If Stone Cold Could Get Away With Being A Heel, Why Can't John Cena?

CM Steel

A REAL American
This past monday on RAW, we saw the first strong hint of a John Cena heel turn in the near future during the Piper's pit segment. Everybody in the WWE universe is dying for John Cena to turn heel, or do something different with his charactor. But WWE chairman Vince McMahon is scared to death of doing anything different with his golden boy John Cena. Because with Vince McMahon & John Cena, it's moneywrestling.

But what about ten years ago at and after Wrestlemania 17 in Houston, Texas with Vince McMahon's face of the company at the time Stone Cold Steve Austin? When Stone Cold turned heel and joined the heelish chairman "Mr. McMahon" with the two man power-trip along with Triple H. Stone Cold Steve Austin really got heat from the WWF/E crowd at the time.

With Stone Cold as the leader of the WCW-ECW allience, and wife (at the time) Debra McMichael as his on-screen manager, and we witness the orgins of the "what" cry. Now if Vince McMahon is willing to put his money where his mouth is with putting SCSA as a heel at the time. Why won't he do it with John Cena?

Just think of the feuds John Cena can be in? Like a feud with a Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, or even the Undertaker upon his return. Just something different.
Yeah Stone Cold turned heel but ratings dropped a good bit when compared to the year before. Also The Rock was there even tho he was filming at the time but everyone know he would come back to feud with Austin upon return.
Austin looked like a bad ass who just went out and kicked everyones ass without a care in the world. He was never a true face. He was always the heel type face who the crowd loved. He never kissed up to the fans etc etc

Cena does that on a nightly basis, so I just cant see him or take him seriously as a legit heel. Even when he was doing his basic thuganomics bit , I always saw him as more of a joke then a heel. Just my opinion

Did you really say think of all the fueds he can be in , with something different in the same sentence lol. Comeon man ive seen him face rey and orton tons of times.

If he does go heel, he needs to go all out , and do some really FOUL things and bad mouth the fans who he once loved very harshly
the undercard was also much stronger at that time, too!

we still had a pretty solid tag division (apa, e & c, hardyz, dudleys, etc), as well as young, healthy full-timers like benoit, guerrero, angle, the undertaker, triple h, kane and the big show (who was still relatively young and new).

there were simply more well-developed, well-marketed and well-recognized names at the time to pick up the slack. if cena turns heel right now, who will he feud with? cm punk? randy orton? big show? i can't think of any other faces right now that are developed and over enough to make a feud with a heel cena interesting...

i'm afraid a heel cena right now would be a bigger flop than austin's heel turn was...and the company is not in near as good of a financial shape as they were in 2001. the risk doesn't seem worth it at this time.
When you look back on history of the company all of the big stars turned heel it may not have work but they turned heel HBK, taker, Austin, rock, hogan, triple h the list goes on and on. When they turned face again it made even then more popular then before.The Austin heel turn didn't work but when he turned back the fans loved him even more. In order for cena to be considered one of the all time greats he has turn heel so when he does turn face again the fans(his fans) will go ape shit. Like the OP said it opens up so much more fueds he could have and give other faces a chance to step up and fill his void. You can kill two birds with one stone turn cena heel and bulid new faces in the process, but cena has to turn eventually.
Yes, I do want John Cena to turn Heel.
BUT John Cena is good for business as a Face on and off the telivised events.

The problem is that SURE Raw/Smackdown&PPV's will probably improve and have us all in the IWC excited....but what about the Make a Wish foundation? What about the WWE house show events where the majority of the crowd is waiting for the Top face to turn up every day? John Cena works full time and is at every single house show unless WWE send him elsewhere to do other good deeds. If he turned Heel WWE are not sure if Families would be as likely to attend these shows anymore. The risk for WWE is WAY TOO HIGH!
If Zack Ryder continues his uphill ascent and Rey Mysterio comes back then between them and CmPunk maybe they can hold up the fort so that Cena can change...but until then we are stuck with the One Man Army that is John Cena!.

And I am ALL for the Cena Heel Turn...I was begging for it at Survivor Series.....but I know why its not going to happen yet, and If I was at the business end of WWE then I would probably be just as hesitant as they are.
Because believe you me....they have certainly fucking thought about it!
I really dont think Vince is scared to turn him heel and I do believe its going to happen soon. Look at the past few weeks they keep putting him in segments where you see him just swallowing his tongue and pride and at times look like hes going to snap. One of the biggest complaints on this forum is how WWE rushes into things and doesnt book it properly or let it build long enough. The WWE is booking this perfectly. Everyone is clamoring for the change and the heel turn. What they want is to translate all of our anticipation into ratings.

On another note- anyone else realize hes the reverse tweener? Most people bash him for 100 reasons and include one as "even the crowd hates him"... Its something unique. When Orton started getting cheered while a heel you all thought it was great. Same with Kennedy and of course the best tweener SCSA. They were heels who won the respect of the crowd and got cheered for pretty much being assholes. Cena is the exact opposite he is booed while doing face style actions. Hes like the fat chick in highschool she could piss gold but people would still attack her for no damn reason. I wouldnt be surprised if WWE was piping in boos to make a turn start to show. And while I hate the idea of Rock and Cena for the belt- would it not be perfect to see Cena turn heel after finally taking his first short cut to win the belt from Punk? Just a few thoughts.
Steve Austin's heel turn bombed something shiocking, Austin himself wanted to call an audible at Mania 17 and hit Vince instead of Rock.

The crowd wantyed tocheer Austin, they want to boo Cena. Cena will be a huge heel, but will get X-Pac heat, not heel heat and Vince knows this
Simple question. Well, the reason why austin got away with being heel is because there was another mega star who was going neck to neck with austin as far as popularity, and that guy was The Rock.

Cena on the other hand, he's without a doubt the most popular wrestler in the wwe locker room today, and no one can fill up that role when he turns heel, so it's a risky move.
Austin was turned heel because his character was getting stale and he had being surpassed as the companies number 1 guy (at the time) The Rock. Alligning himself with McMahon and Triple H was huge...and of course this was to lead into the Invasion Angle and The Rock returning a few months later to get the win for the WWF.

You also had Undertaker, Chris Jericho and Kane who were VERY popular at the time to cover the top faces whilst The Rock was gone. Kurt Angle was also been primed as a top face to fill the void.

At the moment you have CM Punk, but he isnt at Cenas level yet. He isnt The Rock either.
I've seen threads with questions like these so many times. The answer is very obvious! The 2nd comment hit it right on the head too.... Stone Cold was ALWAYS a neutral character. Whether he was a face or a heel, he would be willing to beat the crap outta you either way.

Cena's character is sort of like a goody-two shoes, play by the rules type of guy. So Stone Cold was way much easily able to turn heel because his character always had an edge. A Cena heel turn can be done, but it would need alot of tweaking to make everything else from all sides work.

The only time he was a heel, he played an arrogant kid that raps, who wasn't that good yet. He was also the underdog the majority of the time. Which obviously, isn't the case now, as he is the favorite to win majority of the time. So yes, there's no way he's going back to Thuganomics for the people who still has those hopes.

Merchandise may take a hit. But depending on how the turn is eventually done, it might not hurt them. But that's why Stone Cold's heel turn is much easier than a possible one for Cena. He wasn't friendly, and he'd stun you whenever he felt like it.........even as a face! That's why their heel turn comparisons aren't really the same.
Austin turned heel, but it was something he retrospectively realised just never worked. The only reason they really did it was because he was intent on having a heel run again, not because of any creative decision. In fact, his face persona hadn't even really got stale, he was certainly still one of the top guys in the company and drawing the biggest fan reactions.
As for Cena, it's a different time and I really don't understand this desire to see him turn heel. Why the hell would you want that? So you can cheer him? At the moment, he is booed because he represents the things every Cena hater dislikes: The PG Era, the good guy smile and the limited in ring vocab. Why can't it be left like that. One of the things defining this era is the split crowd reactions Cena gets and personally, I really enjoy the energy this creates in arenas all around the world.
With Cena, any heel turn would cause a problem. Kids (the ones selling his merchandise) would have great reason to feel like their hero turned on them, but the older demographic would likely not know how the hell to react.
The day they turn Cena heel will make for a great end to a PPV, personally, I'm not hoping its round the enxt corner, because, like it or not, the guy is the face of the company and a heel run will bury any interest in him.
Then again, WWE make a great habit of doing that: Sorry Mr Punk, you are being a touch too arrogant and interesting for our liking. Can you start wearing this fake face smile and tone down the individuality? Thanks, we prefer our wrestlers like that.
There is one reason Stone Cold was able to turn heel without it significantly affecting the ratings and that is the Rock. The Rock was filled the role of babyface nicely while Stone Cold was heel. Cena cant do the same because even though CM Punk is on RAW, there are few who consider him the face of the company. But he will get there eventually maybe sometime in 2012. For these reasons, a John Cena heel turn would cause a bit of stir but WWE would be screwed when they realize a few months later that it was not a practical choice
Vince does not want to turn Cena heel because of money,but because everyone want Cena to become heel...Whan Stone Cold become heel people didn't think even in their wildest dreams that he would turn heel and Vince did it to supprise people...Now everybody want and hope Cena to turn heel and that's why Vince doesn't want to do it,because it would be to predictable...
John Cena will get over no matter what they have him doing; he simply has the charismatic personality that can't really be taught......you either have it or you don't.

I don't know whether Vince McMahon is "afraid" to turn Cena bad or not, but it seems as if Vince is taking a reactive stance on this; waiting until the audience reaction to Cena has grown so negative that there's really no alternative but to turn him heel. Thousands still cheer him, but he can change that in a hurry.

Personally, I'd rather see Vince decide to run with it. Make Cena so bad that he gets the fan base in a fury over his antics. As always, this all depends on the program Creative can come up with. It isn't just a question of letting Cena be bad and issue all sorts of "bad guy" proclamations. There has to be rhyme and reason behind it and it's possible a face turn will be the result of Cena watching how fans have been reacting to him as he faces off with C.M. Punk, Roddy Piper, the Rock and even Mick Foley.

Cena could wind up screaming at the fans: "You boo me when I'm on your side? Fine, you asked for it and now I'm going to give it to you!"

The possibilities are endless and I think they should implement it before WM. That way, as a bad guy, he can lose to the Rock in a battle in which the roles are clearly defined, unlike they are now. As a good guy, I can't see him losing cleanly to the Rock. Turn him bad.
Honestly Cena doesnt have to turn heel, he could just tweak his character and the way the last few weeks have gone it looks like we will be getting this. If you really look at the way they are setting it up Cena will keep his PG and child fans but it looks like they want him to address the boos from the fans. So he will be the same Cena but he will have his share of feuds with the fans tat boo.

Hopefully by then Punk will be a bigger star and he can battle Cena and be the voice of the voiceless. So Cena would be a true tweener.
I think the people that boo Cena are waiting for that reaction, waiting for him to snap so they can say they got to him. Cena can then have 2 promos almost like Brett Hart when he was boooed in the US but cheered in Canada for his heel run.
If Cena at least gives a good reaction to those who boo other than the ( they pay their money they can do what they want stuf) it will give them what they want a chance to have something in connection with Cena. His character would then be a little interesting the kids would still love him and the haters can feel like they were a part of the show when Cena comes out.
Its a hard sell but thats the best way I think to use Cena
This simply won't work because when this happened with Austin, the ratings started dropping. If you think about it ratings haven't been the same since. Austin turned face again but ratings were never the same. You can say what you want about the product then and now..but thats the exact reason Vince won't pull the trigger on this. Too much of a liability. Just not good business at this time. Unfortunately for the real fans, once another potential face of the company emerges, thats when we'll see Cena turn heel. Worst part about that will be that we the smart wrestling fans will predict it..or at least I will.
The thing is, simply put, Stone Cold Steve Austin was able to be turned heel, and there's absolutely no reason why John Cena cannot as well. He can and he will, and it will work too.

SCSA's heel turn was pretty lacklustre. But that's largely because it was illogical, it didn't have sufficient build, it was a Russo-esque swerve done simply for shock value. And Austin was already so over with pretty much everybody that it was really difficult to sustain such a heel turn. Prior to the turn, everyone cheered him and after he turned, people still wanted to, and did, thus the need to turn him back. And this return to face status was effective enough to have made the experiment worthwhile anyway.

It is different with Cena. This would not be a random swerve for a heel turn, this would be a well thought out storyline with a slow build, culminating with him snapping and going full out heel, possibly at WM28. Sure, Cena still gets a lot of face cheers obviously, but he gets his fair share of boos as well, so the turn will definitely work for the percentage of the crowd already booing, and will outrage the ones who adore him and are currently cheering. It doesn't have to be a heel turn forever, and when he eventually reverts back to face, after seeing the error of his ways, the response he will elicit will have made it all worthwhile as well.

But if they are going to do it, they have to be committed to it and do it fully completely. No wimpy, weasel heel turn. Not a Miz-like heel. Not an ADR type heel. He would have to be a physical, aggressive, verbal, flat out son of a bitch heel. He would have to confront all of the faces, rather than hide from them, and decimate them all. Verbally abusive to the divas, the fans, the commentators, everyone. Go big or go home. "After all I've done for all of you guys over the years, after all the sacrifices, you still dare to boo me. After the Rock abandoned you and bailed out on you to make shitty movies (kayfabe), you still dare to cheer him and boo me, even after everything he has done to me over the last while. So if you are going to boo me anyway, to hell with all of you, especially all of you here in Miami, I'll give you a reason to boo me". I think something along this line will work. Will it happens, who knows, but it certainly is not ridiculous to suggest that it could.
Very Good points brought up here for Cena character turn! John Cena eventually he will turn heel do i see it as a good idea ehh depends on how its done!! Its a slow build that is the smartest thing the wwe can do!! Slowly do this one step at a time. But what about his make-a-wish foundation Cena generally cares about his fans he actually gives a shit about people. He fights for people who have his back and those who dont that is their choice!! When he made his debut as Dr of Thugganomics he was a heel then trashed his opponents in the ring verbally and then beat their ass!! He wasnt booed back then like he has been lately!! Again i say this i think alot of it has to do with Jealously!! People who boo him are jealous as hell. I wish i was him had his build go out to make-a-wish foundation grants kids wishes go see the troops cena has the life!! I think this thing will be fine either way!!
I don't see a heel turn from Cena happening. It will happen probably when he's much older and when WWE has a new young prodigy to be the face of the company. Punk couldve been that cushion for WWE, but I think they dropped the ball on him a little because he couldve been something special.

I see a heel turn from Cena when he takes the role of putting over younger talent. WWE is taking the Hogan route, and keeping him a face as long as he is in his prime.

I would like to see Cena bad mouth his booers, and thank his fanbase becoming a tweener in the process. Sure he'll be the most goodie goodie tweener, but we can all agree that he needs to do something new.
As for Cena, it's a different time and I really don't understand this desire to see him turn heel. Why the hell would you want that? So you can cheer him? At the moment, he is booed because he represents the things every Cena hater dislikes: The PG Era, the good guy smile and the limited in ring vocab. Why can't it be left like that. One of the things defining this era is the split crowd reactions Cena gets and personally, I really enjoy the energy this creates in arenas all around the world.

I see this kind of response a lot, the 'just so you can cheer him?' part. For me, it isn't about that. It's simply because I've hated his character for like what? 6 years? Either way, it's not 'oh please turn heel so I can cheer you', it's 'please turn heel because I have been sick of your current act for 5-6 years'.

Like, at New Years Revolution in 2006, I was geeking out when Edge cashed in MitB. Obviously the shock of it all is a big part of that, and Edge winning his first world title was amazing, but also because I was already sick of Cena and that was only beginning of 2006. It's nearly 6 years after that so yes I'm still sick of Cena.

As for your point about the split reactions and the boos, yes I agree. Those ARE great reactions. Cena vs Edge at Unforgiven 06, Mania 22 against HHH, One Night Stand 06 against RVD, MitB 2011 against Punk, where the crowd was obviously very against him each time, or even just the split reactions, yes it really makes a great atmosphere. I definitely love it and those matches definitely stick out more because of the crowds.

But I just want to see something fresh. Sure, hearing him booed out of the arena or get a massive split reaction is still entertaining as hell, but he himself is not and I just want to see something different. It's that simple for me. I just hate his character. I don't want him to turn heel so I can cheer him, I want him to turn heel so we could see something different from him.

If that means missing out on the great crowd reactions then that would suck, but I think it's pretty obvious face or heel he is going to get a huge reaction either way, so the atmosphere will (hopefully) still be there.
Stone Cold's charater was cool and the fans loved to hate him when he was a heel. Cena's haters just hate him because he's really not cool. He's there for the kids. I like Cena as a face and I think he's good for the business. I just would like to see him in some more interesting fueds. He doesn't need the strap for fan approval. HIs fued with Barrett was awesome. I just with we could have seen some of his mexican cousin "Juan" on TV. That would have brought back some old time wrestling to the tube.
every single star in wwe/f has had a face turn at some point in there career, it is only natural. if they do not have face turns you get what john cena gets and that is contantly boooo'd. it is to keep the freshness of the character i find if someone if a face or heel for over a year/year and a half they become boring and useless to me. it's better late than never and who know this could reinvent cena and when he becomes a face again he could be 10 times more popular. i hate cena with a passion and now we know why becuz he is boring
The Stone Cold heel turn is the perfect example of why Cena should NOT turn heel. Not only did Ausitn not "get away" with it, that was one of the worst turns in the history of professional wrestling. They turned him back the first second they had the chance.

And you need to use the right term. It's not the WWE Universe that wants Cena heel - in fact, the vast majority of the Universe wants nothing of the kind - it's the IWC that wants that.

Not turning him heel has nothing to do with money or being scared, it's simply the fact that the WWE realizes the IWC is full of MORONS who know nothing about wrestling or what's good for wrestling. Turning John Cena would be beyond idiotic. That is why they don't do it.
The Stone Cold heel turn is the perfect example of why Cena should NOT turn heel. Not only did Ausitn not "get away" with it, that was one of the worst turns in the history of professional wrestling. They turned him back the first second they had the chance.

And you need to use the right term. It's not the WWE Universe that wants Cena heel - in fact, the vast majority of the Universe wants nothing of the kind - it's the IWC that wants that.

Not turning him heel has nothing to do with money or being scared, it's simply the fact that the WWE realizes the IWC is full of MORONS who know nothing about wrestling or what's good for wrestling. Turning John Cena would be beyond idiotic. That is why they don't do it.

What do you mean "Worst turn in history"? That was a great move, many people believe that it destroyed his fan base. BUT THAT WAS THE POINT. People were suppose to say "WTF is this about". They were suppose to feel disappointed. And they did not turn him back the first chance they got. He was heel for almost a year. The first chance they got would have been after the Power Trip. The point of that entire heel turn was to show that even the biggest faces can turn heel. The ratings didn't go down because of that heel turn. The ratings went down because with no competition, WWF got lazy. Austin even said that himself.

Anyhow, John Cena I think shouldnt go heel. Not yet anyway. In a match like his at WrestleMania, there HAS to be a bad guy. And if he goes heel then people will just cheer him. But, if he stays face then that will piss them off more than anything. They turned Austin heel because he was getting a huge crowd pop. Why would they turn cena heel when the fans already boo him? That defeats the purpose of changing him at all.

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