If Hogan left us tomorrow....


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hogan recent eviction from the WWE is common knowledge, so what if Hogan died tomorrow. Would we get the respectful week of video packages that a man like Hogan deserves or would WWE stick to its guns and ignore his existence? In this world of 'PC gone mad' thinking, could WWE really pay homage to a man who is fresh in people's mind as being a racist? I am of course not wishing harm on the Hulk and this isn't a thread about his previous transgressions so much as it is about how important WWE really think they are in the grand scheme of things.
Here's the one thing kinda going in Hulk's favor going forward...no one really cared that much. There was Gawker outrage, sure, but they're always going to freak out. (And he's suing them. And they leaked it. And they will do it to anyone to pretend to be of a super-high moral high ground. Like way higher than normal people.)

Hulk just has to ride this out, like he's doing perfectly right now. He's apologizing over and over again. This will all go away and he'll be welcomed back into the family. Albeit as the guy who at Thanksgiving kinda tried to screw the turkey for a minute.
Maybe a ten bell but no video package. Hogan hasn't done anything to fix the problem. He is just going around saying stuff that reminds people of why they so easily dismissed him when this all came out. He is a humongous bullshit artist that doesn't know his shit stinks.
I think he'd get a pretty decent send off, But not the heroworshipping he would have got previously.

There are parts of Hogan's history that are the cement in WWE's history, I can now see it being where were you when hogan slammed Andre etc.

Terry Bollea the man would take second fiddle to Hulk Hogan the Character.
I think that if Hulk Hogan were to pass away tomorrow, he would receive a send off from WWE like no one before him has ever received. WWE would issue a brief statement, whereby they would say that while they don't condone his recent controversial comments, they do not want this to overshadow the body of his work throughout an extensive WWE career. He would be back in the WWE Hall of Fame. He would be splashed all over the WWE Network. There would be videos, tributes, all the bells and whistles. WWE would be clear in their disapproval of his recent conduct, but there is no way this would overshadow his entire career. He would receive a send off worthy of the greatest professional wrestler in WWE history.
Eh, it's difficult to say really because all of this is still so fresh in everyone's mind. Hogan dying would get a lot of mainstream media coverage, which would result in all this stuff that's been going on over the course of the summer with his racist comments being brought right back to the forefront. If WWE gave him some sort of send off, we all know that it'd be twisted by someone in the media that it'd be an endorsement of Hogan. I have little doubt that some fans would view it in that light as well. Hogan's place in pro wrestling history as its biggest star and all the moments & memories he helped create are still there, they can't just be erased and it'd be foolish to really even try. With that being said, try explaining that to people who either just don't care or don't wanna hear about it; even if WWE explained that it was to honor what Hogan's been to the wrestling industry and is completely separate from the Hogan who made those comments, it wouldn't matter to some. WWE is all about avoiding negative press as much as possible and this is one of those situations where it'd probably catch criticism from some direction no matter what. If they did, they'd be crucified by some fans & wrestling insiders and members of the "mainstream" media, if they didn't give him a send off, they'd be crucified by other fans & wrestling insiders. It'd be a no win situation for WWE but, in the grand scheme of things, WWE finds itself in that sort of position at least once a month though, granted, not exactly in something as controversial as this. Hogan's legacy is all but irreparably damaged because now everyone knows, not just hardcore wrestling fans, that Hogan isn't the sort of genuine, all American good guy that ultimately made him an internationally known, cross genre celebrity. As fans, we all know Hogan is as human as the next person, but people who lead public lives are often put on pedestals by fans though, in Hogan's case, he put himself on a pedestal.

Now, in a year or two, this will blow over and probably the only people who'll remember or give a damn will be wrestling fans. It'll be brought up and used as a club in any discussion or debate in regards to Hogan's legacy but, then again, Hogan's personal life and the fact that he was as imperfect as the rest of us in real life are already used to bash the guy so that in and of itself is nothing new. However, I do think that Hogan himself might be able to improve things for him a bit by taking responsibility all on his own, not trying to blame any particular set of circumstances, just admitting that he screwed up and that there's no excuse for it instead of simply trying to lay it all on his environment and where he grew up. Personally, I feel that's mostly bullshit as I grew up in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky and I don't use that word; my mother's 61 years old, grew up in the same area and she doesn't use the word.
Stated by your typical moralistic asshat armchair expert smark: Hogan doesn't deserve any honor, I am glad this has happened to him, he deserves this. Men like Chris Benoit and Jimmy Snuka are better people than him...because they have great work rate. Despite the mistakes they have been discovered to have made. Plain and simply put, I support WWE for taking out that racist-ass hate mongering SOB!!! He deserves no video package or ten bell salute. I know he's a horrible person because I read them dirt sheets!!! To hell with Hogan...if his racism isn't bad enough, then his politics are atrocious

I wish I could say a lot of that was jest and hyperbole, but a lot of fans feel that way. I'll tell you all this much though, I am not thrilled about what Hogan said, and I am very indifferent to his media junket, as he goes around and plays damage control. But let us not get on high horses here, while I don't praise what Hogan is doing after the fact, I will say this, this same society that has a word or two to say about Hogan probably aren't batting an eye over people like Caitiln Jenner, and no before this turns into me being accused of being an intolerant homophobe, I'll state that I care very little that she chopped her penis off. But to see someone like that get honored for "courage" all the while being in the middle of a wrongful death investigation that could lead to a manslaughter charge is just outright disgusting.

All the while, we have someone like Hogan who is being condemned before all the evidence is out about what he said, yes he owned up to using the racial epithets, but these epithets were part of sealed court records and there has yet to be accompanying audio from these "rants". In mere moments it seemed as if Hogan's history was minimized greatly by WWE when this came out, HOWEVER in the case of Jimmy Snuka it took them more than a day to do to the same. WWE firing Hogan, that's their prerogative but the idea of how much of his image is gone from the site, like his Hall Of Fame profile...that's just bullshit. It just amuses me how it took them longer to do the same with Jimmy Snuka, just bullshit.

And not to mention the names of Steve Austin, Mike Tyson, and Ultimate Warrior hallowing the WWE Hall Of Fame's annals, for the stuff they have said and done. And here's the thing I love about all the pissers and moaners when that point is brought up...they will use excuses because it's 2015 and Hogan's a big time star, blah blah. Our society wants equality or so it says, but then we'll find ways to condemn people we don't like for something they've done all the while, finding a way to suit our biases when discussing things that things other people do can rival or surpass such transgressions. The case of at least two out of those three aforementioned Hall Of Famers I think make a strong case for that discussion.
I think that if Hulk Hogan were to pass away tomorrow, he would receive a send off from WWE like no one before him has ever received. WWE would issue a brief statement, whereby they would say that while they don't condone his recent controversial comments, they do not want this to overshadow the body of his work throughout an extensive WWE career.

While I agree, the thought of Chris Benoit still comes to mind. After the Raw dedicated to him before the world knew the circumstances of his death, the company decided to wipe him from existence, choosing to ignore everything he did before the final tragedy. Whether you like that choice or not, it's the height of political correctness, which is often nauseating.

But Hulk Hogan is another story. If his career isn't celebrated with a huge tribute, it would be absurd. Still, with the events of his stupid comments on that years-old tape so fresh in everyone's minds, how do they justify an immense send-off via video tribute?

I like the above poster's suggestion; a brief audio message disclaiming Hogan's actions in that one incident, followed by a mega-tribute to his career. They can talk of all the things he did as a pro wrestler without proclaiming him a great human being......which is probably accurate, anyway.
If his career isn't celebrated with a huge tribute, it would be absurd. Still, with the events of his stupid comments on that years-old tape so fresh in everyone's minds, how do they justify an immense send-off via video tribute?

I like the above poster's suggestion; a brief audio message disclaiming Hogan's actions in that one incident, followed by a mega-tribute to his career. They can talk of all the things he did as a pro wrestler without proclaiming him a great human being......which is probably accurate, anyway.

I think you're right, it would be ridiculous for WWE not to pay tribute to the most important wrestler in the history of the company because of some stupid comments that have recently come to light. I think an audio message explaining that the company does not agree with Hulk's recent behaviour would be neccesary and the right thing to do, but I cannot believe they would not do a huge tribute for him, focusing on Hulk Hogan the character rather than Terry Bollea the man.

In a couple of years, Hogan will be back with WWE and recent events will be forgotten. If Mike Tyson can be in the HOF after rape charges, Austin after beating his wife and plenty of others with controversial comments, arrests etc, they'll welcome Hulk back no doubt about it.
Why not just play a message that reads "We have put this together to honor the pro wrestling career of Hulk Hogan. We do not approve of his actions which were revealed later in his life." That allows WWE to honor Hulk Hogan the wrestler and not Hulk Hogan the racist.
WWE is a sucker for PR. They won't act on morals, ethics or common sense. They'll do what their PR people tell them will get the best response.

Their PR people told them to erase Hogan from history, since they assumed the public will shower him with hate. Funny enough, that didn't happen. Actually somehow the WWE look like assholes, and Hulk is just the victim of other assholes who recorded him saying bad bad words during a time when the dude was simply in a dark place.

There's more sympathy for Hulk than hate.

If Hulk passes away tomorrow, the WWE will likely honor him as they always did since if they didn't, people would criticize them.

Forget logic, forget going back on previously thought plans. They'll honor him for a day and then continue as if he never happened.

WWE's become a slimy, stinky, bureaucratic corporation bereft of ethics and morals, guided only by public opinion not for noble reasons but because they're slaves to sponsors and investors.
WWE's become a slimy, stinky, bureaucratic corporation bereft of ethics and morals, guided only by public opinion not for noble reasons but because they're slaves to sponsors and investors.
You mean, they're a business which acts in a fashion which they feel will make the most money for their investors?

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If Hogan died tomorrow, my opinion of him would be the same as it is today or it was one year ago. I don't care about the racist comments that he made in his... leaked sex tape? Most people are racist to a degree, and may reveal some derogatory feelings in private that they wouldn't have in public. Hell, if I was given a truth serum and all my opinions were to be made public, my climb up the corporate ladder might end abruptly even before the first step!

The WWE will obviously do what benefits the WWE. Even if they continue to ignore him for the time being (save, the ten bell salute and tribute video), they will definitely try to rinse a good deal of money out of him one last time by inducting him into the HOF someday (along with some DVDs and a video game dedicated to him), once the storm calms down and public sentiment turns from anger and neutrality to sympathy and regret.
Would we get the respectful week of video packages that a man like Hogan deserves or would WWE stick to its guns and ignore his existence?
WWE is sucker for publicity and they would milk it at least with video package. And trust me, when Hogan dies almost nobody would care for racism. In my country there is a saying that says "About deceased all the best". Meaning when somebody dies no mather how much he was bad he would get proper funeral with people crying over for him. So for Hogan(maybe not exacly tommorow but in few years) WWE will remember him properly. In few years nobody would remember his racist slurps. Heck, what am I saying, people will not remember it within a year.
Interesting question, given that it's such a recent event. If this happens (his supposed passing), say, in six months, it might not be as much of a difficult thing to mull over.

I think if it happened "tomorrow," as the post supposes, then Vince McMahon gets on camera and gives some PC response stating WWE does not support what he SAID, but that they are here to honor the man (note I didn't say "wrestler," coz he sure as hell was never that, haha). Then they do cut-in interviews with wrestlers throughout the night where they get to say how he was an influence, BUT they'll be sure to make certain the wrestlers stick-in the "we don't condone what he said" thing to keep it absurdly PG).

The other thought I had was that they simply do the 10 bell and that's it, since the "controversy" is so recent. Honestly, as a diehard I'd be happy with that, because I always hated Hogan so when he was ousted from WWE I was actually happy, regardless of reasoning, because I'm just not a fan.

But, I think the first scenario is more likely what would happen.

WWE has learned a lot from the their own mistakes so if Hogan left us tomorrow, the first thing they would do is make absolutely certain he didn't also take other people with him, a la a certain Family Crippler. Assuming the only one to meet his demise is Hogan, my guess is an opening statement from Vince, a ten bell salute, and statements/testimonials from people who knew Hogan on a personal level. His only remaining connection to the AWA is Gene Okerlund so he would talk about Hogan pre-WWE and I'm sure there are people on Legends contracts who can at least pretend to have been close with Hogan. I'm not sure if he had any real behind-the-scenes friends but that really isn't my business.
What Hogan did for wrestling was huge. He was a universal symbol of America, work hard say your prayers, a wholesome image, hero of his time, if we're to be fair to him. He was a huge hero to people of all backgrounds all ages in the 80s. SO to hear his words on that video let a lot of people down. I as a African Canadian didn't like what he said. I thought it was disgusting and disappointing but not surprising. Far too many entertainers have fallen from grace for anything to surprise me any more. The problem I have with the whole thing is I'm not a fan of recording people in private and using it against them publicly. A lot of us, if recorded privately would probably have a ton of regrets. Not too mention it comes out in the middle of a lawsuit if I'm not mistaken.

I think he will be forgiven. He has apologized now if he keeps quiet (no engaging on twitter or anything), stays apologetic and in a year or two (I don't think it'll be longer than that), he'll find himself accepted.

If he were to die tomorrow, he would deserve no less than a video package, the Raw and Smackdown show dedicated to him and a 10 bell salute with WWE roster on the ramp saluting him.
Wwe got no shame God forbid anything happen to the hulkster wwe would honor like no other and would bring back his merchandise re induct him into the hall of fame hell they fired Piper few weeks before he passed and no one ever brought that to there attention I don't care what hulk said I'm a manic thought and through good times and bad and I hope HULK LIVES FOR ANOTHER 30 years or more
Hulk will be forgiven. I doubt he will ever be allowed to wrestle another match or be used in any major capacity on TV again but I'm sure at some point he will be brought back at least for some interviews on DVDs or the Network and may even end up having merch back on sale.

I imagine he would have had some part to play in WM32 but I doubt that at all now.

To the point, if he died tomorrow he would get the video package and tribute show at the very minimum, probably with some disclaimer about his recent remarks.

WWE usually handles these things in a pretty classy manner in my opinion, the Benoit thing has caused some anger amongst fans in regards to having his career deleted but at the end of the day a company has to distance themselves from that level of controversy - Benoit murdered a child. That is another ball game completely.
Probably get video packages, a Network special, merchandise, cover of the next WWE game after 2K16 and all sorts of shit.

People that are bashing him today would probably be kissing his ass tomorrow. Not everyone of course.

Death overrides racist comments to a lot of people and there would probably be a lot of negative backlash if they didn't acknowledge him in some way. There was already quite a bit of backlash when they terminated his legends contract.
This is a tough one. I was just thinking about this the other day. I have a bad feeling that if he does he will be treated as "just another legend." He will probably get a mention on WWE.com that say's "Wrestling Legend Terry Bolea has passed away" and a Raw opening picture.
I'd think he'd get a rousing send off with good enough fanfare as his contribution warrants it without a doubt.

At the end of the day, nostalgia generally tends to heal stuff temporarily and in this case I'd expect no different.
Even though Hogan is a PR nightmare at this juncture if he were to pass on tomorrow most of his issues would be forgotten fairly quickly and WWE would put him over as the greatest ever, and that's what WWE should do as well. The WWE empire was built on the foundation of Hulkamania and that's not something that can simply be swept under the rug.

Sweeping Benoit under the rug for killing his wife and kid is one thing, that's the worst the a person could do in my eyes but doing the same to Hogan over a conversation he had at probably the worst point of his life is flat out absurd. Hogan simply can't be ignored and it would take some seriously bad shit for Hogan to be swept under the rug. Hogan has done some things that I'm sure he isn't too proud of but at the end of the day every wrestler today owes their career to Hogan because if it wasn't for him Vince wouldn't be a billionaire, Cena wouldn't be a millionaire and most of that roster would be working for chicken feed right now.

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