If there was no Benoit tragedy, were would Morrison be today?

Gregory Helms

Dark Match Winner
Hey guys, just a quick question for you all!

John Morrision, The Monday night delight, the shaman of sexy, the guru of greatness.
Many people believe he is destined for a world title, and I must agree, however.
During 2006 I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, Chris Benoit was not able to compete in a ECW championship match due to 'Personal Reasons', now this is not a topic to bash Benoit, if you're going to do that don't bother commenting , anyway Morrison ( Or then Nitro) was put into this match against Punk, and became the ECW 'world champion', this then lead to the development of Morrison, so on and so forth.

My question is..... Had Benoit have competed AND still be alive now, where would Morrison be?

Oh and sorry if it's in the wrong place feel free to Move/merge it

Happy Posting!
Hmmmm....interesting thread. I think Morrison would still be the star he is today, but who really knows? I'm pretty sure JoMo would've been a star no matter when his push started! No one can really know for sure what coulda been, had the Benoit tragedy never happened.
wow what utter randomness. Willing to bet that Morrison would have got a shot regardless of whether benoit was in the match or not. They were still high on him from his M&M days.
Ha! Love that picture! Morrison is like HBK early on with a splash of lucha libre. There is no stopping him, it's not a matter of if, but only when he will get a world title. He would have gotten the title months down the road if Benoit was alive or not.
I think that if the tragedy didn't happen, it wouldve taken more time to push Morrison. I think he wouldve gotten a push it just wouldve been a year or so til then.
Morrison would still end up in the spot he is right now. Former ECW Champion, former tag team champion, and former IC Champion and all that jazz. If Morrison is currently not fighting for the World Championship or is a former World Title holder, chances are he wouldn't be in another alternate reality.
hmm, I think he might have actually been a little closer to the main event then he might be now. Beniot vs Morrison would have been a big match for ecw that could have benafited morrison
WWE made him ECW World Champion, and also Chavo...it's not that big a deal is all I'm saying. I really dont think things be much different for him. Maybe he'd be a bit closer to ME had he stayed on one of the 2 main shows. Hard to judge. I gotta go with not much different then they are currently.
I don't know but you've got to think that WWE was pretty high on Nitro at the time to pit him in the match. But whether he would be exactly where he is know I really don't know. But what I actually think is that if Benoit hadn't died neither would of ECW, look who was on the show on at that point, Lashley, Punk, RVD, Elijah Burke and all thus talent but it required star power and when Benoit died it is when ECW began to die.
Oh and by the way it was 07...07
Ok I'm going to be "that guy" and correct you and say it was 2007, not 2006. (damn, prodigy beat me to it)

Back on topic. I think he would probably still be in the position he is in now, regardless if he had the title or not. They haven't really acknowledged him being a past champion much anyways. I think the original plans were for Benoit to win that night and then feud with Morrison (Nitro at the time) at Summerslam, correct?
i think the only diffrence is he would of never became ecw champion. im sure wwe had plans already to team him up with miz and had to put that off due to the benoit tragedy. bottom line is he will still be where he is at today and the miz/morrison era still would of happen
I think he would be right where he is now. By him being chosen to win the belt in Benoit's place. Makes me think he's was being groomed for that spot. Benoit's main reason for going to ECW was to work with the young talent and put them over.

It may have helped Morrison gain credibility faster if he had feuded and won the belt from Benoit. So I don't think his career would have gone much different had Benoit not gone crazy.
I think he would be, to me he started to really be pushed when he started teaming with the Miz, the ECW title was the start of it though.
John Morrison aka Johnny Nitro won his first single title (Intercontinental Title) in 2006 from Jeff Hardy. Chris Benoit was a main eventer on Smackdown while Johnny Nitro was a midcard delight on Raw. John Morrison had his chances to wow the crowd, with Melina, but the WWE booking team had a bigger picture for him.

The night that he won the ECW title was understandable, but I believe that he was going to win that belt sooner of later from CM Punk. There feud was a destiny waiting to happen.

John Morrison was already etched in stone to be where it is at. He have the "IT" factor. Ripped body, but still weights less then 225lbs. He looks like Jim Morrison from the doors, in which every girl wanted there boyfriend to look like from 1965 to 1971. Also, he was a high flyer with a solid ground game. He was what you called Too Cold Scorpio and Mike Rotundo in one. He did not have all of there moves, just some here and there.
He was moved to ECW to get pushed so it would have happened eventually anyways. Plus his ECW title run isn't what got him over and was nothing more then a footnote in his career. He really started taking off when he and the Miz began teaming up. That team is what helped both men get over and become what they are currently.
JoMo is amazing, and sometimes, although it might be early to say, I feel like he's turning into the RVD of WWE... RVD is awesome, JoMo is awesome, and we all know JoMo would make an outstanding World Champ... but I don't get where his push is going... I think it is time to turn him into a heel single's star or at least make him important in a less crowded way... you know without R Truth... kinda like what Evan Bourne is doing now, if not he's gonna be that "RVD" guy, best awesomest main eventing wrestler to never hold a world title and ECW doesn't count
I don't think it matters a whole lot. It was an ECW title reign he walked into and, with the possible exception of Jack Swagger, winning the ECW title after it became the WWECW title doesn't really mean much of anything. Matt Hardy, Chavo Guerrero, Christian, Kane: it's a veritable who's who list of underrated guys who have spent most of their decade-plus-long careers not getting anywhere in the WWE, so there's that. (Take out "underrated" and you can put Mark Henry in that list, too.) So let's nip the whole "what if he never had an ecw world title reign?" idea in the bud right now. Looking at it from the standpoint that so far, of the list of ECW title holders since Van Dam, only Swagger and CM Punk have gone on to any main event success while most have gone back to the same exact midcard point they were at beforehand; I'd say it might even be more of a hindrance, or at least a statistical albatross (Madden curse) you wouldn't want hanging over your head.

On the other end of the conversation. Benoit got MVP over real well in his last WM match and I'm sure he probably could've done more for guys like Morrison and Burke if he had kept his sanity, but so it goes. Morrison has kind of hit a dead end right now and who's to say he would've done either better or worse due the very indirect relation of Benoit's death to Morrison's current status. It isn't like Benoit was going to teach him mic skills and he didn't need to learn to wrestle.
Ha! Love that picture! Morrison is like HBK early on with a splash of lucha libre. There is no stopping him, it's not a matter of if, but only when he will get a world title. He would have gotten the title months down the road if Benoit was alive or not.

Minus about 98.87294% of Michaels' charisma, personality and appeal.

As to the OP, he'd be exactly where he is today, because his ECW reign had no bearing on his future push – you can thank his tag team with the Miz for that. Before that, he was still the shadow of Johnny Nitro.
John Morrison aka Johnny Nitro won his first single title (Intercontinental Title) in 2006 from Jeff Hardy. Chris Benoit was a main eventer on Smackdown while Johnny Nitro was a midcard delight on Raw. John Morrison had his chances to wow the crowd, with Melina, but the WWE booking team had a bigger picture for him.

Dude, do some research. He won his first single title (Intercontinental Title) in 2006 at Vengeance in a triple threat from Carlito and Shelton Benjamin.

Like I said earlier, he was definitely in line for a push and Benoit's death just sped up the process. Someone said it best, his push really began when he was teamed with The Miz but the title was a start.
Well, Chris Benoit's death didn't exactly make John Morrison the star he is today. Sure, it helped him win the ECW Championship and helped him transform to the John Morrison we see today, but that is all. Either way, he still would have been successful on ECW, just probably at a later time, his push still would have been halted due to his suspension, he likely would have still had the tag team with The Miz... I believe everything would still be pretty much the same. Chris Benoit's death just forced WWE to push him sooner than they likely would have.

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