If You Could Go Back....


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What Pay Per View would you choose to go to if you could go back to the 1985-1993 Era?

Lately I've been thinking about how great it would have been if I could have just been to one of those great pay per views. The thing is though, when I was a kid I didn't quite appreciate Wrestling the way I do now. Like most of you, you can tell which wrestlers are actually "Skilled" wrestlers now. You can tell which ones give great promos, and which ones don't. I'm sure some of you are like me though, and when watching it as a young kid it didn't freakin' matter who was skilled. No one cared the Hulkster wasn't as good of a technical wrestler as Bret Hart. Too young to notice. There are certain things I appreciate so much more now.

My point is if I could go back and see Wrestlemania 5 at my age of 26 now, I think I would have a heart attack when Hulkster's music hit. I'm not even a Hulkamaniac but that music and intro is so damn nostalgic and perfect to me that I don't know if I could handle it. I am actually a Macho Man fan but it all doesn't matter. I'd be going nuts for every single wrestler that came out.

I just want to hear about which Pay Per View ya'll would go back to and why?

Also, if you actually were at one of those great pay per views, tell us about how damn awesome it was...
I would definitely go to the 1992 royal rumble. It was such a star studded event. Plus it had pipers first title win and flair blowing thru the WWF roster
Good thread. For me it would be Wrestlemania 6 at The Toronto Skydome. Warrior Hogan was my favorite match as a kid despite being a Hulkamaniac and Warrior winning. The atmosphere there for that match had to have been insane. Two faces battling for the title was very rare at that time, and it created a split between Hogan fans and Warrior fans. It would have been something special to be there just for that match alone.
I'd go back to:
The Venue: Pontiac Silverdome;
The Place: Detroit, MI
The Event: Wrestlemania 3.

I would want to because you had:
Hulk vs Andre
Macho Man vs Ricky the Dragon Steamboat
The Hart Foundation & Danny Davis vs the British Bulldogs & Tito Santana
Honky Tonk Man vs Jake the Snake Roberts

with appearances by King Kong Bundy, Hercules, Rick Martel, Bob Orton, Alice Cooper the Iron Shiek etc etc you get the idea
^Beat me to it.

The Biggest event imaginable with the biggest matches ever. That would be the greatest experience.
It's WM3 for me too. Just to be amongst 93,173 fans would be enough for me not to mention the matches. The atmosphere in there must have been amazing.
Good thread. For me it would be Wrestlemania 6 at The Toronto Skydome. Warrior Hogan was my favorite match as a kid despite being a Hulkamaniac and Warrior winning. The atmosphere there for that match had to have been insane. Two faces battling for the title was very rare at that time, and it created a split between Hogan fans and Warrior fans. It would have been something special to be there just for that match alone.
Couldn't agree more. I was a huge Warrior mark. The build up to that match was outstanding. I couldn't believe when Warrior won. Hogan handing the belt over and the two of them embracing was a true WM moment.
Wrestlemania 9! I know it was probably the worst but as I was only 10 when it happened, I wanted to be there so badly. To see Bret Hart as Champion, Hogan and Mr Perfect and HBK and Tatanka, it would have made my childhood complete.
Under the limitations you gave me and assuming you want this to be WWF oriented, I'd go back to Wrestlemania VII. I know it's cool not to like it now, but I loved Hogan vs Slaughter and would love to experience it again. This gimmick was very real for me as I had a personal connection to the war as a child and had been a HUGE Slaughter fan before this.

If it could be ANY moment though, it would be Bash at the Beach 1994. Again, it's cool to knock this today as being a waste, but it sure wasn't. It was such an epic moment when Hogan came out to wrestle Flair. They wrestled a really good match. I wish in retrospect that Flair had beat Hogan cheaply to keep some heat on him, but man, what a match.

Other contenders would maybe be Dusty Rhodes beating Flair for the NWA title in the cage or the War to Settle the Score.
The 1990 Survivor Series. For the entrance of the Hulkamaniacs alone. Jake,Demolition and the Hulkster? Awesome.

And Undertakers debut. And the Gobbely Gooker.
Great question.
WrestlleMania 3 all the way baby, nothing touched the magnitude of that event for decades.
If i could go back and watch any PPV, Then it would have to Wrestlemania 12. I was such a big HBK fan growing up and I remember sitting there watching Shawn VS Brett in the ironman match for the wwe title, wishing I was there in person. Plus the Hot rod vs Goldust match was awsome to watch too.

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