If Taker loses we riot??


Pre-Show Stalwart
What's with this "If Taker loses we riot" shit going on? I'm sure its nothing, just a few fans talking on WWE Universe and it has probably gotten more attention then it needs. But I was confused by it. Here's a guy, the Undertaker, battling through injuries, has had multiple world championship reigns in recent years. And yet HE'S the one you guys are pissed off about losing? HBK fans have been dealt shit the past few years, the embarrassing JBL owning the rights to Shawn storyline, the Jericho kicking the shit out of Shawn storyline, ZERO world championship reigns in like 8 years, losing EVERY wrestlemania since 2003 with the exception of WM24 only because he HAD to win that one. How about this HBK fans out there: How about if HBK loses we riot? Geeze, it's pathetic. Taker has everything he could possibly want, and by all means he shouldn't even be wrestling right now. Where's the passion in the HBK camp right now? Haven't you had enough of this crap? Just saying...

I understand why Shawn himself has agreed to these things lately. He's a humble guy. He puts out unique awesome feuds and gets Match of the Year every year anyway. But shouldn't you guys do your part and rally behind the guy?
No I hate shawn micheals, he's a bald headed loser that needs to retire already before his gray hairs start showing. Taker won't lose at Mania, it's his legacy and it's very marketable at wrestlemania and WWE won't throw one of wrestlemanias biggest honors away. None of Takers title reigns are note worthy, his streak is all he has, he's built it for 17 years and thats the one thing that should always belong to him. WWE is only doing this because every fan knows Taker will never lose at Mania so they don't wanna make it predectible. they want fans to think "OMG taker might lose" because then people will order the PPV, instead of people saying "Taker will win like always so whats the point"

Shawn won wrestlemania 22 against vince McMahon and he beat ric flair at wrestlemania 24 so shut the fuck up already

Taker 4 life, shawn=loser 4 life haha
Nothing to rally behind. HBK is still the only reason I watch wrestling but the character has become a joke outside of the fact he puts on good matches. Cocky, brash, refusing to "lay down for anyone"...thats the guy we all still wish wrestled but now we have a guy who sides with midgets and hugs Bret Hart in the middle of the ring. Owned by JBL, pinned by Miz twice in a month, played around with male cheer leaders, consistently beaten by every wrestler on the roster. When he has the fire again I'm sure his fan base will but he turned his back on us so we only expect him to put on a show in a losing fashion at this point.
There'll be no riot.

'Taker will be 45 when WM comes off? Good.

If he chooses to still be wrestling at age 95, his streak will be 67-0.

No riot necessary.
I like 'Taker as much as the next guy,but rioting if he loses?
That's like rioting if you didn't get mustard on your hamburger.
If he loses,it may be sad,but there's nothing to scream and hit people with a mailbox about.
The streak will go on in WWE history,and won't be forgotten.
I'd actually be incredibly fucking happy if Undertaker lost, I hate the streak, it's the most overrated angle in wrestling history and manages to make every single fucking Undertaker Wrestlemania match utterly predictable, which is not a good thing. If HBK won I'd jump up and down in joy.
Nothing to rally behind. HBK is still the only reason I watch wrestling but the character has become a joke outside of the fact he puts on good matches. Cocky, brash, refusing to "lay down for anyone"...thats the guy we all still wish wrestled but now we have a guy who sides with midgets and hugs Bret Hart in the middle of the ring. Owned by JBL, pinned by Miz twice in a month, played around with male cheer leaders, consistently beaten by every wrestler on the roster. When he has the fire again I'm sure his fan base will but he turned his back on us so we only expect him to put on a show in a losing fashion at this point.

I disagree with ddemps only in part. I feel the reason people are so furious with the idea of taker losing is because of things like the montreal screw job and the fact that people know that vince mcmahon will intentionally screw his wrestlers just to let them know he doesn't need them. everyone knows Shawn Michaels will get the epic send off like Ric Flair did and have just as epic a match. However with all the gossip that Taker is retiring this year the one thing that people have to hold on to, to know that he was given an epic send off is the streak. WE want to see respect given to Taker. if he loses it's a slap in the face. If the WWE can show respect to a P.O.S. like RIC FLAIR. Then they need to show it to someone like Taker. the rest of it is the crap story lines they give shawn. even this one isn't on par to show him the type of respect he deserves as well. that's just my two cents.
People saying they will riot if Undertaker loses a fake wrestling match is one of those things that makes me embarrassed to be a wrestling fan. Seriously. Grow the f*ck up. I hate Cena but I don't "riot" every time he's on TV because I'm not a child and it's not important.

No I hate shawn micheals, he's a bald headed loser that needs to retire already before his gray hairs start showing. Taker won't lose at Mania, it's his legacy and it's very marketable at wrestlemania and WWE won't throw one of wrestlemanias biggest honors away. None of Takers title reigns are note worthy, his streak is all he has, he's built it for 17 years and thats the one thing that should always belong to him. WWE is only doing this because every fan knows Taker will never lose at Mania so they don't wanna make it predectible. they want fans to think "OMG taker might lose" because then people will order the PPV, instead of people saying "Taker will win like always so whats the point"

Shawn won wrestlemania 22 against vince McMahon and he beat ric flair at wrestlemania 24 so shut the fuck up already

Taker 4 life, shawn=loser 4 life haha

You shouldn't be allowed on these forums... or even the internet, until you learn how to act like an adult and vocalize your opinion without acting like an angry 15 year old.
i am both taker and hbk fan, (taker more so). shawn has openly admitted he wouldnt drop the belt to bret hart, and has a history of not wanting to do the job. taker has always been there to win or lose to anybody. taker has even gone on record to say if the streak ended he wouldnt care. maybe other fans see shawn as a dick and taker as a team player and would be pissed (as i would) if shawn ended the streak. im not too awfully worried about it since the streak is vince's baby but ill be ready to riot
No I hate shawn micheals, he's a bald headed loser that needs to retire already before his gray hairs start showing.
So, as far as you've indicated, the reason you vehemently hate Shawn so much is because he's balding and might go grey soon. Is there any actual reason for your hatred for a man who's done more than most people, or are you just a numpty?

And as to the topic, in my eyes Shawn is the only person there right now who deserves to end Taker's streak. That said, I'd still like to see it intact, as it's Shawn or nobody. But fuck it, as long as we get a great match out of it, the end result isn't the important thing to me.
I'll admit that I think HBK is one of the top 5 wrestlers of all time, I'm a huge fan, and I absolutely do not want to see him retire. So my opinion may be slightly biased, because I want HBK to win and keep working.

I have to agree that the Undertaker's undefeated streak is one of the most overrated programs in wrestling. I think the Undertaker is a great worker. I think he has an untouchable gimmick that is probably as over as any gimmick there is. I realize many of the greats consider him one of their best opponents and has had many good matches.

However, most of those guys, and most of those good matches, were NOT at WrestleMania. 2/3rd's of the wrestlers beaten in the streak were either not great talents or guys past their primes. Maybe just a couple of them are "classics". It's my opinion that "the streak" is not a streak to put over how great The Undertaker is, but a streak to put over how great and important WrestleMania is.

I could also argue that considering all those facts, it really hurts the Undertaker by having this streak. Shawn doesn't need a streak....he just wrestles the best match on the card every single year. I'd rather have that streak, and think that streak means a lot more than a win-loss streak...to a guy who already has this untouchable gimmick and is already incredibly over...also considering that Vince determines who wins and loses, but can't control who works the best match. Wouldn't the Undertaker be a first-ballot HOF'er without the streak? Yes. So again, I think it's been a streak to put over Wrestlemania more than The Undertaker.

I still can't figure out who's gonna win though, cause I could make great arguments for both sides, which is why this match is such a win for the office no matter what happens.
Wow wow man, hold on your horses for a minute here.

You are rambling and it seems like you are really pissed off about the mather but lets look at it in a calmed way.

First of all the topic if you have the time to read it has been splitted half and half because half of people wants Shawn to win because they don't want to retire and half want (myself included) the Streak to go on because the WWE has sold us the Idea of the Streak being a big deal and a big part of Taker's legacy, truth be told I bought their koolaid and wants Taker to win, but if does not, I would be very pissed off but won't riot.

Now you are putting HBK like he has been mistreated by the WWE since 2003 and Taker being the politic with huger of power and that is holdign Shawn back, whci is really a bad arguement and cannot be further from the truth.

The only reason why Shawn has not being champion is because he does not want to, it has been reported that he has been proposed to become champion multiple times but he refuses to it, because of what it takes in the matter of tours and house shows and time. If Taker is battling through Injuries so is Shawn and more than that, Shawn is the one who has hinted retirement, not Taker.

Taker has won the title 3 times since 2007 and although he is battling through injuries he gets there and puts on a show too,before he lost the tiltle to Edge, he got injured during a house show and was said to be on the best condition of his life, actually it showed druing that time but the injury came along, never the less he battled injured during two brutal matches to lose the belt in the ring an by being stripped due injury.

Even if you question why he got it you have to respect the fact that he gives it all when he is in the ring, The Man got burned before the EC and still wrestle during the event, sure he was pissed off but he wrestle none the less.

Besides you need to get your facts straight: Shawn's record at Wrestlemania is better than you mention:

2003-WM19-Won over Jericho.
2004-WM20-Lost to Benoit, actually he didn't but he didn't won either.
2005-WM21-Lost to Angle.
2006-WM22-Win over Vince MacMahon.
2007-WM23-Lost to John Cena.
2008-WM24-Win over Ric Flair.
2009-WM25-Lost to the Undertaker.

So it has pretty much being an interval of a year between wins and loses for Shawn.

On the Storyline of Jericho beating the living crap out of Shawn, it was just one win over him (During the storyline, because later Jericho won when he was champion in a ladder match) during the entire feud, and in the last match it was Shawn getting win by beating the living crap out of Jericho. Same with the JBL storyline, in the End Shawn always get even.

I know Shawn is humble, but by no means he is a saint or a martir who puts everyone over, neither is Taker as a matter of fact.

They took almost the same time off, while Shawn put over the Undertaker (who put Shawn over dring the end of 1997 and the beginning of 1998 with out getting a win back) the Undertaker put over the Big Show in clean fashion before getting out.

Now tell me how many people has Shawn put over since? on his DX stint, they got defeated once out of 3 times with the last one being very bad for Legacy, Shawn took all they had to give and still survived.

Orton on Raw? part of the storyline and was with a rollup, nothing really to brag about. HHH and Shawn never put Jerishow over, not once, so much that they looked as a joke, not as the most dominant force in the WWE.

On Taker's side we all know that since he became Champion he ruled Smackdown and only lost to Jericho and not cleanly.

So this humble guy that puts on unique shows and never gets anything back story you want to made up is far from the truth since at least he got the Tittles for a while and all of the sudden the tag matches became all the time the Main event, title or not.

Now does Shawn deserves to win and end the streak? man his history gives you that he deserves it, I don't want him to do it but he is deserving of it. Does Taker deserves to win at Mania again? Of course he does, after 20 years in the busines and even when the guy is broken comes back and put on a show, damn he deserves it, even if you don think so.

Now take also on account that if Taker's win, is not because Taker wants to or he played politics againts Michaels to do so, if that were the case they would not face each other again, like when Hogan played Shawn into the Summerslam match and then wanting to win again in a steel cage match, that time Shawn just agreed to one because Hogan refused to put him over. If Shawn loses s because Shawn is ready to retire at least for a while (3-4 months).

What the Treath is about is that people also looks to much into it with the career stipulation, as it seems it was only thrown to put people againts Taker because none wants Michaels to retire or think he is ready to do so. It portrits Taker as the bad guy and Shawn as the Underdog, and more with the damn promo from last week when Taker was too respectful and Shawn owned him in the promo, just like last year, but last year was different because it was Shawn mocking him with nothing on the line, now he mocks him but since his career is on the line, Taker is now the bad guy because he wants to end Shawn's career? How dare he? Who does he think he is? Well He is The Undertaker and if Shawn is going to retire againts someone, why not the guy who has been there through Hell and high water? The guy who is a counter stone of the Damn Company and has been there during almost 2 decades just like Shawn? The guy that when everyone disliked Shawn was there to work with him and not complain at all?

A lot of fans love the Damn Streak (I actually like it) because it something unique, but a streak with a defeat is meaningless, as simple as that, with the career stipulation everyone is jumping to conclusions that Shawn won't retire and the Streak will end for nothing (which is not entirely truth, since, I mean is Shawn Michaels we are talking about here), and that is also pissing a lot of people.

I mean both men are deserving of a victory but putting Shawn as a martir and Taker as a Politician that is only there because he is greedy is BS and you know it. None is going to riot no matter the result.
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If the streak does end, I will be shocked. As has been noted earlier, Undertaker only really has the streak as his claim to fame. It represents the time and dedication that he has put into that character. No amount of world titles could have the same effect for a character like the Undertaker. Big unstoppable monster type characters almost always have a streak. Kozlov, Umaga... the list could go on and on all the way back to the beginning of pro wrestling. The Undertaker is simply better and draws more than any other performer of that character type ever in the history of the industry. Since he will go down as the best performer of that type, shouldnt he have the best streak possible? the one streak that never ended? At this juncture in HBK's career, he doesnt need the rub that he'd get from ending the streak. His career is almost over. If the streak is going to end, it needs to be used on someone who's going to benefit from it longer than HBK will. His legacy is cemented. He doesnt need a belt and he doesnt need to end the streak. Undertaker needs his streak. Its his only real accolade that he will be remembered for.

Edit: Also, if you think HBK wont lose because his career's on the line, think again. Ending someone's career usually means they'll be back on TV in time for next year's 'Mania. Even when wrestlers get the best possible send off (Flair), theyre back in the ring within a year. This business institutionalizes you to the point where you cant get it out of your system because it has become so integrated with your life. If HBK loses, you wont see him on TV for awhile. Even if he wins, there's been talk of him taking time off anyhow. I cant see him winning this match just to take a vacation. He will lose, come back months later to a big pop, announce his retirement, do a retirement tour, work those dates, and then have his last match at Wrestlemania next year and the Streak will continue.
Threatening to riot hasn't been relavent since ONS 2. The ECW fans... they would have rioted. The crowd at wrestlemania... they wont. It's just a bunch of fans who'll bitch about the wrong guy winning, pollitics, and whatever other bullshit they need to use to explain why HBK won instead of 'Taker.

None of which matters, because 'Taker isn't losing the streak any time soon.
What's with this "If Taker loses we riot" shit going on? I'm sure its nothing, just a few fans talking on WWE Universe and it has probably gotten more attention then it needs. But I was confused by it. Here's a guy, the Undertaker, battling through injuries, has had multiple world championship reigns in recent years. And yet HE'S the one you guys are pissed off about losing? HBK fans have been dealt shit the past few years, the embarrassing JBL owning the rights to Shawn storyline, the Jericho kicking the shit out of Shawn storyline, ZERO world championship reigns in like 8 years, losing EVERY wrestlemania since 2003 with the exception of WM24 only because he HAD to win that one. How about this HBK fans out there: How about if HBK loses we riot? Geeze, it's pathetic. Taker has everything he could possibly want, and by all means he shouldn't even be wrestling right now. Where's the passion in the HBK camp right now? Haven't you had enough of this crap? Just saying...

I understand why Shawn himself has agreed to these things lately. He's a humble guy. He puts out unique awesome feuds and gets Match of the Year every year anyway. But shouldn't you guys do your part and rally behind the guy?

I honestly could not agree more. The streak isn't as HUGE as HBK's FUCKING career. I am thinking the exact opposite: If Taker wins, we riot. I want HBK to win this one, and I have always rallied behind him. I have plenty of passion for Shawn Michaels, and will always be behind the Heart Break Kid.
I honestly could not agree more. The streak isn't as HUGE as HBK's FUCKING career. I am thinking the exact opposite: If Taker wins, we riot. I want HBK to win this one, and I have always rallied behind him. I have plenty of passion for Shawn Michaels, and will always be behind the Heart Break Kid.
No you wont.
If you care that deeply about who wins or loses a wrestling match, you might need to take a break from wrestling
I don't care who wins or loses the match, I just want to see a good and enetertaining match. Last years match was awesome, It kept me in my sit for the whole match. So I really can't wait until next week, Is going to be a hell of a match.

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