If you're reading this, Matt Hardy couldn't care less about you.


Mid-Card Championship Winner
From his Myspace:

Well guys and gals, since the news has been leaked all over the 'net, I figured I should go ahead and address it truthfully. Yes, the rumors are true, I had some major surgery a couple of day ago. The triple threat match against MVP and Kofi in Green Bay was the straw that broke the camel's back. In a few days, I'm gonna blog on my WWE Universe page and fill everyone in on everything.
But here's a little taste of how tough and annoying the last 2 years of my life has been. For two years, I've been working with a slight abdominal tear, a genetic defect that I was actually born with. Even though we torture ourselves every night in that ring for each of your guy's entertainment.. But don't get me wrong, we love it and chose to do it. The tear hasn't been anything that has really over-affected me performance-wise.. Until.. My appendectomy. From when I returned in April 2008, my abdominal tear became gradually worse. I was having a U.S. Title run I was very proud of.. So I sucked it up! I became the ECW Champion, and was having one of the best runs of my career, and the abdominal injury really started bothering me.. So I sucked it up! I wanted to get it fixed before it got really bad.. BUT.. I had an issue with Jeff on TV which would ultimately lead us to wrestling one another at THE show of all shows, Wrestlemania. So I sucked it up and got through it! Basically, in a nutshell, my intestines were slowly tearing through my abdomen.. Which affected my training greatly, my in-ring work, and my physical appearance. My intestines were slowly swelling because they were all outta wack and protruding through my abdominal wall. But I sucked it up and gave everything I had. I haven't been able to do a sit-up in two years. And as I totally expected, The lil "wanna be cool guys" that feel like bad-asses behind a keyboard LOVED to make comments about my weight gain because I was being lazy. Little did they know, or yet probably even care, that I've stayed constantly frustrated that I was dealing with these serious complications. Honestly, I only care about the personal friends and family that I have, that know my true deal.. It's only their opinions I take serious and to heart. Anybody who writes about me, whether good or bad, but especially bad.. I couldn't care less. I just say thanks for keeping me in the news.
The night in Green Bay, when Kofi gave me a cross body from the top rope, my intestines exploded out through my abdominal wall.. And not just in one spot, but in two spots. I had to have it fixed, or face major health problems.. Problems that could have killed me. So as always, I do what's good for me, my career, friends, and loved ones. Hateful, ignorant comments made on the world wide web certainly doesn't bothered me-but sometimes give me a good laugh.. And my world is a world those people will never experience.
I can actually get into the shape I wanna be in now.. Very excited about that. It's sushi time peeps, I'll be back soon to blog for guys again. Be well, and until then..
I'd proudly shout from the rooftops that I never made a Fat Hardy joke and I've been behind him the whole time he's been getting his gradual push... but he doesn't care.

So why did the self-righteous prick even decide to post this? I mean only us internet nerds are going to read it. Oh, he was telling us how petty we are to save face? Well played Matzo...erm, I MEAN Fatzo. Man, not liking him is really gonna take some getting used to!

I'm surprised he didn't realize what an idiot he is while he was typing this garbage. I mean he was using one of those evil keyboards and being badass and everyting. Sound familiar Matzo?

I love it when the guys squat and take a giant dump on their fans. Makes me feel so fuckin' appreciated. Hey fuckstick, I bought Wrestlemania to see you actually have a big match for once in your lousy excuse of a career. Enjoy the payday? Good. Last time I put a cent down to see Matt "I couldn't care less" Hardy.

Hey Matzo, who was it that got the word out after you got canned in 2005 and kept you from being an after-thought? Heavens no, could it be the support of us evil internetters that got you your fucking job back?

Grow up Matzo. Do yourself a favor and figure out what battles aren't worth fighting. Learn to act like an adult male and take the jokes in stride.
I agree with him. You should only care about what your friends and family say or think. I dont think he has said anything out of order to his fans here, He is on about the people who get on his case when they dont know nothing about his life I mean whats garbage about what he has written? because to me its perfectly understandable
I agree with him.
Good for you.

You should only care about what your friends and family say or think.
So any time a critic makes a semi-reasonable observation, one should either plug their ears while screaming "La la la, I can't hear you!" or write an angry, hypocritical blog about it?

I dont think he has said anything out of order to his fans here, He is on about the people who get on his case when they dont know nothing about his life I mean whats garbage about what he has written?
Fat Hardy said:
Anybody who writes about me, whether good or bad, but especially bad.. I couldn't care less.
He obviously has a poor grasp of the meaning of words or doesn't care about the people who support him and have good things to say. To be frank, he should be thankful we support him at the very least. We're the ones who react for him at shows and the ones who helped get him back in the WWE in 2005.
Good for you.

I thought so

So any time a critic makes a semi-reasonable observation, one should either plug their ears while screaming "La la la, I can't hear you!" or write an angry, hypocritical blog about it?

Perhaps not plug your ears, but you should not care what critics have to say, and what was semi reasonable about what the critc he is reponding to said? the fact that he gained weight? which he explained is due to this abdominal problem.

He obviously has a poor grasp of the meaning of words or doesn't care about the people who support him and have good things to say. To be frank, he should be thankful we support him at the very least. We're the ones who react for him at shows and the ones who helped get him back in the WWE in 2005.

And he is, he always attends fan conventions and stops when people recognise him in the street,he even takes the time to post blogs to his fans (how many other WWE superstars do that?) he doesnt have to do that but he does. He has always said he is grateful to all his fans. All I'm saying is you take what people say with a pinch of salt, if somebody critcizes you you have every right to have a go back.

Me as a DJ has had both compliments and criticism and I've listened to what they have said but what makes me laugh is these people couldn't do what I do if they tried so what gives them the right to tell me how whats good and bad about what I do? same with Matt, nobody either fan or hater knows what its like for him in the wrestling business so why should he care about what anybody thinks apart from the people that are close to him.
Someone who doesn't care about internet badasses wouldn't have gone on the internet and acted like a badass in response. It's an absurd reaction to a criticism he got working in a profession where body imagine is significant. He could have politely explained it away if he really felt the need to explain himself to his fans like a gent, the kind of guy you paint him as. Unfortunately, his tone here is that of a child. He's as bad as some of the posters here are when somebody slights them.
Why are people pissed at someone who is right? People were making comments about his weight, not knowing the whole truth. So he has every right to be pissed at them, and call them out. We as fans don't know shit, but we claim to know everything, and we act like our shit doesn't stink, well, it's good to see somebody try to set us straight. So THANK YOU MATT HARDY.
You'd think a guy in the public eye wouldn't be so thin-skinned.

But my biggest irk is that taking a shot at people who have supported and said good things about him. Who the fuck does he think keeps the company he's in profitable? He's not just going after the haters here.
This is a clear case of right, wrong, and taking things out of context. We, being the internet community, can never hear or see tones in people's voices when they post blogs or forum entries. So, why are we nitpicking at his words? You mean to tell me that in the past, when you've gotten pissed at someone and shouted "I'm gonna kill them," the people listening should've called the cops on you?

Listen, the guy's obviously pissed off. He goes through lack of sleep, an unhealthy lifestyle, pain, and agony to entertain you. If he feels as if he isn't getting the recognition he deserves, then so be it. Was he wrong for airing out his dirty laundry on MySpace? FUCK yeah. Were any of us right when we insulted him, especially after not knowing the full truth about him? FUCK no. It's a Catch-22.

Obviously, you haven't even been in the public eye before. I've been the lead singer in a few very popular bands in NJ. If I had a nickel for every time someone talked shit about me, I'd be a millionaire. Now, if I had two nickels for every time I retaliated against the shit-talkers, I'd be able to buy out Vince McMahon and Donald Trump.

My point is that you can't take his blog too seriously. Just chill out about it. He has as much reason to be angry and write that blog as you do to read it.
I'll go with the same defense of a wrestler that I'll always go with: we watch him and read his blogs, not the other way around. For that reason, I have little issue when a wrestler gets annoyed at his internet critics.
Yeah, I find that a bit condescending. Badasses behind a keyboard? Well, fuck you! All us "badasses" pay your fucking salary. If it weren't for us, you and your brother would probably be blowing holes in a Cheerio factory.

WTF is up with the Hardys? One asshole who won't sign a contract, even though the company has been more than tolerant. Another asshole who insults his fans. Okay, Vince may be a dick sometimes, but he's given these alcoholic/drug addicts numerous chances.

Fuck the Hardys. WWE can survive without them. Don't get me wrong, I've pretty much been a Hardy fan. But, I'm not going to stop watching if one or both of them goes away.

Hey, Matt. Take that emo shit to your shrink. Blah.
LOL if he didnt care about the badasses behind the keyboards, then why did he take time to respond to the badasses behind the keyboards?
How the fuck were we supposed to know about an injury we had no knowledge of. I just thought he was fat. But if something was seriously wrong with him, well...good for him to put it behind him and wrestle some halfway decent matches.

I was never a fan of him anyway, until he started his Matt v2 gimmick. Those Mattisms were funny. Other than that, he's a shit wrestler and I wish him a speedy recovery.
From his Myspace:

I'd proudly shout from the rooftops that I never made a Fat Hardy joke and I've been behind him the whole time he's been getting his gradual push... but he doesn't care.

So why did the self-righteous prick even decide to post this? I mean only us internet nerds are going to read it. Oh, he was telling us how petty we are to save face? Well played Matzo...erm, I MEAN Fatzo. Man, not liking him is really gonna take some getting used to!

I'm surprised he didn't realize what an idiot he is while he was typing this garbage. I mean he was using one of those evil keyboards and being badass and everyting. Sound familiar Matzo?

I love it when the guys squat and take a giant dump on their fans. Makes me feel so fuckin' appreciated. Hey fuckstick, I bought Wrestlemania to see you actually have a big match for once in your lousy excuse of a career. Enjoy the payday? Good. Last time I put a cent down to see Matt "I couldn't care less" Hardy.

Hey Matzo, who was it that got the word out after you got canned in 2005 and kept you from being an after-thought? Heavens no, could it be the support of us evil internetters that got you your fucking job back?

Grow up Matzo. Do yourself a favor and figure out what battles aren't worth fighting. Learn to act like an adult male and take the jokes in stride.

First of all, your taking it a little too personally, and it is the whole freedom of speech thing at work here, giving him the entitlement to say this shit.

Second of all, Matt wasn't addressing you if you're a friend or supporter or fan of Matt Hardy, he says he may not care if you write good things, but if you go to a show cheer/boo him depending on what he is, and ask for his autograph after the show and stuff he appreciates you. To be honest we on the internet are very fickle folk, and we talk a lot of shit, both positive and negative like we know everything there is to know about wrestling.

The key thing i see from this is Matt is trying to let you know that if you want to talk shit about him, because he emphasised those who talk about him negatively, that he has his friends and family and their views are the most important, which is a great view to take on life, becuase if you listen to all the shit others, specially those who don't know you, say, then you're just gonna be a slave to the media, and to the opinions of some of the major ***** in the IWC.

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