If you could trade some Raw talent for Smackdown talent...


Championship Contender
which wrestlers would they be? My answers are pretty easy. Smackdown needs all the help they can get, especially with top faces.

1.The Miz for Christian

The Miz could have a great feud with Orton with his skills on the mic and in the ring. Nobody really wants to see The Miz and Cena lock up anymore for a while either, so who would he feud with on the Raw roster now that Mysterio is out of action? As far as Christian goes, he has no place to go now that the matches with Orton have taken their course. What is he going to do now, feud with Sheamus or Sin Cara the rest of the year? Make this happen, it makes to much sense to not do it.

2. Alex Riley for Daniel Bryan

My original answer was going to be John Morrison, but I think he could put on some good matches with Ziggler for the U.S. Title. Daniel Bryan is on a bit of a losing streak lately and it would be nice to see him match up against the midcarders of Raw like Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger. Alex Riley would get over much more on Smackdown and be used much better. In my opinion, he'd put on some good matches with Cody Rhodes and Jinder Mahal.

3. R-Truth for Wade Barrett

We saw Wade Barrett walk out on his no-name opponent before the bell even rang on last Friday's Smackdown. That would explain the angle, that he's moving over to Raw to see if he can find any competition over there. He'd be great for a feud with Cena while Del Rio holds the title until about Survivor Series. R-Truth is really getting over lately, but he would have the opportunity to be the main heel on Smackdown. Not to mention, he and The Miz would be together if scenario #1 took place and I can see them contending for the Tag Team Titles against Kingston & Bourne. Anyways, a Sheamus/Truth feud would be entertaining and an Orton/Truth feud would be even better.

4. Drew McIntyre for Tyson Kidd

This move is one I'd like to see happen simply because I think McIntyre has a lot of talent, but they're clearly never going to use him on Raw. On Smackdown, at least he got in the ring and some storylines. He's another one that could feud with Sheamus over who's the better of Ireland/Scotland, yadda yadda yadda. Feuds against Sin Cara, Ezekiel Jackson, Justin Gabriel, or Zach Ryder would all be watchable too. Then in Tyson Kidd's case, he's already gone over to Sin Cara and Justin Gabriel on Smackdown. I'd personally love to see him go to Raw and take on Evan Bourne or Kofi Kingston, a couple of the highflyers that brand has to offer. I'll still never understand them splitting up the Hart Dynasty, it didn't benefit anyone. With Natalya being a heel again now, she could even valet for them again if they re-signed Harry Smith.
I dunno, a lot of guys seem to be thriving pretty well where they are so far. I'd definitely keep Daniel Bryan on SmackDown!. He's generally gotten back into the groove of things over on the blue brand and, hopefully, he'll be a huge star by the time the next WWE Draft comes about. R-Truth, Mark Henry, Sheamus, Christian, Alberto Del Rio, CM Punk and most others that spring to mind seem to also be doing quite well where they are.

Off the top of my head, I might switch the mid-card titles and bring Rhodes to Raw & Dolph Ziggler back to SmackDown!. I think Rhodes is ready to be on Raw and while I like that WWE has done a pretty decent job of building Ziggler as a character and a presence on the mic, he just seemed better to me on SmackDown!.
i wanted kofi on smackdown but i cant now!! but i want the us title on smackdown and barret put up against orton for the world title..

i want drew and curt hawkins on raw

i want drew in a mayjor fude and hawkins going for the ic title

here is what i want to happen


cm punk and tripple h fueding with nash involved

curt hawkins [heel] going against christian [face] for ic title

Drew Mcintyre [heel] going against Cena [face]

Albert del rio [wwe champ] [heel] going against Dolph ziggler [Face]

no ideas for tag champions yet since the tag team division suck


randy orton vs wade barret [world championship]

seamus vs kane [heel]

ted debiase [face] vs cody rhodes [heel] ic champ

tyson kidd vs sin cara vs trent berreta cruiser weight championship

justin gabriel vs mark henry
From RAW to Smackdown:

The Miz-Needs a fresh change.
John Morrison-Lost on RAW. Put the IC Title on him then maybe the WHC.
Zack Ryder-He's the SD GM's Assistant. Plus he could go for the IC title.
Drew McIntyre-Was 10x better on SD. Put him in the WHC picture against Orton.
Michael McGillicuty-Change his name back to Joe Henning and team him with Ted Dibiase to make "The Fortunate Sons".

From Smackdown to RAW:
Christian-Getting stale on SD. Have him go up against Cena, Punk on RAW.
Ezekiel Jackson-Again, why? US Title run would be good for Zeke.
Cody Rhodes-Great on SD, better on RAW. Have him win the US Title.
Love your picks nbieclkl91, except for Rhodes. I like him on Smackdown and think once he drops the IC Title, he'll have a great feud with Orton for the WHC.
Dolph Ziggler. The only part of you post that resembles the topic is " i want drew and curt Hawkins on raw" Also i see Christan is on raw, in a program with Hawkins for the same Ic title that he is in a major program for with Drew. The same Ic title that Cody and Ted are going at it for. Where is the trades? The rest of you post is a You Book It post for a different thread.

As for me, i think that most people that are main event, upper-mid-card, mid-card and jobber will be the same no matter what brand the person is on. With that said......

The Miz to SD for Christan..... to me the Miz has potential to be great. Right now he is over shadowed by Cena, Punk, Trips, Nash, even Del-Rio. On SD i think he would thrive with the lack of big name talent on the brand! I feel Christan will be done with his M.E. push after the live smackdown, and he can mid-card on any brand.

Cody to Raw for John Morrison..... Cody is ready to expand his gimmick beyond the SD audience. Put it on the big show and lets see if it has leg's. JoMo is stuck between the proverbial rock and hard place. To me his face gimmick is stale due to his lack of mic skills, but his high flying move set by circumstance makes the audience "pop". High-fliers are hard to put over as heels because people like big, exciting moves and want to cheer.
Dolph Ziggler. The only part of you post that resembles the topic is " i want drew and curt Hawkins on raw" Also i see Christan is on raw, in a program with Hawkins for the same Ic title that he is in a major program for with Drew. The same Ic title that Cody and Ted are going at it for. Where is the trades? The rest of you post is a You Book It post for a different thread.

As for me, i think that most people that are main event, upper-mid-card, mid-card and jobber will be the same no matter what brand the person is on. With that said......

The Miz to SD for Christan..... to me the Miz has potential to be great. Right now he is over shadowed by Cena, Punk, Trips, Nash, even Del-Rio. On SD i think he would thrive with the lack of big name talent on the brand! I feel Christan will be done with his M.E. push after the live smackdown, and he can mid-card on any brand.

Cody to Raw for John Morrison..... Cody is ready to expand his gimmick beyond the SD audience. Put it on the big show and lets see if it has leg's. JoMo is stuck between the proverbial rock and hard place. To me his face gimmick is stale due to his lack of mic skills, but his high flying move set by circumstance makes the audience "pop". High-fliers are hard to put over as heels because people like big, exciting moves and want to cheer.

i know!! i get carried away, im just sick of superstars like mcintyre and hawkins not getting used!! plus i might be the only one to think this, but i dont see potential in zack ryder
Smackdown really is considered, in the eyes of the fans and the WWE, as the B show. Raw is the A show in most peoples' eyes. There may be some people who do not feel that way. But, that (Smackdown being viewed as the B show) can be a blessing, as well as a curse.

The blessing part: Smackdown is a really good place for one to hone his skills. It's worked for Cody Rhodes, whose ring skills, mic skills, and ability to perform his gimmick have improved immensely since going blue. I can't say for sure, but Smackdown is watched much less than Raw. Raw is on Monday night, a perfect time for TV. Smackdown, for now, is on a Friday night, when most people are living their social lives. There are several other examples that I don't really feel like listing at the moment, but Cody really is a good example in my eyes.

Now for the curse. Smackdown is viewed as the B show. Being drafted to the Blue brand is widely seen by the fans as a step down/back. Raw is the flagship show; Smackdown is a show. That other show, in the eyes of many forum members.
Sure, Miz isn't in the main event (as he should be.) But at least he is ON the show, the flagship show. He might be getting a steady slot with this partnership with Truth. Being drafted to the blue brand would be a huge step back, to me. Sure, as I stated earlier, he could hone his skills. (Probably his in ring skills, which are decent at the moment.) But it would still be a huge step back for the man that Vince has been very impressed with recently.

But now onto your points, or ideas.

1.The Miz for Christian
Your points are pretty valid. But still, it would be a step back. And he'd surely lose the feud overall. Christian belongs on Smackdown because he is needed as the monster heel. Mark Henry is starting to become the second top heel, but right now, Christian is the heel on the blue brand. Raw's got too many heels, many people have said, so moving Christian to Raw would be a bad move.

2. Alex Riley for Daniel Bryan
This I would like to see, but it can't. Daniel Bryan is the SMACKDOWN Money In the Bank winner. So him being drafted to raw just wouldn't work. ARy is my second favorite face, and he just doesn't get the chance he deserves on Raw. His feud with Ziggler barely exists, and he's in the love triangle between Swagger, Vickie, and Ziggler. Not a good place to be for a relatively new midcarder. So i want him to go to Smackdown, but your suggested trade would not work.

3. R-Truth for Wade Barrett
As I said earlier, Raw has too many heels and not enough faces. Wade would get lost in the shuffle. Due to his amazing Summerslam performance, Wade deserves a big push. I think he should stay on Smackdown, and go on strike, basically, for a few weeks, until he is given legitimate competition. Truth would be a good choice to go to Smackdown. He would have many new opponents.

4. Drew McIntyre for Tyson Kidd
McIntyre is barely used on Raw, and Kidd is rarely used on Smackdown. But Kidd needs to enhance his mic skills badly.
Mark Henry to RAW for Drew McIntyre
After this feud with Orton for the title there is only the inevitable feud with Zeke that will end one of their pushes. Heres how you keep pushing both and giving Drew a shot at some TV time with feuds with Curtis, Sin Cara, Daniel Bryan, Zack Ryder & teaming with Sheamus & Barrett will all help refresh his character.

David Otunga & Joe Hennig bolting to Smackdown for Jinder Mahal & The Great Khali
Same taking a successful yet dead horse angle from Smackdown has been a trend on Raw recently so why not rehash it and make Khali a believable heel. Theres no need to break up something that resembles a tag team in WWE unless it's for a major shake up angle.
To Smackdown:

1. Dolph Ziggler

He needs a main event push and feuding with Randy Orton would be excellent. Plus, he has great opponents in Daniel Bryan, Justin Gabriel and Christian that can make him look excellent.

2. Michael McGillicutty

Rechristen him as Joe Hennig and have him split from Otunga. I think he can have a decent midcard run on Smackdown.

3. Mason Ryan

What else will he do on Raw? He should be on Smackdown as Wade's bodyguard. There's not much else for him to do.

4. Alberto Del Rio

I sincerely doubt there's anyone else on Raw that Alberto can feud with that will grab my interest other than Punk. On Smackdown, he could feud with Sheamus, Bryan, Kane, Orton, even Undertaker when he comes back. The sky is the limit.

5. Primo

He is a good wrestler who doesn't catch a break. Maybe if he goes to SD he can have some midcard exposure. I sense an Eddie Guerrero vibe from him.

To Raw:

1. Ezekiel Jackson

I don't know what they could do with him on Raw, but his immobility is Smackdown's midcard's only weakness. Keep him off Smackdown's excellent midcard and move him elsewhere.

2. The Usos

They should turn heel and go after Kofi and Bourne's titles. There's no reason for such a good tag team to wander around on Smackdown when there's no tag team division there.

3. Mark Henry

After feuding with Kane, Sheamus and Orton, I really don't see anyone else he could feud with. Sure, he could feud with Jackson, but those will probably be the most boring matches of all time. And I sent Jackson to Raw anyway so if WWE wants this feud, let them do it on Raw where people don't really care about match quality.

4. Trent Beretta

He is really good and doesn't do anything on Smackdown. I know Raw isn't much better considering how crowded it is, but Trent can really add to the midcard. Riley is way too green, Santino is a comedy character and both Evan and Kofi are now tagging. That leaves an open spot for top midcard face and Trent could be it if given the chance. He's definitely good enough in the ring.
If I was to make a trade it would include the following...

Raw would trade John Morrison and Big Show to Smackdown

Smackdown would trade Wade Barrett and Ezkiel Jackson to Raw

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