I'm a Massive Cunt

Via Armbar

Has a pretty good dick.
No, that isn't the title of an autobiography about a vagina suffering from Gigantism. My best friend told me today that I've been a massive argumentative cunt lately, and since she's my best friend and all I'll take her word for it.

So to anyone that I've been an excessive douche to lately, apologies. I would like to blame it on excessive training or something but the truth is I'm just a cunt sometimes. That it is all.
Cunt is such a sexist word. You ass. :p

To be quite honest, I've never really seen you act ******* in any manner whatsoever. You're a nice guy, at least you've been towards me. ^_^
I suppose Sly would be the only person I've seen you be a bit more of a cunt to. Otherwise you seem fine to me.

Ah yes, that would be one poster I could see myself as being excessive with lately. If he had feelings and or a heart I surely wouldn't want to hurt them. Sometimes I tend to take an intelligent debate and turn it into:

Originally Posted by Via Armbar
Fuck you, you fucking fuck.
Have you though that it may not be you who's the Cunt? but maybe your friend

No most definitely not, she keeps me grounded. There's even a few posters here who are friends with her on Facebook for no real reason other than she's my best friend. She's cool like that.
No most definitely not, she keeps me grounded. There's even a few posters here who are friends with her on Facebook for no real reason other than she's my best friend. She's cool like that.

Yeah, she added me, and I was all "Who's this chick? She seems like she's easy on the eyes. Oh, she's Armbars friend. Accept."

Because I'm cool like that. Really the only thing remotely ******* I've seen out of you lately is questioning why everybody was all remorseful for a drug addict, and not a bunch of innocent kids who were slaughtered.
Yeah, she added me, and I was all "Who's this chick? She seems like she's easy on the eyes. Oh, she's Armbars friend. Accept."

Because I'm cool like that. Really the only thing remotely ******* I've seen out of you lately is questioning why everybody was all remorseful for a drug addict, and not a bunch of innocent kids who were slaughtered.

Yup, she always loves what you and NorCal have to say to me on Facebook. She's the only chick I've dated that I'm close with at all, let alone my best friend and such.

And I stick by everything I said about Amy Whogivesafuck.

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