If there was no back injury to Shawn Michaels.


Pre-Show Stalwart
If Shawn never got a back injury that (at that time) ended his career, would he have been the face of the WWF.
Just on my mind
You better believe he would have been the face of wwe. Hell, him and stone cold put on one of the best matches ever at wrestlemania and that was with three ruptured disks in hbk's back. I had one ruptured disc awhile back and cant imagine how shawn did it with three!!! If he hadnt had to retire him and stone cold would have had a feud of the year. Shawn is one of the absolute best ever. Ive seen several people have negative things to say about him in the forums and i dont get it. Forget about backstage and politics, look at in ring and on camera ability--HBK IS GREAT!!!!!
Absolutly!! What people tend to forget is that HBK was only about 33/34 when he had his back injury. He along with Stone Cold, The Rock , HHH and Man Kind would have taken WWf ( at the time ), to another level beyond the atttitdue era.
I think he would have been both the face and the heel of the company. HBK would have won a lot more championships. We have seen him face the rock, kane, kurt angle, chris benoit, chris jericho, HHH, and the big show in the beginning of their careers.
If he never got a back injury I would be unsure of on what would have happened. Tehre could be many possibilites.

DX could of lasted longer than it did and X-pac may have never come back to the WWE. Billy gunn and Road Dogg may have never gotten has many matches as they did being in DX and we might of seen and earlier and less fitting feud of HHH and HBK. HHH might not have made it into the main event ebcause DX could of lasted a long time just to try and get the ratings on WWE's side which could of delayed HHH's main event time.

HBK could of had more reigns to his legendary status and have better feuds with Rock, Big Show and even Kane. HBK along with Rock, Taker, Stone Cold and Kane would to of carried WWE. Yes they had soem other talent but they didn't and couldn't do the work of the 5 people listed above.

Or HBK could of just retired earlier and not come back to the business like he did in 2002. He might of just got fed up with it and gotten even angry and just started doing his own thing, not turnign up to shows and getting released eventually. Much like Jeff Hardy did. I just don't know what would of happened if HBK didn't get injured.
It's very convenient that HBK missed several year when he would have likely taken a step down the card. By the time Mania 14 rolled around he probably knew that all those news stars were going to become more successful than he, and he'd probably lose his spot.

I don't doubt that he had a serious back injury. But I do think it's very odd how he came back in 2002 when The Rock was starting to become a movie star and Austin was likely almost done with wrestling.
If Shawn Michaels didn't have a back injury then he'd probably be held in much lower regard than he is today. Like Jake said, he'd probably have been moved down the card. We'd probably have seen him face The Rock, but it wouldn't be really anything special.

His injury is what has given him legendary status. Don't get me wrong, I love Shawn Michaels. I think he's brilliant. I don't consider him a legend though. I suppose it's legendary that he's managed to cement himself as one of the best of all time when he's only appeared sporadically in main events and only had one month long title reign in the last decade and then some. Then again, that's also because he's managed to avoid holding midcard titles - that thing that says "Look at me, I'm officially a midcarder now". Flair held the IC belt, thus proving my point.

You might think he'd have been able to do that had he not been injured. Not true. Coming back from what was supposedly a career ending injury was what gave him the momentum to do that. He comes over as a grizzled legend, when all he's really done is lose to more popular wrestlers.

Had he not been injured, I think Goldberg would be held in higher regard. Smart career move.
Shawn's back injury reminds me of Muhammad Ali losing 3 years from the prime of his boxing career while his draft case was being appealed. We were robbed forever of what he could have done in the ring.

Similarly, we lost prime time from Shawn Michaels in what probably would have been his best performance years, and once these years are lost, they're lost forever.

But there's no telling how it would have impacted his status today. Perhaps he would have peaked back then and slowly faded from the prominence he enjoys today. Conversely, maybe he would have attained heights that would have boosted him above the accomplishments of Stone Cold and The Rock. By that token, it would have been interesting to see how those guy's careers would have been affected if Shawn hadn't had the time off.

I think it's great that he came back to wrestle because I thought he never would. Back then, I believed he was just collecting his salary while waiting for his contract to run out......making only occasional appearances to tell us that he had "lost his smile."

But we'll never know what could have been, will we?
This is a very good question and I was just thinking about that myself. Uh, many things could have happened if HBK didn't have that back injury. For one thing, I think HBK would have probably helped the other members of DX be made a bigger deal than they were at the time of his injury. Sure, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn made a great tag team, but that was just because they had to try to step up the ladder, since HHH wasn't that good of a leader of DX that HBK was. Another thing, I believe that we would have seen a longer fued between him and Stone Cold. I hated the ending between their match at Wrestlemania 14... he did not deserve to get his face punched in, in his last match until 4 years later. This would have probably led to atleast 2 or 3 title reigns, which I think could have really benefitted him more.

A number of different things could have happened. Another thing is about Triple H. Had Shawn Michaels not have had his back injury, Triple H probably would have had his first World Title reign closer to the Brand Extension. That itself would have been great, but that's only if what HHH said after turning on HBK in 2002 was the truth. Did HBK really use HHH to stay at the top? Did HHH really use HBK to get to the top? If so, would it have been sooner that HHH turned on him? Who knows? Here's a good one... Chyna! If HBK didn't have his back injury, would Chyna have been the first female to be in the Royal Rumble or the first female to win the Intercontinental Championship?

One more thing... if HBK never had his back injury, would he be the religously devoted man he is today. He has been a born-again Christian, but remember how he was prior to returning in 2002? I'm sorry to say, but HBK was one of the most heathenist characters in the WWE. Always using profanity, but that was because of the Attitude Era and DX, but still. Now, HBK doesn't even do his crotch chop correctly or say the term ''Suck It'', as seen in his last run in DX. His back injury was one of the main reasons for his borning-again, besides his wife convincing him.

So, i don't know what would have happened if Shawn Michaels never had his back injury, but it sure is fun to think about it.
I think all attitude era title matches would have to have included HBK along with Rock,Austin,H,Y2J & Angle.. .After all,its been SaiD Vince saw him as part of that plan unlike Bret.A few more world titles in the bag also.
I also think DX with H woulda gone on,whether there would have been room for more than Chyna on board,I doubt it.Then again youd have Chyna in the lower cards,NAO in the tags & Tori in the womens,How DX dominant can you get! But I feel when the Monday Night Wars were over & no necesary need for atitude,a fall out match woulda happened that,d make their 2002 title feud seam like a bra,n,panties match.
I cant also help feeling he woulda retired by now BeFoRe Flair did.A daft thing to say but I feel his back injury prolonged his WWE spotlight career..Kept alive by GM ,special ref & internet reporter roles he,d probably be doing now.In his WZ videos he says his knees are shot,& that was in 1999!
Having said that ,sceptics say his best days were WWFs lowest point.I KnoW an injury free HBK woulda proved them wrong in the attitude era.
I think we will never know what would have happened in the crazy world of wrestling...

Shawn had a lot of demons back in the day and we don't know what road he could have gone down if he was not injured...

But if we think about it, the way HBK wrestled back in the 90's was only ever going to end up in a career ending injury. The man has even said himself that people were telling him to slow down and not give over 100% everytime he went out there but that wasn't in Shawn's character.

I personally as a HBK fan think that the Injury was a blessing in disguise for Shawn, it told him that he couldnt go 110% every night like he always tried to do. It told him that he was destroying his life. People are having a go at HBK on these forums for not being the man he was back in the 90's and that he does repetitive moves... Let's be realistic...

Nobody thought that HBK was gonna come back in early 2002... never mind wrestle a full schedule for the next 7 years and still be going strong!

HBK has adapted his style of wrestling to his current age and abilitites. I dont hate him for this. I appreciate he is still doing something that he doesnt need to do anymore. Everyone states that he is a sure-fire hall of famer already. This means he can hang up his boots tomorrow. But he doesnt...

He loves this business and he has changed his life for the better. This has made him enjoy what bit of his career he has left.

I for one am going to be upset when he does finally hang up those boots, but! i'm honoured that i have had the chance to be able to see this man perform and dedicate his life and health to a business and to it's fans.

Sorry if i have gone off topic a little... just got a bit carried away :)
I think we will never know what would have happened in the crazy world of wrestling...

Shawn had a lot of demons back in the day and we don't know what road he could have gone down if he was not injured...

But if we think about it, the way HBK wrestled back in the 90's was only ever going to end up in a career ending injury. The man has even said himself that people were telling him to slow down and not give over 100% everytime he went out there but that wasn't in Shawn's character.

I personally as a HBK fan think that the Injury was a blessing in disguise for Shawn, it told him that he couldnt go 110% every night like he always tried to do. It told him that he was destroying his life. People are having a go at HBK on these forums for not being the man he was back in the 90's and that he does repetitive moves... Let's be realistic...

Nobody thought that HBK was gonna come back in early 2002... never mind wrestle a full schedule for the next 7 years and still be going strong!

HBK has adapted his style of wrestling to his current age and abilitites. I dont hate him for this. I appreciate he is still doing something that he doesnt need to do anymore. Everyone states that he is a sure-fire hall of famer already. This means he can hang up his boots tomorrow. But he doesnt...

He loves this business and he has changed his life for the better. This has made him enjoy what bit of his career he has left.

I for one am going to be upset when he does finally hang up those boots, but! i'm honoured that i have had the chance to be able to see this man perform and dedicate his life and health to a business and to it's fans.

Sorry if i have gone off topic a little... just got a bit carried away :)

I couldn't have said it better myself. getting injured probably saved his life. at the time, in the short term, yeah, he would have been THE face of the wwe, probably would have had more CLASSICS with austin, angle, edge etc etc etc. i've been a fan of shawn michaels for 20 years...even at his age now, he can still go with ANYBODY and out perform just about anyone as well. for that matter, shawn could of had a match with the undertaker at mania already...maybe the streak wouldn't exist as it does today. BUT, knowing what was going on with shawn at that time personally, i don't think he would have made it. he changed his life when he got hurt, and thank god. imo, hes still the best. yes he's different now, he wrestles different, his attitude is different, but thats fine. people evolve...people change....he's still the best.
I was talking to a friend about this a few weeks ago. If there was no back injury I believe he could've been dead now. The man was hooked on painkillers before breaking his back and there's no telling if he could've gotten into worse. I'm thankful that his absence allowed him to find someone special in Rebecca, and also in God. The man is levelheaded and doesn't LIVE for the business, he lives for himself and the business helps take care of his family. I feel blessed to have personally seen him win at Wrestlemania 24, especially since when I was in middle school I'd already accepted the fact that I'd never see him as an active wrestler again.
I'm wondering what would HHH's career would be like, since he was Shawn's right-hand man, would he actually reach the main event heights if Shawn wasn't injured?
I'm wondering what would HHH's career would be like, since he was Shawn's right-hand man, would he actually reach the main event heights if Shawn wasn't injured?

Good call ! We will never know, he could have been still jobbing to people like the warrior hehe.

Nah i think HHH would have made it but possibly not as well as has done. Same as they did with the DX that came after HBK, they split them up and they would have eventually split up HBK and HHH at some point...
We all would have been privileged in seeing a classic Rock v.s HBK feud. That would have been the greatest feud of all time. HBK is one up on The Rock anyhow. Remember the sweet chin music that The Rock felt on Smackdown when he fought against HHH? It was one of the more memorable SCM of all time, almost as good as the Booker T SCM.
If Shawn Michaels didn't have a back injury then he'd probably be held in much lower regard than he is today. Like Jake said, he'd probably have been moved down the card. We'd probably have seen him face The Rock, but it wouldn't be really anything special.

His injury is what has given him legendary status. Don't get me wrong, I love Shawn Michaels. I think he's brilliant. I don't consider him a legend though. I suppose it's legendary that he's managed to cement himself as one of the best of all time when he's only appeared sporadically in main events and only had one month long title reign in the last decade and then some. Then again, that's also because he's managed to avoid holding midcard titles - that thing that says "Look at me, I'm officially a midcarder now". Flair held the IC belt, thus proving my point.

You might think he'd have been able to do that had he not been injured. Not true. Coming back from what was supposedly a career ending injury was what gave him the momentum to do that. He comes over as a grizzled legend, when all he's really done is lose to more popular wrestlers.

Had he not been injured, I think Goldberg would be held in higher regard. Smart career move.

This has got to absolutely be the dumbest thing that I have ever heard. How can you ever say that Shawn isn't a legend. He was the first to compete in many matches.......hell in a cell, elimination chamber, ladder match, iron man match....and 3 of those 4 he won. If it wasn't for him many people wouldn't be where they are now. I was absolute hurt when he had to retire cause I only got a chance to see him in a couple of matches back when he was in his prime. I mean don't get me wrong, he is still good.....but everyone can see that he isn't the same in ring performer that he used to be.
Most definitely he has the charisma and the in ring skills
like Austin brilliant mic skills and in the ring was only really limited to a brawling style
The rock too charismatic for his own good lol

so HBK would have most deifintiely been the top guy if he had never been injured and just imagine how good that wrestlemania match with Austin could have been improved if shawn was at the top of his game

great topic to bring up may i say
the injury while robbing the fans of what ifs and what could have beens, saved his life. HBK could have been a Test or even a Benoit had he not gotten that time away.

HHH was kliq. Lets be honest HBK would have helped him get to teh top likely in a fued with HBK turning face and HHH turning heel. HHH would have had the fued he had with teh Rock with shawn instead, evetually getting into the main event. DX would have still had Pac and the outlaws, because for awhile HBK would have been going after the title and would have brought more gusy in to help him get it. Pac just because he fit the the Attitude time period and would have done what he did and shot on WCW.
it would of been interesting to see, because while Austin n Co. steered the Attitude era along, it was HBK who started it. He would of been up there for another year or too but then just become another name in a congested main event scene instead of the focus.
Had HBK been in good condition he would have feuded over multiple ppv's with all of the following people Kane, HHH, and The Rock. Perhaps him and Rocky could have had a long feud. I agree HHH would not have won the belt in August of 1999. Hell, maybe HBK fell down the card so much his ass wouldve jumped to WCW and WCW would have stayed in business.

It's all speculation...
The things that happen in life happen for a reason. I think it's silly to think otherwise. This question is posed with the opinion that had HBK not been injured, things would've turned out for the better, implying that things as they are right now are not the better outcome (correct?). I think that HBK's injury occurred when it was supposed to, and wrestling history proves this. Look at the doors the exiting of HBK opened. Austin won the title, HHH got took the ball of D-Generation X, the Attitude Era (albeit instigated by Shawn, Paul & Joanie) took off on 3/29/98. Let's look at it like this:

Hypothetical: Had HBK not been injured, he would still be the #1 guy. Austin 3:16 would've won the title eventually, maybe even later that year, but it would've been the same. HHH would've eventually torn away from HBK, but it wouldn't have been the same. The entire Attitude Era would've turned out incredibly different -- no Billy Gun, no Road Dogg, no X-Pac, possibly not even McMahon-Helmsley Era. HBK would've continued to play #1 until all of his luster wore off and he would disappear from the radar, possibly going out like Ric Flair with a match at Wrestle Mania and a celebration on Raw.

Compare that to reality. The business would be different, and Shawn's status and respect and admiration might not exist in the eyes of the fans. His injury allowed others to take the ball and explode. His injury allowed him to revamp himself, fix himself and rid himself of all his problems. Take into account Shawn's personal issues and backstage power, and then consider this question.

His injury, arguably, might be the best thing that happened to the WWF in 1998. It might have been the best thing to happen to Shawn also. There are several valid points made by several posters here, such as his injury did grant him the 'Legend' status because he did leave in his "prime," and returned when no one expected him to. His injury opened doors for others, changed the state of the business, shook things up.

The short answer is things would be very very different.
The long answer is above, but even that's not dissected or analyzed enough.
People seem to forget that Shawn stopped wresting in March of 1998 and Triple H didn't win his first championship until the Summer of 1999. It took him a year and a half to win the championship even when Shawn was absent. It wasn't something that happened right away he fought the Rock and the Nation for the IC title throughout the summer of 1998 and wasn't even in the main event picture until after his feud with Xpac after Wrestlemania.

I think history would of been the same if Shawn didn't hurt his back and take time off. I think Vince would of aligned with Shawn and DX at first and he would of wrestled Stone Cold through out the spring. After Shawn failed I think Vince would of turned to the Rock like he did. The one person who would of suffered the most would probably have been Mick Foley and Kane. Instead of the Rock vs. Foley at the end of 98 and early 99 we would of had HBK and DX vs. The Rock and the Corporation. When that feud was over I think Triple H would of turned on HBK leading to a big feud pushing Triple H. We would probably of got a Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels match at Wrestlemania 15.

I still think Shawn would have hurt himself somehow over time. He has always had knee problems over the years. It kept him out of Wrestlemania 13 and since his return from his back injury in 2002 he has had surgery on his knee 2 times, he broke his ribs last year, and injuried his arm in a feud with Jericho and Lance Cade. Also before smashing his back on the casket at the Royal Rumble his back was bothering him already and it was probably something he was going to have to address at some point. The match with taker just helped move it along instead of a year or 2 later.

Also I'm sure he would of had another match with Mick Foley and that would of been the trigger on his back. They both talk about the one match they had in 1996 and being one of their best matches they ever had. Image a hardcore match between the two and what they would put their bodies through OUCH.

Besides all that nothing would of changed much maybe the title would of gone back and forth over spring of 98 with Shawn and Stone Cold and maybe back and forth with the Rock in late 98 and early 99. Maybe he would of got 2 more short reigns out of it but I still think he would have been on the shelf for a few years after 1999 anyway. So instead of 3 WWE Titles and 1 WHC he would have had 5 WWE Titles and 1 WHC.

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