If Vince gave you the keys....


Getting Noticed By Management
If WWE and Vince paid you an extremely large amount of money to be head of Creative for 1 year starting today, how would you book WWE television and PPVs? To keep this focused, assume the following:

• Your assignment starts today, post Survivor Series. So Lesnar, Harper, Rusev, Miz/Mizdow, Nikki are your current champions.
• Everyone injured (Bryan, Reigns) is healthy.
• While you cannot predict injuries, you can take into account that some wrestlers seem to get injured more frequently than others.
• Only wrestlers currently associated with WWE are in play. I'm taking head of Creative to mean your job is to work with what is there, not to recruit outside talent. So no use of Kurt Angle, TNA or ROH talent, etc.
• Part timers currently associated with WWE - Rock, Jericho, RVD, etc can be used.
• Assume that Total Divas the tv show will continue as it has been announced for the upcoming season (i.e Paige is now on it). So like it or not it needs to be a factor with the divas.
• NXT wrestlers are available.
• Your assignment is within the parameters of the current business. This means that reducing the role of current wrestlers who are the prime movers of merchandise or key mouth pieces for WWE in mainstream media, whether or not you like them, would probably not be perceived as best for business by Vince.

What would your plans be? What would be your top storylines and feuds? How would you mix in the veterans, the rising talent currently on roster and potential stars waiting in NXT? Would old guys like Sting, HHH and the Rock even be part of your plans?
I'm getting the wheels in motion for a Dolph Ziggler Royal Rumble win. They are in need of top baby face stars besides Cena. Ziggler has been consistently over for years I think it's time to take that next step.

At the Rumble I'd have Cena go over Brock for the title. Then the following month id do a triple threat match for the title between Brock/Cena/Orton. Which would transition into a Brock/Orton program. So at WM it's Ziggler vs Cena/Brock vs Orton.

At WrestleMania I would do Triple H vs Roman Reigns with Reigns going over of course. Daniel Bryan vs Rusev and based on what happened on Raw this past week, this feud basically writes itself.
WrestleMania 25 would be the beginning of the next generation of stars. Cena/Orton would be used as glorified upper mid carders that could step into a main event spot when needed.

I'm going to post my cards and storylines for major feuds for a year beginning with the Rumble.
I think one of the biggest things I'd do is bring back the brand split and the WHC and treat it as a title on the same tier as the WWEC. I feel like ever since the WHC went out, it left a lot of guys with not much else to do. Like Sheamus ended up floating until he stepped down to the U.S. championship tier. Del Rio is another guy that got lost. Bringing back the brand split could also help out the tag team division by having two sets of titles and thus bringing up more teams to feud for the belts
I'd seriously consider bringing back some matches from the past. Chain matches or barbed wire matches were always a huge draw I recall. Not to mention having more steel cage matches. Get the best names currently active in the sport (Lesnar, Cena, Rusev, Sheamus, ...), and have them perform every week.

I'd also bring in new talent. Not every wrestler needs to be all muscled up. Having variety is good for business. Many of us want to see wrestlers the likes of Dick "Captain Redneck" Murdock, or George "The Animal" Steele. Not to mention Kamala. In the current roster, Luke Harper would fit the bill. He'd be a great opponent against someone like Cena in a chain match.
Sorry I've never been into fantasy booking threads, but I would do a couple of things differently.

I would first of all haul Lesnar's ass back to work and make him defend the title. Decrease the amount of PPV's to 8 a year. Leave the big four, Rumble, Survivor Series and Mania of course. Those are the ones where titles might possibly change hands, and big story lines could start and stop.

The other 4 would be to showcase new talent, wrap up minor story lines and put new twists into ongoing feuds. I would give more opportunities to the guys coming up the pipe Cesaro and those like him.

Cut RAW back to 2 hours on Monday's and Smackdown wouldn't be a replay of RAW every week, like it has been. I would also get rid of Jerry Lawler, give him a road agent's job or something like that, but get him off the announce table.

I don't know if that is the kind of answer's you're looking for, and yea I know if those ideas where in place the WWE would be bankrupt in no time flat.
I would first of all fire all the hollywood script writers and have the wrestlers themselves write their own promos and develop their own characters of how it used to be.
Create more realism too many things are done that makes no sense and they seem to stop and keep changing back and forward, Let the wrestlers be their gimicks, Keep it real.
Its great having huge matches on RAW or Smackdown but its gotten to the point where we seem to be seeing them wrestle each other far too frequently save the big matches for the PPV's even have the wrestlers competing against more local jobbers again on the free TV shows.
Maybe even with the network keep the PPV's by not putting the newer ones on it till maybe a year afterwards to maintain interest in the PPV market.
and last and maybe most important stop being so insensed with putting your competition out of business all the time with no competition theres no place to create new stars except for the generic WWE development which I think harms the WWE in the long run.
1 I would fire Daniel Bryan

2 I would have Sting win the rumble

3 My 3 main matches at Wrestlemania would be this.
Cena vs Ambrose with Ambrose winning
Rock vs HHH with Rock winning
Sting vs Brock with Sting winning the WWE title

4 My main focus on the big raw after Wrestlemania would be celebrating Sting's title win. At the end of the night I would have Flair come out to the ring and have Hogan, Beefcake and Sting shave Flair's head. I would build towards Summerslam with a main event of Rock vs Sting.
1. First and foremost before ANYTHING happened... I would fire John Cena! Can't stand him, get off the top of the mountain, and let someone else take over! While I'm on the subject of firing, I'd also fire the writers. This is all in fun here. But I think the wrestlers should be able to speak their minds freely without a script. It's so much more fun that way.

2. Ok....Now that THAT problem is out of the way...I'd focus more on the action in the ring. Sure, talking is great, but too much of it gets annoying.

3. Dolph wins the rumble

4. 3 Mania Matches would be:
Jack Swagger vs. Rusev (c) Jack Swagger FINALLY beats Rusev to become our NEW US champ
Chris Jericho vs. Seth Rollins in a Ladder match Y2J wins
Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Dolph wins

I'd also make these changes just because they're pet peeves of mine.
1. No more of this hashtag 'whatever' this is trending on twitter. I don't care. Just shut up and wrestle already!
2. there is no more WWE Universe. It just sounds ridiculous.
3. This isn't an infomercial. You can hear about the price of the WWE network on regular tv commercials. :)

One More Thing...
Undertaker for Hall Of Fame 2015!:worship:
I will start with Royal Rumble, cause i don't really give a damn about TLC,
sure i will write something for it, but WM season is my top priority. So...

Royal Rumble:
- Brock Lesnar will lose his WWE title to John Cena,
but 30 seconds after his win, Seth Rollins will cash in and take
the gold from him...i think the crowd will love it and i will get
MitB briefcase out of my system and plans.
- in RR match, now not a champ Cena will come out as #24
and looks like he will win the Rumble - cleaning the ring
and other Superman stuff, but it will be Reigns who will win the match,
with Cena being the last eliminated - so people can get behind Reigns

- on TV it will be stated many times that Cena is now 16 times
world champ and if he win at Elimination Chamber he will
break Flair's record. Ric Flair will appear and congratulate
John Cena on his victory and 16 title reigns - to only get futher hate
from smarks.

- EC match will be Rollins vs Cena vs Orton vs Brock vs Jericho vs Ambrose
in the match Lesnar will be eliminated by Orton,
Rollins by Jericho, and Cena will take out Orton, Ambrose & Jericho,
- to look strong and get even more hate from IWC

- on TV, Sting will finally appear and him and HHH will do
blah, blah, blah for their WM match.
- Rollins will demand his rematch right now, taking shots at Jericho in a process,
and will get a Cage match against Cena, the match will
end with Cena victorious and Jericho attacking Rollins after it,
to start their WM story
-Lesnar will start his feud with Orton by beating him up
- Ambrose will challenge Harper for the IC title and Bray will be added
into a mix
- tag team turmoil will be announced for Mania
- Ryback will take on Rusev, trying to get off the CM Punk heat
- Cesaro will take on Henry for World Strongest Man moniker
- Sheamus will throw a challenge to anyone for the Pre Mania match.

-WM card (*=winners)
- Roman Reigns* vs John Cena for WWE title
- Sting* (with Vince) vs Triple H (with Steph)for the control of WWE power
- Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton*
- Seth Rollins* vs Chris Jericho
- Dean Ambrose vs Luke Harper vs Bray Wyatt* for IC belt
- Ryback* vs Rusev for USA title
- Cesaro* vs Mark Henry for World Strongest Man moniker
- Tag Team Turmoil - Rhodes vs Usos vs New Day vs Miz & Mizdow
vs Naville & Zayn vs Kane & Big Show vs Ascension*
- pre mania match - Sheamus* vs Kevin Steen

Steen will no jump into main roster yet, but this will give him (and NXT in general) some recognition.
Reigns will be the champ going forward and this whole "Part timers rule WWE" thing will be over at Extreme Rules
where Brock will get his last WWE match (against Reigns) and Jericho will be completely taken out by Rollins.
Sting will retire as active wrestler and become RAW GM who will not appear near as often as Authority did.

Ugh, i forgot Ziggler, well, i guess, Ziggler will be added as forth guy to IC match at Mania, will feud for some time with Bray
and then will go against debuting heel Kenta.
Difficult to be specific with this. All I can say is I would promote younger talent more, get more people over. I would focus on getting the following over in some way; Cesaro, Ziggler, Curtis Axel (But I would change his name), I would also look at getting Damien Sandow over too. When i say over; I mean as a main event talent. All of them have the tools.

I would also set out storylines in advance and stick to them! The WWE tv product is what drives the business; keeps the money coming in. The fact is it needs to be done better; the WWE is competing with compelling TV show's out there; and the stories are not good enough anymore. The WWE product was the same every Raw since Summerslam 2013. The authority comes out to a groan, puts a promo out, walks to the back and are in most segments out the back stage. Then the babyface comes out and speaks smack, and ends up in a match at the end of the show. Same thing every week.

When you look at the masterful storyline with Rock turning face then heel on mankind at Survivor Series 1998; why can't wwe do storylines like that anymore?

I would also create a Paul Heyman faction; of heels who do his evil deeds in the WWE, headed up by Lesnar.

Additionally, I would have the IC title become vacant and have a big tournament over 6 weeks to decide who will be the new IC champ. This would make the belt become prestigous again and be a useful tool for elevating mid carders to the main event scene.
If I have the keys?!? That means I would do it MY WAY and without parameters. But, since you insist:

1) Bring up IMMEDIATELY from NXT Steen, Ascension, Devitt, KENTA, Charlotte, Sasha Banks, Charlotte and Bayley. Drop the stupid names given to Devitt and KENTA.

2) Drop crap that is idiotic like Total Divas. You get more reality reading Twitter and the Dirt Sheets

3) No more "Part-Timers". You want your once a year fix? There are promotions for that.

4) Re-package Adam Rose into Leo Kruger. Transform him to a "Col. DeBeers-type" South African white supremacist character. Team him up with Justin Gabriel, and then let them recruit Heath Slater after he gets beaten down by Big E, and create a months long feud between New Day and the Kruger faction, which will end in a "Ferguson Street Fight" at SummerSlam or Survivor Series, which New Day will win. If the sponsors complain, not a problem. Ramp it up by "Kayfabe" burning a cross on Kofi's/Big E's/Xavier's lawn. The PPV buys and ratings would skyrocket just to see the aftermath.

5) De-emphasize "all Cena, all the time". DO NOT GIVE HIM THE BELT AGAIN! Build other stars like Ambrose, ZIggler, Barrett and Devitt.

6) Make Daniel Bryan, er, Bryan Danielson Head Booker and Head of Creative. He is two things that WWE sorely needs: He understands what fans want now AND, even more important, will cut down the political nonsense. Allow him to pick 2-3 people to work with him on creative. INSIST that those people have WRESTLING experience.

7) Eliminate the need for EXPERIENCED wrestlers to go through NXT. Forget the "WWE style". These people are PROFESSIONAL WRESTLERS. If they already have a known brand amongst fans, no need to re-package them. Let NXT be for the lightly experienced or a second team to put people not being used on the main roster.

8) Royal Rumble, 'Mania, Starrcade, SUmmerSlam, Survivor Series and King of the Ring will be your ONLY PPV's. The Great American Bash would be offered to NBC on the 4th of July. This will be the ONLY time, under my regime, where you will see the WWE Champion defend his title for free.

9) Let the belts be dropped at House Shows. Right now, unless you want to make your kid happy, only a fool buys tix to a House Show. Now, if Ryback held the WWE World Strap, and he dropped it to Kevin Steen at a House Show in West Bumblefuck, Mo. at the Fairgrounds. Can you see the announce table at the next Raw? Then, Steen drops the belt to Zack Ryder at the Mudlick Coliseum in Mudlick, Ky. How fast do you think the House Show sales will perk up?

10) Make Rusev more of a monster in the style of Ivan Koloff. Right now, he is beginning to look like he is being, for lack of a better word, pussy-whipped by Lana. Let him do things to make the crowd angry. Let him burn the American flag on RAW or take a kayfabe dump on the Vietnam or WWII memorials. Let Sgt. Slaughter become relevant as he confronts Rusev to get accoladed by Rusev. Slaughter then brings up a wrestler he trained to confront Rusev is a feud that will last a while. I would say someone in NXT or a repackaged Bo Dallas or Fandango into a Afghan or Iraqi war vet. Again, the ratings and PPV buys would skyrocket.

11) Heyman, Coulter, Kane and Flair and possibly Noble would be heel managers. I can see Noble like Lou Albano.

12) Convince USA to let RAW be two hours, and limit the promos to be NO MORE THAN 3 minutes in length. That would give 6-8 matches every RAW.

I will come up with some more later.
Sweet topic bro...

I'm going Vince Russo/ Ed Ferrara and writing from WrestleMania backwards.

#1: WrestleMania final card:

-Roman Reigns vs John Cena (c)
-Triple H vs The Rock
-Brie vs Nikki Bella (c)
-Seth Rollins vs Daniel Bryan (MITB briefcase)
-Hulk Hogan & Jack Swagger vs Chris Jericho & Big Show
-Batista vs Brock
-Sting vs Undertaker
-Bray Wyatt vs Dolph Ziggler w/ Tamina Snuka
-Dean Ambrose vs Randy Orton
-Ryback vs Rusev


-Cesaro (IC) vs Sheamus (US)
-Goldust & Stardust (c) vs The Usos
-Battle Royal- (Mark Henry, Kane, Barrett, Kofi, RVD, Miz, Fandango, Big E, etc...)

Mania Notes:

-Rollins defeats D.Bryan to retain the MITB briefcase and cashes it in after Reigns defeats John Cena for the title. Reigns spears Rollins immediately after Rollins calls for the bell to be rung and turns around.

-Hogan gets his last match 30 years after his first WrestleMania 1-31. Jericho mocks him for campaigning for a last match and being old and unable to compete, and how he wished he went away back when he was stealing the spotlight in WcW, and how he wishes he went away now. Gets Big Show to chime in about the old WcW days being ruined because of him and issues a challenege to put him away once and for all. Hogan challenges them to a tag match just like his first WrestleMania, and gets a young Real American to step up to the big stage to help him.

-Ziggler needs someone with him. He just works and looks better that way (Vicki, AJ, Big E). Tamina can be to Dolph what Sherri was to HBK. Bray sets his sites on Tamina (a woman for once) after seeing the success her and Dolph are having sparking this match/feud. He feels that with her by his side, they can rule the world.

December-April Notes in no particular order:

-Reigns wins the Rumble

-Cena defeats Brock at the Rumble

-The Rock comes back to visit while Triple H is at Raw. Gives Hunter subtle jabs about losing power, which makes him irate and ignites their recent heat.

-Ziggler and Tamina join forces as baby faces who occasionally break the rules against heel opponents. Anti-hero types as Ziggs is at his best when he's sneaky and cheating.

-Sting stays away until he makes his return to speak...as soon as he grabs the mic, the lights turn out and the Undertaker comes out and they go face to face, and Sting just nods his head yes. Lights go out, and Undertaker is gone.

-Elimination Chamber: Cena, Brock, Bryan, Rollins, Batista, Orton. Brock eliminates Batista after blindsiding him, and Batista costs Brock the win out of spite starting this long awaited feud. Cena wins. Bryan and Rollins can also escalate their feud here.

-Randy and Dean cross paths similar to Cena and Dean with Ambrose chasing Rollins after unfinished business (interrupted by Wyatt) and wants his MITB briefcase now as a prize. Dean makes it difficult for Randy to get to Seth, and after they (Orton-Rollins) settle their beef at Rumble, Orton turns to making it difficult for Dean to settle his score once and for all against Seth. Leading to the two craziest dudes in the locker room going at it.

Post Mania:

-Reigns is new champ

-Cena, Bryan, Orton, Rollins, Ambrose, Ziggler, and Bray are all in the title picture now. 8 full-time wrestlers to mix and match through the next years ppv's with other up and comers like Ryback and Rusev being brought along slowly into the title picture.

-Cesaro, Sheamus, and Barrett need new gimmicks and/or changes to bring them back to the top. I always liked the idea of pairing Sheamus and Barrett with Finlay and Regal in an APA type gimmick.

There's more that needs to be done with the Tag division, Woman's division, and maybe even another brand split to give guys more exposure like Jack Swagger and Miz for example....put them on Smackdown. But after this Mania, there'd be a giant decrease in part timers. I'm sure that'd be a good retirement match for both HHH and Rock. Brock is going back to the UFC, and Batista has this Marvel thing going on for a long time and will probably be gone forever. Undertaker and Sting are gone from actually wrestling afterwards as is Hogan. This gives all the time in the world for the young guys to have their time.
I don't have too much going on today, so here's some Lazy Sunday fantasy booking:

General/Background Changes
One rule above all: He/she who gets over, gets airtime. This is not to say they would get a huge winning streak, but anyone on the roster who is getting reactions from the crowd is going to be featured on television the most. Storylines would be planned around this to maximize reactions during segments and minimize the possibility of turds in the punch bowl ruining a segment.

No more 3-hour Raw. The first hour would become a Network exclusive pre-show featuring lower-card talent and NXT hopefuls.

Smackdown would go live again and steps would be taken to elevate it closer to the same level as Raw.

PPV format would be overhauled. Wrestlemania, Royal Rumble, Survivor Series and Summerslam would remain the "big four" available on both PPV and the Network. The WWE WHC would be on the line at these four events, guaranteed. Two other PPV and Network events would also be aired for a total of six per year. All of the other monthly events would be available only on the WWE network and would be primarily used to showcase the upper mid-card and up-and-coming superstars.

Gimmicks would have to be timely unless the whole purpose of the gimmick is to be outdated (as in someone "stuck" in the 80's or 90's or the Vaudevillians super-hipster act) and not insult the intelligence of the fans and sometimes the workers portraying the gimmick. You wouldn't be seeing Los Matadores or Fandango on TV. I would definitely keep some comedy jobbers around but again, there are more current character types that could be used.

No more weekly guest stars or hosts. The budget alone would benefit greatly and once more, the turd in the punch bowl factor drops significantly. Celebrity guests would be featured only when there is enough interest to make an impact and the celebrity has at least a casual knowledge of or interest in the product to have a meaningful segment or segments. Hugh Jackman is a good example of this.

The part-timer situation would be solved. If you're a part time worker, you're not in the title picture and you're not going over full-time main eventers. Lesnar would be the last man given that privilege or the pay scale that comes with it.

Going forward...

Main Event Set-Up For Wrestlemania
I would keep Lesnar WWE champion up until Wrestlemania, but I'm planning for Lesnar not to be under contract past that.

Rollins would go on a losing streak after the loss of power by The Authority. All of his losses would be after great matches and a good showing on his part. Some would be lost after a bumbling interference by Noble & Mercury. Others would be out-of-the-blue pins and finishers while Rollins himself is gloating. Also, Orton returns and makes it his mission to destroy Rollins.

At Royal Rumble, Orton vs. Rollins ends with Randy victorious. The beating he gives to Seth is brutal, ending with multiple RKOs and a punt kick or two. Rollins is stretchered out and does not participate in the main event Rumble.

Cena comes so close to beating Lesnar at the Rumble, but ends up tapping out to the Kimura and shocking the WWE Universe. For the first time in his career, Cena seems completely defeated. The fans continue to turn on him, chanting "YOU TAPPED OUT!" while Lesnar celebrates on his way out of the arena. The storyline is that Cena is finished. Heyman announces that Lesnar has decided that he is once again leaving WWE and unless someone can beat The Beast Incarnate at Wrestlemania, he will retire as the WWE champion.

The Rumble goes on. When the time comes for Entrant No. 30, who should arrive but John Cena. Guess what? LOLCENAWINS. Seriously...

The fans absolutely lose their shit. Cena is getting nothing but boos now. He comes out on every Raw and continues heaping it on about Hustle, Loyalty and Respect and doing it all for the WWE Universe. Typical Cena stuff. The reactions don't change. He's practically begging for acceptance, promising that he will be the man to "save" the WWE championship and "bring it home" from Brock Lesnar.

Rollins returns and vows revenge on Orton. Their feud heats up with a series of matches that put them mostly indirectly in conflict with each other. Tag matches, six man tag matches, each of them getting their shots in. Rollins makes a big change from his pre-Rumble losing streak and becomes red hot again.

Wrestlemania comes around. Orton vs. Rollins is a great match with a lot of impressive spots. Comes down to the wire and Rollins barely squeaks by with a victory. He is just as stunned as everyone else.

Cena vs. Lesnar for the WWE WHC. This should be the very best match Cena and Lesnar can possibly have. Lots of suplexes, lots of comebacks, even though both men are mostly hated they are able to make a real nail-biter out of it. The big finish is coming up... Cena kicks out of or counters the F5 into an AA and goes for the pin. Deja vu from Summerslam as Rollins causes the DQ by Curb Stomping Cena and tossing his case to the ref. This time... it's 1-2-kickout by Lesnar. Lesnar starts to get up but Rollins hits him with a curb stomp and makes the cover again and wins the title. Cena is in a boiling-over rage when he comes to and viciously attacks Seth Rollins to end Wrestlemania.

Your big Wrestlemania moment? Cena FINALLY "losing it" which leads right into Cena becoming heel. With Lesnar gone, Heyman can finally have Cena as a "Heyman Guy" and so all of Heyman's little hints about Cena over the last year or so start to make sense. I'd let the Heyman/Rollins feud simmer for a while as Cena would be fighting mostly against babyfaces to really drive the point home. Plus, I would want Rollins to have a nice, comfortable first title reign leading up to at least Summerslam to establish him as a credible champion.

If I think of anything else later, I'll edit. But that's the basic plan for the main event and world title picture going to Wrestlemania.
I will start with Royal Rumble, cause i don't really give a damn about TLC,
sure i will write something for it, but WM season is my top priority. So...

Royal Rumble:
- Brock Lesnar will lose his WWE title to John Cena,
but 30 seconds after his win, Seth Rollins will cash in and take
the gold from him...i think the crowd will love it and i will get
MitB briefcase out of my system and plans.
- in RR match, now not a champ Cena will come out as #24
and looks like he will win the Rumble - cleaning the ring
and other Superman stuff, but it will be Reigns who will win the match,
with Cena being the last eliminated - so people can get behind Reigns

- on TV it will be stated many times that Cena is now 16 times
world champ and if he win at Elimination Chamber he will
break Flair's record. Ric Flair will appear and congratulate
John Cena on his victory and 16 title reigns - to only get futher hate
from smarks.

- EC match will be Rollins vs Cena vs Orton vs Brock vs Jericho vs Ambrose
in the match Lesnar will be eliminated by Orton,
Rollins by Jericho, and Cena will take out Orton, Ambrose & Jericho,
- to look strong and get even more hate from IWC

- on TV, Sting will finally appear and him and HHH will do
blah, blah, blah for their WM match.
- Rollins will demand his rematch right now, taking shots at Jericho in a process,
and will get a Cage match against Cena, the match will
end with Cena victorious and Jericho attacking Rollins after it,
to start their WM story
-Lesnar will start his feud with Orton by beating him up
- Ambrose will challenge Harper for the IC title and Bray will be added
into a mix
- tag team turmoil will be announced for Mania
- Ryback will take on Rusev, trying to get off the CM Punk heat
- Cesaro will take on Henry for World Strongest Man moniker
- Sheamus will throw a challenge to anyone for the Pre Mania match.

-WM card (*=winners)
- Roman Reigns* vs John Cena for WWE title
- Sting* (with Vince) vs Triple H (with Steph)for the control of WWE power
- Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton*
- Seth Rollins* vs Chris Jericho
- Dean Ambrose vs Luke Harper vs Bray Wyatt* for IC belt
- Ryback* vs Rusev for USA title
- Cesaro* vs Mark Henry for World Strongest Man moniker
- Tag Team Turmoil - Rhodes vs Usos vs New Day vs Miz & Mizdow
vs Naville & Zayn vs Kane & Big Show vs Ascension*
- pre mania match - Sheamus* vs Kevin Steen

Steen will no jump into main roster yet, but this will give him (and NXT in general) some recognition.
Reigns will be the champ going forward and this whole "Part timers rule WWE" thing will be over at Extreme Rules
where Brock will get his last WWE match (against Reigns) and Jericho will be completely taken out by Rollins.
Sting will retire as active wrestler and become RAW GM who will not appear near as often as Authority did.

Ugh, i forgot Ziggler, well, i guess, Ziggler will be added as forth guy to IC match at Mania, will feud for some time with Bray
and then will go against debuting heel Kenta.

Out of the many, my biggest problem with this one is Bray having the IC title. If he ever wins a title, it should be the wwe whc and should only be because he's taking something away from someone else and not because he wants or cares about the title.

And I'm pretty positive that the "Sting and HHH do their blah blah blah stuff" is exactly how the current writers write it

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