"If I were a professional wrestler, my gimmick would be..."


Gone but never forgotten.
Fill in the blank.

It's a pretty well-known fact that the majority of people that visit this site have dreamed about becoming a professional wrestler. Most of you purchase Smackdown vs. Raw and create your own likenesses on the video game that portray everything you've ever wanted to be as it pertains to a professional wrestler character.

Screw the video games... let's do it here. And let's not keep it narrowed down to just a wrestler. I'd like to hear your ideas, even if you want to be a valet, or a manager, a play-by-play commentator, or backstage interviewer.

Here are the rules:

1. Let's fill in the blank, everyone. Just to make things fun, start your entire post by cutting and pasting:

"If I were a professional wrestler, my gimmick would be <insert your character's name/moniker here>"

(For example, start your reply post like this:

"If I were a professional wrestler, my gimmick would be Dirk 'The Crusher' Dodley, the Siberian candy peddler."

Then go to rules #2 and #3.)

2. Back it up with a nice, informative background. Spice it up. Have fun with it. Where would you hail from? How much would you weigh? How tall would you be? What other information can you provide as insight to your character?

3. Obide by the rules of Wrestlezone as they pertain to the Non-Spam forums, otherwise risk being infracted.

Have fun!!
(i.e. "If I were a professional wrestler, my gimmick would be Dirk 'The Crusher' Dodley, the Siberian candy peddler.")

HAHA priceless!

Hmm, sure I've thought about being a professionel wrestler, but i don't think I ever got that far into the whole gimmick thing and such, but sure for the fun of it, I'll give it a go!

If i were a professional wrestler my gimmick would be Ferbian, the APA-inspired Assassin.

the following will be the full description of my character, in an application kind of form.

Name: Ferbian (simple, yet appropriate if you ask me)

Moniker: Now this is just something I'm throwing out there, for the fun of it as stated above, but I think it could be awesome with a kind of mysterious APA inspired Assasin or something like that.

Weight: Something not too big, not too small, perhaps in the range of a Shawn Michaels - Jericho kind of thing in between 225 - 240 pounds.

Height: 6' 2"

Hailing from: Unknown parts (cause it adds to the assasin gimmick, besides I'm a little clueless where I would choose really)

Basic none wrestling outfit: A simi covered hood, to leave out some kind of kane like mystery, but just enough to see I'm actually speaking, like.. kinda keep an open hood yet partially shadowed away only shining light to the mouth and lower face area. alongside a sleeveless tight fit shirt and black cowboy kind of pants.

Basic wrestling gear: Some nice simple dark inspired wrestling trousers, kind of like the pants Shawn wears and Jericho used to wear.

Debuting roster (because I'm making this a WWE wrestler): Smackdown hopefully.

First potential feud: I would definatly love to have my first legit feud with someone that could make me seem like a legit thread, perhaps Kane? not to dominate him and make him even more of a jobber than he already is being, but to put on some nice matches that doesn't damage neither one of the wrestlers.

First championship opportunity: Intercontinential Championship ofcourse, cause there's sadly nothing else to really go after on Smackdown without a partner, and I'm not counting on being a tag team specialist at first.
"If I were a professional wrestling MANAGER, my gimmick would be <a name I can't decide upon, D-Man. Sorry. But I would be a very mysterious, quiet individual, yet one with a very vicious temper.>"

As far as being a Manager, I have always wanted to play a very complex character that incorporates some of my favorite qualities of both managers of the past, as well as some movie characters.

For example, feature-wise, I would "somewhat" resemble a cross between Agent Smith from The Matrix as well as "Father" from Equilibrium.

Clips of both of them to refresh your memory:

Agent Smith




As far as wardrobe ... it would be pretty modern. Dark suits containing dark colors (always suits, never sport coats). Shirts will occasionally directly match the tie. For example, a navy blue suit, with a somewhat lighter shade of blue shirt, with that exact same solid color tie. Also, shades covering the eyes.

Often times, I will have a blank expression on my face, so it's difficult to determine what is going on in my mind at any time. Having the eyes concealed regularly also adds to the character's mystery.

Not a comical character at all. Rather, a very dark, somewhat creepy person.

Camera has to catch me at the right moments, as occasionally I show some expression of either delight, or disgust, depending on how the match is going. However, you aren't going to see a lot of emotion from me ... like a lot of people from the past, who had a tendency to over-act at ringside with the expressions, like Cornette.

Rather, I would be much more reserved.

As far as interviews, this is a character that prefers to marvel in his own handiwork, by letting his protege's do most of the talking, with occasional chiming in. Takes great satisfaction in seeing his talent succeed. Despises fans and the things they find popular.

Although shows very little emotion, he is actually a very ambitious person, that becomes infuriated when he doesn't get his way. Has a very vicious temper, but does his best to conceal it, to portray the image of calmness. The viewer would occasionally catch moments which hint at the man's vicious streak.

At times, however, when the situation calls for it ... his temper gets the best of him and he snaps. Has the inner intensity and capacity to pull off promos like Paul Heyman, but will only do so when he becomes enraged to the point where he can no longer control his emotion and it's warranted. It makes the character special, as opposed to over-doing the intense promos every single week, which will only bore the audience.

The character knows how to get into the heads of his opponents, and mentally push them to the limits. Some could argue that the character is borderline psychotic. He is also a bit of a sadist that revels in his talent's opponents suffering (similar to Mr. Fuji).

One of the detriments of the character is that he is brains. Not brawn. And he knows he is limited in this regard. Thus he is forced to rely on his talent to do all the fighting.

Interference in matches would be occasional, but definitely not every match.

Methods would include such tactics as: distracting referees, putting his wrestler's feet on the ropes at the two count to prevent the three count, slipping knucks to his wrestlers, hopping up on the apron to distract the opponent, etc. Very rarely would he actually personally assault his opponents, as he views himself above thuggish tactics of that nature.

While resembling Agent Smith/Father in wardrobe appearance and mannerisms, the character will also be a cross between some of these managers on a personality basis:

Paul Heyman
James Vandenberg
The Jackyl

A very devious, manipulative character who is cold as ice, but at the same time, possesses the political savvy to effectively deal with the General Managers and usually negotiate the matches he wants.

Primary motivation is greed and fame for his talent ... as fame for his talent equals fame for himself. Wants the gold around the waist of his talent.

Who he would manage today?

Randy Orton and Legacy. Fiercely loyal to Randy Orton however would often times bully/slap Ted Dibiase around to keep him in line ... further adding to Dibiase's face turn.

While greed and ambition serves as his primary motivations, it will also be hinted at that the character also has a fascination with the occult and supernatural ... hence which can lead to an eventual feud between one of his charges and The Undertaker, while seeking his complete elimination from the WWE. Has the ability to match wits with the Undertaker and play psychological warfare with the Dead Man. He feels that by eliminating The Undertaker, that serves as just another stepping stone in fulfilling his own Legacy.
If I were a professional wrestler, my in-ring name would be Dagger Dias, and my gimmick/nickname would be The Legendary Hero. I know, you're thinking "but Dagger, that's the name and gimmick you already go by on this forum!" Exactly. I've put A LOT of thought into what my wrestling character would be like for many years, WAY before I even knew this forum existed. Some aspects are realistic, while others are not.

I would hail from Stephenville, Texas.... because that is where I have lived since 2004.

Height: 6 foot. I'm 6 foot in real life, so I'd just use my real height.

Weight: 195. I'd use my real weight because I'm somewhat skinny.... average build.... similar to Shawn Michaels or Chris Jericho but with smaller muscles.

I'd have the announcers introduce me this way:
"From Stephenville Texas, weighing in at 195 pounds and at 6 feet tall, he has 9,999 Health Points and is on level 99.... The Legendary Hero.... DAGGER DIAS!"

The HP and level thing is included because it's an RPG tribute, and some aspects of my gimmick are video game oriented.

Ring attire: A Black trenchcoat and black sunglasses.... both of which I would take off after my entrance.... black or red shirt, blue jeans, black shoes. This would make me stand out. It's what I wear in real life, but I would wear that as a wrestler too because my character would be another version of myself.

Older ideas for the character included me coming out with a prop sword and posing Final Fantasy style, but I scrapped that about a year or two ago so that the character would be taken more seriously.

Entrance: This part I've thought about a lot. My entrance theme would be "Fighting of the Spirit" from Tales of Symphonia's soundtrack.... I would have lights flashing all over the arena alternating between the colors of red, blue, yellow, and green. Similar to Triple H's lights in his entrance. I'd come out on the ramp and look first to my left, then to my right, maybe point to any signs I see about me to acknowledge that I saw them. Then walk to the ring somewhat arrogantly (not too arrogant though, since I'd be a tweener leaning towards a face). Not too sure about pyro, maybe red fireworks or something.

Finisher: The Critical Hit (as an RPG tribute.... critical hits are when you deal more with a physical attack than it's supposed to). The move itself is the RKO, with a different name, because the RKO is my favorite finisher.

Background information: Not a whole lot here. I'd mainly just have the commentary team throw in facts about how much I like video games, specifically Final Fantasy, because the character is meant to be another version of my real self and games are my biggest interest other than wrestling. It might sound something like this:

Lawler: You know, Cole, I heard that Dagger prepares himself mentally for his matches by fighting monsters in video games.

Cole: (Insert some random/bad joke about FF, Zelda, etc here.) Vintage Dagger Dias!

Brand & Debut: I would debut on either Raw or Smackdown, randomly interrupting a heel's promo, come out and cut a promo of my own after the fans see my entrance for the first time. I'd be one of those faces/tweeners who are always sarcastically mocking the others, but still able to back up what I say in the ring. I'd throw out some video game references every now and then.

I'd try to win every single title in WWE (disregarding the two female titles) at least once, and multiple times for either world title because that would be a cool thing to try to do if I was a wrestler in real life.

Catchphrase: Well, unfortunately it would be gimmick infringement if I used "and that's the bottom line because Dagger Dias said so!" in real life, especially in WWE. So I don't really think I'd have one. I'd just cut sarcastic promos about my opponents and occasionally throw in a video game reference in the promos.

Victory pose: Finally.... after my match victories, the first 10 seconds the Final Fantasy victory fanfare would play and I'd strike a victory pose, then it would fade back into "Fighting of the Spirit", since that's my character's theme music, as I put my trenchcoat and sunglasses back on and leave the ring

As you most of you can probably tell, I have put A LOT of thought into this, and even though it's a little cheesy, it would be a really fun character for me to be if I was a wrestler in real life because it's essentially a very exaggerated version of how I really act, and the gamer gimmick would stand out a bit compared to the lack of gimmicks in today's WWE.

I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed coming up with it over the years, as it's something I've thought about for many years.

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