If you were booking the Rumble match this Sunday

Wolf Pac

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Which wrestlers would be your Final Four?

Who from your Final Four would you have get eliminated first then second and by who. And using your creativity skills, state how they would get eliminated.

Who gets eliminated last, who is the winner and again state how they get eliminated.

I'll start off in the next post
Which wrestlers would be your Final Four?

The Miz, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Chris Jericho

Who from your Final Four would you have get eliminated first then second and by who. And using your creativity skills, state how they would get eliminated.

Miz gets eliminated first by Sheamus.
Miz is up against the ropes, groggy and Sheamus comes running from the other side of the ring towards Miz and hits him with the Brogue Kick sending him over the top rope to the floor

Sheamus gets eliminated second by Wade Barrett
Like Miz, Barrett is against the ropes, groggy. Sheamus runs towards him from the other side of the ring, going for the Brogue Kick again but this time Barrett ducks under and Sheamus' legs get caught on the ropes. Barrett then shoves him and Sheamus falls outside.

Who gets eliminated last, who is the winner and again state how they get eliminated.

Jericho is against the ropes, Barrett comes running towards him but Jericho ducks under and Back Body Drops Barrett over the top rope. Barrett however lands on the ring apron while Jericho begins celebrating in the middle of the ring thinking he's eliminated him. Barrett stands back up to his feet and Jericho turns around, noticing he didn't eliminate him and he runs to the corner of the ring and hits his Springboard Missile Dropkick move to Barrett sending him off the apron to the floor.

Chris Jericho wins
Barrett, Sheamus, Orton and Jericho.

The first three are slugging it out, and Sheamus is eliminated. It comes down to Barrett and Orton, with Jericho yet to come out. They're battling on the canvas outside the ropes. A double punch leads to both men falling off the apron, with both of their feet touching the floor. Jericho then comes out at number 30 and wins without lifting a finger.

I heard that idea somewhere else, and I'm desperate for it to happen.
Swagger, Maven, Undertaker, and Kane

Kane would eliminate himself when he sees people from the mental institution coming to get him.

Maven would eliminate Undertaker by kicking him from behind.

Undertaker would eliminate Maven by going back into the ring after him and hitting him in the head with a chair.

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Jericho, Orton, Taker, Brodus final four. Taker eliminates Brodus, Jericho eliminates Taker, Jericho eliminates Orton.
Final Four:
Randy Orton, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, The Miz

-The Miz is eliminated by Sheamus, After Orton RKOs him (Orton was weakened and didn't get up after the RKO, Sheamus picked up Miz and throws him out).
-Wade Barrett is eliminated by Randy Orton, by throwing him out from behind while Barrett is trying to eliminate Sheamus. Barrett comes back in and levels both Orton and Sheamus.
-Randy Orton is eliminated by Sheamus, after a Brogue Kick to Orton while he's on the Apron.

Mahal in at 26
Orton in at 27
Barrett in at 28
Sheamus in at 29

Sheamus and Orton toss out Mahal, Orton double crosses Sheamus, Barrett and Orton take each other out of the Rumble

Jericho enters at 30, doesn't touch anyone, wins the rumble, runs around cheering like he has for the few weeks, lights go out, he turns on the jacket.

Orton, Sheamus, Barret and Ziggler

Barret and Ziggler eliminate Orton
Sheamus floors Ziggler then eliminates Barret
Ziggler eliminates Sheamus

winner Dolph Ziggler
Jericho, Orton, Cena, Sheamus.

I'd have Jericho enter towards the middle and throw a bunch of jobbers out and stand alone in the middle of the ring and celebrate like he has since his return. Then I'd have Orton come out as the next entrant. The announcers will build it up as a grudge matchup because Orton was the guy that put Jericho out a year back. Jericho will bail.

Then at the end of the match the crowd will believe that it has come down to the three biggest faces in the company and they will be cheering them on furiously when Chris will return and throw all three out to win the Rumble.

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