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If Vince McMahon Died Tomorrow..

1_2_3 Kid

Pretty simple question here folks..

If Vinnie Mac died tomorrow, how do you think this would change the landscape of the WWE?

Who would become the new CEO? Would it be Steph, do you think Shane would possibly come back to run the show?

Also, I want to know where you think the direction of the WWE would go? Do you think that TNA would try to capatlize on the loss of Vinnie Mac?

Me personally, I see Shane O Mac coming back to take the reigns of the company when Vince goes. IMO, he has to. I know Steph has been doing her thing for awhile now, and I'm sure she would make a capable CEO but I just think that if anythin, Vince has that in his will. Kinda like a momento, from his father to him, andfrom him to Shane. And then one day Shanes kids will take over.

But all in all, I think the WWE will be just fine, afterall, all the pieces are already in place for this company to be a mainstay in the wrestling world for generations to come.

Then I really hope someone suitable replaces WWE and changes there PG rating. SO something like firing a great wrestler for something stupid doesn't happen again. I'm not asking for another Attitude Era, but maybe more swearing and blood would be nice :)

PS, I don't think Shano'Mac will be replacing his father. Shane doesn't seem to want that responsibility anymore ;)
This is a bad week to talk up death man (Chris Benoit, Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon).

So why would we even want the thought of the chairman of the WWE Vince McMahon's death on are minds? Vince McMahon looks like he's in good shape for a man his age. And with son Shane gone out the WWE, Vince has more than enough energey to run the company for about seven more years it looks like.

And find the right sucesser to his chairman duties in the WWE (I pray to the lord that it isn't Triple H).
Pretty simple question here folks..

If Vinnie Mac died tomorrow, how do you think this would change the landscape of the WWE?

Who would become the new CEO? Would it be Steph, do you think Shane would possibly come back to run the show?

Also, I want to know where you think the direction of the WWE would go? Do you think that TNA would try to capatlize on the loss of Vinnie Mac?

Me personally, I see Shane O Mac coming back to take the reigns of the company when Vince goes. IMO, he has to. I know Steph has been doing her thing for awhile now, and I'm sure she would make a capable CEO but I just think that if anythin, Vince has that in his will. Kinda like a momento, from his father to him, andfrom him to Shane. And then one day Shanes kids will take over.

But all in all, I think the WWE will be just fine, afterall, all the pieces are already in place for this company to be a mainstay in the wrestling world for generations to come.


The will thing involving Vince passing it to Shane just as Vince Sr. did is a little off. Vince McMahon purchased the company from his father. It was not passed down or inherited. That being said, I'm sure Linda would probably make Stephanie a higher-up with more authority, and then sell some of Vince's stock in WWE to help market the product. But either way, it wouldn't bother me much if Vince died. WWE would just remind us of it every week for about 10 yrs so it wouldn't be like he ever left us.
The will thing involving Vince passing it to Shane just as Vince Sr. did is a little off. Vince McMahon purchased the company from his father. It was not passed down or inherited. That being said, I'm sure Linda would probably make Stephanie a higher-up with more authority, and then sell some of Vince's stock in WWE to help market the product. But either way, it wouldn't bother me much if Vince died. WWE would just remind us of it every week for about 10 yrs so it wouldn't be like he ever left us.

One slight hitch in that scenario Jimmy,
I might be mistaken,BUT....didn't Linda step down as COO/CEO &chairperson of the board of WWE?....for her senate run?
If this were to happen...here's how I think this happens:

Stephanie moves from creative to the Chairman (Chairperson/Owner)

Triple H moves to the creative staff and I think Hunter hires guys he can trust to surround him on the creative staff. I think guys like Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho (he and Chris don't always get along but it's well known that Hunter respects Chris's mind for the business) and a couple other guys.

But I think Vince's mind for managing guys will be lost...his "delegating authority" managerial style.
This topic has been brought up so many times. If Vince McMahon passes away tomorrow Stephanie would run the wrestling portion of the operations and the same people would run the rest of hte company. You'd still have the same head of marketing, the same head of business relations and so on. Vince McMahon will probably live into his 80s or 90s and will be around the WWE for atleast 25 more years. By then maybe Stephanie or Shane's children will be taking over.
The WWE will still be ran like it had been going. There would be no show for the moment and TNA will still blow that shit by not paying tribute to the man.
You guys who say Stephanie would take the company over are crazy.

She's had 8-10 years experience and Linda would not allow her to take it over (if this were tomorrow. If he were to pass in say 20 years I wouldn't doubt if she took the reigns)

If it were tomorrow (and I hope he lives 100 more years and am hoping for his health to continue of course) I imagine Linda would step down from her campaign and become the CEO again.

I imagine Linda would reach out to Shane and try to influence him to make a return to the company (since he was following him father around for almost 20 years, and I imagine Vince passed on a lot of business info to his son)

Like I said.. if this is 20 years I wouldn't doubt one bit if Steph gets the keys.... but tomorrow she does not have enough experience to run a multi million dollar publicly traded company.

Not to mention.. I'm pretty sure Hayes and Dusty both can't stand her... and I would not doubt if they quit on the spot if they chose Steph.

Quoting one of the Smartest men in wrestling IMO Jim Cornette

"Stephanie is a very sweet girl and very likable, but her inheriting head creative the day out of college is like someone putting me in charge of f'n NASA. Because I know just as much about the Hubble Telescope, as much as she knows about writing wrestling"

Once again no disrespect to Steph.. I think her writing and filtering has gotten better.. Just don't think the experience is there.
I think that Steph would take over as CEO with HHH getting a lot more power. Shane may come back into the company with an executive role too.

I think they would play it out with the PG thing and let things take a natural course, see if the fans demand more bloodshed etc. But what has to be remembered in all this PG bashing was the PG rating in the early 90s had those fans grow into the teenagers demanding a product where they werent treated like kids etc and be more adult which is what they got. Vince isnt stupid having a PG role. He is getting the kids on board and then when they grow up and WWE goes back to a more adult product they can tell their friends and their friends tell their friends.

So Steph takes over and PG stays for a few years.
I am pretty sure if Vince died tomorrow, measures would be in place to ensure that the show went on, as it were. Those measures, of course, are what we don’t know.

As it stands right now, I am sure that Stephanie McMahon would take over the on-screen role until someone more suitable would take over. I have no idea if Stephanie is interested in taking over the company and the on-screen role if and when Vince passes away, God forbid. Personally, I would think that she is the person who would take over, along with Triple H. I assume that he would be rushed back from injury in an on-screen role only for the most part until he physically fit to compete again. However, I do imagine that both Triple H and Stephanie will be the people to take over that role.

However, if Stephanie is not willing to take over that role, I would imagine that the WWE would bring back Shane McMahon in some capacity. I don’t imagine that he will have a role outside of the TV show but given the circumstances, I would imagine that he would take it because of the respect he has for his father, or to preserve his memory and his company. Failing that, I don’t know who would legitimately take over. Triple H seems like the man who is most ready to take over that role.

As for the direction of the WWE, I would imagine that it will stay the exact same as it is right now. If it isn’t broken, then don’t fix it and that is what would most likely happen here. Both Stephanie McMahon and Triple H know that the WWE is a very successful company and would change anything that drastic because their would literally be no point to it. However, I would imagine that Shane or Stephanie would need to take up his role on the WWE board so as to avoid a shares issue over confidence and that would happen as soon as possible.
Unlike when WWE/F was a privately held company who replaced Vince would be dependent on what the board of directors says. Of course the amount of shares vinces kids/wife inherit would give them influence on that.
All i can say is, who care who would run it. Finally you wouldn't have Vince's input into everything and maybe Dusty and Hayes could use some of the creative genuis and not have Vince have final descion, screwing everything up. Yes Vince has had some very good ideas, but that maybe 1 out of 10 times. There have been threads and comlaints about Vinces creative control over everything for years now. Atleast with Vince out of the picture maybe a good storyline would come out of the woodworks. And not to mention how awesome the Tribute show would be. Every great legend would be there for support. Not trying to be mean or anything, but you know.....
This is like the third thread about Vince dying..idk if you guys have this thing where you see in the future or know something i dont..but can we stop talking about if he died?? have you seen vince the dude as in shape probably in better shape than like half of the people half his age...hes not going anywhere

They would keep it in the family
Triple H have absolutely no idea how to run a company, especially in the entertain business. Sure he can probably book good matches and put up a good show, but how about the finances and the list goes on. Shane on the other hand have a good possibility and a very smart view on how to get ratings and money for the company. The attitude era could really change things in todays wrestling.
Triple H have absolutely no idea how to run a company, especially in the entertain business. Sure he can probably book good matches and put up a good show, but how about the finances and the list goes on. Shane on the other hand have a good possibility and a very smart view on how to get ratings and money for the company. The attitude era could really change things in todays wrestling.

What exactly do you know about Triple H's abilities to manage a business on the basics of finances, advertising etc? do you really think Vince McMahon is running that single thing all by himself and that Triple H wouldn't be able to take over from that point?

Triple H would be in perfect position to take over for Vince if he was asked to do it, he has a great mind for the business, just as Vince, and I am almost a hundred percent certain that WWE has accountants, advertisement deals etc. that leaves Vince with little to take care of, which would leave Triple H with little to take care of.

Which brings me to my choice, I think anyone under the McMahon name, or for that sake the Levesque (seeing as Stephanie and Triple H both are under the Levesque name, but Triple H is not known as Paul Levesque McMahon or Paul McMahon).

Linda could run it because she's been there as a CEO before, but Stephanie, Shane and Triple H all as well have the exposure and experience it would take to run the business.

And even from that perspective, there's nothing saying that Vince would even be considering to keep it in the family, while it's the most obvious choice, Vince still loves money, and if the replay of Donal Trump wanting to purchase RAW, or for that sake WWE, were to be redone in a legitimate way, I wouldn't be in doubt that Vince would strike at the right offer.

So anybody could be running the WWE if Vince died tomorrow, anybody could be running WWE after the next guy leaves the position as CEO, anybody.
this thread title:lmao: Anyway I dont think Vince is going to die anytime soon. He's in good shape, kept his hair and has more motivation than Carlito, and Shelton Benjamin. He's the gold standard of living. If he died then I guess Triple H will run things as he's more or less the second boss of the company. Dont forget after the Hell in a Cell bout in 2005 Triple H had with Batista, he took a vacation because he wanted to learn more about the "business" side of the WWE. I dont think he's totally deviod of understanding WWE's Balance Sheet or Income Statements, or marketing solutions.
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Since the WWE is a publicly traded company Vinces death wouldn't be as earth shattering as it would have been 12 years ago. Personally the WWE wouldn't change too much, there would just be a new CEO, and most likely that CEO would end up being Stephanie (even though my blood curdled when I wrote that). Shane doesn't look like he's coming back, so Steph would be the natural successor and yes that means HHH's backstage role would get bigger, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing, HHH has shown me over the past few years that he can put his ego aside and help build the future. HHH likes to be at the top of the mountain, but he's also smart enough to know you can't stay there forever, eventually you retire and you have to look towards the future, personally I think HHH would be a real good choice for getting more backstage power.

So to answer your question, Steph would take Vince's place, HHH would move up the ladder with her and take a more backstage role, and overall not too much would change in the WWE, nothing too shocking at least.
Who ever said that Stephanie has no experience....she has been sitting in on creative meetings since she was 8 years old. She has been working for WWE in Creative since she was 19 years old. So to say she only has 8 - 10 years experience shows how badly you marked out thinking she's only been involved since she has been an on-air character.

She is more than capable of taking Vince's creative control of WWE and promoting someone like Brian Gerwitz or someone else on the creative team to make up for what she would be leaving behind.

Nothing would change, the McMahon's just know wrestling and if you got an ounce of Vinnie's genes in your blood than you know how to be a success and be a profitable entity in wrestling.
Look lets not think about the bad if Vince died it would suck but think about the. If Vince died it would be wrestling next boom period bigger than Attitude era. They can have story line after story line on who gets the company and if Vince was smart he have a video will giving the company to his son he never had Triple H. The battles could last a long time story lines would be awsome. Hate to see Vince go but as a fan would love to see whan happens.
God forbid that would happen, because honestly the wrestling industry would lose 1 of the 5 most influential people in the last 30 years. But back on topic if Vince died tomorrow a few things would happen..

-Stephanie would be promoted to the Chairman of the WWE. Linda has been distanced from the company for some time and with her Senate run she couldn't/wouldn't walk away from that kind of monetary investment regardless of the situation.
-HHH would keep his role in creative, until the time that he retires then would probably move to the head of creative.
-JR would most likely recieve a MASSIVE change in his role in the company. Probably to the position that Steph herself currently has, as she would need someone in that position with a passion for the business and that she could trust to make sound decisions.
-The PG rating would stay the same. Get used to it, because it isn't going anywhere. It DOES NOT take away from the product. They would possibly get rid of the practice of stopping matches if someone bleeds hard way(I only think they are doing this during Linda's Senate bid, and have started being more leanient on it lately)

All this of course leans on 1 person: Shane McMahon. I assume that he will eventually be back in the WWE in some capacity in terms of management. He of course would be a natural on air character, much like Mr. McMahon is himself. He is VERY well liked by everyone in the lockerroom, and because of the work he has put in during the matches he has had, has all of their respect and trust. I guess he is trying to get involved with UFC. If that were to happen, I have a feeling you could see some sort of cross promotion between the WWE and UFC. Maybe some kind of agreement that they can't have a PPV on the same week as each other(Wrestlemania this year great example). Also, maybe they could show WWE guys in the crowd and UFC guys at WWE shows(we all know Rampage would be game as he had a blast at Raw)...UFC would have to be on a network that didn't carry TNA, but that probably could happen eventually.
Oh, ye sullen marks.

People seem to have this idea that the WWE is some kind of feudal kingdom ruled by blood, and not a publicly traded corporation ruled by its shareholders. You've been watching the stories for a long time, and when it comes to their writing, they certainly have not tried to dissuade their audience from the idea that the mercurial McMahon family pulls every string at their whim and call.

This is the internet, and if I don't mention this now, someone's going to seize upon it as if it's an actual point. "But Rayne, the McMahon family owns most of the stock!" Quite true. But corporate power is voting power. Vince leaves his shares in the WWE in his will to someone, or, more likely, divided amongst several someones in unequal proportions. The structure that would appear is the same as it is now; a corporate board headed by a chairperson. However, with that much less voting power than now, the chairperson would have less stroke within the company.

There are plenty of guys in Stamford sitting in higher-floor offices that aren't named McMahon. But Brad from the office doesn't sell tickets, so you don't hear about him.

Here's a neat little trick I'm willing to bet most of you don't know. The McMahon family may be the majority stockholders in the WWE (pretty sure on that one- don't quote me.) However, they make a considerable amount of money selling services to the WWE. For instance, Vince McMahon owns the TV production facilities in Connecticut which the WWE uses, then charges the WWE for use of the facilities.

All that notwithstanding, the WWE posts every year in their shareholder guidance that the death of Vince would affect the company in ways they are unable to quantify for their shareholders. He IS, without any shadow of doubt, the Big Swinging Dick of the WWE. But people need to stop assuming that just because Vince is the BSD, it's an absolute given that the next corporate leader of the WWE will be another BSD with the surname McMahon.

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