If you still had hope for ECW, you won't after reading this

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The Great Khali is expected to receive a huge push as we head closer to WrestleMania, according to PWInsider.

His program against Tommy Dreamer has been done to design Khali as a huge monster. It is apparently written in pencil that at WrestleMania we'll see Khali vs. Lashley for the ECW title.


It's official, RIP ECW.
That has to be the most ******ed thing I have ever heard.. When they have wrestlers like CM Punk, Tommy Dreamer and RVD who can actually carry a match, they put Khali in the Mania Main Event.. I seriously would rather see Test..
That has to be the most ******ed thing I have ever heard.. When they have wrestlers like CM Punk, Tommy Dreamer and RVD who can actually carry a match, they put Khali in the Mania Main Event.. I seriously would rather see Test..

Yeah I agree.. After last night's ECW, I was thinking that Test vs Lashley at WM was possible and seemed to be what they were building towards, and figured oh well, what did I expect??

But this is alot worse.. Great Khali is the same guy that WWE planned to have a match with undertaker on PPV, but then they changed it to a SD taping instead cuz they didn't trust Khali enough to be able to not fuck up a match live..So they taped it, and edited the hell out of it. And there were talks of firing him too, now he's in the WM main event for ecw?? Pathetic
this is just a way to make another version of Hogan vs Andre. Vince has to stop living in the past and create greater moments. When you look at it now hogan slamming Andre isn't that great.
I honestly haven't watched an episode of ECW on SCI-FI since it debuted...even then I thought to myself how much of a bad idea it was. I'd really love to try to enjoy it but alas, watching my Rise and Fall of ECW DVD is much more entertaining.

Khali? Damn it, I can at least see Lashley holding the title only cause he reminds me of a pre-WCW pure Mike Awesome...but damn..how sad.

C.M. Punk is so amazing this forum is right when it says its a shame hes not given a bigger push.
Hopefully Kahli is still training to improve on his wreslting. Since "The Extreme Giant" The Big Show is not signing a contract extension, possibly retiring. I guess the main reason why Khali was brought to ECW, to replace the Big Show. Khali is the EXTREME GIANT!!!!
Dear God,

Please do not let ECW ruin themselves even more by allowing the most stiff, boring no skill wrestler to go against the incredable 'soft spoken' herculese at wrestlemania. If you can prevent this match from becoming, i promise to never lustfully look at the wwe divas again.

P.S. well, wait, can i still look at maria?

P.S.S If you can somehow make it RVD Vs. CM Punk (Unleashed moves and as the heel) I will agree to the maria bit.
And this here is the reason why pencils come with erasers. From what I remember, the Great Khali is probably the worst wrestler in wwe history... they did not even trust him in a live match - even the worst of worst wrestlers were seen live - but not Khali. I don't see this match happening, doesn't mean it won't happen, but if it does it would be the worst thing for wrestlemania, ecw and the wwe.

I know its New Years and everyone has or should be making new years resolutions, so here's hoping McMahon's resolution is to not make this match, or any match like this, and eliminate crappy programs that no one likes.
If Vince doesn't trust Khali in a match at Summerslam with The Undertaker, who can carry a match, I doubt Vince'll trust him on the biggest stage of them all for one of the three World Titles against a rookie who's still learning and hasnt really carried a match, even if it is ECW.
After the lovely booking decisions that have been dropped on me in the last year with regards to the crotch-stain that is ECW, I wouldn't put it past the mongoloids in WWE to try and hype this schlock-fest. Hell, maybe the match would be so bad that the comedy factor could save it.
And this here is the reason why pencils come with erasers. From what I remember, the Great Khali is probably the worst wrestler in wwe history... they did not even trust him in a live match - even the worst of worst wrestlers were seen live - but not Khali. I don't see this match happening, doesn't mean it won't happen, but if it does it would be the worst thing for wrestlemania, ecw and the wwe.

Exactly. Anyone here ever heard of a RUMOUR? We will hear thousands more 'pencilled in' matches for WrestleMania and this is another one that is unlikely to happen. Khali at a Wrestlemania is a bit too much to ask, but you can't expect anything else from a 7 foot, 300+ pound man. To show off any light for ECW, I think we are going to have to see a good WM main event, that includes good wrestling. Bobby Lashley is the most talented big guy in the WWE and could carry a very interesting match with the likes of RVD, Test, Hardcore Holly and even Tommy Dreamer. Are there any Khali fans out there? I think he should just stick to managing with the occasional interference but this RUMOUR of a mania main event seems a little over the top for someone of his wrestling skill. And does ECW deserve a main event title match anyway?
After the lovely booking decisions that have been dropped on me in the last year with regards to the crotch-stain that is ECW, I wouldn't put it past the mongoloids in WWE to try and hype this schlock-fest. Hell, maybe the match would be so bad that the comedy factor could save it.

Their booking decisions have left a little to desire, but you can always guarantee that Wrestlemania will bring out the best of the WWE and what ever good there is in ECW. There is so much expectation and hype that there is rarely a dull match on the card. Would that comedy factor be laughter from boredom or laughter at the fact that ECW would be seriously trying to present Khali as a main eventer? Again, this match is very unlikely and is probably just someone's idea of garnering excitement (or disappointment/anger.) Might I ask if your version of Mongoloid means something to do with down syndrome or if the WWE is all part of the Mongoloid Race?
This is by far the worst decission WWE could ever make, I couldn't beleive it when I read it, and honastly I would rather see Lashley defend the title against anybody else, wether it's Striker, Dupree, Terkay, Thorn or hell even Mike Knox would be better, if they do make this match official I WILL NEVER WATCH WWE EVER AGAIN!!!, I think all of us fans who plan on watching WM this year should flood WWE with pleas to not do this match
This is by far the worst decission WWE could ever make, I couldn't beleive it when I read it, and honastly I would rather see Lashley defend the title against anybody else, wether it's Striker, Dupree, Terkay, Thorn or hell even Mike Knox would be better, if they do make this match official I WILL NEVER WATCH WWE EVER AGAIN!!!, I think all of us fans who plan on watching WM this year should flood WWE with pleas to not do this match

yea, sounds good, ha, how bad would it be if we got thousands of people to ask wwe NOT to do the match, and they hadnt even thought of it? lol then they figure what the hell, we're gonna do it just to piss people off.
yea, sounds good, ha, how bad would it be if we got thousands of people to ask wwe NOT to do the match, and they hadnt even thought of it? lol then they figure what the hell, we're gonna do it just to piss people off.

do you have a better Idea?, I suppose you would like to spend $50 just to watch this crap match, and by the way why would the sign a match to WM just to piss off their fan base on purpose, that's just stupid, even for WWE, I don't see them signing this match if they knew it would anger alot of fans
why would the sign a match to WM just to piss off their fan base on purpose

3 little words. Controversy Creates Cash. I could see them doing it to get ppl talking about ecw and then other ppl would hear about it and turn in ..etc...
3 little words. Controversy Creates Cash. I could see them doing it to get ppl talking about ecw and then other ppl would hear about it and turn in ..etc...

but if a bunch of people flooded WWE with e-mails saying they wouldn't buy WM if tis match were on the card then why would they risk a shit load of money on one stupid ass match that they know nobody is going to watch

one would think that some of you actually want to see this match take place
Vince is so dumb..CM Punk vs RVD for the title at WM would be a INCREDIBLE match, and everyone knows it. The 2 minutes or so they were in the chamber going at one another were awesome and the crowd was loving it..I HAVE TO see these 2 have the chance to put on a match, that's at least 10-15 minutes(I would say longer, but come on..this is WWE so I'm being realistic.)..Not some 5 minute crap that ends in DQ.

and I know this match is a rumor, but come on people, the fact that they are even thinking about it is disgusting..I see it happening personally..The fact about Khali getting a push isn't a rumor, we've already seen signs of that being true..So what stops the rest of this from being true??

My wrestlemania tickets are oh so close to being sold..
but if a bunch of people flooded WWE with e-mails saying they wouldn't buy WM if tis match were on the card then why would they risk a shit load of money on one stupid ass match that they know nobody is going to watch

one would think that some of you actually want to see this match take place

Honestly i really don't care what happens with ECW anymore.I only turned it on tues. night because there wasn't anything better to watch on tv and i hadn't watched ecw since heyman got sent home. As for stupid ass matches that nobody is gonna watch...What about december 2 dismember ? That was a stupid ass ppv everyone wanted a refund for and wished they never saw ,while in the aftermath of everyone bitching about it vince had the balls to blame that steamy pile of horseshit on heyman.
Their booking decisions have left a little to desire, but you can always guarantee that Wrestlemania will bring out the best of the WWE and what ever good there is in ECW. There is so much expectation and hype that there is rarely a dull match on the card. Would that comedy factor be laughter from boredom or laughter at the fact that ECW would be seriously trying to present Khali as a main eventer? Again, this match is very unlikely and is probably just someone's idea of garnering excitement (or disappointment/anger.) Might I ask if your version of Mongoloid means something to do with down syndrome or if the WWE is all part of the Mongoloid Race?
I wouldn't guarantee $hit when it comes to Wrestlemania. I've been disappointed in the last three of them, so unless something drastic occurs I don't think I'll be jumping on the bandwagon anytime soon. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I hated every match on the cards, but there was definitely some lame-ass booking and matches that as Kevin Nash would remark: "should've been held in an iron lung." I usually don't laugh when I'm bored, so the latter would fit the bill. As for the definition...take your pick. I'm not painting them in a positive light if that's what you're getting at. Anthropological or other, I don't care.
Vince is so dumb..CM Punk vs RVD for the title at WM would be a INCREDIBLE match, and everyone knows it. The 2 minutes or so they were in the chamber going at one another were awesome and the crowd was loving it..I HAVE TO see these 2 have the chance to put on a match, that's at least 10-15 minutes(I would say longer, but come on..this is WWE so I'm being realistic.)..Not some 5 minute crap that ends in DQ.
Couldn't agree with you more, but heaven forbid anything would ever upstage Raw or Smackdown (which a Punk/RVD match could do in a heartbeat) in a main event capacity. Instead we'll probably get another cornerstone of piss-poor decision making that'll help to bury ECW even further.

and I know this match is a rumor, but come on people, the fact that they are even thinking about it is disgusting..I see it happening personally..The fact about Khali getting a push isn't a rumor, we've already seen signs of that being true..So what stops the rest of this from being true??

My wrestlemania tickets are oh so close to being sold..
It may be a rumor, but they've already tried once to put Khali over, even though they obviously forgot the glaring fact that he couldn't wrestle above four offensive moves if you threatened to shoot him in the face. They could be dumb enough to do something like this...but I pray to whoever listens that they don't.
yea, i wasnt saying i want this too happen at all, if you read my earlier comment you can see that. BUT i am saying i am not going to shut down the idea that the wwe would be so cocky that they would make this a match just to piss off people and show that you will still buy/watch wrestlemania even if they did make that a match.

but why wont they let ECW upstage smackdown and raw with a damn good match? this confuses me so mutch, and i guess this part should go in the "Bitch About ECW" thread, but whatever, they have the talent, and they have the ability. i just wish they would use it.
Does anyone else here think Vince just brought ECW back to kill it once and for all? I mean damn.... When you put the title on somone like Great Khalil that is a company killer.. If you have Khalil feud for the title that is a company killer. I don't see any motive to him getting the title put on him unless they want to make Lashley look like a giant killer.. Other then that the only entertaining thing is Davari... He will be Khalils mouth peice and he can really get a crowd pissed off.
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