I'll show you..you'll see



The next ECW on Sci Fi marks the long-awaited return of Stevie Richards. His road to recovery was a long one that stretched across nine months. With his emotional return home to the Land of the Extreme, he intends to pick up from where he left off

Pick up where he left off? So he will be jobbing to.....everyone??

I think it's good that he's back and especially after such a serious injury. They might add him into the Dreamer/ Delaney angle and have the two of the helping him to be a true Extremist, as they are almost the only Originals still in ECW.
wasn't he getting a small push the last time we saw him? i can't recall
But anyway im glad stevie richards is coming back. He was one of the reasons i liked to watch WWECW to tell you the truth. He's pretty good in the ring and puts on good matches. I was wondering what had happened to him. I wouldn't mind him going after the ECW championship at all. I think he's alot better than chavo.
He's been injured?

Actually wasn't he picking up a few wins over Kev Thorn a few months ago? Maybe they'll start that feud up again.

But if I'm being serious. Stevie vs. Chavo in a feud is pretty appealing to me. Nobody would react to it. But when I watch wrestling at home I listen to music in the background, so crowd reactions aren't going to change my opinion of the match.
Richards was in a feud with Kevin Thorn and had picked up quite a few wins against him before his injury. I doubt that they would put him in a feud with Kevin Thorn because if I remember correctly he is in developmental right now. Also while a Richards and Chavo feud would probably be fun to watch the WWE wouldn't make that move. However I think it would be a great idea if Dreamer and Richards helped out Colin Delaney. Maybe they could even throw Balls Mahoney in there just because he doesn't have anything to do right now.
He was getting a mini push by beating Kevin Thorn a couple times before he had to go in for his surgery.

I really hope they do something significant for him this time. I always thought that they kinda dropped the ball on giving him a push. He's good on the mic, good in the ring and he's got good charisma.
Stevie could get a decent push if they finally stopped making him out to be an imbecile. That's been his problem for most of his career. Before Raven got to ECW, he was known as the clueless putz, then he was a lackey forever. He gets hooked up with Victoria and is a lackey again. Finally in this version of ECW there's no one around for him to be tagging along behind, and maybe he could even get a decent run at the title, but I can't picture him winning it, no matter what.
Stevie will NEVER win an ECW title. Most of the WWE fans have been trained to see him as a jobber, and they wouldn't understand him being at the "pinnacle" of the brand. ECW needs a mid-card type title, such as the Television title, for Richards to have a chance at gold again.
Stevie Richards has won an ECW title before. He won the ECW Tag Team title back in the original ECW with Raven. He's a good wrestler in all honesty and I'm a long-time fan. I think he's way overdue. While it's true that the majority of fans will only recognize him as a 'jobber,' he has indeed had somewhat of a push twice in the WWE; once as the leader of RTC and once as the 22-Time Hardcore Champion defeating many popular high mid-card names. I would love to see Stevie Richards picking up more wins in ECW against the likes of Mike Knox, Matt Striker, Little Guido and even The Miz. It's probably not going to happen though.
I think what they did with Chavo damaged the ECW title's credibility. I stated that in a different thread, but Chavo never spent time on the ECW roster and suddenly defeated CM Punk after two previously failed attempts. It cheapened the ECW title's worth. As much as it would be refreshing to see Stevie Richards win the ECW title, I think the title needs to find redeemable value again. It's sort of like the time when the Intercontinental title returned. It was no longer the hard-to-win or worthy title that it used to be. That is until it gained value when Shelton Benjamin held it. But yeah, if Chavo retains the title from CM Punk, then who knows what the future has in store?
Im glad stevie is back.. the last time i recall he was sorta getting a mini push.

I hope this time he gets a decent push and I hope he gets an ECW title opportunity after Wrestlemania. He would be a decent champion in my eyes.

However with that being said... Chavo vs Stevie doesnt really interested me because any fued involving Chavo I will not like very much. I still cant get over that fact that a former cruiserweight champ is now the ECW champion.. that sucks IMO.

Richards needs to get in the ECW main event scene as it is lacking faces.. outside Punk n Dreamer.. who have they got that are faces??? and im not talking about the Sd talent exchange because guys like Kane etc are SMACKDOWN superstars.
With the ECW roster consisting of around 20 or so Superstars, you're not going to see too many faces, which is why there are so many SD appearances. The ECW faces consist of Punk, Balls, Dreamer, Kofi Kingston, Richards, and maybe Guido. So there's not really too many choices for title contenders.
The BWO is long dead. Nova retired from wrestling and Blue Meanie is wrestling in the indies. A revival with new members would be kind of boring at this point in time. They need to bring some guys over from RAW that aren't being used much. And am I the only one wondering why Super Crazy is over on RAW? I wouldn't mind seeing Stevie Richards wrestling Super Crazy or something.

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