If YOU were booker for WWE and booking TLC ...

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Dark Match Jobber

I want to caution everyone who wishes to post in this thread.

DO NOT allow this to be a Spam Trap for you. You can book your TLC cards, but you MUST provide reasoning for a couple of things. You should overall tell us WHY you are booking the card you are booking ... and you could also tell us WHY you may choose the victors of the matches that you've chosen ... and perhaps tell us what type of match the matches should be and why (for example, fast paced, slow paced, how brutal, etc.). You MAY NOT simply post just a card for the PPV in this thread. You MUST do more than that, to avoid spam.

Ok, so...Let's say you all have been given the opportunity to book the upcoming WWE Pay Per View...TLC.

What would you do to ensure a good show, continuity with current storylines, and good ability to move forward on the following night's RAW.

Here's MY take:
Cena VS Sheamus

Brutal match with lots of action all over the place...Ref bump caused by Sheamus' lack of care for anyone/anything...Puts Cena through the table with his "Razor's Edge" finisher, but the match isn't stopped because the ref is KO'd Cena lays near unconscious, another ref rushes down, Sheamus, frustrated, annihilates ref #2...As Sheamus focuses on tearing up refs a third ref comes down just as Cena is recovering and puts Sheamus through a table to retain...Thus allowing Sheamus to look strong as though Cena just squeaked by with a win...Carrying on Sheamus' strength to the following RAW

DX VS Jeri-Show
As would be expected, DX getting beaten down, Jericho letting Show do all the work...Thus leading to a DX recovery and taking out Show...Jericho, too smart to put himself in a 2 on 1 situation, focuses on reviving Show, then berates him for costing them the titles...Thus leading to a Show face -turn and Y2J heading back to SD! with his tail between his legs....

Taker VS Batista
Brawl of 2 monsters as their previous matches have been...Batista in control until Rey attacks him with a chair, Taker retains...Rey and Batista continue their feud for another month or so...

Christian VS Benjamin
Match of the night...LOTS of highspots...Shelton takes one chance too many thus allowing Christian to retain. Christian continues on with ECW feuding with Regal and Kozlov, Shelton begins feuding with Tyler Reks helping elevate both.

What do you all wanna see happen, but keep in mind you gotta retain current storylines and allow for continuity into the coming weeks...
booking eh!,

shelton benjamin vs christian, i would make that match a fall on tlc match with those two gifted athletes, with edge helping out christian 2 win thus having edge and christian back together and shelton with charlie haas and just let them go at it no holding back. four of the best highspots people in the biz doing wot they are good at, which the winners of those down the line will take on dx and wrestlemania, which i would make e and c to do

jerishow and dx will be good just 4 the y2j and hbk are in it, dx to win and then jerishow to chase the belts again and throw in legacy aswell, just to add abit of interest, in this u could have some good solid wrestling with some youth and a giant in there, which would make some good stuff between tags triple threats and singles, dx winning and keeping the belts which would round up nicely with the e and c fighting dx

taker and batista has been done let batista to win and take on kane and the taker in one on ones and handicaps matches, upto wrestlemania at least batista the heal championship run would be interesting. and for kane too take the belt at wrestlemania and going on to have a nice run with the likes of morrisson zigler any of the young talent on the smackdown roster

and for the seamus and cena fight i would let them go power moves after moves in a tables match, them are two very powerful guys, one or two ref bumps. seamus getting the upperhand and vinnie mac saying cena cant take no more only for cena to make a super recovery and take the win to prove mcmahon wrong then seamus getting the rub of mcmahon thus allowing a couple of rematches between now and the rumble where seamus has a short run with he belt
Hmmm ok let's see here:

Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin: ECW Championship

This has the potential to steal the show overall. It'll be a spotfest and since they've both said that they want to steal the show, the match needs to have an epic feel about it. I'd put the match around the 20 minute mark with both guys going at it, giving all they've got and so on and so forth. For an ending, I'd have both of them on top of the ladder, pulling on the ECW Championship and, if possible, I'd want the belt to come free with the both of them falling from the top of the ladder without any real way of determining who won pulled it free. The title could be held up and could lead to further, interesting matches between the two.

DX vs. JeriShow: Unified WWE Tag Team Championship

I'd like to see something of a real back and forth match here with the Big Show doing a few high spots here and there. Having a guy the size of the Big Show being double suplexed off of a ladder just looks freaking spectacular. I'd set the match around the 20-30 minute mark and would do like to do something similar with the ECW Championship. I'd like to have one member from each team pull down one of the titles simultaneously. Each team has a title, thereby both having a legitimate claim to being the champs. It'll give DX more of a reason to stay more on the serious side and will validate JeriShow's position somewhat of beating DX since there was no clear winner. Have both teams get into a heated shouting match in the ring and have them brawl for another 5 or 10 minutes. Empty the refs out, try to contain what's going on. The egos of both teams are hurting and that can be built upon. Titles are great, but pride is something altogether. More matches could be made between the two and all could be interesting. A really great, heated feud could develop between the two teams and another match could be held at a later time, maybe the Royal Rumble, to see which team can ultimately claim to be tag team champs.

The Undertaker vs. Batista: World Heavyweight Championship

The Undertaker/Batista feud was one of the best of 2007 and they had some really good matches and this one needs to live up to the others. The match should range all over the ringside area, maybe even up towards the ramp. Both guys need to use the chairs heavily in this one. Batista needs to come out looking strong but I don't think he should win the title here. He should give the Undertaker all he wants for a good 20 minutes at least. I'd like to involve Rey Mysterio to some degree, though I wouldn't have him assault Batista, just enough to distract him until Taker is able to hit the Tombstone or lock in Hell's Gate. Batista could gripe on how Rey Mysterio cost him the title again, thus helping keep things going between those two until Mysterio comes back and gives Batista a legitimate claim for a rematch. If Taker is going to drop it to Batista, it should probably come at one of the bigger ppvs like the Royal Rumble.

John Cena vs. Sheamus: WWE Championship

There are obvious questions about Sheamus and whether he actually deserves to be in the spot he's in. In order to be able to convince anyone of Sheamus' potential, this match is going to have to show him as a serious threat to John Cena. The match I think should be a knockdown dragout fight that should range all over the arena. I wouldn't have either one of the wrestlers maintain control over the other one for very long. Sheamus needs to be able to give as good as he gets and has to show that he can hang with Cena. I think that the match needs to go for at least 30 minutes of good hard action with both guys hitting their big moves several times throughout. Just when it looks as if neither can take anymore, they dig down deep. The match does need to come across as kind of epic in order for Sheamus to look good. A good, solid match isn't gonna cut it here. The WWE wants to push Sheamus, then they have to deliver a high quality match at least on the same level as most of Cena's most recent ppv matches. Cena needs to walk away with the victory, but he should look exhausted. He should look beaten. If I were booking, I'd try to get Vince to let up on the no blood policy in this match. Have Cena win, but he should look winded, barely able to stand, and be bloody.
ECW Championship match Christian vs Benjamin in a ladder match, these two have innovated MITB matches over the years and are great at doing highspots, with Benjamin coming out on top as the winner and a possible feud with regal. christian to go2 SD.

Batista vs the undertaker, this would b a back and forth kinda match with Batista winning the WHC, after the PPV Christian gets inserted into the title picture which leads to a triple threat at rumble.

The Tag Belts are being contested in a TLC match between Jerishow and DX, at the PPV, Tiffany should come out and add Trent Baretta and Caylen Croft to the match and make it a triple threat tag team TLC with the ECW guys winning the straps and start a feud with Kozlov and Jackson.

Cena vs Sheamus should be interesting, during the match Carlito interrupts and costs cena the match refuelling the rivalry they once had and Sheamus starting a feud with either DX/Orton
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