If you had the power to push certain superstars, who would you push and how/why?


WWE Ironing Champion
Similar to another topic based on cuts, this works in the opposite fashion.

If you were head of WWE management and you were able to make the deciding call on which superstar(s) to push, which ones would you favour and how or why would you do so?


Justin Gabriel - I don't know about anyone else, but I feel like this guys doesn't need to be part of Nexus. He is more than good enough to hold a big mid-card rivalry for the US Title. I'm pretty sure he will be pushed and I can't wait. Big fan of this guy.
I would probably make him the breakout superstar once Nexus disband and I would either pair him up with Evan Bourne as a face or against him as a heel. Either way, Bourne and Gabriel should work together.

Ted DiBiase - I think DiBiase can be much better than he is showing at the moment. I like how the million dollar belt has been brought back, but it's not being worked very well. I wouldn't have chosen Goldust to rival him for the belt. Ted needs to get very cocky and start poking the bigger superstars with a stick to push his heel persona.

Sheamus - He shouldn't have dropped to where he is now. He remains a dominant force and he was a great opponent for the big face stars. Personally, I'd love to see him in a Nexus shirt. I'd have him as part of a team against Nexus, but have him turn on his own team.

You guys?

(EDIT - Thread was intended for the Raw board but was moved most likely due to the fact that I neglected to mention it applies only to the Raw roster. Therefore it now applies to all rosters.)
I think about this all the time so this should be easy for me.

John Morrison - When Miz and Morrison were a team, I always thought Morrison was going to be the break out star of the group and Miz would end up being Marty Janetty of the pair. I was wrong and it happened the opposite way. I now like Miz better because of the push WWE gave him. So with the right push Morrison could do great things. Everybody says he needs to work on his mic skills but I beg to differ. As a heel this guy was classic on the mic. When he switched to face, he didn't do as well on the mic. He is a natural born heel. So I would push him as a heel and put him in feuds with Cena and Orton to establish him as a main eventer.

Ted Dibiase - I might get some heat on him because many of online posters are not fans of him. But I enjoy him and his character. So I would push him as a spoiled brat who gets what he wants. He isn't ready for a world title but he could have some mid card feuds with guys like Kofi and Daniel Bryan.

Jack Swagger - I don't care what anybody says about his lisp because I see tons of potential in him. I consider his first World Title reign a big waste. It seemed like WWE just randomly shoved him down our throats and gave him the WOrld title and it really pissed me off. Now he is back where he was before he won the world title. I would build him up and give him some more personality. When he won the World title he all of a sudden got bland and boring. His entrance was different. He didn't come out jumping around and doing push ups like he usually did. So I would switch his entrance back and have cheerleaders line up on the side of the entrance ramp cheering for him just like MVP's wrestlemania 23 entrance.

MVP - Speaking of MVP he is in the same condition as Morrison. I would build him up with the same character he had before he turned face.

Drew Mcintyre - I love his CHosen One gimmick. I would continue to push him with that gimmick and have him win the Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania next year. Have him hold on to it for a few months. Mabey let him cash in at Summerslam and let him hold the title till Royal RUmble. After his title reign, I would continue to push him as a main eventer. The opposite of what WWE did with Swagger.
Santino - Laugh as you will this guy can wrestle and keeps people entertained, he doesn't need to be a comedy jobber for life but he is risky. If he gets a push not as a comedy jobber, then coming back to the comedy jobber gimmick would be very difficult if he fails as a heel or the like *i.e. new gimmick*.
Jack Swagger - I don't care what anybody says about his lisp because I see tons of potential in him. I consider his first World Title reign a big waste. It seemed like WWE just randomly shoved him down our throats and gave him the WOrld title and it really pissed me off. Now he is back where he was before he won the world title. I would build him up and give him some more personality. When he won the World title he all of a sudden got bland and boring. His entrance was different. He didn't come out jumping around and doing push ups like he usually did. So I would switch his entrance back and have cheerleaders line up on the side of the entrance ramp cheering for him just like MVP's wrestlemania 23 entrance.

Drew Mcintyre - I love his CHosen One gimmick. I would continue to push him with that gimmick and have him win the Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania next year. Have him hold on to it for a few months. Mabey let him cash in at Summerslam and let him hold the title till Royal RUmble. After his title reign, I would continue to push him as a main eventer. The opposite of what WWE did with Swagger.

I agree with u on these 2 because swaggers whc reign was shit and i thought mcyntyre would have had a whc run by now but:shrug:

i think gabreil cause he doesnt fit in nexus and thts y he should get kicked out and get a ic reign
Seems like the IWC thinks everyone needs a push sometimes.

I don't get why Sheamus needs a push? (To the OP), Morrison needs a push to the main event and Sheamus is just the guy to make him have that push gradually.

Also WWE is trying to push Ted but he just can't get over, I want him to do well, I don't think he's that bad on the mic, and he's solid in the ring, but people just find him boring.

I'll give one superstar from each brand:

Raw: Zach Ryder

Love the gimmick, love his mic skills, he's decent in the ring, has or had a great look. one long side of pants, one short, I liked it, it was different. His gimmick is hilarious to me and i've become a Ryder mark already. He continues to job though, and he has become the ultimate jobber. I just want to see him hold his own in the mid card.

H Mentions: John Morrison, Santino Marella

Smackdown: MVP

I saw him as a future world champion, he needs to turn heel though. He had a great future until WWE screwed it up, and what I hate was the IWC was saying how he was all boring and crap after I made a thread where MVP said he was considering retirement. the IWC was preaching how he should be pushed, than they switch things up, I've maintained my same opinion since 2007. I thought when he had that feud with Matt Hardy it made me realize his true potential. I've pretty much lost all hope that he'll be a champion, but who knows, KAne is champion after all.
My first pick would be

Kofi Kingston : That guy did pretty well in his push ans stood really well against Randy Orton. Had he not made one mistake in that match who knows he could be top face on Smackdown right now. I would give him another chance since he is on smackdown. On smackdown he has the better opportunity to rise than on Raw. I would push him to win the money in the bank but before that I will put him in a high profile feud against heel Kane (after he loses his tittle to edge) and will put kofi over. After that he would already had the credibility so after winning the MITB I will keep pushing him for another 4-5 months before handing him his tittle shot.

2. Santino : Now this guy without any significant serious role is holding up on his feet and holding it really tight. He gets frequent segments on Raw and pretty fair appearances on PPV's. Remembr judgement day 2009 his was the only good segment with Miz that saved the PPV. For him I have a storyline in my mind from about 2 years. I would let him get squashed every week by every wrestler on roster and even by girls. One night he would be getting beat up by Laycool and John Cena will come down to make the save(We all know that they are good friends in real life). After that Santino feels embarassed and ask John Cena to train him and make him strong like him. Then I will take him off air for few weeks but will continue the storyline with some small funny clips where John Cena tries to train him in a gym, in ring and even on trampoline. At first santino will be humourous but segment after segment he will get more serious and then after few weeks he will return and kick somebody's(like: Zack Ryder) ass like a badass and after win he will celebrate same old santino style. So he will keep his comedy style but be more serious when bell rings (Like The Rock).

3. Brian Danilson: I like the way wwe is pushing him slowly. Thats really good but I wont stop that push untill he gets on the top. This guy is too good to be anything less than a top guy. He can really fill that big hole of technical wrestling that Benoit, Angle, HBK and Eddie has left.
I would definitely give John Morrison a big push. I'm not sure if I would do it as a face or as a heel, because I have always much preferred him as a heel rather than as a face. But either way, the guy is ready for an attempt at a main event push. He's been stalled in the mid-card too long now. He's held mid-card titles. He's been tag team champion with two different guys. He's had a valet and been alone. He's been heel and he's been face. Give the guy a shot, he's earned it. If it doesn't work out, no harm no foul (see Jack Swagger). But if it does work out, you may have just found your next breakout star.

I know most people won't agree with me, but I'd also give MVP one more push, definitely as a heel, before I gave up on him once and for all. He has looked good in the past as a heel, but has looked pretty awful lately as another bland generic face. I still think he can pull off a run as the brash cocky arrogant heel again. He's doing nothing else anyway, so why not try it? If it works out, bonus. If not, future endeavours time. Again, nothing ventured nothing gained.

Two guys who are already in mid-push would continue to be elevated, gradually, in 2011 as well. The Miz's push would continue and I would definitely be putting the WWE championship around his waist. Daniel Bryan's march toward the main event would continue too, I see nothing but big things in his future as well.
Santino: Yeah, I'll go there. Say what you want about his silly antics, when it comes down to it he's a helluva worker. I would actually take his push very far, straight to the top. I'd have him get into serious trouble mouthing off to a big heel and get put in a very dangerous match. Then, before the match while Santino is agonizing over it, Hornswoggle shows up and gives him a special "good luck charm". Santino goes ahead and adds it to his ring gear and then, through a series of "accidents" and flukes, he actually wins his match. Santino continues, working his way up the ranks, getting number one contendership and finally, against all odds, winning a main event championship. Of course, his ego will get in the way and, after a few defenses, will lose the "good luck charm" and lose his championship.

Jillian Hall: Yes, I know that the WWE has completely ruined her by giving her the terrible singing gimmick and that's pretty much what everybody knows her for. However, have you watched how she actually wrestles. For goodness sake this girlie is brutal! She can get very vicious, very petty, and could be extremely scary if given the chance. I'd have her gain the Diva's championship again out of a fluke and then be told she had to defend it immediately. Out of sheer frustration, she starts attacking the ref, beating the hell out of him and then chasing her would-be opponent with a chair. After laying the both of them out, have her realize how much she enjoyed it. Turn her hardcore and eventually push her to be almost a female version of Kane. It could work.
Seems like the IWC thinks everyone needs a push sometimes.

I don't get why Sheamus needs a push? (To the OP), Morrison needs a push to the main event and Sheamus is just the guy to make him have that push gradually.

Also WWE is trying to push Ted but he just can't get over, I want him to do well, I don't think he's that bad on the mic, and he's solid in the ring, but people just find him boring.

I'll give one superstar from each brand:

Raw: Zach Ryder

Love the gimmick, love his mic skills, he's decent in the ring, has or had a great look. one long side of pants, one short, I liked it, it was different. His gimmick is hilarious to me and i've become a Ryder mark already. He continues to job though, and he has become the ultimate jobber. I just want to see him hold his own in the mid card.

H Mentions: John Morrison, Santino Marella

Smackdown: MVP

I saw him as a future world champion, he needs to turn heel though. He had a great future until WWE screwed it up, and what I hate was the IWC was saying how he was all boring and crap after I made a thread where MVP said he was considering retirement. the IWC was preaching how he should be pushed, than they switch things up, I've maintained my same opinion since 2007. I thought when he had that feud with Matt Hardy it made me realize his true potential. I've pretty much lost all hope that he'll be a champion, but who knows, KAne is champion after all.

100% agree with all your picks lol. Morrison needs a push, Santino needs a push, MVP seems like he is on the way to getting one *with the song change and all* and Zach Ryder's gimmick is GREAT! He's not one that would come to mind first but yes, he works on the mic and in ring and isn't as boring as dust *like Ted...*. But I'd like to think he will get a push because he seems to have a package already AND he looks like the type of guy to get a reaction from the crowd easily.
Raw: David Hart Smith. He reminds me quite a bit of his father. He has great potential both in the ring as well as in an overall career. I hate to see the fact that he seems stuck in the mid-card of a no-momentum tag team that will remain like that unless they get the titles back.

David Hart could easily become a great Intercontinental or United States champion. Even if his pop for winning it wouldn't be able to contest his fathers though. But I'm sure he could be a great talent in the solo mid-card.

Smackdown: Chavo Guerrero. Now many people might think I'm nuts. But I am a mark for this guy. I've always believed that Chavo is severely underused even if he's an older guy. He could easily be pushed to the point where he would become a threat for the Intercontinental championship. He could also rather easily make Dolph Ziggler look like gold, even if he does that very very well by himself.

Now a honorable mention would be Dolph Ziggler himself. But I'm sure he's already getting pushed to look like a strong champion against the challengers. I can only hope it continues like this, and eventually that he'll be world champion.
Firstly, can people pleeeeaaasseeee stop mentioning the Miz, not because he the worst thing since nathan jones, but because he's being pushed anyway and is in line for a WHC. By the same note, I'm not going to mention Bryan because he's being pushed as well - I just hope it continues to the top.

4 each, starting with Raw:

Santino: I'm pleased to see people are noticing the fact that a) despite horrendous material, his mic work remains affective and b) the guy is a very good mat based BJJ worker. I think for shear effort and services to jobbing, he deserves a legit chance.

Koslov: I know I will get pilloried for this, but I still think he has a huge upside. I think with santino, in a noncomic manner, being the mouth piece, they could both do well. You soon remember they tried putting koslov across first time against Trips, and if Haitch doesn't feel like putting someone over or burying them in politics, they've no chance. I think Danielson, JoMo, Santino and Koslov could pull off some excellent inring action.

William Regal: OK, maybe I'm biased here being a Brit, but I think as we now know this will be Regal's last cycle, he's earned on last push, maybe only only to upper mid card before he hangs up the trunks. If in doubt, imagine the quality of a Regal v Danielson (or Punk) series for the US belt.

Justin Angel/Gabriel: Given for too much of an understated role in Nexus IMHO. But that does mean he won't upstage and ruin the credibility of guys like Otunga. As a previous poster said, Gabriel vs Bourne - its gold and maybe even a reason to dust off the Cruiserweight title.


Swagger: Yes, the Eagle is thtupid. And yes, the initial attempt to make him a legit WHC was done badly and then he fell off the radar faster than flight 93. However, he possess in theory all the attitubes to be another Angle. Which given the ankle lock I kinda figured management wanted him to be. But he's spending too much time on Superstars and may not have long before he becomes not the new Angle, but the new Haas.

Del Rio: For a guy who spent so many years in CMLL and AAA hiding behind a mask, he as transfered his style and face almost seemlessly. Yes, the gimmick is a rehash of JBL, but Alberto is doing it very well and it adds a dimention by bringing in the Latino audience. I think he can continue to climb the ladder, what worries me is I'm not convinced putting him in straight away against Mysterio might not have set the bar too high for any future fued to be called a success. Maybe time to call the doctor...Wagner Jr.

Chavo Guerrero: Like Regal, I don't think Chavo will hang around much longer. There must be a limit to the antics of Vicki even family can't bear to be associated with. Like Regal, I also think he's done enough, even without Eddie, to merit a gracious farewell. Bourne, Gabriel, Danielson, Rey, hell even Santino could put on great matches if allowed. Sadly I think only one Guerrero will continue to see TV time.

Kaval: If anyone on this list needs a push, it's Kaval. I don't mean to win titles or main events, I mean to have a future with the company. Even Santino is not getting his ass handed to him with the regularity this guy is, and Santino is meant to be a joke. I was worried when Kaval won NXT because it was the IWC, in part, that got him there. Danielson may be cut from the same cloth, but he appeared when NXT was entirely control from Greenwich. Or maybe VKM was rigging the votes on season 2 as well. Anyway, it makes no sense for Kaval, with a unique style and offense, to be buried when guys who made less of an impact on NXT are taking key roles on RAW.

Pax Vobiscum.
I'll pick one from each show.

Raw: can I say Goldust? He is kind of getting a push right now, but I wouldn't mind seeing one last title run before he retires, which will probably happen in the next few years.

Smackdown: Vance Archer. This guy is really amazing as a sort of monster heel. I don't understand why that spot on Smackdown is currently being held by a Rob Zombie impersonator (I know I'm not the 1st person to use that reference). He has some really devastating looking moves and had some really entertaining matches in ECW with Tommy Dreamer and Goldust. I didn't see his work in TNA, but without a doubt, Vance Archer is most deserving of a push on Smackdown.
I have a bit of a list for this on so i'll start with RAW

Zach Ryder. He's funny, he can talk, he has an entertaining gimmick, His theme is great. While I won't say he is Main Event material this guy is IC championship material at least and shouldn't be squashed every couple of weeks meaninglessly to people who don't need it.

Any Legit tag team: Hart Dynasty, Uso's, Gatecrashers, Gaberiel and Slater Hell even Santino and Kozlov. I would use them to build up the division. The Hart's don't need to split up, seriously they are a solid tag team and should be champions. Uso's should be on T.V. more than once a month, The gatecrashers can get on T.V. once in a while not just when Smackdown moved. I can see Slater and Gaberiel surviving the fall of Nexus and becoming champions again, Santino and Kozlov could atleast wrestle abit too. Tag Division Use it or lose it.

Actually right now this is where I would keep it for RAW. John Morrision and Sheamus are the only other two that I would consider but right now it looks like they are heading for a feud so they are staying put atleast for the mean time. On to Smackdown.

Kaval: The guy has skill no doubt. He can talk and he can wrestle. He is the winner of the second season of NXT. What is the difference between him and the winner of the first season of NXT? One, Wade Barrett, is leading a stable, Main eventing Pay-per-views, and showing up in at least 2 segments an episode. Two, Kaval, is non-exsistent wrestler on his show. and jobbed his spot on a pay-per-view to a guy who has been on Smackdown for 2 weeks (excluding Dark Matches). I feel that the WWE doesn't know what they are going to do with him. What they should do insted of crippling him to people, is find something to do with him and use him.

Jack Swagger: This guy was funny. This guy was relevent. This guy lost his title and went to the grey zone. He deserves more. His run was entertaining to start and quickly fell apart, he's career should follow suit. Push him back up to higher groud and make him a contender for the title but don't give it to him for atleast 6 months. Make him connect with the fans as a serious competator before having him wear the strap.
When I think of a guy getting a push, I think of that person moving up from where they currently are on the roster. Maybe a guy jumps from the low card to the mid card, or from mid card to main event. Here's some guys I think have a ton of potential, and need to move up sooner rather than later.


Santino: This guy is probably the most entertaining mid-carder on Raw right now, and has been for some time. Is he a better in-ring competitor than John Morrison or R-Truth? Maybe not, but he has the ability to connect with the crowd, and that's something that is lacking in WWE at this moment. The Honk-A-Meter might have been the most entertaining angle the I.C. title has had in years.

Skip Sheffield: I know, I know, he doesn't do "flippies." Ok, we get it. But he's not only a massive, muscular guy, he's quite athletic. He's rather quick for his size, and has an intimidating presence. He's not bad on the mic, when given an opportunity. Much better as a monster heel, and I think he would be one-half of the tag champs, right now, if he weren't injured.

Alex Riley: This guy has a HUGE amount of talent. For my money, he's better than The Miz, right now, in every aspect of the game. He's a more entertaining talker, he's much better in the ring, and he has an even better look. I can't understand why this guy didn't get a Barrett-like push on Smackdown. He at least belongs battling for the U.S./I.C. belt, right now. This guy is the total package.


Trent Barreta: Call me crazy, I couldn't care less. This guy has as much potential as any undercard guy out there. He is much better in the ring than his partner, and he's cut a decent promo when given the chance. I'm really not sure why so many here in the IWC shit all over this guy. It seems as though many of his critics have not watched him wrestle, or just don't care about him, so they call him shit. He sells as well as any young guy they have right now, and has a ton of athletic ability. This may get me shot and/or booted off of this forum, but he reminds me of a young (and I mean very green) Bret Hart. He has the same physical tools, just needs to add some size. I really hope they don't drop the ball with this kid.
Smackdown it's Kofi Kingston hands down. The pop this guy gets from the crowd is huge, easily the most over mid-card guy in the WWE. His feud with Orton last year and his dominance at Survivor Series should have signaled a main event push for him, but things didn't work out for him. I think with some promos and mic development, Kofi can be one of the most prestigious black superstars since Booker T.

On Raw I'd love to see Zack Ryder get a push toward the US title. Zack was the original prototype for the Jersey Shore inspired archetype (long before Robbie E & Cookie). Zack has mic skills, he's good in-ring, has a good physique and most of all; he's only 25 years old.

My honorable mention is Chris Masters. Masters has busted his ass the passed few years and has really stepped his game up in-ring. His match with Kane went close to 10 minutes a couple of months ago and he gets a good reaction from the crowd. I understand he is simply an enhancement talent at this point, but he has definitely improved IMO.
1. Kaval/Justin Gabriel/Daniel Bryan/Yoshi Tatsu/Evan Bourne. Some of the best new high-fliers/small guys I've seen in a while (on the major shows, obviously.) Push them with a new, revamped Cruiserweight division. I think the time is right and that it would only help out Raw or Smackdown! on a weekly basis.

2. Cody Rhodes. True, he's getting his push with Drew. But, he also lost his Tag titles to a team he and Drew faced for the first time. I think a feud between the two could pay off in seeing who is the better of the two. My money would be on Cody and I think that he could have a solid run if given the support needed.

3. Christian. This is automatic for me. The guy gets the biggest pops and before he was injured, he was just lingering. I think he needs to get the run he deserves. Hardy has his chances/moments, Edge is there, Jeff had his moments. Christian, arguably the best overall worker out of the lot gets a measly ECW title run.

I'd push him by letting him have that chip on his shoulder and let him get the fans even more on his side by claiming he's sick of not getting what he deserves. Have him go against the big guys and hold his own, letting him always come back on top. Work this angle for a year, so that you can amplify the fact that he's worker harder then anyone else. Finally, have him win a Royal Rumble and earn his shot.
dolph ziggler.....change finishers.....at least that zigzag thing......and drop this vickie g nonsense......i think he could really be what he wants to be....a new age mr. perfect....i like his ring aggression.

ezekiel jackson.....he needs a manager....or to be part of a ridiculously dope heel stable....and once again a new finisher.....he looks like a monster of a man and should be more of a physical dominant presence.

jerry the king lawler....by this point in his career he needs to be a bobby heenan or a mr. fuji type role.....seriously b/c he seems almost faded out behind the announcer table.....maybe a hopeless thought but he deserves it...he's jerry freaking lawler....he's paid enough dues to at least be a relevant character.

people already mentioned who i wont touch on b/c its pretty much in agreement: sheamus (cena and hhh to morrison???) justin gabriel (most def), santino (more serious in the ring though)
Trent Barreta: Call me crazy, I couldn't care less. This guy has as much potential as any undercard guy out there. He is much better in the ring than his partner, and he's cut a decent promo when given the chance. I'm really not sure why so many here in the IWC shit all over this guy. It seems as though many of his critics have not watched him wrestle, or just don't care about him, so they call him shit. He sells as well as any young guy they have right now, and has a ton of athletic ability. This may get me shot and/or booted off of this forum, but he reminds me of a young (and I mean very green) Bret Hart. He has the same physical tools, just needs to add some size. I really hope they don't drop the ball with this kid.

Yeah!! I totally agree. He's very smooth in the ring--he can do flippies, but he doesn't really on them--and he's also comfortable on the mic. He makes me legitimately laugh out loud sometimes. Also, although I appreciate the fact that he is in one of the few legitimate tag teams in the WWE right now, for once I wouldn't mind seeing them break up, because I think Barreta has a lot more to offer than the tag division allows him.
ill do 5 from each brand, well cuz i got nothing else better to do:
1. Micheal McGillicutty - While I am a HUGE Kaval fan Micheal should've won. He has amazing talent and could easily hold a solid mid to upper card spot, feuding against JoMo, Sheamus, Punk, and DiBiase.

2. Zack Ryder (My Dude) - Again he's a young guy, UBER talented on the mic, and a great persona as a "Jersey Shore Knock Off."

3. Tyson Kidd - Now hear me out, you split up The Hart Dynasty and have Kidd become a heel, saying he was too good for the Harts, this could bring in Teddy Hart, who IMO is a chill pill away from coming into the WWE and I think a 3 way between Teddy, DHS, and Kidd would be AWESOME!!!!

4. Skip Sheffield/ Ezekiel Jackson - You team these 2 beasts together and you could get alot of muscle and power. Give them a mouthpiece and you could have a really serious tag team here.

5. Santino - Now as Boris Alexiev, he was a russian kickboxer with a nasty armbar finisher. If you take Kozlov and make him "train" Santino to come back a serious fighting machine. (I really want this, he's too talented)

1.Vance Archer - This guy has alot of talent and has the oppurtunity to be the next big heel. He has Power, Grace and everything that could make him the next BIG Heel.

2. Alberto Del Rio - he has alot going for him, Uber talented in all aspects, and he could easily be the top heel on SD, even now.

3. Jack Swagger - His Eagle Mascot thing is ridiculous, and while he was Champ, he had the whole "I'm Better Than You" complex and it worked far more than this "American Champion" complex.

4. Drew McIntyre/Cody Rhodes - They both have nothing but big things in there futures, but they both could be top mid to lower upper card and i think Drew could be Main Eventing now. He has a great finisher and a great look, persona, and backing system in Vince, if only he could get an important title.

5. MVP - TURN HIM HEEL ALREADY!!!!! If you did he could compete for top heel spots with Del Rio, Swagger, McIntyre, Rhodes, and Archer when he breaks away. He could even be heel Champ, i think the Kane Thing has flown its coop. Heel MVP had me telling my friends that he could be the next The Rock (I KNOW STUPID!)

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