If YOU owned TNA, what would you do?

First thing is to get rid of Russo. Get a new booker and increase the focus on the in-ring product and less on the backstage segments. Matches should run 5-10 minutes instead of 3-5.
saying that tna is already twice as good as wwe i would do nothing different. and i would let hogan keep running the show since he has done a great job so far hell i would proberly give him a raise,and he actually knows the biss. but one thing i would not do is listen to any of you morons for sure because its very clear you dont know what the hell you are talking about.
First I'd give the Global Title an actual role it just seems to be there at the moment, I would start by having an interesting fued over it.

I would use the Thursday timeslot as a second show, perhaps for contenders of championships and things they can't fit onto Monday's show.

Give Hogan and Bischoff reduced air time, yeah they're good at what they're doing (especially Bischoff) but they take up to much time which could be used elsewhere.

Get rid of some of the talent that are doing nothing for the program such as the Nasty Boys. Others who can still go in the ring but aren't going anywhere I would use as jobbers.

Go between locations. I don't mean tour but have one taping in Orlando, another somewhere else like New York for example and go between the two, this will change the look just enough
1) Go back to Thursdays and go Live EVERY week. This is only going to help people actually watch the show. Like stated before in previous posts. Make your name on Thursday. Make TNA THE show to watch on thursday. Going live will also add to the excitement again and make it fun to watch again.

2) Get at least another hour of TV time. Who didn't love the feeling of waking up on Saturday and turning the tv on and NEW wrestling was there? Saturday morning show focusing on the X Division & Knockouts would do wonders. Xplosion would be a fine name and having 4 matches that could be anywhere from 6-10 minutes long would get he talent over and get TNA over as "The wrestling company".

3) Go from 12 to 6 Bi-Monthly PPV's. No one will buy 12 a year and if you make a feud personal and great that people still want to see it in two montsh then it's worth being on PPV and people will watch. Still have the specialty ones. The way I have seen it in my mind would be..
February: Aganst All Odds (Change the name & use the 8 Card Stud Tournoment but again change the name of that as well)
April: LockDown (Only do two or three steel cage matches as a show full of them becomes boring. WWE found this out as well with HIAC)
June: Slammiversary (Make this your "SummerSlam" in which it's the second biggest show of the year headlines by King of The Mountain.
August: Victory Road (Setting up Bound for Glory)
October: Bound for Glory (TNA's version of WrestleMania)
December: Destination X (A show full of X Division action and highlighted by an X Division guy agaisnt the World Champion.)

4) Get rid of Russo & Ferrara. We've gave them chance after chance and it's done nothing. I'd beg and plead for two specific people to control the booking. Paul E Heyman & Raven. Imagine what these two could do now? Raven's idea that the X Division needs psychology as well as big spots makes sense and I can see him making more of the X Division than a place for spot monkeys. Also rehire and give the knockouts to Scott D'Amore. I need no explination for that.

5) Trim The Fat!: Looking through the roster I see plenty that could go...
Amazing Red - Bubba - Consequences Creed - Jesse Neal - Jimmy hart
Kiyoshi - Lacey Von Erich - Nasties - Orlando Jordan - Rhino
Rob Terry - Syxx-Pac - Shark Boy - Suicide - Tomko

6) Bring in the goods!: Hire the best from ROH & Shimmer including Kenny Omega, Davey Richards, Austin Aries, Roderick Strong, Colt Cabana, Delirious, Kevin Steen & THe Kings of Wrestling for the male side, Rain & Jennifer Blake, Canadian Ninjas, (Rehire) Cheerleader Melissa, Daizee Haze for the females. A good mix of indie talent will draw indie crowds that haven't really watched TNA before.

7) Focus more time on the X Division & Knockouts. They are the highlights of the show both ratings wise and action wise so focus on that. They get the crowd going (in more ways than one) and are a great way to open the show and use to show on the extra hour I spoke of earlier.

8) Focus on new generation of wrestlers. As much fun as I have watching The Wolfpack on tv they shoudl be used sparingly and more focus on the young talent.

9) More international flavor. The World X Cup was alwas fun to see and should be done again. I'd love to see AAA guys in TNA again. You could even do this at Slammiversary or Destination X

10) Find a new home. Not saying they need to tour all the time as that would be very expensive. But get out of Orlando, get out of the Impact Zone and call a new arena home. Hell go to the Hammerstein Ballroom. It's big,i t's known and the audience is always great.
Well i have been liking TNA lately, but here r some simple seguestions

Firstly- I like TNA on Mondays. It gives me as an adiuence a choice. But We can look back to Jan. 4th TNA did a 1.5 on a 3 hour show. I believe that TNA should Go that 1st Hour Unopposed. Starting one hour ealier than RAW and Then only Going up Head-to-Head with WWE for One Hour A week. But Unlike Jan. 4th we wouldnt have to do a 3 hour show every week. Two hours is good enough, dont wanna over saturate it like WCW Did

Secondly- If im gonna try and push TNA Stars, then i need to do it consistantly. One Week They Have a guy Win The Next there losing. Its very confusing for me as a fan. But I really Think there Should Be a few more Squash Matches. It is a very good way to establish momentum. So many great stars have done it (Luger, Goldberg, Lesnar, ECT.)

Thirdly- I didnt Watch TNA with Main Event Mafia. But i really think that TNA need to create a mayjor Power Faction of the Company. I think TNA should do kinda a 4 Horseman based Group. Have Flair The Manager, AJ the Champ, Desmond Wolfe Which would also help pushing him more, Sting Perhaps Just as an established veteran, and... idk maybe a samoa joe or something

Forth- Its been said already but they really need to push the X-Divsion and give them more exsposure. There Capable of some awesome matches. We already got AJ Styles out of that group. Lets get some more like him.
First and Foremost, I would continue to push AJ as a heel. As the weeks go on having him being less a Flair copycat and move into his own persona. I thought his promo at Destination-X was the best since partnering with Flair. I would give him his own heel group. I would put Daniels, Tomko, and add Phil Shatter to the group. (Shatter has been one of the Security Guards for the last few weeks) I would let AJ have a seriously long title run. During this title run, I would let him get wins over the Pope at Lockdown, Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam, and Ken Anderson. This could give him credibility to those who don't believe he has it by beating former WWE champs and personalities. Have Abyss, RVD, Hardy, Angle, Anderson in the mix for the World Title.

Secondly, I would change the Global Title and get it the hell off of Rob Terry. I don't see him going anywhere. Several people have commented he is getting a Goldberg push. I don't see it. He isn't as good in the ring and just isn't intense. I would put the belt around the waist of Desmond Wolfe. I would call the belt the National Championship. In this division, I would have Wolfe, Pope, Joe, Morgan, Hernandez, Eric Young, and bring in Ken Doane. This division should really focus on the matches. You need feuds to go with this, but I would limit outside interferences and non-finishes in these matches.

Next, bring focus back to the x-division. Kaz, Williams, Homicide, Shelley, Sabin, Lethal, Kendrick, Waltman, and bring in Helms. Let these guys tear the house down. I would put the belt on Shelley. I would have great matches and let this belt change hands on impact a few times. Really create an atmosphere that anyone can win any time.

Continue to have the best tag teams on tv. Beer Money, Tomko and Daniels, Young Bucks, Hall and Nash. They need to create a couple of new teams here to freshen up the division. Tomko and Daniels would be good. Possibly bring back Wildcat Chris Harris and let him Pick a Partner to challenge Beer Money. A guy like Albright, Chris Hero, Charlie Haas or even Jarrett would make for a interesting partner.

I would cut some guys like Nastys, 3D, Rhino, Terry, Creed, and Magnus. There not on tv anyway let em go.
First off, AJ Styles as a heel is a NO... anyways i'd fire Hogan. That may be surprising but i don't see what the hell he is doing. hogan made terrible changes. like the 6 sided ring... i loved it. it drew me to TNA. Now it's "WWE-a-fied". Get some fresh WWE superstars that people have forgotten, like Charlie Haas, Big Daddy V, or even JBL. TNA needs to take notes from wwe in the creative process because TNA needs something that i cannot put my finger on.

Get wrestlers into mainstream media. Adopted a TNA magazine and get them in movies and on tv shows.

BRING BACK THE X-DIVISION!!! Stop with all this hogan crap, X-division is where it's at! Give them an hour of the show and put on the greatest matches ever. Remember the ECW hour long matches with Dean Malinko and Eddie Gurrerro, or Rey Mysterio and Psycosis on WCW... That's why we watched it. It was innovated...

Stop hiring big names if you ain't gonna use them. Like RVD or Jeff Hardy. Why are they not taking over the show. they're huge stars, like Bobby Lashley, WTF!!! what happened. He did nothing in TNA cause they don't know how to lead the right stars down the right path. Like AJ Styles as Champion, Really... He's not a big enough name. Now don't get me wrong, he's amazing, but no one is gonna tuning in on Connan O'brian to see him on there.

Last, DRAMA. We all know that wrestling is basically a soap opera, so add drama. add personal feuds with wrestlers. But don't over do it with the personal feuds. Too much might seem old. Anyways TNA future is bright. But They'll never be the WWE. Sorry TNA fans but Vince knows best. :shrug:

Here we go:


2. Make up your minds once and for all whether Hogan and Bischoff are faces or heels. Its been too confusing for too long now.

3. Focus the midcard on the two types of matches that have been consistently good of late and are almost always over with the fans: the Knockouts and X-Division

4. Cut anyone you arent seriously going to use in the next 90 days. The roster is too big for a 2 hour show but they arent ready for a second show yet.

5. Make the feuds personal and intense, stop with the goofy "Hall Of Fame ring" junk.


7. WRESTLING, WRESTLING, WRESTLING. Remember why people are sick of WWE and give them what they want.
Well firstly I'd stop pushing that supposed Monster Abyss, he is a seriously lame character, I mean hes just a poor mans Mankind really.

I'd stop AJ Styles been heel because it doesn't suit him at all, AJ could be what Sting was to WCW with TNA. So I'd have Flair and AJ build up so animosity and have AJ lose the title because of Flair and have whoever he loses the title so be Flair's new protege. Then have Flair build a stable of wrestlers who will do anything to keep the title on his new protege. Have AJ take the flight to them maybe with help from 1 or 2 other wrestlers. I'd also get Hogan to stop pushing himself and have more of a small on-air role been a commisioner type who sanctions matches etc.

I'd get rid of the dead weight i.e. Hall, Waltman, Nasty Boys etc, they offer nothing.

Push the X-Division have it start the show off, make it like the cruiserweight division was on WCW, Opening your show with this will draw an audience in.

Sort out exactly what the Global Title is, I mean is it like the Intercontinental Title or is it really just another World Title?

Get some more TV time, have another show where you push the lower to midcard wrestlers even if its just an hour show. Maybe even the Global title could become a huge part of the second show.

Get out of the Impact Zone it looks cheap and tacky, plus is it that four sided ring small as hell or what? They should have kept six sides, it was something unique for TNA.

Lastly stop completely ripping off old storylines and focusing too much on the WWE. I mean look at the Hogan/Abyss thing that was centered around the HOF ring, just how stupid can you get? It makes TNA look inferior. They should act like they are the only wrestling company and stop focusing on WWE.
1.Get out of the phone booth.
2.Better entrance set, including getting rid of the "laser' lights" during the entrances.
3. Change the ramp way to a Smackdown-style ramp.
4. Change their railing(which separates the crowd) to a WWE like.
5.Better entrance Videos and Music for the roster.

So yeah...I think they need lots of work on their "Image".
First off, push abyss like they are doing but get over the Hulkamania crap. I liked hogan but having a guy named the monster doing it is dumb. Hes the best big man in wrestling right now. The black hole slam and shock treatment are hands down the best big man moves in wrestling. Everyone else has a power bomb, chokeslam, or some sort of punch/chop. BORING!!!!

2 . Get AJ off heal, I know hes wat they want to push but honestly his mic skills are really bad when it comes to insults. He sounds like flair. Stop pushing him as the posterboy and push him for his abilities.

3. I started watching tna because it was good wrestling. Xdivision = WIN. At least they got a X-division star with the belt now. Push the world title as well BUT let the guys that made TNA run it. AKA X-division.

4. Trim the fat big time. Nastly boys, tomko unless he gets in shape cause he could look really mean if he got in shape, rob terry unless he can learn to actually wrestle, bubba the love sponge hahaha.

5. Get the solo stars out of tag teams. Sabin and Shelly are awsome but they were great pre-machine guns. Hernandez is amazing in the ring and honestly who cares if he doesnt have mic skills. If i wanna watch a bunch of guys who can talk and cant wrestle, ill go watch the miz on wwe.

6. Biggest changes = 6 sided ring. That set TNA apart from everything. When the Bischoff hogan thing happened, i knew it was gonna be WCW all over again. And everyone said but WCW beat WWE 88 weeks in a row. ya but wheres wcw now.

7. Try to get younger stars as well as veterans. Hardy and RVD were amazing addons. But look at teams like generation Me aka young bucks, and desmond wolfe. If they would look in ROH, there are a few others that would fit great. Tyler Black and i know he was there once but a great heel in Austin Ares, And the american wolves and dark city fight club for the tag team titles.

I think the biggest problem is this WCW makeover. I think the hogan thing was a good idea getting a big name to help promote, but turning it into WCW wasnt the right thing to do. WWe in my eyes is killing itself. There arent many good wrestlers left. They have rey mysterio edge, chris jericho, and cm punk. yea they have a few others but they dont get pushed. Fan faves like cena and batista get everything and there matches are BORING. TNA hes soooooo much talent that they arent pushing. its good to have some guys to go for the world championship but not a whole roster. X-division is ur bread and butter. Best thing TNA has ever done was bring back Amazing red. Im to the point if Angle or Hogan get any more main events i switch to Underwater basket weaving on ESPN 8 the ocho.
1: Take it 1 hour backwards so the go with their 2nd hour head-to-head with WWE Raw.

2: Another thursday night show, 1 hour for a start for x-division and ta titles match

3: Try and get Scott Dmore back and make him head the Knockouts because he did great feuds and matches compared to now!! (as soon as he left knockouts started to suck)

4: Global Champion change to DQ title if they can't name it hardcore. Alot can help this title cactus jack, jeff, rvd, abyss, raven, even awesome kong if she was available

5: getting some of knockouts a chance and try getting some back. awesome kong best ever and I can't see why Alissa flash was kicked out she was good for a powerhouse. More knockout titles matches. Angelina was better off as heel. Kick von erich out
Some have already mentioned a few of the suggestions I'll name, but I'm going to put my own creative spin on it. And see what the result could be.

1) Time Change

Obviously, the going head to head with the WWE has not worked. Their ratings have declined steadily since they made the move. Making people choose between an inferior product and a superior product makes no sense. At least WCW had the production and resources to match the WWE. TNA doesn't. They tread water every week financially. Simple as that. The solution is a move to an hour earlier to go unopposed and give the maximum audience time to watch their product. Doing that can win new people and increase ratings and revenue.

2) Booking

I can't explain the booking going on right now. RVD and Jeff Hardy are two of the best talents you can find for cheap...and you decide to put them with the least over wrestler who works on a regular basis, and a gimmick faction that's 10 years too old. You're kidding right? RVD and Jeff Hardy need to be in the title picture and helping establish the prestige of the TNA World Heavyweight title. The wrestlers don't seem to have a goal in mind other than to 'have fun'. That's not good enough. Why not want to be a world champion? Or to face the 'best wrestlers on Earth'? Or to showcase their talents on a stage that's not filled with 'entertainment'. I'm not understanding TNA's direction... and that's something that's eerily similar to the last days of WCW.

3) Ways to generate revenue.

No idea what TNA can do revenue wise, but whatever they can do that's profitable, they should do it and do it as good and as fast as they can. Money coming in means you can have more money coming out. It's as simple as that.

Hopefully we'll see some improvements in TNA in the near future.
1st: Have live Impact on Tuesdays for 2 hours (Tuesday Night Impact)
2nd: Get another 2 hour show on Thursday (Thursday Night Explosion), this show would be mainly for the X-Division and lower card guys.
3rd: Make and X-Division Tag Title and change the name of the Global Title (maybe to a Hardcore Title)
4th: Cut the roster fat. Nasty Boys, Hall and X-Pac (sorry guys Im a huge mark for NWO, Cliq guys but their time is over), Sean Morely, and every other useless guy.
5th: Throw obscene amounts of money at Heyman to come do his thing.
6th: Dont grab every WWE reject. Just the ones that are valuable.
7th: Make HUGE offers to SUPERSTAR wrestlers with WWE expiring contracts. (Tempt them to stray)

option 5 is an epic win
First off I would get Jim Cornette to come in as Booker,if anyone has seen the guest booker dvd with him you will know why I want this.

Secondly get rid of Orlando Jordan, Hall, Nash, Bubba the Love Sponge, Dr Stevie and the Nasty Boys. Plus change the gimmick of Jay Leathal just make him more of a realistic character. Maybe even get back creed and have them be a millitant black team.

Third: back to six sides its more unique and makes it look less like wwelite.

Fourth: Focus more on the Xdivision and maybe even have an X tag belt (although there are already far too many titles to showcase)

Fith: Keep Flair and hogan out of the ring. They used to be good but as far as I'm concerned they can do more just being in a non wresting capacity.

six: move iMPACT! to another night or earlier time slot. It was a total mistake to go head to head with wwe.

I don't like the creative direction that TNA are going in right now but if I were to list what I would do with that I could be here for a while.
1. Sign everyone to exclusive, written contracts. TNA or nothing, sort of thing.

2. Generate revenue by touring. It's a chicken vs the egg sort of thing, but you have to invest money to make money.

3. Get rid of excess roster fat. Trim the roster to fit a 2 hour weekly show.

4. Hire new, fresh blood to the creative team from the indy circuit, and groom them, help them and then let them loose.

5. Go head-to-head with SmackDown! instead of RAW, with a live show every week.

6. Raise the production values. Get better cameras, stop doing the two-inches-from-his-face shooting and do it more boxing/UFC style. Up the ante on the music - have live bands come play the entrance themes at PPVs.

7. Stop letting people that have no mic skills talk. Reintroduce managers and valets. Never, ever, give Hernandez a live microphone again.

Basically, stop trying so fucking hard. It all turns out chaotic and stupid, out-of-proportion and weird. Wanna push Abyss into a monster? Great, have him go on a winning streak and once again find pleasure in hurting people - do not under any circumstances turn him into the fucking moron he currently is portrayed as.

There are some way-beyond-stupid angles going on, and the rebirth of the nWo is one of them. It's already stale and tired after a few weeks, so move on with it, do something new! Have fucking Rob Terry tear into Hall and Waltman because they messed with his friend Eric, whatever...
first of all, get rid of some dead weight... they already fired the Nasties and Kong, so done deal. then Kendrick=bye, Homicide=adios, Hall and Waltman (when their storyline comes to a closure)=ciao, Orlando, we'll have to see how does he manage to put his RuPaul character over lol, if he doesnt=boot...
keep Hogan strictly as an authority role, Bischoff as a heel CEO, Flair on an offscreen role helping young guys in character development...
put some of the legends (that can still wrestle) like Angle, RVD, Nash, Sting and Jarrett as ocassional wrestlers (only for PPV matches, with a good build up).
push Joe as the top face, repackage him on a shootfighter gimmick (a la Shamrock) with some of his real personality (show him in segments training MMA style, and others playing with the Xbox). then Pope and Hernandez as the other 2 main event faces, along already stablished Jeff Hardy.
definitively Anderson is the new TNAs future top heel, made that point, i'd change his theme song, as it doesnt sound too heelish to me, then the other main event heels should be Morgan, Wolfe (you can like him, hate him, but you cant ignore him) and a repackaged Abyss without the mask and some glimpses of the Undertaker's biker persona.
add a hardcore title, TNa already has ECW legends like Raven, the Dudleys, Rhino and Stevie, maybe bringing in some brawlers like Necro Butcher, Trent Acid and some Juggallo guys would be great. also a Hardcore title is a good way to show you're the TV-14 alternative to WWEs shitfest
a solid midcard, without it how would you wait for the main event? and TNA has the best midcard talent: Young, Storm, Roode, Daniels, Kaz, the Machineguns, the Brits, even Rob Terry can bring it.
put AJ back in the X Division, that's a great way to push it, when you say Xdivision most people thinks AJ, and that would be a great way to push the belt back to an upper mid card level and help the other guys in the division to get noticed. also, i never saw Styles as world champion material, but well, Russo actually does.
then give the Global title more credibility and establish both belts (X and Global) to be at the same level for their respective divisions.
bring in some ROH guys, there's a talent pool working for a glorified indie with an awful booking. some guys could be great in the new storyline-oriented TNA, as they have good reliable characters. Cabana's the ultimate comedy face, the Briscoes could be great and form an alliance with ODB (the 3 toghteter will get over quickly as faces), Steen could play an awesome Canuck heel... then some Mexican and Japanesse guys...
since both Global and Xdiv should be uppermid belts, a TV title could be great, but being a TV title doesnt mean it cant be defended on PPVs...
bringing in Nathan Jones and pair him with Tomko to make some sort of bounty-hitmans tag team (APA, Kronik)
obviously move them away from that fucking studio in Orlando and away from the Virgin Crew, take TNA on the road, starting in small arenas, advertising the hell out of every show.
make a TNA Magazine, even ECW had one.
push the envelope a little more, bring some storylines into a more darker teritory, keep the comedy too (some raunchy humor and some inside jokes too), exploit the fact that TNa has women who can wrestle and are hot as hell, so make them wrestle with much lesser clothes but keeping the match quality, maybe some backstage skits with TBP, Angelina or Daffney showing nudity (ratings!), which also will make some shows get the TV-MA label, but who cares about the label? people will watch anyways..
keep the line of personal storylines, adding some emotion to the product,make the feuds last at least a third of the year (major feuds could take a whole year).

and well that's what im thinking by now
There are so many things I would do to TNA,
1. I would get iMPACT off of monday nights, not enough people know what TNA is
2. I would make another show based on the X-Division and the Knockouts. get rid of TNA epics
3. Roster cuts, there are too many peoplee on the roster, get rid of wrestlers like Sharkboy, Jimmy hart, Suicide character Kiyoshi, Tomko and many more.
4.make the global championship hardcore or something.
5. hire new writers, more great storylines.
that is just a bit of what I would do to TNA
I would sell it. Wrstling promotions have a hard time making money. Although, I do believe that TNA will start to make more money, I don't think it will last long.

TNA needs to do some things differently. I think production value needs to rise. I used to love to tune into Nitro for that alone, WWE looks dirty and grungy, while WCW looked sharp and clean.

I would also think about moving the show to a better venue. There has to be a bigger arena TNA would sell out, at least 3000, so that it looks like a big crowd watching it.

Other than that, I wouldnt do shit, I dont have the booking ability to direct a show.
Cut Orlando Jordan. His act won't bring viewers in, it will turn them away.
Cut Jesse Neal, Rhino, Raven, Stevie Richards, Team 3D, Brutus Magnus, and Shark Boy. They aren't doing anything and aren't over anymore.

Give the Global Title to Matt Morgan. Put the Tag Straps on Beer Money. Keep AJ heel, but not a Flair clone.

Stop making Desmond Wolfe look like a fool. Push him like the Heel version of Bret Hart. I am better than you and I will prove it.

I would bring in a group of guys and call them BAD Company. They would bey Ken Doane, Brent Albright, and Paul Burchill. BAD for Burchill, Albright and Doane. Ken Doane can challenge for either the x-division or global belts. Let Albright and Burchill be a new tag team. Or have them feud with the Band as a group of new outsiders.
I don't usually respond to these sorts of threads because I have no clue whether I could do any better than Dixie Carter or not. I'm not some marketing genius, nor have I ever booked a wrestling card in my life. While I may be a fan and, like everyone else here, have learned a lot about the ins and outs of wrestling via the internet, that doesn't mean that I could run a wrestling company.

When it all boils down to bascis, we're just a group of people sitting in front of a computer mouthing off as if we know what we're talking about. Sometimes we do, sometimes we very much do in fact. Sometimes, you'll see some good ideas posted on these forums, or at least ideas that sound good to you. Generally speaking, the IWC makes up a small portion of the overall wrestling audience and, despite what some may lead you to believe, being an internet fan doesn't grant you some special sort of clarity or insight that your average fan might not be able to see. We can criticize Dixie Carter for this or that, God knows enough people do it with Vince McMahon, but it's easy for us to do so. We can call the decision to do this or the decision to run with this angle or to push this wrestlers in this direction brilliant or idiotic without the slightest hestiation. Why? Because we don't have anything to lose based on our decisions or thoughts. The jobs of hundreds of individuals and potentially millions of dollars don't rest upon whatever ideas, choices or decisions I make.

However, as to answer the question, there are some changes I'd make. I'm not saying these changes would ultimately be better in the long run, nor am I even remotely sure they'd work. For me, I would take TNA's off of Monday nights and put it back on Thursdays. TNA is so focused, in my view, on competing with the WWE that they've actually neglected much of what made them, potentially, an alternative to the WWE. TNA's strategy of hiring big names, bringing them in and hoping that ratings will come with them ultimately hasn't worked. It's established that TNA has at least the potential to someday be as big as the WWE and that's important. I don't believe that TNA is ultimately ready or capable of competing head to head against Raw. I think they made the move far too soon. I'd put more wrestling content on TNA iMPACT! and actually extend feuds. Feuds in TNA, most of the time, last a few weeks and that's it. I think that I would also trim down the size of the TNA roster overall. While most of the TNA wrestlers work on a paid by appearance basis, there are far too many instances in which TNA puts a wrestler on television and works him for a few weeks only to take him off television later and have him be MIA for a few months. Then, whenever they do bring said wrestler back, TNA will often pick up with him right where they left off and expect the fans to be interested in him. Rhino is someone that's a perfect example of that.

I think that I would reinvest time in the X Division and devote some significant time to it on iMPACT!. In the tag team division, there are some young teams that are exciting and can bring a lot to the scene. When it comes to the X Division in particularly, I think that I would also stop overbooking the matches. Too often, you'll see 6 or 8 guys in an X Division match that turns into a jumble of misplaced energy. There's so much going on that it's not only hard to be invested in the match, but it's hard to even give a crap about what takes place in it. You're just sitting there waiting for the next corkscrew suicide dive or whatever kind of big spot comes up. I'm not saying I'd take big spots out of the matches, just maybe not quite as many and actually try to inject some psychology and story into the match.

I think that I would also do away with the TNA Global Championship. Nobody really cares about it and TNA isn't nearly large enough to warrant a second mid-card title. TNA currently has 6 titles on its roster, almost as much as the WWE, and the Global and Knockout tag titles serve no real purpose in my view. Sure, it's always nice to have a title, but the Knockout tag titles are pretty much a waste when you figure that there's really only two teams in the women's division and no real plans seem to be in the works for anymore. Having a lot of titles doesn't necessarily make you look more "big time". Sometimes, less is more and it would be far easier to do at least something each week on iMPACT! with the main event, X Division, tag team, and Knockout division if each scene just has one title to focus on.

I'd stop worrying about trying to compete with the WWE at this time. I personally think TNA should have had more patience instead of jumping into this with both feet. There'll be time to compete with the WWE later on down the line. If it were me, I'd just try to build my company into the best I could make it. I wouldn't try to compromise what I was trying to do just in order to take on Vince McMahon and hopefully being #1.

As for the direction of any particular wrestlers, I'd stop what's happening with Abyss. I just think it's the most awful thing in wrestling right now. I'd seriously consider making Abyss the monster he used to be. I'd keep AJ Styles as a heel, but not as a Ric Flair poser. It's just not clicking with me at all. I'd have to think on some others.

As I said, that's just me. I have no idea whether I'd do any good or not. I've no idea whether any of my ideas would be a success. However at this particular point in time, I do feel that my ideas wouldn't do any more damage to TNA that's already been done.
First and foremost: Trim the fat. By this I mean fire Bubba the Love Sponge, Jimmy Hart, Kiyoshi, Shark Boy, The Suicide character & Tomko.
Secondly: Make sure the older wrestlers spend less time wrestling and more time helping younger stars get over. (This mean you Hogan & Flair).
Thirdly: End more moronic storylines such as Bishcoff/Foley (I mean where is this going?).
Fourth: Repackage your stars. Jay Lethal is a Macho Man spoof ha, ha very funny but it's been almost 4 years now since this character debuted. It's lost almost all of it's momentum and now it's time for a change.
Fifth: Stop pretending you're something you're not. Take your show away from Monday Nights.
Sixth (and final): Stop going for the short-term and go for the long-term. Older stars means short term investment, promoting younger ones means long term investment, other-wise how has Hogan lasted so long?
The rest is up to the creative to do with themselves.
Interesting scenario; things I would do if I owned TNA.

1) I would move them back to Thursdays and go live.

They need to work on their production, because it does not look that smooth during a live show. So use this time to gather a larger viewing audience, and make their production more fluent

2) Feature the X Division and the Knockouts more.

They draw, simple as that. The X Division they have puts on the match of the night on almost every show, and the Knockouts normally equal ratings. So I would find a way to feature them more (probably at minimum 3 matches between each on Impact each week).

3) Add a one hour show that features the Mid Carders, X Division, and Knockouts.

Use this show to get some guys who have nothing creative to get some air time. Also use this to better feature the X Division, and help make the Knockout Tag Team Titles make sense.

4) Get rid of Hogan Bischoff, Flair, Russo, ect.

With all the talent they have, there is no need for these guys. I would grab Heyman in a heartbeat if I could, but screw it, its my company, I'll book this myself.

5) Focus more on wrestling, instead of segments
Segments have their place, but they would be used sparingly and appropriately. There is way to much talent to need to do 20 minutes of Bischoff every week.

6) Make a decent format for each Impact, and try to stick to it:
Simple Have 2-3 matches with Angle, Wolfe, Pope, Styles, Hardy, RVD, Samoa Joe, Sting, Anderson, and Matt Morgan. This allows a lot of variety, while letting the big draws get time, and marketability for the following week. I would do 3-4 X Division/Knockout Matches as well. Have 1 Backstage interview per hour, and one in ring Promo per show, with the exception of the show before a PPV. Make sure to average 35-45 minutes of wrestling per show.

7) Make it raunchy:

I know this one might not be a popular idea, but I think it is the right route to go. Want to attract teenagers or some other young blood into your audience, sell them sex. Many of them would drool over Lacey Von Erich in a Bra and Panties Match. Maybe make a character like Debra was.

Overall I think with this platform, TNA would be successful. Not saying they would be WWE successful, but they would be more competitive, and more relevant.
1. Make a new weekly show other than Impact! to house the wrestlers and keep them active.

2. Start introducing more TNA merchandises.

3. More public events or maybe tours backstage.

4. Slowly, but surely, getting rid of Eric, Flair and ultimately, Hogan.

5. Sign promising wrestlers to longer and better contracts. Employees happy = good matches and backstage atmosphere. Just look at how Daniels and Creed got away. Jeez, I was looking forward to Creed being the X Division Champion.

6. Stop signing sooo many old wrestlers. A few is ok, but too many just spoils the whole show. Its really like a place to house WWE rejects or retirees.

7. 2 Knockout matches on each show. And stop hiring good lookers who cannot wrestle shit.

8. Get Don West back on the mic. Screw Spongebob Fat Pants.
Here's what I would do:

1. FIRE Vince Russo
2. Book better matches
3. Have "storylines" that actually go somewhere(Tomko vs AJ :wtf: wtf?)
4.Add more diversity to the Knockouts (big girls,skinny girls,psycho girls)
basically more girls with actual ring skills and less eye-candy
5.Have LESS ppvs. Keep it simple. They should have an even amount of events like WWE does.
6. Keep the tag team division consistent(you hear that WWE?)
7.Get the 6 sided ring back
8. bring in some luchadors. Those guys are fun to watch
9.Keep Hogan,Bischoff,or any ex-WWE/WCW has been out of the storylines as much as possible.
10. bring in new talent but at the same time not have the veterans "job" to the new guys. They gotta pay their dues first.

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