If they can do it, so can we...

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The Hiphopapotamus

The Dude abides
As most of you know, the WWE has just started signing some of the best Indy wrestlers there is from Ring of Honor. Bryan Danielson went first. Now Nigel McGuinness. They're both great wrestlers, arguably the two best in the indys. Their in ring work is top notch, and I personally believe that they will get success in the WWE. It's a great piece of business for vince, so why doesn't Dixie try it.

There are lots of very talented wrestlers in the independent scene that would be great in the bigger promotions. If TNA signed them to contracts, they would easily fit in and replace a lot of the undercard. TNA has received some of their best wrestlers from the independent scene. Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, Amazing Red, alex shelley, Chris sabin , Doug Williams and many more have all been legends on the indy scene. So what about our current crop of indy stars. Austin Aries is one. He was in TNA for a bit, wrestling as "The Austin Starr". He was pretty good in TNA, but was fired for a bad attitude when he was asked to do a promo on his day off.

Now Austin Aries' indy work is incredible. He was the man that dethroned Samoa Joe in ROH. He is the only ever 2 time ROH world Heavyweight champion. The only thing that lets him down is his height, or lack thereof. But he would still be a perfectly viable X division champion, tag team champion and mid card to upper mid card. If TNA were to sign anyone from the indy scene, he would be the best choice. His in ring work has improved insanely, and he's definitely in the top 4 or 5 indy wrestlers at the moment.

PAC and Chuck Taylor would be 2 more great signings. The WWE goes for stars who are already established, so TNA should go for the future. Chuck Taylors charisma is great, and for those who haven't seen PAC, his aerial ability is mind blowing. He reminds me of Amazing Red, except better and younger. He's bigger than Red and he's better when it comes to jumping around and doing twists and flips. Both would be great additions to the X division, hopefully to replace Kiyoshit. Hell, PAC's english, he could fit in. But he's much better as a face, as are most wrestlers with his style.

I can hear some of you saying that this would clog up TNA even more if they brought in some talent. But what about this new show that's being planned. It's supposed to be all-knockouts. Well, if the knockouts jump to this show, that leaves much more space for new wrestlers and feuds. We might even see the motor City Machine guns do something.

So what do you think about WWE signing 2 of the best indy wrestlers of the past few years, and should TNA follow suit? And if so, who should they sign, and why? Would it be a success, or would signing relative unestablished indy's be an epic fail?

And one that TNA can't afford.
I don't watch very much indy feds but one name comes to mind on who TNA should sign Necro Butcher, especially if they become a gimmick fest again, he would be great in a monster's ball with Abyss, Mick Foley and another return by Raven. would Necro do well most likely yes, should TNA sign him yes, and plus he was in The Wrestler as staple guy in the CZW ring I think people wil recognize him from that giving him a boost before even stepping in a TNA ring.
Well they already dropped the ball not getting at least one or the other in Danielson and Nigel. I have come to realize that with Sting leaving TNA honestly only has one main event baby in A.J. Styles. They have flipped Mick around so much I dont no what he is now plus lets be honest if any old timer ever needed to stay out of the ring its Mick. He has nothing left to prove and his work is terrible in ring now. Truth is they only have one headlining heel as well in Angle although they are working on putting Morgan their. Danielson or Nigel could have easily filled one of these roles for them. TNA doesnt need to follow the WWE formula that every champ needs to be a huge monster they need to look no further than the most popular wrestler in the world right now Jeff Hardy to see that formula is outdated. Anyway they should grab up Chris Hero, I do think Necrobutcher could do something their although they would have to tone him down and that would put off some of his die hard fans. I think the American Wolves would work in TNA. Tyler Black is a must. The Briscoes could make some money. Colt Cabana still has star wrote all over him if allowed to do his gimmick and Austin Aries is great but TNA already showed they would screw him up. Honestly with ROH having money problems if i was TNA I would throw the bank at the company and try to buy it as a whole. It would come with a t.v. Contract in place and instanly give them a second show each week plus a plethora of stars. I would actually keep the ROH name as the brand name and just call my t.v. show TNA Impact.

looks like ol' Vinnie Mac finally came to his senses and brought in some excellent talent from ROH. And it only took him long enough to see Raw's main event scene to die out and Smackdown to lose its top stars, for him to finally see that he needs new stars! I'm very optimistic and hopeful for the futures of these top two indy wrestlers. Should TNA do the same? Well, would it really matter? Nope. If by any chance they were to do this, than what would happen is the ROH star would get a huge 2 month X-Division push and have momentum, but the push would come to a screeching halt and he would be put on the back burner/mid-card region to roam for about 2 years...which in turn would be so devastating to his career that he couldn't recover. Big run-on sentence there. But do u get my point here? D'Angelo Dinero is going through the same thing right now. It happened to Sheik Abdul Bashir, Jethro Holiday, (his was about a week) and so on and so forth. Sorry if it turned into a TNA rant but yes, good luck to Bryan and Nigel. And Ring of Honor. there gonna need it.
Back in 2003 Dainelson Worked some Dark Matches for WWE. now seeing as i have heard alot about Bryan Danielson the American Dragon which Show would benift More from Him Raw or Sd or are they Goin to Place him in ECW for the time Being to get him ready for Raw or SD and Which Divison do you think Both Mcguiness and Danielson would Exceed in
No. TNA already has lots of guys not being fully utilized on their roster. Instead of bringing in new people, they can concentrate on what they have and move some of their current talent up the ranks. No need to bring in more talent and overcrowd themselves more than they've already done so. If they start to look at the indies, I would hope they would have another show so they can really utilize them and not just throw them on Impact every other week or 2.
The move for the WWE was a good one. Lots of young talent, and people to build on. TNA has so many young guys, and like previous posts said, they need to work with their talent they have now. The World Elite get's much better heel heat, and the MEM is just boring, and they just released Jenna, so that kills the Samoa Joe storyline.
No. TNA already has lots of guys not being fully utilized on their roster. Instead of bringing in new people, they can concentrate on what they have and move some of their current talent up the ranks. No need to bring in more talent and overcrowd themselves more than they've already done so. If they start to look at the indies, I would hope they would have another show so they can really utilize them and not just throw them on Impact every other week or 2.

While they do have alot of talent I dont see many main eventers. You have Joe but they have kind of killed any momentum he ever had. A.J. they keep trying to push him but lets face it as good as he is he isnt going to sell many PPVs. He has the look and all, but he cant talk and he doesnt have the charisma and charachter like Jeff Hardy does to become a big time main eventer. Matt Morgan he might just be a legitimate star not sure yet. I really think when Kennedy comes in the need to start a feud between him and Morgan and let Morgan go over. This would boost Morgan big time beating a guy who was on his way to a WWE title and lets face it Kennedy will have no loyalty to TNA if a movie career and something pops up he will bolt quick so I think Morgan is the better investment. Robert Rude maybe but honestly he has been a much better tag team wrestler from what I have saw. I dont no why but when he is alone as good as he is he bores me for some reason. TNA seems to feal the same way because he has either had a manager or a partner his entire time their. Alex Shelley has the looks and charisma but all I can figure is he must be in someones doghouse down there because he gets so little t.v. time. He is as good a worker as anyone in the world right now and is one of the few legit stars they have. I expect WWE to eventually grab him up. Other than that who do you see on the roster that could be built into a main eventer? Black and Chris Hero could definately be groomed for the main event scene right away and Necro Butcher could possibly be built into a Mick Foley type charachter especially right now since you could actualy put him and Foley togther.
TNA is already an EPIC FAIL. There is nothing that can bring them to the level of the multi-billion dollar global marketing machine that is the WWE. They can sign the whole damn ROH roster and they would go nowhere. It's business 101.
TNA is already an EPIC FAIL. There is nothing that can bring them to the level of the multi-billion dollar global marketing machine that is the WWE. They can sign the whole damn ROH roster and they would go nowhere. It's business 101.

I believe it wouldn't hut TNA to hire some Indy guys, since most of their talent were pretty much Indy guys. I'm glad Vince decided to hire this new talent from ROH, I haven't seen them wrestle but I've heard great things about them. I don't think a 7 year company like TNA is an EPIC FAIL by any means. Not every company can be a multi billion dollar global marketing machine like WWE. I think you might of failed business 101, because WWE didn't become a billion dollar company overnight.

TNA does have lots of money, and they are the number 2 wrestling company in the world. I don't think that's bad for only being around 7 years. I don't think you will see too many young companies today that have TNA's success rate either. It wasn't TNA who signed the wrestlers from ROH, it was WWE. That's common sense 101.
Actually, TNA used to let their guys wrestle in ROH until the Feinstein Incident (more explanation on Wikipedia). After Feinstein was caught soliciting sex from a minor, TNA pulled all their talent from ROH. So maybe TNA doesn't tap into ROH for future wrestlers because they want to distance themselves legally from ROH.

I'll add my views on the roster shortly.

Upon first thought, I was going to criticize the TNA roster, saying it was cluttered, but after reviewing the numbers and considering the validity of the concept, IF TNA DOES THE ALL KNOCKOUTS SHOW, signing some new blood from ROH would be good for them. In order to make this decision, I had to consider the number of wrestlers TNA employs, 53 total. Now if the all Knockouts show does happen, that will leave 38 active men to compete on iMPACT. Sting's departure is approaching rapidly, and some of the top guys have maybe 2-3 years left in them (Nash, Abyss, Angle, Foley) and some of the others SHOULD be given their walking papers (Shark Boy, Jethro Holliday (pending face overage), Stevie, Deaner). This would leave 29 active competitors on iMPACT. Based on the need for a tag team division, this would reduce the number to 24. This leaves a maximum number of matches to 12. This sounds good until you take into account injuries, firings, and defection, and as we all know because of Mysterio, even the most reliable worker falls.

By signing some talent from ROH, TNA would accomplish some goals. The talent would have the opportunity to mesh with current TNA wrestlers and get over with the fans based on affiliation. This would also spurn the current TNA workers to work harder to keep their spot, which IN THEORY would produce an overall better product. And, the indy following of said superstar would be drawn into the web that is TNA. Look at C. M. Punk. Established in ROH, rose thru the ranks on ECW, and is currently on top of the SmackDown ladder. Imagine what a guy like Punk could do for TNA. He's part of the reason I watch SmackDown. If he were on TNA instead, I may be a faithful viewer on Thursdays.

Pertaining to which ROH guys I would like to see in TNA or the WWE, I don't have a clue. I learned of ROH last year and have been researching my butt off, but I still have yet to scratch the surface. Maybe I'll have that answer in a few months or so.

In closing, with great risk comes great reward. If TNA does invest all their time, energy, money into copying the WWE, they will have set themselves up for failure. But if they build the guys they already have, CLEAN HOUSE, and produce logical storylines, then ROH would be a mine of potential. And then, the Motor City Machine Guns might just have something to do after all.
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