If Sting vs Undertaker happened...


Pre-Show Stalwart
...at WrestleMania of course, who would you like to see win? I'd say have Undertaker win at WrestleMania and have a rematch at Backlash that Sting would win. If not that, then have Sting beat Taker at Mania. I'm biased though, as Sting was my favorite wrestler as a kid.
at wrestlemania i'd want undertaker to win it would be a great old school match and at backlash it would be a hell in a cell or last man standing or something and sting would win
At WM, Taker would win, Sting winning at WM at his age would not even be an option IMO, but yeah Taker wins at WM in an epic match, then rematch at Backlash, a non-gimmick rematch, Sting should win this in what should be another epic match between these two, then the two would meet for the third and final time at JD, this match would have some sort of gimmick, something like a Casket match, Last Ride match, or Buried Alive match, not sure who I would have go over in this match, TBH as long as they deliver for the third time I would prolly not care less who won, though if Taker were to win then I would hope that it's because Sting is finally hanging it up for good, and that there was a "Loser must retire" Stipulation added to the match
I guess the word "loser" is in the fingers that wrote your comments. Undertaker's just as "old". Sting would out wrestle 'Taker without a problem. As for loser's retiring I think 90% of the WWE roster should think about that then. Raw & Smackdown has been predicatable trash that has be rehashed at leaste a billion times. Same old Triple H story line, same ole Edge story line, same old Cena story line. Having CM Punk win the "money in the bank" match 2 years in a row when everyone knows it should have been Christian. Mark out for the Undertaker and WWE all you want douche' bag but WWE is trash right now. Yeah, good luck with that PG marketing. WWE needs STING more than he needs them.
Depending on if there was a decent story line, and Mcmahon didn't try to bury Sting & his character, then Sting would win all but Wrestlemania. WWE would want to protect his streak.
Taker would win at Mania, obviously. I really wouldn't give a damn who won though, it's a dream match, so all I care about is they deliver what they're capable of, and that's something epic. Both could have a few years ago. Taker could still carry Sting, but it wouldn't be anything near what it could have been back in 01.
I fail to see what everyone's fascination with Sting is. He is nothing other than someone that got a huge push in WCW and was labeled a legend.

He repeats himself on the mic over and over again and has a fascination with saying his opponents name every sentence. His ring work bar a couple of moves per match is shit aswell. Ofcourse thats just my opinion and i respect yours.

But please state what he actually does that is awesome? other than wear makeup that rubs off a few mins into a match and look exhausted after a few moves

WWE needs Sting about as much as Vince McMahon needs help to save for his retirement.
IMO, Sting is yet another wrestler that while good, was NEVER as good as some claimed he was. If it wasn't for Flair making him look like a million bucks, nobody would be talking about Sting today. He was in 1 great fued besides the Flair one and that was nWo. I never thought he was up there with Flair, Shawn, Bret, Taker, Austin, Rock, HHH. A Young Sting vs Shawn might have been good, but my dream match would be 80's Flair vs early 90's Bret.
If Sting v.s. Undertaker happened...

... I would have a similiar reaction to the HBK v.s. Undertaker match, i would cry with tears of joy & actually thank God that WWE actually made something completely epic in a time of "wrestling recession." I dont know about anyone else, but the thread line of this discussion would be a great song lyric for the Lonely Island's song, "Jizz in My Pants." Think about it, wouldn't you? Im suprised they havent re-released the song with a mention of HBK v.s. Taker...
At WM, Taker would win, Sting winning at WM at his age would not even be an option IMO, but yeah Taker wins at WM in an epic match, then rematch at Backlash, a non-gimmick rematch, Sting should win this in what should be another epic match between these two, then the two would meet for the third and final time at JD, this match would have some sort of gimmick, something like a Casket match, Last Ride match, or Buried Alive match, not sure who I would have go over in this match, TBH as long as they deliver for the third time I would prolly not care less who won, though if Taker were to win then I would hope that it's because Sting is finally hanging it up for good, and that there was a "Loser must retire" Stipulation added to the match

This right here. I might be the biggest Sting fan in the world. But no way does he go over the Deadman at Wrestlemania. Taker would win there, then this would set up one hell of a feud between the two. You wanna talk about mind games? Think about the mind games that these two could play with each other. It would be off the fucking charts. Sting vs. Taker at Wrestlemania would be nothing short of spectacular. It would definitely nd with taker going over, but would set up a feud for the ages.
Undertaker vs Sting would be an epic match that I would love to see, but I also hope it doesn't happen purely and simply because it'll prove that you can still become an icon and legend in pro wrestling without Vince McMahon.
This match will never happen.Sting turned 50 last month, and I've been watching him on TNA for the past few years and he is not the wrestler he once was. No disrespect to him but he is way past his prime and the ship has sailed. Taker just turned 44 last month and has consistently been having the best matches of his career over the last 3 years.

And if, by some miracle it did happen, Vince is not going to let a guy who worked for the competition his entire career walk in and be put over by the most loyal worker and successful gimmick the WWE has ever had.
I respect what they've both done for the business. Both are highly respected and I can't really recall ever hearing anyone bad mouthing them. Even now, the match would be a huge draw.

Taker will not lose at WM. It's almost become a tradition. Some can say what they want but I believe that Taker has always been a big draw at Mania, and that goes especially since WWE realized they can use the streak to their advantage. I can see Sting possibly winning a rematch at something like Backlash, it wouldn't surprise me. Ultimately, I'd have to give the overall feud to Taker if it ever happened.

Both guys aren't as young as they used to be but Sting is now officially 50. He won't be able to stay in the game for too many more years without the inevitable Hulk Hogan comparissons starting. I've watched Sting in TNA as well and he's certainly not what he used to be. He's in great shape, particularly for a man of 50 but I'd have to give conditioning to Taker. Taker is at an age when his best days and best matches should be well behind him, yet most of his best matches, in my view, have taken place over the past 5 years or so. Taker is a better wrestler now than he was 20 years ago and, unfortunately, I don't think that applies to Sting.
The two elements to analyze are the motivation for this to happen in both Sting and McMahon, Undertaker is a friend of Sting so he would more than happy to work with him. Sting's motivation: He's due to retire, and even though he made a mark in the business, he never headlined a WWE event, this could be the final touch to seal his career. Also, there's tons of footage from his WCW days owned by the WWE that could easily marketed as a DVD set crowned by his Wrestlemania match with UT. He does have valid motivations, but I can guess he'd be cautious, so he might want some sort of creative control on the whole thing. McMahon's motivations: Possibly the biggest WM main event since Hulk Hogan vs Andre The Giant, if build right, this thing could be HUGE, plus, at least 2 months of RAW Sting appearances that would spike the ratings and perhaps a PPV match between Sting and HBK to determine who faces UT at Wrestlemania. Again, the DVD set would make tons of cash for the WWE too, so simply put, doing business would be McMahon's motivation. Who wins is all about ego, if you want to respect a man who gave his life to the business, regardless of which company he worked for, you put him over on his last match, this won't be UT's last match, I would rather see him retire as champion, let Sting have a win over a "streak" it would not be the same as giving Sting the WWE title, so it's not a big deal after all, but if the brand is more important than the whole business, then we're not going to see it happening , and that's a shame.
a taker vs. sting match would be awesome despite the fact that i think sting is a horrible wrestler. but these two guys are in fact legends and would find a way to make their match look like the best thing anyone's ever seen. but the taker folding to sting at mania, no way in the world it would happen. especially with how long taker's been with wwe, the deadman deserves the streak. but sting to wwe, would be HUGE.
i would love to see this match at a supercard that is NOT wrestlemania. that would make the outcome too obvious as mark just ain't gonna job at the big one period. end of statement. i wish he would because what is a wrestlemania winning streak really? what if the big bossman for instance never lost a match at summerslam? would it mean as much? no because wwe doesnt want it to. anyway back to the point i'm gonna say that taker is the heel in this one because heel sting is just not possible. that being said i think sting has to go over. maybe there could be some controversy to ensure a rematch would occur and then give one to taker with a third match likely going to taker as well. if its a clean finish it should just be a one match thing but i'd still much rather see sting go over
Sting would out wrestle 'Taker without a problem.

No he wouldn't. The two would have an epic match with countless fake-finishes and near falls, and some high tension spots, but neither man would out wrestle the other.

As for loser's retiring I think 90% of the WWE roster should think about that then. Raw & Smackdown has been predicatable trash that has be rehashed at leaste a billion times.

Which is the story writers problem, so why would that justify the wrestlers retiring? "I'm being paid fuck loads of money to say the same lines i said last month....... Fuck this, I'm going to hand in my notice and go and work for peanuts with guys with semi-original ideas". Yeah, i doubt anyone would board that train of thought.

Mark out for the Undertaker and WWE all you want douche' bag but WWE is trash right now.

Shame, we're not discussing that.

Yeah, good luck with that PG marketing.

Or that.....

WWE needs STING more than he needs them.

:lol: Thanks i needed a good laugh. Right here and now, Vince McMahon doesn't need shit. In 5 years time he might, but by then both Sting and Taker would probably have hung up their boots anyway.

Depending on if there was a decent story line, and Mcmahon didn't try to bury Sting & his character, then Sting would win all but Wrestlemania. WWE would want to protect his streak.

Would never happen. Nobody ever gets pushed in WWE by riding the coat tails of their previous success with the exception of Hogan (synonymous with WM, put WWE on the map, of course you'll push him immediately), Flair (a legend to anyone who's ever seriously followed pro-wrestling, except Bischoff) and Goldberg (well apart from squash everyone, what the fuck else are they gonna do with him?). EVERYONE else has to prove that they can get over with the WWE audience, regardless of whether we're marking out for them immediately or not.

And he wouldn't win all but WM either, because he would certainly end up getting screwed over by Edge or someone at some point and be just another victim. Just because people call him 'The Icon' Sting, doesn't mean he's above getting fucked in the ass by the creative team of ANY promotion.
Wow it would be amazing if Sting and the Deadman could finally go toe to toe. At Wrestlemania the Deadman would go over thats for sure. I mean what would be the use of giving the rub of breaking the streak to Sting?

I could see a very long match at Wrestlemania with Undertaker just, and only just coming out on top after a good 30 minutes at least of back and forth action. Then after Wrestlemania the feud gets really intense with Sting doing whatever he could to get another shot at Taker. Maybe keep their rematcg until after Backlash and build it u more and more before having Sting go over Taker in a bloody match, perhaps Hell in a Cell.
i would love to see this match at a supercard that is NOT wrestlemania. that would make the outcome too obvious as mark just ain't gonna job at the big one period. end of statement. i wish he would because what is a wrestlemania winning streak really? what if the big bossman for instance never lost a match at summerslam? would it mean as much? no because wwe doesnt want it to. anyway back to the point i'm gonna say that taker is the heel in this one because heel sting is just not possible. that being said i think sting has to go over. maybe there could be some controversy to ensure a rematch would occur and then give one to taker with a third match likely going to taker as well. if its a clean finish it should just be a one match thing but i'd still much rather see sting go over

the streak matters because it's Undertaker..of course no one would give a shit about Bossman. Taker has been on top in main events whether it was house shows with Warrior(1991) in the early 90's all the way through to PPV's at present day.That's nearly 19 years, no other wrestler has had that level of position and that tenure ever and there will not likely be another one who does.The streak is something that can and has been marketed as giving his matches more meaning...if he was just wrestling Mark Henry or Edge for no title, without the streak it would just be another match. It does not mean the match won't be entertaining and that people wouldn't still cheer for Taker, but the streak is the only thing left in the business that no other wrestler has or will ever likely have so it makes Takers Mania matches all the more special.

It's no different than Goldberg...how do you think WCW got him over so well in 1998? He was something like 170-0 and that gave him credibility and marketability, otherwise he was just a Stone Cold rip-off who had nowhere near the wrestling ability or charisma of Austin.Once he got beat by Nash, the bloom came off the rose and he was nowhere near the level he was in 1998 after that in WCW or WWE.

Streaks do matter if they are used properly, and they work if used properly.It's all about building momentum. Do you think Mark Calaway gives a shit about a streak really? He knows it's a work, but he does care about drawing money and the streak automatically puts him in the main event picture at every Mania regardless. HBK and Taker didn't go on last but everyone knows damn well what the real main event of the night was and it wasn't the title matches.

Sting coming in and facing Taker for the first time with the streak on the line would mean alot more than a match at a B level-PPV like Backlash or Unforgiven, but I highly doubt we'll ever see it as interesting as it may sound.

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