If Santino Won

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
I know that this did not happen but I was imagining if it did. If Santino was actually able to throw Alberto over the top rope and manage to win the Rumble. This thread is simply to write creative ideas on how his storyline would have played out who he would have challenged and the results. Yes this is all creative and has no actual evidence or proof sheerly what

My Storyline: Or how I would write it

Santino Marella would win the Royal Rumble and the next night on Raw have him have a celebration promo where the Miz comes out and says the real celebration is the the Miz defended the title at the Rumble. After that I would have Santino crack jokes on the Miz which would lead to a match on Raw later that night. Next I would continue to have Santino continue to win the tag titles all the way until Elimination Chamber. Then they lose the titles and Santino says something on the lines of well it was a good time and then Kozlov gets pissed and they have a match where Santino wins clean. Next I have Santino go and say how he is ready for his WWE title match with the Miz. These two continue to feud and then at Mania right as it looks Miz will win have Alex Riley cost the Miz the title by attackiing Miz. This is how I'd book Santino in this scenario.

Wanting to hear other people's storylines
If Santino won, WWE would have later found someway to make sure Santino didn't actually headline wrestlemania. Sadly, I don't think they will ever take Santino seriously, nor do I think Santino himself wants to.

Either way, the same thing will probably happen to Del Rio. It will not be him vs the champ at Mania. Either they add people like Mysterio, Edge, Kane, or they make up some excuse to make him not compete.

Maybe Mysterio will win the title at EC? I didn't watch Raw, but it looks like Jerry is fighting Miz at EC. So if Jerry L. wins, it will be him, and Del Rio in the main event. This is a company, and they are booking their biggest show of the year. I highly doubt it will end up like this.

On Del Rio's defense, I may be under rating him a little bit. I don't watch Smackdown, so maybe he is better then I think. He is just gonna be another Jack Swagger in my opinion though.
If Santino won, WWE would have later found someway to make sure Santino didn't actually headline wrestlemania. Sadly, I don't think they will ever take Santino seriously, nor do I think Santino himself wants to..

I agree here. Santino is comfortable being a comedy character, and there's no reason to change that.
Either way, the same thing will probably happen to Del Rio. It will not be him vs the champ at Mania. Either they add people like Mysterio, Edge, Kane, or they make up some excuse to make him not compete.

No need to. Del Rio's ready. They've been pushing the "my destiny" card with Del Rio pretty hard on both shows. The only thing they've yet to do is give him the Kennedy treatment. When i say that, I mean have him go over all of the former World Champions on his show and on Raw. They just job out R-Truth to him every week. But if he can make Truth look good, you know he's gold.

Maybe Mysterio will win the title at EC? I didn't watch Raw, but it looks like Jerry is fighting Miz at EC. So if Jerry L. wins, it will be him, and Del Rio in the main event. This is a company, and they are booking their biggest show of the year. I highly doubt it will end up like this.

All signs point to Edge-Del Rio at Mania, which is fine, if not a bit underwhelming. Edge is a former WM main eventer, and Del Rio is very capable in the ring. They just need to stick with booking him strong in the next two months and throw more credible opponents his way in the meantime. Rey was a great start, but him beating R-Truth every week hardly holds water.

On Del Rio's defense, I may be under rating him a little bit. I don't watch Smackdown, so maybe he is better then I think. He is just gonna be another Jack Swagger in my opinion though

I think you are Sully. Del Rio is being given a push Swagger never came close to seeing. He debuted 5 months ago, and won the Royal Rumble already. On top of that, he has phenomenal mic skills and great heel mannerisms, things Swagger lacks severely. He may not be as good as Swagger is in the ring, but he's very good and he's adapted his style to the WWE main event type wrestler, and quick.
If Santino won....it would have been an accident.Santino (character,not the person) is not World Championship material.But...if he won,I would have him come out with a suit with new music.Change his name to something regular.He would cut a promo saying that when he was Santino,all he cared about was entertainment and that know that he's in the spotlight,his focus is winning.Something like this

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