that the weather's been normal for the past week, just rather cold.

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