If WWF/E closed

The Man They Call WMD

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After reading KB post about Austin or Hogan it got me thinking about this. In it a bunch of people especially Dougie said that Austin was the reason WWF beat WCW . Thats not what I want to debate. We all know that the WCW lost and was closed, my question is do you think WWF could have lost the way WCW did and have to close? If you think they could of closed when do you think it would have happened. I personally think that Vince had his own financial backing which most likely would never have made him have to close the doors; unlike WCW where when Aol-Time warner backed out, WCW no longer had money, Vince has plenty... thoughts?
If WCW would not have imploded I think the landscape would be very different but I don't see WWE being forced to shut down. I do think the makeup of the compnay would have changed. I could have seen WWE becomeing more of a wrestling history book. I still believe Vince would have bought up as much of the old footage as he could have and showcasing it instead of first run wrestling. There would still be DVDS, and maybe the talked about network.
However, it has been stated by several wrestlers(Mick Foley and I think HHH) that during the height of the war Vince was very close to closing the doors. At the time the company was not public so I am not sure if there is a way to check the books from that time. if u have high profile wrestlers saying it on a WWE DVD then it may be true. Or it is simply Vince's rewriting history to make WWE look even stronger now. Who knows. In the end I think the compny could easily have shut down the active wrestling side of things but would have remained visable in some fashion.
I think WWE would have scaled down dramatically what it did, but still been around on an 80's style schedule, with maybe the big 4 events and syndicated TV rather than prime time.

There was enough interest in the name and history to keep an annual Wrestlemania and for talent to want to appear on it... it may have ended up with Vince "loaning" WCW or ECW talent but it would have still happened as the name value would have still been a valuable commodity that WCW would want to be a part of but would never own.
if wcw didnt do just the same matches like hogan vs sting every weak and keep bischoff at the helm instead of russo i belive and incorporate and build up new talent im 90 percent sure it would have been the other way around idk if wcw could have bought wwe. but im sure wwe would have closed down.

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