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If Rock is really going to make a run for the WWE Title, there's only 1 way to do it

If the Rock faces John Cena at Wrestlemania 29 he won't get off so lightly and John Cena will make him tap out.
There really is no way that WWE can put the title on The Rock that's going to make enough sense/please everybody. That's just kind of how it is.

However, I'd like to put a suggestion out there that goes against all of the speculation. I'd like to see Brock get the title instead of The Rock. To me, it makes a tiny bit more sense than giving it to The Rock and here's why.

We've all seen the terms of Lesnar's contract (which are pretty sweet, if you ask me. Sign me up lol). The part that makes me think it could work is the fact that he's required to show up AT LEAST two times a month. Before you jump all over me, I absolutely agree that if he's going to be WWE Champion, that is NOT enough. But money talks, and if Vince pays him more, he'll show up more (which is also written into the contract.)

This (to me) means that they have at least until I'd say Survivor Series to get Lesnar back into form. No need to give him the title right now- that would make no sense. But you have this time to get him back into the flow of things, work off the ring rust, get him into a couple of big matches (like this one that's apparently building with John Cena) and get him/keep him over and relevant.

As far as The Rock goes- look, I like The Rock. Guilty. I was happy when he came back and I was happy/surprised when he won at WrestleMania (I thought there was no way, but that's another topic.) I'm not a John Cena fan. I never have been and I never will be. I had to listen to him go on and on for WEEKS about how he's always around and The Rock shows up via satellite when it's convenient for him. It got old and I got sick of hearing it, but that doesn't make it wrong and Dwayne needs to realize that if he wants to be the WWE Champion and make this potential feud with Brock Lesnar memorable and not just a waste of time, then he needs to show up. Also (and this is really big for me) he HAS to wrestle more than one match in between. There was obvious ring rust at WrestleMania and a lack of cardio on his part. It's been said a couple of times on this forum already, but he was gassed after about 10 minutes and Cena had to carry him for the other 15 or so. That to me is unacceptable. I know this will never happen, but between the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania, they BOTH need to appear on EVERY show and the need to COMPETE on every show. Plain and simple.

Those are just my thoughts. I hope I don't get crucified TOO badly as there's bound to be some disagreement.
if the rock wants to win the wwe title, then he should come back for a year. he doesn't have to work house shows but work the tv dates and ppv's throughout the year feuding with the younger talents, eventually putting him in the position to win the title...win it keep it for 3-4 months then lose it to the biggest younger talent at the time @ mania...he should really come back after wm 29...free up his schedule and commit more to the wrestling....if not he should just come back for a big match like against brock or taker or punk.
Oh, for God's sake. Does every major WWE storyline have to go one year at a time to move forward now? How about he just win's the damn title at Over The Limit or some other PPV? Why do I have wait a whole damn year for a story to move one step forward? For those fancy 1+ million buys? Bullshit. You can't get big buyrates if the PPV isn't related to Wrestlemania?
Royal Rumble 2013 - 29 men have come down that ramp, we wait for #30. 5,4,3,2,1 BUZZ... IF YA SMELL, WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING

If WWE keeps it quiet, and doesn't announce that Rock has signed a contract (or maybe he is on a contract now, just to save the aggro), make it a surprise.

If they do it like that, take the pop you heard from Brock Lesnar's return + Stone Cold in 1999 + C.M Punk at MITB 2011 + HHH in 2011 x 1000 = not even close to the one you would get for that

This isn't going to happen. They tried their best to keep the Lesnar signing a secret. Not only did it come out a mere hours after he signed the deal, but he was also spotted at the airport right before Wrestlemania.

With so many loose lips in the company, and the company itself spoiling it's own surprises via Twitter, the Royal Rumble will no longer have surprises unless you stay away from wrestling sites and the internet completely.
I can see it now.... The Rock winM the title at the Royal Rumble. Cena gets a rematch with The Rock at WM29. Cena win the belt and defeats The Rock on the same night.
I can see it now.... The Rock winM the title at the Royal Rumble. Cena gets a rematch with The Rock at WM29. Cena win the belt and defeats The Rock on the same night.

I don't see Cena against the Rock at Wrestlemania. People bought it because it was a first time thing. Now it will have been played out. If they do another Cena/Rock for WM29, they better have a strong undercard because this match alone won't carry it like it did this year.
I think people are reading way too much into the Rock's comment. I took it to mean "some day, I will return" and not "I will be challenging for the title this year." I seriously doubt he will be wrestling again for quite a while.
true, especially with 3-4 movies currently filming. Rock's busy movie schedule makes it very hard to predict when he'll actually be back

**heck if he could do what Brock's deal is and make a couple RAW's a month plus the bigger PPV's it would benefit the WWE in the long term as well
Royal Rumble 2013 - 29 men have come down that ramp, we wait for #30. 5,4,3,2,1 BUZZ... IF YA SMELL, WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING
How terribly cliche of you...

If WWE keeps it quiet, and doesn't announce that Rock has signed a contract (or maybe he is on a contract now, just to save the aggro), make it a surprise.
Worse kept secret ever. That's what it will boil down to. That's pretty much the most obvious way they can get Rock at the WWE title - as you said it's the "only thing to do". The rumor mill started last week about Rock winning the Rumble, and by this point if he doesn't I think most wrestling fans will be shocked. If for no other reason, because WWE can't come up with any other creative ways of going about it.

If they do it like that, take the pop you heard from Brock Lesnar's return + Stone Cold in 1999 + C.M Punk at MITB 2011 + HHH in 2011 x 1000 = not even close to the one you would get for that
You have got be kidding... :disappointed:
It's already widely reported that The Rock has signed a 1 year contract. The Rock has also come right out and said that he wants to become WWE Champion on last week's episode of Raw. So, realistically, the idea of getting a surprise out of this whole thing doesn't seem likely. Kinda hard to surprise people anyhow when they're aware of someone's intentions.

Personally, I'd rather not see The Rock win the WWE Championship. I mean...well what's he going to do if he winds up winning the thing? Show up on Raw with the belt on his shoulder, cut a 20 minute promo, disappear from the scene and then pop back up 3 months later?

There's been talk of tension between Punk & Rock, including something that went down at WM. What if that whole thing is just leading up to a scenario in which Punk is given a massively high profile feud with The Rock? I could see WWE going the route of building the feud, not nearly as long as they did with Cena, but possibly starting it up sometime later this year, like maybe in the fall, and Lesnar provides some sort of distraction in the match that allows Punk to score the win. Lesnar's interference cost The Rock a possible WWE Championship win, which gives them a solid foundation from which to build a feud between them culminating in a match at WrestleMania.

I know The Rock is a massive mega star but, from a personal stance, I'd rather see Punk go over in a feud against him. Doesn't have to go over clean but a match between Rock & Lesnar at WM, if that is what WWE is ultimately hoping for & leaning towards, puts the WWE Championship in an awkward position. Lesnar's contract is said to expire at WM and, allegedly, Lesnar has a $5 million downside guarantee, which is the largest guaranteed contract in WWE history if it's true. If it's true, I don't really see Lesnar signing an extention or sticking around afterward, which is almost certainly means he won't win.

Personally, the idea if a part-time champion doesn't do much for me. As with Rock vs. Cena, this match doesn't need the WWE Championship.
Well, let’s take a look at the WWE Pay Per Views in the next 12 months.

Extreme Rules – The Rock winning the Title in an Extreme Rules match seems a little too “extreme” for the Rock.

Over The Limit – The Rock in an I Quit match would really make his opponent look very weak. You have a full time SuperStar yelling “I Quit” to the Legend / soon to be Hall Of Famer / part-timer. That’s worse than putting the Rock in an Extreme Rules match.

No Way Out – I don’t know what they are going to do here, but a Steel Cage match may be okay, but it could be better.

Money In The Bank – I’m thinking the WWE Title will be defended in a standard match, so nothing special here. Now if the Rock were to be placed in the Money In The Bank Ladder match…and win the briefcase, now that would be interesting. It would sure spike PPV buys for one of the “Small 8 (or 9)“.

SummerSlam – Being one of the Big 4, I can see this happening.

Night Of Champions – I think this is the best spot to put him in. If they used the Championship Scramble, I could see the Rock walking out with the Spinner.

Hell In A Cell – This, like the Steel Cage match, may be okay, but again, it could be better.

Survivor Series – Big 4, big possibility.

TLC – I believe this PPV is too much on the gimmick side, something the Rock doesn’t need at this point.

Royal Rumble – This is the best possible answer. Enter at # 30 for the first surprise, and then win the Rumble as the second surprise. Headlining WrestleMania is the way to do it. Now, if he were to just have the Title match at the Royal Rumble, the Big 4 rule applies.

Elimination Chamber – With 5 other SuperStars in the match, the Rock would only have to do 1/6 of the work. Challenging for the WWE / World Title at Mania is good. Heading into WM as the Champion is better.

WrestleMania – Well, if he doesn’t win the Title by March, I guess we could all assume he’s going to win it at WM XXIX. I wouldn’t mind a Triple Threat match between the Rock, Cena and Brock Lesnar.

In conclusion, it doesn’t matter when the Rock wins the Title, I just hope he does again one day. I’m sure the Rock, of all people, will definitely change the Spinner Title. I’m sure he would even throw that belt in the Boston Harbor. I’m 100% positive he would. I’d even have the Rock break out a replica spinning US Title and throw that in there too.
There is clearly way more than one way to do it. The Rumble theory being one of them, however I doubt they go that route. Vince has been going with the advertise Rock for buyrates since WM27 so I doubt he does the big show without advertising the man. I think Vince likes the set up right now. Lets just say Taker does have one more match, by having Rock not involved in the title match at mania and Austin does face Punk. You could have two title matches, the Taker match and then Austins match and Rocks match. So honestly if they do this I think Vince would rather Rock win the title at a PPV well before Mania, this way he doesnt drop the title in his last match.

I guess it all depends on how long Lesnar and Rock want to wrestle but if I had to bet money, Rock wont be winning the title at WM. He definitely shouldnt win the Rumble. The wrestlezone bookers have already jumped on all of this, but then again some of you think you are better than the writers so I will just wait and see.

To respond directly to the OP's point. WWE has done this Rumble comeback far too often in the past 5 years. HHH, Edge, Cena all have been out and then have surprise comebacks. At this point, where is the surprise?
The Rock winning would obviously lead to him dropping the title to him, which would be a huge rub for that guy. So if they are dead set on making CM Punk the next guy, I say have him drop it to Jericho, have Rock defeat Jericho, and then at Wrestlemania Punk defeats Rock to win the title in what will be a huge defining moment for Punk.
Rock can win the title at the rumble with Lesnar winning the royal rumble match

Come elimination chamber have Cena win the title in the chamber, that way we have the rock with a rematch clause and Brock already having his shot at mania setting up a triple threat between the three at mania ?

Loads of suggestions here so I thought I would throw this one in

The only problem I see with my story line is the fact that the person the rock would defeat would have a rematch also but then again they could set up a raw rematch or something ?
I got a way better idea, have The Rock win the belt on November 18th at Survivor Series. This idea has nothing to do with the fact that I will be at Survivor Series this year....

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