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If Rock is really going to make a run for the WWE Title, there's only 1 way to do it


Cena fan since Word-Life
Royal Rumble 2013 - 29 men have come down that ramp, we wait for #30. 5,4,3,2,1 BUZZ... IF YA SMELL, WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING

If WWE keeps it quiet, and doesn't announce that Rock has signed a contract (or maybe he is on a contract now, just to save the aggro), make it a surprise.

If they do it like that, take the pop you heard from Brock Lesnar's return + Stone Cold in 1999 + C.M Punk at MITB 2011 + HHH in 2011 x 1000 = not even close to the one you would get for that
Surely by you writing this thread you have ruined any potential surprise by getting the thought into peoples heads, ever think about that?

Even though the idea is plausible and chances are it's one of the more likely avenues they may take to get The Rock into a position to challenge for the WWE Championship, there are several other ways to go about it. Having him simply return and make a challenge is another pretty realistic avenue to take. At this point, looking at it from the kayfabe perspective, whose going to turn down a match with The Rock knowing the bragging rights they'll have if they defeat him?

Also, The Rock signed a one-year contract earlier in the week. Pay more attention to the reports which emerge from credible sites. And second, the last line about the pop, if people expect it, it takes away from the surprise which takes away from the pop. Since he cut his promo on Monday Night posters have posted the exact same idea as you have, so if that'll be their avenue, calling it a surprise would be an incorrect term to label it.
I was also thinking that was the only way to do it. My only thing would be that the Rock wins the title itself at the rumble, and Brock wins the rumble to go on to face the Rock at mania, setting up the Mega match.

Only problem with that would be it would make the RR PPV itself predictable.
That seems way to predictable. As far as the pop being the amount you say it, no. Rock is expected back and his pop won't be what it was when he first came back last year. Id rather see an Elimination Chamber match, only one of the them, be a #1 contenders match. The WWE Championship can be defended in a regular match like it was 2011. Have all the competitors set then right before the match have someone take out one of the guys backstage. So the chamber match starts with just 5 men competing. Then when the time comes for that empty chamber to open up The Rock makes his return and gets the title match that way.
The problem with that idea is that The Rock has already made it clear that he's gonna go for the title at some point. So by Royal Rumble everyone will be on the look out for it anyway.
that is exactly what i think will i happen rock will win rr why not? who else will win it? maybee a young guy ziggler rhodes barrett? but seriously what will get fans going crazy i think it will happen then brock vs rock wm29 wwe title. simple. i think brock will beat punk for title bcos of austin interference sets up cm punk v austin wm29 & rock vs brock i cant wait.
I can see that happening, but I don't think WWE will do it. Why? Because WWE will want to advertise The Rock. If Rocky is gonna be there WWE will want to milk that for all it's worth.

On a side note, if Rock wins the belt I want to see him and Cena battle one more time at Wrestlemania. I don't want to see Brock vs Rock again. I want Lesnar vs Taker.
why do people keep talking about Barrett.....He is a Never was....and GuarenDamtee, A never will be. Ziggler is the Future. Sells moves better than the leading car salesman at the BMW I use to work at.
There are actually more ways to go about it. And ways that are actually smart

WWE won't suprise us with The Rock. Because they'd make more money if we knew he'd be there so we would buy the PPV

It will be simple, he challenges, he wins. Against who, and when it happens is the only question

SummerSlam would be a big time for it to happen, but I can't see The Rock holding the title from August to April unless he's fully comitted to the WWE until after WM29
Will The Rock win the Royal Rumble? Maybe, not likely, but maybe. When he wins the Rumble/ is handed a title shot, I can guarantee, it will not be against a young up and comer.

The Rock vs Dolph Ziggler, or any other young guy I'm the company, would be, pardon my French, fucking stupid. Seriously, no one will buy them as a credible threat to The Rock. If he goes after the title, it will be against an established main-eventer.

The Rock will also never be fully committed to the WWE, if he wins the title, it'll be a short reign, probably ended by Cena, or whoever he won it from.
My only problem with this is that its just far too early. Wasnt WM 28 between Cena and The Rock supposed to be for the WWE Championship?
No no no no no no no...

WWE has an opportunity to do something great, big never done before, give the belt to The Rock to defend on the ppvs make it like an event in itself like a Mayweather or Manny fight, make a huge deal out of the matches, personally this is what I'd do.

Have Lesnar win the World title and Rock win the WWE title around Royal Rumble and do a title unification bout Rock VS Brock II at WrestleMania 29. Have the rumble winner cash in to face Undertaker @ WrestleMania so we get the unification match.

With Brock leaving around WM29 have Rock win which gives us the credible Undisputed Champion, he could defend the belt(s) on PPV and could drop the belt(s) at SummerSlam, so you have that big PPV he jobs at for that big match feel.

WWE needs guys for "big" matches through out the year and not just at WM, so what better way than have two of the bigger names win the World titles and have their PPV rematch for the two belts?

Than again just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Kong, you're right... to a point. Rock vs. Cena at WM28 was a given. Cena said the one thing that would make the match more interesting is if it were for the WWE Championship. I'm not sure the company thought either one of them would be Champion come WrestleMania time.
Rock wins the MITB cashes in on the road to Wrestlemania and headlines Wrestlemania... sounds like a golden plan honestly. Have the Rock cash in on Royal Rumble, or EC. Rock doesn't wrestle a full time schedule so the fact that he holds the Money in the Bank brief case is a golden ticket. He doesn't have to show up, you just know, eventually Rock is going to cash in. That's also silent promo for WWE, everywhere the Rock is theirs the briefcase.... sounds perfect honestly.
^ I dunno what about Cena-Rock made it supposed to be for the WWE title ... I think that's something Cena said

but then didn't Rock Tweet that he wasn't back for the title.

anyway since The Rock said last RAW about wanting to be champ ideas have been flowing about how the Rock can get that title shot

one suggestion is have the Rock come back and win the Rumble ... very straight forward as the Rumble winner does get an automatic title shot at Mania

and other ideas have come up to have Rock vs Lesnar (who'd win belt of Champ) or go up against CM Punk straight up

but I have an idea that doesn't involve Rock beating a younger talent ...like a Ziggler or CM Punk

first of all ... some how some way have Punk be stripped of the belt .. be it a storyline injury (so he can rest up as Punk's taken a fair amount of tough bumps in both his Mania match with Jericho and the following RAW vs Mark Henry) or just have Johnny L strip Punk flat out for some kinda reason .. but the end result is a vacant title

have a big 16 man tourney or so to crown a New Champ

yawn, that's been done before, but the interest/twist in this HW Tourney is have the Semi finals and Finals would take place @ Wrestlemania.

They've incorporated tournaments before on the Road to Wrestlemania ... look how Triple H got the match up vs Cena

why not have a tournament finish up at Wrestlemania? Granted it would involve a lot of planning on the WWE's part .. particularly so the bracket sorts out to having three Wrestlemania worthy match ups .. plus don't forget the Finals.

but think of the positives

1. since Punk wouldn't be Champ, removes the issue of having young talent vs Rock again

2. with the Final 4, it's a bit more suspenseful, then just a one on one match. Plus I'd rather have Brock be a part of a HW tourney than go one on one vs the Undertaker ... where the conclusion to that (Taker-Lesnar) is pretty much set in stone ... VERY unlikely Brock comes back and is the man to break Taker's streak, come on what are the chances?

IMO Brock vs Cena or Rock as one half of the Semi Finals to Crown a new Champ carries a lot more suspense than say if Brock were to face the Undertaker @ Mania
why would WWE have The Rock chase the title to only hold it for a month or two??? The only way The Rock will have another run with the belt is if he commits to a schedule that involves appearing on TV every week. Not doing so disgraces the title further and is a massive slap in the face to the current roster. Having The Rock in the title picture at Wrestlemania 29 only serves a purpose iof he is finally going to pass the torch officially and drop the belt and not return as an active competitor. So to me the only plausiable option is for The Rock to fued with CM Punk, have Rock go over at Survivor Series. Let him run with the title through to Royal Rumble where CM Punk wins the Rumble but instead of chasing a title shot, he calls out Steve Austin. Punk vs Austin at Wrestlemania, Rock takes on Brock after Brock wins the Elimination Chamber. Feed Cena to Undertaker and theres 3 automatic huge matches for MANIA 29. If HHH has to come back and kill more careers by taking spots on the card, have him put over a Ziggler or a Barrett or hell, have him vs HBK and then they can all retire
soooo legendkiller716 you say that you dont want Brock vs rock which happened once, yet you want brock vs taker that was a huge feud on Smackdown?. strange. rock should just challenge punk and lose and leave.
If Rock wins the WWE championship it will be at WM 29. The only issue with Rock is his unpredictable schedule. He can't really be counted on to leave hollywood long enough to focus on becoming a champion. Think about the schedule Rock will need to have. Defend the title at PPV's, be at 2 or 3 Raw's inbetween PPV's, and hopefully compete at some house shows to stay fresh. At WM 28 Rock looked to be out of gas around the 10 minute mark. Any and Every WWE champion atleast should be able to put on a 20 minute match. Like Cena or not, he can do it where as Rock seemed unable and was not looking good at the end. Personally if Rock refuses to come back to WWE on more of a full time basis, he shouldn't win the championship. Same goes for Brock Lesnar.
i maybe the only one but honestly i dont give a shit if rocks on tv anymore im sick of seeing him and wish he would just go back to hollywood its a shame if he gets another run with the wwe title he doesnt deserve it i think its just proof of if you kiss vince's ass all the time you can get whatever you want in wwe :suspic:
OOOh, I cant think of a decent way that Rock could become WWE champion...but it shouldnt be at mania....and he shouldnt win the Rumble.

Oppertunities to get other guys over would be well wasted on The Rock when he doesnt need it. Mania is probably going to happen....but the RR is a double wastage.
Its gonna be cool if Rock wins the WWE championship again at some point.....but this should be done in a way that is benefits the whole company, and other talent can still get over in the process.
oh dear god no. Look at the trend wwe has been going on with the last to rumbles. it has been young(er) less established stars winning. to totally switch gears and have the rock win and at number thirty would be silly. by the way whats up with everyone on the "#30 will win" kick? i saw a ton of predictions about this for the last couple rumbles. I guess it kinda makes sense but it seems cheap. only a heel should win at thirty in my opinion. just sneaking into it screams heel to me and for a legend like the rock to win it that way seems lame. that being said i don't think the rock should go after the title. he doesn't need it and neither does the wwe. the rock is an established enough star that he holds a main event spot without a belt, to give him the main title would just take a spot from someone who the belt could elevate like a wade barrett or dolph ziggler. If WWE had to have the rock as champ it should happen at Survivor series in an epic against a cena, lesnar, taker or trips to up the interest in that show and then drop at at the rumble. that is the most logical step in my opinion.
Royal Rumble 2013 - 29 men have come down that ramp, we wait for #30. 5,4,3,2,1 BUZZ... IF YA SMELL, WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING

If WWE keeps it quiet, and doesn't announce that Rock has signed a contract (or maybe he is on a contract now, just to save the aggro), make it a surprise.

If they do it like that, take the pop you heard from Brock Lesnar's return + Stone Cold in 1999 + C.M Punk at MITB 2011 + HHH in 2011 x 1000 = not even close to the one you would get for that

Brock came back after 7 years (or whatever). Rocky is already back. That equals out to the pop not being as big or bigger. Very simple.
How is that the only way to do it? There is always a myriad of possibilities when it comes to booking any angle.

My worry with putting the title on any part-time performer is that it instantly hurts the title and I for one was not overly enammered with Dwayne's parting words for the WWE Universe.

If anything, I could see the Rock returning to challenge Lesnar for the title in defense of the WWE. The problem you have there is that it really would hurt the title sitution and reminds me of when the ECW title was being fought over by a guy who had left for WCW and a guy who had left for WWE - it just stunk!!!!
Let's see how much more an ex-wrestler can bury the active roster.

The Rock showing up for only major PPVs just to make the face of the company look like a piece of crap every few months is such a great idea. Short term? MILLION buys. Long Term? John Cena is now a pathetic jobber who spent half a promo being forced to kiss ass.

Rock coming back to win the Rumble and the title? You're making this generation of superstars look like crap and you're hurting the momentum of your long term superstars for a 2-3 appearance a year star.

Until The Rock can make live appearances more often, he's an awful choice for a World Champion. Representing the company via satellite isn't going to work week in and week out, and 1 month reign isn't going to be worth watching.

As long as It's Dwayne Johnson and not a full time employed Rock, it's not worth giving him a title run in any form. It's just shooting the company in the foot, since nobody would be worthy to grace the Ring in front of Mr. Hollywood, you won't sell much, remember, John Cena just got owned at Wrestlemania, and that pretty much puts the Rock above the entire roster.
I like the rock, most probably my favorite wrestler, but if he wants to be wwe champion again, he needs to come back full time, it doesn't have to be for year, but for a decent amount of time, and bring back his old look, the 800 shirts, them 600 shoes, i would love to see another sliding peoples elbow, and hopefully he brings back or changes the title :)

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