If Lex Luger would of stayed in the WWE?


Pre-Show Stalwart
ok as we all know Lex Luger left the WWE in 1995 to go wrestle for WCW but lets say he stayed with the WWE how do you think his career would of panned out because vince was really high on him for some reason and how would you of revamped him in 1996 because his American hero would become stale by the end of 1995?
It's "WOULD HAVE" or "WOULD'VE" stayed, not "would of". You don't even understand the English language.

Anyway... Lex Luger WOULD HAVE received Steve Austin's push, and the Attitude Era WOULD HAVE never happened. WCW would be the only wrestling company today, and Kevin Nash would be World Champion defending against the likes of Mick Foley, Sting, and Jeff Jarrett. Aka TNA.

So basically, if Lex Luger stayed, all we WOULD HAVE today is TNA.

And we WOULD NOT HAVE illiterates like you in this forum.
Anyway... Lex Luger WOULD HAVE received Steve Austin's push, and the Attitude Era WOULD HAVE never happened. WCW would be the only wrestling company today, and Kevin Nash would be World Champion defending against the likes of Mick Foley, Sting, and Jeff Jarrett. Aka TNA.

So basically, if Lex Luger stayed, all we WOULD HAVE today is TNA.

That’s ridiculous. What makes you think Luger would have gotten Austin’s push? Luger had been on a downward spiral since the second half of 1994. He spent 1995 as a tag team wrestler when the company was thin on talent. Vince had clearly lost confidence in Luger as is evident by the fact that he didn’t bother to notice his contract had expired. Luger probably would have turned heel eventually but to suggest the attitude era wouldn’t have happened and WWE would be out of business had he stayed is laughable.
"It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world"

WWE was really thin on talent at King of the Ring when Austin did the 3:!6 promo on Jake Roberts. Jake had to wear a shirt so his old man tits weren't exposed. Perhaps it would have been Austin vs Luger at KOTR instead, and thus no 3:16 reference. I was exaggerating a bit, but I don't think it's all that far fetched to think if Luger had stayed, some star in the Attitude Era would have been held down, be it Austin, Rock, Foley, Triple H, or anyone else.
"It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world"

WWE was really thin on talent at King of the Ring when Austin did the 3:!6 promo on Jake Roberts. Jake had to wear a shirt so his old man tits weren't exposed. Perhaps it would have been Austin vs Luger at KOTR instead, and thus no 3:16 reference. I was exaggerating a bit, but I don't think it's all that far fetched to think if Luger had stayed, some star in the Attitude Era would have been held down, be it Austin, Rock, Foley, Triple H, or anyone else.

The WWF was a lot thinner on talent in 1995 than 1996 and they barely used Luger then. I think if they didn't bother using him in 1995 there's no way he was going anywhere in 1996. Luger probably would have spent 96 jobbing to guys like Vader, Austin, and Goldust. Maybe a heel turn could have made him relevant again and given him a feud with HBK but I doubt he would have done much. WCW always valued him more than the WWF did.
Luger was on the outs, hence why he left... He had lost his chance of a push when he drunkenly spoiled the original WMX ending the night before, thus he never got the title and the whole direction of WWE and wrestling changed forever...

IF he hadn't have left, he would have ended up where Yokozuna did, jobbing out to newer "talent" and acquisitions from ECW or WCW, he knew that so he jumped.
Luger's role would have been greatly diminshed if he'd stayed with the WWE.

Look at The British Bulldog, who had a similar gimmick, but was a much better wrestler. He slipped down the card during the start of the attitude era, and was stuck wearing blue jeans and being ignored during his 2000 run.

Luger had a great physique, but he wasn't a very good talker or wrestler. In 1995, when the WWE was pretty much on it's last legs, Luger was relegated to the tag division. By 1998 when the WWE was really heating up, and legendary talent was lining up at the door, he would have been lucky to stay on as a jobber.

P. S. Please ignore the grammer nazi troll trying to ruin this topic.
Luger was on the outs, hence why he left... He had lost his chance of a push when he drunkenly spoiled the original WMX ending the night before, thus he never got the title and the whole direction of WWE and wrestling changed forever...

IF he hadn't have left, he would have ended up where Yokozuna did, jobbing out to newer "talent" and acquisitions from ECW or WCW, he knew that so he jumped.

Woah Woah Woah!

That is news to me. I'd be happy if you can supply a link for that story.

I disagree with some here. Lex was pretty over with the crowd and would've gone to main event for a few years. I remember the Royal Rumble where they did the double elimination with him and Hart. Bret definitely had the biggest pop but Luger wasn't that far behind. In this 'If he hadn't' scenarion, I think it would've worked out ok for him. He would've had to eventually push the likes of HBK and Austin, but he would've enjoyed some good years at at the top.
Luger was boring as batshit come 1995, hell he was putting usy like Tatanka over clean. Lex left because he knew the hero american gimmick was old hat and guys like Hart, Michales and Diesel and Razor were well over. Lex leaving saved his career, and Bischoff only took him on a bargain basement price at the insistance of Sting. The only reason his jump made any news was because it was the first ever episode of Nitro and he was a former WCW guy. Luger was nothing but a failure in WWE., and it would not have changed. He would have been jobbed out if he stuck around and he knew it.
It wouldn't "of" changed a thing for WWE. Luger just wouldn't "of" had a title reign in WCW.

I also heard about Lex Lugers drunken bar room rant that some WWE higher up heard. Lex basically told the whole bar he was winning the WWF title at WrestleMania X. They pretty much buried him slowly from that point on.

Even if he would "of" stayed Austin 3:16 still would "of" happened. Luger killed his own WWE career. Good to see he has turned to God and reformed his life, albeit with literally no muscle mass left.

Achtung, Herr Grammar Nazi
He wouldn't have had that great run he had against the nWo.

He seeimngly sizzled after he didn't win the WWF Title from Yokozuna. I liked him during his Lex Express days & as a villain Narcissist. But Lex Express just made me want Hulk to come back.

Lex was one of the few NWA/WCW guys that came over that did really well.
Personally I think he would have gotten buried since he was on thin ice with WWE after the whole wrestlemania incident where he blabbed about the title.
I don't think Luger fit into where the WWF was going at the time. Sure, when he left to go to WCW they hadn't yet fully given themselves over to the whole Attitude Era, but Luger was a small piece to the pie in WCW's war with the WWF and I doubt he would have actually made much of an impact either way with Vince. I think that he made a good career move to go back to WCW because he knew he'd have a better way of getting on TV and staying in the main events in WCW rather WWF. Also, he won another world title in WCW, he was never gonna win that in the WWF. I really think if he had stayed he'd have had about 3-4 years of his career cut short by not being used properly OR eventually he'd have went back to WCW anyway.

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