If You Could RP As Someone Else...

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Who would it be? This can be addressed on two fronts:

  • A Character that has existed in WreslteZone e-fed life (previous or active)
  • An alternative Character that you have developed (i.e. never created/attempted)

You can only choose one (two if you wish to pick one from each stipulation). We haven't had this type of thread created/discussed in a while, so let's make this fun! (I'm pretty sure this hasn't been done before, so sorry in advance if this was in another thread)

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For me:

Thriller's character Phoenix, per se. It's not that I want to do his exact character, but the idea of using a bird as the forefront. He'd be called Perry G. FalKon (with the "G" standing for Green... so when you say the full name, it's pronounced Peregrine Falcon, one of the most dominant birds of the family) and be some sort of philosopher or "higher existence" character, using the falcon as a catalyst. A major babyface that is humble and respected, but as a heel... quite corrupt.

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What say you, WZCW Universe?
I haven't got it pinned down yet, but if I could RP as someone else, it would be either a mute or the archetype of rugged manliness in the tradition of John Wayne or Clint Eastwood.
For me, it would either be the character of Phoenix or Ty Burna.

Originally when I joined, I wanted the exact concept of the Phoenix character and make a nice tie in with my forum name, only when joining I found out that Thriller beat me to the punch. So I went with Big Dave who is effectively my character from the Smackdown game series. I just loved the concept of someone who isn't connected to the world in a normal way with some heightened elements. But Big Dave has evolved since I've been using him but those are two of the characters I admire.
I would love to take Doug Crashin out for a test ride. The potential is there to make him a show running heel. I see him as a mixture of Scott Steiner, Ted DiBiase Sr., and 2000 HHH. That is one lethal mixture, and seems like tons of fun to RP for.
My original character, Grand Mystique. I really fllourished elsewhere as a heel with that character.

But Titus would be a good one. As would Crashin. Being leader of a stable is such an opener.
I wouldn't mind rping as my very first efed character from like 8-9 years ago. It was a gangsta gimmick maybe not quite like how James Baker did it, but in that same vein. Naturally I would have had my two NPC's, my hoochie mama and the muscle man of the group I had.

As far as rping current/former WZCW characters, Grand Mystique definitely, and Vengeance.
As Big Dave against Titus at unscripted!
I kind of wanted to try a character that was a parody/homage to the Japanese style superheroes, like the Super Sentai or Kamen Rider. Just as a comedy character instead of my usual super-serious work.
I kind of wanted to try a character that was a parody/homage to the Japanese style superheroes, like the Super Sentai or Kamen Rider. Just as a comedy character instead of my usual super-serious work.

My original character here in WZCW Byakko was supposed to be just that, unfortunately the mantle of superhero gimmick was already taken and I couldn't us the character in that style.

I've had a number of character's throughout my time efedding, but to say that I'd like to roleplay as someone else, well I just can't do it. I created the Steele family of characters back in 2003 and no other character I create can keep my attention outside of them, with the exception of my only female wrestler named Raven.

So I just don't think I can pick anyone else to roleplay as.
I would have to go with U.S.A. I always saw his character to have the potential to be a cross between heel Bret Hart and Muhammud Hassan. Preaching the "american" way the hard way.
As for characters already developed, I can't think of any. I know I wouldn't be able to do as good as job with the characters than the person who is already RPing for them.

I do have an idea for another character, though, in case Tucker graham eventually runs its course. I thought doing an ex-race car driver would be a fun one to do. I'd called him Victor E. Lane.

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