If Sting hangs around after WM31, who would you like to see him go against?

Creepy Old Man

Championship Contender
I still believe we'll get Sting/Undertaker in a double retirement match at WM32. That, along with the Triple H match will fill two glaring gaps on Sting's resume of opponents. Sting/Michaels has eluded us in this lifetime, and it looks like Sting/Rock will too.

One match I'd like to see would be Sting/Jericho. We never got it in WCW despite 3+ years of opportunity, and today it could be billed as a clash of two former WCW Champions who never faced off. Jericho would need to be rebuilt after his appalling losses to the likes of Fandango and Swagger, but a few weeks' worth of vignettes and a blistering return promo from Y2J could accomplish that. On episode 18 of The Monday Night War Jericho bemoaned the fact he was never booked with Sting, so I'm sure he would be up for it and make it work.

Who would you like to see go against Sting?
Provided that Sting beats Triple ah at Mania, I definitely think there is enough left in his tank to go against some of the very best and produce a feud worth seeing; and more importantly, matches worth seeing. He's getting on a bit, don't get me wrong. But pair him with the right people who can carry him if need be and he's a license to print money for sure. Lets see if I can think of a few that would be worth seeing...

Dare I say, Brock Lesnar? If we are right in the assumption now that Brock is going to be staying with the WWE post Mania, is it really too far fetched to think that we might get to see Sting and Lesnar at some point? I don't think so. With Sting being such an unknown quantity but having such a massive reputation already, a strong showing against Triple H could mean a massive career for Sting in a short period of time. Sting could be billed as the man to fit let outsmart and outwit Lesnar at next year's Mania.

Or how about Rusev? If you want to use Sting to put some people over, who better than someone like Rusev? They young guy obviously has a big future in the WWE and if they pair with him veterans like Sting then there is absolutely no telling how far that can go. He needs to prove himself against veterans now, much like Randy Orton needed to all those years ago as the Legend Killer. In the world of wrestling, there really isn't any name bigger than Sting. What a massive push that would be for any rookie.

Or how about The Undertaker? Everyone has been mentioning it and it would be such a missed opportunity if the WWE can't make this happen next year. The wrestling world needs to see this and the WWE can make it happen. Vince should be contemplating doing the right thing and booking this match as soon as possible.
Rollins seems like the most obvious opponent to me. He's WWE's chosen one. I'm just not sure if they know it yet.

Triple H loses at Mania, at some point down the line he sends Rollins to face him, Rollins loses which causes friction between Hunter and Seth and an eventual match between those two.

Lesnar/Sting won't happen. But it'd certainly be a spectacle.
To me it doesn't matter... he's a compelling enough figure on his own where I'll watch and enjoy whatever he does.

In the immediate, I think him making some kind of pact with Orton/Cena/etc. and causing havoc for the authority would be nice
I still believe we'll get Sting/Undertaker in a double retirement match at WM32. That, along with the Triple H match will fill two glaring gaps on Sting's resume of opponents. Sting/Michaels has eluded us in this lifetime, and it looks like Sting/Rock will too.

One match I'd like to see would be Sting/Jericho. We never got it in WCW despite 3+ years of opportunity, and today it could be billed as a clash of two former WCW Champions who never faced off. Jericho would need to be rebuilt after his appalling losses to the likes of Fandango and Swagger, but a few weeks' worth of vignettes and a blistering return promo from Y2J could accomplish that. On episode 18 of The Monday Night War Jericho bemoaned the fact he was never booked with Sting, so I'm sure he would be up for it and make it work.

Who would you like to see go against Sting?

I want to see him face Rollins and Bray Wyatt. I think it would be a great look to see two of the best young talents face off against a future Hall of Famer.
I'd like to see Kane vs Sting, is also a dream match featuring two of the last stars of the Monday Night Wars. It would logical after Mania for Sting to continue feuding with the Authority. They could have Triple H give Kane his mask back and unleash The Big Red Machine. I think it's possible to build Kane back up again like they did post Mania last year.
I'd like to see Kane vs Sting, is also a dream match featuring two of the last stars of the Monday Night Wars. It would logical after Mania for Sting to continue feuding with the Authority. They could have Triple H give Kane his mask back and unleash The Big Red Machine. I think it's possible to build Kane back up again like they did post Mania last year.

If Kane were made interesting again (a la 1997 edition) then he and Sting would definitely be a compelling match-up. Here's Sting vs. Kane from 1993, if you haven't seen it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOsFUIyeXnc
To be honest, a long time back when Sting going to WWE would be considered dreaming, I said - on this site - that I hoped Sting wrestles Triple H. Everyone else was saying the Undertaker but I thought a Sting and Triple H match would be better.

I do think they've left it a bit late (all parties involved, so Sting and WWE) but I'm glad its happening.

After that, I don't really need to see him again against anyone quite frankly.

I also suspect I'm in the minority when I say that I hope HHH wins.
Sting doesn't deserve to just stroll into WWE and take out a WWE legend like Triple H. I don't think it would be good for the integrity of WWE in general.
If Steve Borden sticks around next year that is a probable if and rumors circulating he might lose to HHH. What s the point of poking fun at WCW by making STING job to him
I never got to see these 2 ex WCW champions never faced off. Jericho would need to bend over and make Steve go over as that can make it work. Since many bill Y2jobber chris Jericho I would have prefered to see Jericho vs Sting this year at WM31 than HHH
I don t think we would have aproblem with Jericho wrestling STING cause Jericho will let STING win over him
I say by summerslam we will see these 2 square off and another possible match I would like to see would be Bray Wyatt and underfaker as long as Mark calloway puts Steve Borden over and lets him win or make it a DQ since we haven t seen that since WM9
Sting needs to win cause his legacy will be tarnished and Jean Paul Levesque would have succeeded with the last ex WCW warrior by ruining his legacy and reputation
I think most people are going to pick the obvious choices such as Taker, Rollins, Kane & Bray but to me there is a match hanging out there I have always dreamt of seeing - Shawn Michaels vs Sting. In several interviews Sting himself stated that he would love to have at least one match with Shawn because of their closely matching ways in the ring, he went so far as to call it a dream match alongside Taker.

In a dream world I would like to see him have four more matches (five if you count HHH that is very far fetched) - First beat HHH, then face Rollin as the future of WWE, then onto HBK because he's out to avenge his friend & the Company that made him who he was, after that onto Kane leading into a retirement match w/ Taker. This is a dream world of course but I would love to see it happen.
another possible match I would like to see would be Bray Wyatt and underfaker as long as Mark calloway puts Steve Borden over and lets him win

I'll ignore the rest of your petulant post by focusing on this & reminding you that Sting himself has alluded that he'd happily do the job for Taker.

Every post of yours just comes across as bitterness by someone who was a WCW diehard till the very end, passed on to TNA & remains convinced that TNA is a worthwhile product.
i think it all depends on how well sting performs in his match at HHH. if he can still go they will put him in a match against taker at wm32.
Sting will beat HHH regardless, and taker will beat Bray regardless But i think the matchup between the two will be entirely dependant on how good of a match up they both put on this year.

So to answer your question
Sting will beat HHH
then in his last match sting will loose to taker and both will retire in texas next year. Sting has nothing else more to proove he came here for taker and his mania moment before hanging up.
Taker and Cena are the main two. Sure he can go against a younger guy but at this stage in his career, dream matches are all that remain for him. Unless the younger superstar was doing extremely well and this would tip them over the edge. It would also have to be his last match.

Taker is obvious. It's a match between two legends/icons that would bring great interest. Personally, I think this will happen at WM32. Sting wins against Triple H at Mania for sure. Taker win or lose it doesn't really matter. They have a confrontation the Raw after Mania with Sting turning heel. Then we get an entire year knowing these two will wrestle only one more time.

Cena could be interesting. Sting was the perfect, clean-cut, good looking babyface, sound familiar? I'd use a feud between the two in order to tease a heel turn for Cena and if anyone can take a guy who is 55/56 years old to a great match it is Cena.

Orton simply because it would be cool. Maybe Rollins in a retirement match but I'm undecided. I'm all for Sting only having two matches in the WWE; one with Triple H and the other with Taker.
If Sting stays around, and is a Raw regular, that almost warrants the creation of a new stable for him to fight. His character is built around a man who fought the strongest faction ever, and is custom made to do so. Other than the Undertaker, there is no one single rival I'd like to see Sting face. Maybe an NXT invasion angle or the authority.
One thing that could be cool is a new Shield. Fighting those 3 guys after they reunite would be great and they would pose a believable threat to Sting.
I think it depends on the Mania match whether they want him back, I'm sure it will be fine though. I can see him goign against Seth Rollins around SummerSlam pending on what happens with that damn briefcase...
Honestly, I think WWE has already done a pretty lousy job booking Sting as it is. I really think that doing much more with him will just kill his mystique further.

Plus there just really aren't any matches that make much sense for him. Does anyone really want to see him lose? I don't. His entire value to the company right now is that he's a big name outsider, one more match and he becomes just another performer on the card. If he faces Undertaker, he's doing the job. If he faces someone like Wyatt or Rollins and beats them he's hurting their development.

Sting needs to go out and have the match of his life on the biggest stage, and then call it a day on the in-ring.
Personally, I've no interest whatsoever, at least as of right now, in seeing Sting go up against another part timer. IF The Undertaker holds up well at WrestleMania, then MAYBE I could be interested in seeing them go at it at some point. I've absolutely zero interest in seeing Sting go up against Lesnar or The Rock; Lesnar's too dangerous, provided he stays in WWE, and I've little interest in seeing a 56 year old man try to become WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Even if he won, look at how bad it'd make the rest of the roster look with guys 20-25 years younger than Sting couldn't take out Lesnar. As far as The Rock, I'm just over The Rock personally. It's one of those matches where it strikes me as it's being done just for the sake of a spectacle more than anything else.

Rollins seems the most likely candidate for reasons already mentioned by others. I could also see something with Bray Wyatt as a possibility. I'd rather see guys like them go up against Sting who actually gets a meaningful rub just by being in a feud with him, someone that'll actually benefit from wrestling a program with him.
After mania I don't see him feuding with anyone and kind of going in to seclusion again. He has bad knees so I see him just saving what gas he has left for the Triple H match and resting up for Taker next year, if that's his finale.
I'd put money on Sting defeating The Game at Mania, this would prompt HHH to use Seth Rollins to finish the job.
I would hold that match off till summer slam tho and have sting go over to help build tension between Seth and Hhh.

another scenario is that Seth is champion by the time Summer Slam rolls around and you have sting challenge him in the main event and have Seth go over sting. Then Seth can brag about to Hhh which will lead to jealosly etc etc.

I could easily see Bray Wyatt taking on Sting at next year's mania and finally getting a win at the grandest stage of them all (I'm picking Taker to win this year)

Taker vs Sting would have been great 15 years ago.
I'd put money on Sting defeating The Game at Mania, this would prompt HHH to use Seth Rollins to finish the job.
I would hold that match off till summer slam tho and have sting go over to help build tension between Seth and Hhh.

another scenario is that Seth is champion by the time Summer Slam rolls around and you have sting challenge him in the main event and have Seth go over sting. Then Seth can brag about to Hhh which will lead to jealosly etc etc.

I could easily see Bray Wyatt taking on Sting at next year's mania and finally getting a win at the grandest stage of them all (I'm picking Taker to win this year)

Taker vs Sting would have been great 15 years ago.
lol let me get this str8 you want Bray to lose again at WM31 and win over STING at WM32 if STING doesn t head back to TNA
I am picking Bray Wyatt cause Mark has nothing to prove but put talent over and let the future wwe stars win simply by passing the torch over and it would be downright selfish of underfaker to win after his embarassment last year! If Y2jobber can put talent over then why not underfaker???
I'll ignore the rest of your petulant post by focusing on this & reminding you that Sting himself has alluded that he'd happily do the job for Taker.

Every post of yours just comes across as bitterness by someone who was a WCW diehard till the very end, passed on to TNA & remains convinced that TNA is a worthwhile product.

Find me the article that says STING will job to underfaker cause I doubt he said that so whatever you are smokin on stay on it and be delusional! Sting won t job to nobody and clearly stated that and he is a LEGEND! You don t tarnish and ruin someones legacy just because Levesque is anti WCW and I have a feeling levesque is going to make STING his bitch at WM31
As for your anti TNA remarks it is a worthwhile product as WCW was and never say never to the underdog remember WCW?
you can stick to your wwe disneyland cartoon characters more talking and less wrestling as we all call it worst wrestling excrement!
@wwesux - I never said I wanted taker to win this year, I said I was PICKING Taker to win.
I'd love Bray to win! He's one of the best characters on TV
A feud with Bray Wyatt would be interesting because of their dark characters. I can just imagine how crazy the segments between Sting and Wyatt would get. Wyatt has feuded with a lot of big names in the last year(Cena, Jericho, Undertaker, etc) why not add Sting to the list?

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