If you were president!


We expect our children to be capable of pursuing knowledge at the price of a lifetime of debt. Grants, scholarships, and even loans are offered to today's generation in order to attend college; but how many students lose out on their opportunities to attend school due to finances? At what time are we going to end the link Sociology has linked between children starting in poverty, ending in poverty, only to start more poverty? Sure there are rare occurances of "wrags to riches" However, How often do these occurances actually occur? At what point are we, as "adults" going to make tomorrows generation better than yesterdays? We've been relying on 200 year old men to make our decisions for 2 centuries, and clearly yesterday's problems are not todays. At what point are all people going to be made equal? At what point are we going to have congresspeople instead of congressmen? At what point are we going to stand for the very "given rights" we have as human beings; not given by God, a president, a legislation, a piece of paper, nor a judge, but given by mutual respect of our government and it's people.

We have surrendered our rights as people to be given laws, however our lawgivers have become lawless. At what point are we going to hold our lawgivers accountable by their actions? Lobbyist have more power than tax payers. We our a democratic-republic based government. The minority rich have all the power, and the majority/unwealthy minority have none of their rights as "US citizens." Is it fair that entire corporations paid ZERO tax dollars in 2010? Is it fair that gas companies made record profits? Is it fair that more money is spent on wars, than education?

I would love to see some educational reform. I would love to see trade schools. So my question is, if you were president; What would your direction for our country be?
One major criticism I have of your post is that I don’t think tomorrows generations need to be made better than previous ones. I’ve never understood why people hold this belief and don’t think I ever will. My mother turned out pretty darn good if I may say so myself. She has been able to provide for her family, she’s been able to have a steady job for more than ten years now and the list goes on. So what’s so bad about my generation being able to do the same? Why do we need to be better?

I understand that not everyone has had the same opportunities I and many others have had, but I don’t think that for the most part it’s anyone’s job to make your generation better. I think that should be your job if that’s what you want. You want a better generation? Then go out and study. Or go invent something. But stop relying on other people to make your life better; I think that’s something that should be people’s goal if they desired that.

So as president of this great nation, I don’t think I would be able to be a great president since I don’t think I know enough nor have the capability to run a country that is so big and diverse without pissing off a bunch of people on the way. However, if somehow I did become president at one point or another I would make it a goal to teach people that they need to stop depending on everyone else to take care of them and do everything for them. Also, I would make sure to increase funds for education so people have the ability and tools to make something of themselves if they want to. I won’t force anyone to do anything or mandate people to do something they clearly don’t want. If you don’t want to finish High School, then fine by me. Go work at McDonald’s instead of wasting the school’s money that could be used on other students who are committed and want to get a degree of some sort.

Those gas companies that are setting record profits have been able to do so for a reason. It’s because they have smart people running them and they know how to do business. Now, whether they pay taxes or not is a different issue but the principle remains the same. They’ve been able to create something so big because they know what they’re doing. Which leads me to believe anyone else can do the same too. Maybe not on the same scale, but other people can be just as successful with perseverance and the drive to be prosperous. After all, we are just as human as those people running the multi-billion dollar corporations so why shouldn’t we have the same abilities with proper education?

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