If The Lariat Won't Fight Them, I Will!!!

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Since The Lariat has already given up with his endeavours... I think I shall step to the plate & say that I will not let the poison known as the WZ nWo infect the lifeblood of the WZ... & unlike The Lariat, I will never EVER QUIT!!!

I shall take on the rival faction by myself if I have too. This new faction is now known as [115]. At least I didn't steal another faction's name. If you want to join my cause, just ask... THE WZ NWO SHALL NOT SUCCEED AS LONG AS I LIVE!!!

[115].... LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Those evil laughter has reached to epic proportions]
[115] meet Bat:

I am not as willing as The Lariat to submit. I am the guy that if he gets beaten up, he will still fight for a cause... I am the guy that if he gets kicked while he is down that he will still fight for a cause... I am the guy that if he dies as an act of martyrdom for his cause, he will still fight for his cause in death...

Do your worst!

:worship: [115] :worship:[115] :worship: [115]

:lmao: :lmao:
Oh snap... I got my arse handed to me...

But I shall still fight for my cause...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

For those who wish to join, listen to this following message:

I am sorry you feel that way Lariat... & I am sorry for whatever I did to make you feel like I am the most annoying poster.
Slyfox locked the WZnWo thread. :lmao: I say we "re-purpose" this handy dandy thread. Big Sexy is in the house!
Well, I don't see it either Lariat. I only gotten my rep with great comments & no rep ****ing. my first post got me at least 2 green reps. I got mentioned a couple of times in the your fav posters thread. I dont see it...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

On a serious note, I dont actually see myself as the next big thing. There are others like Chill, Kip The Fury & SophieDavis that will probably overtake me. However, I describe myself as a poster in the following:


Again, if i am annoying... i dont mean to be.

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