If You Were the President


and could only choose musical groups/singers as your cabinet, who/which groups would you choose? They can be alive, dead, whatever.

Vice President of the United States
Reba - Who else would be half as good as Reba at running a country? If I were to die during my presidency, I could fully trust Reba to take care of the country I leave behind.

Department of the Treasury
I'd trust Dolly Parton with this one again. Shes managed her money quite well over the years.

Department of Defense
50 Cent - He got shot, 9 times. The guys got durability!

Department of Justice
Akon - Have you ever heard his song "Blaime it on me" He looks like he'd stand up for whats right in a heart beat.

Department of the Interior
The Backstreet boys, now I'm not homophobic type person. But for real, gay men have such good styles, why couldn't the Backstreet boys handle such a job?

Department of Agriculture
Johnny Cash - Hes a good old country boy. I'm certain he can run a farm!

Department of Labor
Rhinna - Have you seen her body? Theres obviously something shes doing correct when it comes to working out. :lmao:

Department of Health and Human Services
2 Pac. The guys looks like he cares about humans, and health purposes. I'd fire him quite fast if death rates started going up though.

Department of Housing and Urban Development
Kenny Rogers. I don't even know what the job description of this person is, to be honest. I would assume Kenny could be useful, being useless.

Department of Transportation
Xibit- Hes hooked up with the "Pimp My Ride" brothers. So, this automatically leads me to believe he would be great at transportation!

Department of Energy
AC/DC - Has there ever been a more entergetic group than AC/DC?

Department of Education
Notorious B.I.G. The guy made a lot of schooling mistakes growing up, obviously he has learned from them. He was a lyrical genius, thus I say he can run an educational program!

Department of Veterans Affairs
Toby Keith - He has more songs about America, then I can count. Hed treat the verterans nicely.

Department of Homeland Security
I'd give Toby Keith this job too. How hard could it be? Hes a good ol' country boy. I'm certain he could blow some peoples heads off fairly quick. Its okay if I don't know what Homeland Security does, right?

So, who would be in your cabinet?
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Right now I can only think of one position I know who I would put in it.

Department of Health and Human Services
Michael Jackson-You can say what you want about him, and what he was accused of, he was a truly loving man and would be perfect for a position like this.

Oh and by the way, since this is my first post in awhile, I'd like to say: hi everyone!, lol.

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