If it was up to you who would you want to win the Royal Rumble? and why?

Who do you want to see win the Royal Rumble (if the Royal Rumble was tonight)

  • King Booker

  • Finlay

  • Kane

  • The Undertaker

  • Umaga

  • Johnny NItro

  • Ric Flair

  • Carlito

  • Someone from E.C.W (if they are gonna be in it)

  • Other

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Melon Farmer

Heyy Guys If it was up to you who would you want to win the Royal Rumble? and why?

My pick would havta be the BIG RED MACHINE KANE!! because kane needs to make a huge impact...of course he would havta lose and fake an injery so undertaker could get revenge on batista and avenge his little brother wouldn't that be just like totally cool!!
hmmmm I ant either undertaker or hbk to win it because undertaker has participated in many royal rumbles and was so close close at winning at them all becauuse he would still be there in the top 3 or 2 or 4 I think he deserves to be a royal rumble winner
Hbk-The royal rumble is in hbks hometown San Antonio
oo right HBK i forgot about him but he is with DX so why would he win the Rumble he already won it twice before (and it was back to back) and besides he has nothing left to prove he has done everything he had to do (besides beat hogan but thats a different story) i think that Kane should win because everyone knows that KANE deserves this more than anyone because he is one of wwe's top wrestlers (bc he is one of the superstars that has been there the longest) and he has been misused in the WWE all i know is that when KANE is no longer part of WWE that is when i dont watch WWE anymore!!
Heyy Guys If it was up to you who would you want to win the Royal Rumble? and why?

My pick would havta be the BIG RED MACHINE KANE!! because kane needs to make a huge impact...of course he would havta lose and fake an injery so undertaker could get revenge on batista and avenge his little brother wouldn't that be just like totally cool!!

Hey Leo, My pick is for Mr. Kennedy as I would love to see him take the title from Batista at WM23, also I wanted to tell you that this part of the forum BookThis! is for threads of people creating there own verison of a wrestling card and not for dicussion like this, you could get banned if you keep making threads like this in the wrong place, just thought i'd let you know.
god who to pick, what a tough choice, I think I gotta go with Chris Benoit, he's one of the most deserving, and I'd love to see him take the title from Batista, bersides it's about time Benoit gets another reign as WHC, he should drop the US title to Chavo and move into the main event, though Kennedy and Kane are both godd choices too, but I don't know if Kennedy is ready for the main event at WM and Kane vs. Batista or Cena both sound like shit matches to me, he deserves a better oppenent then either one of them, like Finley or Booker, or maybe even Kennedy though I'd probably put Kennedy in the MITB match at WM, and have him win that

though another person I'd like to see win the Rumble would be a surpise enterent in Chris Jericho, think about it he comes back after being out of wrestling for like two years, then wins the Royal Rumble it would shock the hell out of everyone
sorry MOD im new at this i apologize if this can get me banned then plz either delete this or change it to a different place...again i am sorry
My pick would be none other than the Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal Death Defying Maniac, Sabu. He can induct the Original Sheik the night before into the HOF and then the next night win the world championship. Because we all know Sabu is the best talent they have right now.
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