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If You Haven't Noticed, WWE's Trying To Push Eric Escobar

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
I just got done watching Smackdown, and I saw that the Eric Escobar/Vickie Guerrero storyline is still going on. It was Eric's birthday, and Vickie decided to give him a present....a match with Kane. Now of course this match was pretty much a squash, but afterwards, Vickie and Eric got into yet another verbal dispute.

I thought once Eric got destroyed by The Hart Dynasty a few weeks ago, this would all be over. Seeing as how WWE is keeping the break-up storyline going, it must mean they have plans for Escobar. That's the reason for my smart ass title to this thread. Are you aware of the fact WWE is trying to push Escobar? I say this because I noticed this guy is hardly getting a reaction from the crowd, now that he's supposed to be face. The only time the crowd really reacts to him, is when he insults Vickie.

I'm wondering, does Escobar need Vickie in order to just get a decent reaction from the crowd? When Vickie is out the picture, do you see Escobar being able to be successful on his own? Thoughts?
I'm wondering, does Escobar need Vickie in order to just get a decent reaction from the crowd?
Right now yeah. But then again he has only been a part of the wwe for like a month now. Give him time maybe in a couple of months he will flesh out a little more.
When Vickie is out the picture, do you see Escobar being able to be successful on his own?
Right Now No he has no connection with the crowd like Vickie does so it makes sense to put them together. If they really invest time in him maybe he can be a main eventer but right now No.

Give him time. They just need to invest a little more time in him and he can be noticed a little more.
He was in WWE developmental for over four years which doesn't say too much positive about him. I haven't been impressed with his ringwork or mic time. He's also rumored to be a headcase. Looks like WWE is giving a last resort try with him and I expect him to be cut loose in a couple months.
If they really wanted Escobar to get over, they need to do it as a heel- right along side vickies fat ass! It needed to last longer then a month. at least like 3 or4 months then have him turn on her. THEN people would like him more as a face. the "break-up" with vickie needed to be done alot later then it did actually happen. I expect not to see mr escobar on tv very much longer
I agree with MoneyMack here. The breakup came way too soon. People didn't even start to care about genEric Escobar when he was with Vickie and now they care even less. He comes out to almost zero reaction and gets the smallest pop I've ever heard for Vickie insults. The crowd usually eats that shit up.

To the OP, yea I noticed that they seem to be pushing him since he's getting all this extra mic time (that McIntyre needs right now in my opinion). He's even got this quasi-John-Cena-I-will-keep-fighting-and-not-quit thing going even though he's losing every week. I don't foresee this working out for him at all though. Unless the audience really gets behind him soon, which really seems unlikely, I expect him gone before mania
Their break up came way to early. This could have lasted at least 3 months, and possibly get him into the Intercontinental title picture. Now he's a lowly midcarder feuding with someone who garners some of the best heat. He gets no reaction when comes out, so clearly the crowd doesn't know what to do for him.

Unless the crowd can get behind him, I can see him being shipped back to FCW for a while before coming back up. He is semi getting pushed though, if that's what you call it. The only way this can end good is if it somehow plays into something much bigger and actually gets him over huge.

The only reason I can see that they would have ended their "relationship " so abruptly was due to the whole relationship angle having already been played out with Edge. However, it should be interesting to see if this break up means the end of him, or if it means they will get behind him and push him hard as a face.
I have noticed the wwe pushing escobar and pairing him with the biggest heat magnet on tv at the moment. but wat would work, imo, is that they should give him a razor ramon type of character because somehow that guy reminds me of the bad guy. now im not saying completely give him that character but something similar. the whole angle with vickie really sucks unless he gets paired up with a returning edge to make it really work
as a latino i rarely see any hispanic wrestlers on wwe carlito isnt doing much either is primo rey is never gonna get the me push i hope i hear kane is hispanic but even if he is look at what they r doing with him and regardless of what you think thet wasted eddie gurreros talent now i hope escobar succeeds.
I'm not saying that WWE aren't trying to push Escobar, but why on earth if they are pushing him is he getting squashed inside two minutes every week to anyone and everyone?! I just don't see the logic in that at all.

Keeping him with Vickie and using her to get into the IC title picture might have gotten him over IMO, but without her he is nothing at the minute, and for the forseeable future.
I reckon the best thing to do with Escobar right now is to pair him back up with Primo and bring the Puerto Rican Nightmare into the tag division, which is starting to be built up. He barely gets a reaction from the crowd except when he insults Vickie, however from what I've seen of him in the ring he is quite talented and would give Primo somthing to do besides getting beaten week in and week out.
I'm wondering, does Escobar need Vickie in order to just get a decent reaction from the crowd? When Vickie is out the picture, do you see Escobar being able to be successful on his own? Thoughts?

I think it's still possible for him to succeed on his own.... but it is going to be tougher for him now than it would have been if he debuted on his own. He came through Vickie and the majority of fans automatically disliked him. Now the only reaction he gets is when he makes fun of Vickie. It will be tough for him to get over in my opinion because for a while he will be seen as "that annoying guy who hung out with Vickie but then made fun of her a lot" unless he goes off and does something really cool, which I doubt will happen anytime soon. I'll still give his character a chance, and he COULD succeed, but it will be tougher for him to get over because of being associated with Vickie.
Eric Escobar just needs some time. A month or so is never enough time to tell something about a guy. The fact that WWE is trying to push him is nice, because he has the size and look and has some skill in the ring. Instead of him being squashed, have him beat whoever Vickie throws at him. He could get upset pinfalls at first and then all of a sudden dominate one match and it could work the crowd over.
It's a shit way of pushing him if that's what they are doing. All they'd need to do is have him overcome Vickie's ridiculous challenges, and he'll get the crowd behind him, but what they have been doing is shite.

I don't think Escobar is likely to be going anywhere good, his feud with Vickie would be a lot more high profile otherwise, but to be honest with you, I can't see him being around for much longer, certainly not in this package, which is a shame because he has a good look.
I disagree with those that are saying the breakup was too soon. We just went through a long version of the same thing with Edge. It took over a year and it ended the same way - with Edge dumping Vickie and calling her fat and whatnot. Would you really have wanted the EXACT SAME thing to happen again? Vickie gets heat, sure, but not enough that anyone standing next to her is automatically the next big thing. Frankly, I'm glad they ended it as soon as possible, because I didn't want to see that repetition. Everyone complains about being bored with the SSDD (same shit different day) approach the WWE seems to have, yet so many of the suggestions are to do things like this - or to just redo a previous stable. Seriously, how many times can you search this forum and see someone's "big suggestion" being to simply do another Evolution or Nation of Domination? Then, of course, there's those that simply go the opposite extreme and say anything that's a change is by default great no matter what it is (ie Sheamus) and would probably bust a nut if Heath Slater came onto the main roster and won every single title in his debut just because they haven't seen it before lol.

Anyway, Escobar himself...not particularly talented, in my mind. He has a weird look to him, isn't showing me anything great in the ring, and isn't the worst mic guy but is far from being great on that. To me, Escobar looks like someone that won't go anywhere. Sure, it's early in his career, but you also have to take into account that he was in developmental for a looong time. One of the longest in recent times, if I remember correctly. Why keep him there so long without bringing him up? I tend to think it's because they weren't ready to pull the trigger and they don't believe in him too much (as do I), and they brought him onto Smackdown as a 'sink or swim' scenario. If Escobar doesn't do something soon to keep himself afloat, I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if he's released in 2010. If he does stay, I think he's looking down the barrel of a revisit to his old tag team with Primo.
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