If You had creative control of the Rock vs Hollywood Hogan WM Match?


Dark Match Jobber
The Rock vs Hollywood hogan match was awesome, the crowd in toronto was all for hogan "Who was the heel" and totally against The Rock "Who was the Face" but I didn't like the way the creative team drew it up for that match. This is how I would have done it......I would have had 2 plans..plan a, plan b...Plan A Would have been simple..Rock u win "Clean" if the crowd is on your side..simple...but if the crowd is on you, and is totally for hogan.... right when Hogan Bulks up on you...u "THE ROCK" will get the Boot and Leg drop....and you will break out at on the 2 count...Hogan stunned...that u broke out, then all of sudden..Where going to send Hall and Nash out..now u "Hogan" will play it off that there coming out for you, (The Rock still hurting from the leg drop) Hogan you tell hall and nash to leave, (Cause you wanna do it on your own) u tell them....I got this guys...(The Ref) would be saying let's go..then the Rock will Hit you into the (The Ref) Ref knocked out...then hall and nash will enter the ring...and will play it off that there going after the Rock...but all of sudden u "ROCK" will start laughing (Bad Guy Laugh) and U "Rock" and hall and nash will triple team hogan (Ref still out) u 3 guys will put all ur finishing moves on hulk, U "ROCK" being the last of course...Nash will wake the REF up, and u "ROCK" will get the Pin..and at the end..The new nWo is formed....and u "Hogan" will looked in disbelief.....

So my ? to you is, If you had creative control of that match, how would u have done it?
I wouldn't change a thing. I was there in Toronto that night, and I wouldn't trade anything that happened in that match for the world. It was about as perfect a match as I can remember. (Not in a technical, catch-as-catch-can style, of course.) Hogan got his standing ovation after the match was over, and that wouldn't have happened with the scenario you laid out. Or, to be more specific, it wouldn't have been the same. Sometimes things play out exactly as they should. Rock vs. Hogan at Mania was one of those times.
wm wud have suckd if it had your vision with it.. the rock in the nwo? after all that happend in that feud? it would have been redundant and a poor way to go.
Okay never change a thing about that match the one thing i hate about hogan is how he never put michaels over at summerslam when obvs michaels should have won Hogan had no business ever winning that match or the match against the Rock... The reason the match went so well was because the heat the Rock had on him because no one expected that it was going to happen.
Bad idea, how could Vince have known the crowd was going to turn on The Rock like they did? Its never happened in the business to that extent before. Was bad enough they put Hogan and The Rock together, couple of weeks after Hogan ran him over in the carpark. But as far as Mania 18, Hogan putting The Rock over was the perfect finish. The only thing I would have changed for the card would have been to take Austin down a peg or two, tell him to put the company first and fight Hogan at Wrestlemania,as originally planned. Austin refusing, in turn throwing out alot of Vinces plans, no wonder Vince wasnt so high on Austin after Mania 18, then Austin cracked it and left after the Brock Lesnar squash he refused to be a part of.
Come on know, u think "Vince" didn't have a clue that crowd might change in that match? It was hogan's first match back in the WWE...THINK ABOUT THAT!!! YES The crowd in toronto that night, still gives me "goose bumps" but not as loud as (Goldberg, Hogan) but I'm just saying u could have turned the rock bad that night...He was an up and coming star in Hollywood...Him turning that night with the nWo would have been AWESOME...Cause he just took the reins from the "Original" Hollywood hogan that is...just my opinion....:) and the wwf at the Time could have totally played the story for a long time.....
that sounds like a dusty rhodes finish in wcw...horrid idea. i agree with the others and wouldnt change it because it was one of very few times "terry being terry" didnt happen and he gave it up to the rock *and then stole all of the rocks catch phrases and used them on his vh1 show*....nope, i would keep it how it was
Hogan would be the golden era Hogan not the nWo gimmick.. it should have been no DQ and Rock should have rock bottomed him on a chair 3 times and won
First of all I like how it went down. Just because someone is Heel, does not mean they have to win by cheating.

Secondly, The Rock in The NWO? Fuckin' HATE it 100%!!! It would have been a horrible decision for creative to even consider it!

The way The Rock's Heel turn went down over the next few months was picture perfect anyway... So I wouldn't change any part of that either!
Tough Question! The match and outcome was not bad, BUT I believe many different things could have worked. I just think the NWO should have attacked Hogan after the match, and ROCK join the NWO. That would have been awesome. Have another big player join the nWo Next week, like HBK! So we would have Rock, Hall, Nash, and HBK. Or have Hbk, Hall, and Nash Attack Hogan and Rock after the match, and have a 3 on 3 match on next PPV. Hbk, Hall, Nash Vs Hogan, Rock, Austin (3 biggest Draws in WWf history)
I'm going to agree with the majority here and say it's not a good idea. That match was perfect exactly as it was. Rock turning would have ruined a great mania moment.

and the wwf at the Time could have totally played the story for a long time.....

Here's another problem with your idea. Rock was pretty much done after mania. I think he left for a couple months after mania. He returned for a couple more months then was done full time for good.
I would have done absolutely nothing to that match, it is an all time classic and 95% of what made Wrestlemania 18 great, why would you want to change something like that?

Rock joining the NWO would be stupid for a number of reasons but mainly because The Rock was basically done after WM 18. Sure he would be back for Summerslam and a few other appearences but his carreer as an active member of the roster was over. Why would you have someone have a huge turn then just dissapear and not have it mentioned.
I wouldnt change anything in that Match except The Rock giving his Title shot to Hogan Afterwards. Triple H at the HighLight of his Career comes back from quad surgery....Wins The Rumble, Becomes the 2nd Undisputed Champion ever...New Belt...On top of the World...and then Lays Down for he Hulkster at Backlash. TERRIBLE Creative Move there and possibly changing the Landscape for the next decade. that Whenever a Ledgend Comes back he Wins even aginst the best wrestler alive today. wooooooooooooo
If I had creative control I'd have stuck two fingers up at Hogan and told him, no matter what the cheers were that night, we're not going to have him leave the nWo so quickly and kill off future potential main event feuds it could result in. Saying that though, it didn't help that Hogan did his best to get the babyface attention from The Rock with a lot of the stuff he did during (and epecially after) the match.

That atmosphere though....still amazing
I suspected all along that Hogan would get the face reaction on the night, it was the first time back in the WWE for many years for Hogan, the biggest babyface of all time. There was no way the crowd was going to hate on him, they were all just glad he was back and showed him so.

I think the match was booked as well as it could be really, there isnt anything that I would change on first thoughts. Maybe something will come to me later, but my inital thoughts are that I am happy with how the match was booked.

It led to the fans getting what they wanted anyway, Hogan back in the yellow and red within a few nights anyway

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