If HBK Did Come Back For One More Match...

why did you want Shawn Michaels for one more match,he has nothing to proved for himself and the WWE.
He is happy in this situation,and if he wrestle again the writers of the company didn't have an idea for him.
Maybe Triple H and for what.
Ok clearing things up a little

1. Rock won't work with HBK because Rock wanted a programme with Shawn back in 1997. Shawn said he wasn't ready, Rock got pissed, Shawn was absolutely right because Rock wouldn't be ready for another 2 years.
2. This thing about Shawn not drawing. Has Shawn not had that back injury, DX Vs Austin would have been massive and he would have been more well known.
3. All this talk of respect, retirement etc, it's kayfabe, part of the show. HBK could return any time he wants and I think all he'd need is a story he's happy with.
If he comes back for one more match, it should be against Triple H at Wrestlemania 29. I think that should only happen if HBK screws Triple H at this year's Wrestlemania. They'll schedule the match a year in advance on the Raw after Wrestlemania 28. Sort of like The Rock and John Cena.

I wouldn't mind seeing him in these other matches though:
HBK vs The Rock
HBK vs CM Punk
HBK vs Alberto Del Rio
HBK vs Christian
HBK vs Daniel Bryan
HBK vs Kane
HBK vs Cody Rhodes
HBK vs Dolph Ziggler
HBK vs Wade Barrett
HBK vs Trent Barretta
HBK vs Curt Hawkins
HBK vs Justin Gabriel
HBK vs The Miz
IF he came back he would need to win. To see him lose again or eat crow and come back just to lose would be totally LAME........so wrestling Punk, Cena, Rock or Austin would not be an option, as those 4 would all certainly WIN.
Bolded the most important part here. To an extent, that renders the rest of this meaningless. The notion that the top guy is solely responsible for drawing went out with the territory system. Shawn Michaels didn't have the supporting that Rock, Austin, Hogan, and Cena had. Not even close. Nor did any of them have the competition (WCW in its prime) that Shawn Michaels had.

That drags down the entire WWF, including Shawn Michaels. That's why people in India and your girlfriend didn't know who he is. It has nothing to do with how much of a draw he is.

Triple H, Orton, Piper and Hart? Come on, let's get serious for a minute. Those guys weren't even the top draw of their day. Shawn Michaels is between the top level (Hogan, Austin, Rock) and the level of top supporting cast (Triple H, Orton, Hart, etc). Just like John Cena. The guys who were at the top at the wrong time, and could've reached the Hogan/Austin/Rock level if not for factors outside their control.

This right here is just inarguably, factually false. What are you even talking about? When Austin became the biggest star in the world, Shawn Michaels was running a wrestling school in Texas. As the company grew, guys passed him because he was recovering from back surgery, finding god, getting married and starting a family. You're essentially arguing that Shawn Michaels wasn't a top draw because he didn't draw while he was retired and off TV. That's just silly.

To answer the OP, for the love of god, NO "ONE MORE MATCH"!!! He went out the way he should. If he absolutely must come back, it should be to put over CM Punk. And no, neither of them should be heel for that match.
circumstances or no circumstances. HBK wrestled for the better part of 20 years. At the end of the day he was never as big of a draw as guys in the upper tier, he was and will always be in the second tier. How is that A) a bad thing and B) arguable? If you go your whole career without winning a Cy Young award or an MVP award, you don't have any excuses.

At this point, I don't even think Shawn could have a match that's up to his standard so if he did put over a young guy, it wouldn't mean as much. If he went against another old guy, it'd be the boring same old same old, probably vs HHH where at the end they "re-re-re-earn their respect" or some bullshit.

Also, no, WWE right NOW has more competition than it has ever had. It's entertainment, their only competition isn't other wrestling shows, it's internet, streams, youtube, torrents, the 400,000 other channels, etc.
No I personally don't want to see HBK wrestle anymore. He won his championships and wrestled countless mainevents. I don't want to see him be like Ric Flair or Terry Funk. Granted he loss, he went out in a very great match.
As much as I rather legends put young talent over, I'd rather see HBK against a legend for ''one more match''. A match against The Rock would be epic. Wouldn't even mind seeing another one against Taker.
honestly the people id like to see shawn wreslte are:

1. HHH for obvious reasons
2. the rock cause they never really met (on tv)
3. stone cold cause even shawn said he would want to re do that match cause he was injured
4. i no this is going out there but id also like to see all the members of the kliq....just cause of there history together (this is one for the older fans who actually know what the kliq meant back in the day)
5. undertaker.......i only say this cause they put on two of the greatest matchs ever.....so thirds times a charm right?
HBK wont be destroying his legacy like Ric Flair did. Styeve Austin has been retieed 9 years, yet to lacea boot. These guys like Austin and Michaels have made millions and obviously looked after themselves financially. They only ever return for more cash. Flair is a walking money pit, he will be around until he dies. Hogan has just paid out a multi million dollar amount to that man slag he was marreid to for all of those years, thus he neds the money coming in. You would think he would be able to live off the royalties of the shit WWE has his image and name attached to, he does still have a legends agreement with WWE.
Shawn Michaels returning to further current storylines is fine by me, if it is context to th actual storyline. But I have no desire seeing HBK at near 47 years of age and out of shape return to the ring for another match. All the top guys finish putting soembody overm, that is the law in pro wrestlnig and HBK could not have gone out in any better way. Be thankful we got an extar 8 years out of him, in 1998 he was retired with a broken back and was told he woul;d never wrestle again. The 2002 Summerslam match was good eniough for me, the 8 year run was awesome but lets not be greedy. HBK will go down as one of the all time greats, lets remember him that way, not as a washed up, fat, glory spotlight hogging cunt like Ric Flair
When do these "One more match" requests end?
the guy is retired, say he comes back and wrestles one more match would that satisfy those people? na, they'd just keep tweeting/forum posting for one more match again.

If he did wrestle another match it would be no different then his last match, he's not exactly over the hill or out of shape like some legends and always delivers.
You would think he would be able to live off the royalties of the shit WWE has his image and name attached to, he does still have a legends agreement with WWE.

You know that do you?

Pretty sure when you left WWE unless it 's specifically in a contract that extends outside of the WWE universe, they gave up the rights to there legends contract and any associated income. Would any other business keep paying you royalties if you went to work for someone else in the same industry and thus are not making any money for them? WWE payed them to retire and do PR for WWE and are they retired and doing PR for WWE? no therefore they broke there own contracts.

as for royalties, last time i checked the merchandise bearing the Hulk Hogan likeness is owned by Titan Sports not Terry Bolea, and Ric Flair's is owned by WWE too. they may own the right to use there respective character names but i highly doubt WWE still pay either to use there images in merchandise/multimedia etc. They are living off the funds they acquired during there careers and in the case of Hogan money made through his business ventures outside of the ring.
I highly doubt that Michaels will be working another match. He was not in kayfabe when he said that he was finished, and he made a promise to the Undertaker. The fact that Flair had broken a similar promise to Michaels should give him all the more reason to stay true to his word about being retired for good. Would I like to see him come back for "one more match"? Of course I would. So would any other fan of his. That doesn't mean I think it will happen though. The way his career ended was perfect. He had held nearly every title and feuded with just about everyone. Knowing he could steal the show again, he had a rematch with Undertaker and left in the main event of the biggest show of the year, after stealing the show one last time. Why fix an already amazing ending to his career?

Now, assuming that he DID come back for a final match. It would have to be something huge. He already went out the best way possible, stealing the show with The Undertaker one last time. What could possibly top that when he had already put over WWE's top guys John Cena and Randy Orton huge 5 years ago? One final match against his best friend Triple H. The potential for that match begins at Wrestlemania this year if Shawn doesn't let Hunter get the victory over Undertaker to end the streak. HHH's frustrations convince Shawn to come back for one last match to prove he truly was always better than his friend. This one match comeback would take place at Wrestlemania of next year, and both guys could retire for good afterwards. Other than a scenario like that, I don't see Shawn ever coming back for one more match considering how he already went out in a way most guys can only dream of.
I'm a huge fan of Michaels, but he shouldn't come back as a wrestler. He's done. He had a great retirement (like flair) and he should stay retired (like flair). I expect him to do some stunts like steamboat did, but that's cool. The man is a legend and should not do anything to tarnish that image (like flair).
Hold the phone Shawn Michaels has always been a man of his word. He won't return to the ring ever again, if you want to see Shawn wrestle again go back in time and watch his old matches but he is done. I mean the only guy he could actual return to wrestle again is the undertaker but he won't. He isn't gonna pull a ric flair and hurt his reputation by coming back after saying he was done. Shawn Michaels career in the ring is over you want to see him now either wait till he visits on RAW or go watch his hunting show.

But hey if he was to, ADR, sting (little fantasy match is all), and lesnar (just for the lol's) there are a few opponents.
Way to demoralize the entire ACTIVE roster. Basically telling them work as hard as you can, get yourself over, pop ratings/buyrates, sell merch, etc... but you don't have a chance of being in the main event of WM. We're saving that for 2 guys in their 40s who are gone 90% of the year, don't work house shows, don't work the other PPVs, etc...

please vince dont go the hhh/hbk route for wm 29!
As much as I love HBK, i would'nt like to see him back for one more match. I don't want him to be like Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair. He lost in a very good match and had a great send off. Now even though HBK has said that he will stay retired and will never wrestle again, if somehow he did return for one more match I would love to see him face either HHH or The Rock. It would be appropriate for HBK to face HHH but i would rather see him face The Rock because I don't think Rocky & HBK have ever wrestled each other...
as much as everyone wants hbk to come back...i agree with a lot of u guys in regards to i dont want to c him pullin a hogan or foley and keep retiring and then comin back a few months or years later and doing it again...
if he did though, i would like to see an end to the hhh-hbk fued on the main stage, or have him maybe do somethin with the rock....it would be really bad to bring him back to put over young talent so i say stick with special appearances
I have to agree with everyone, as much as I love Shawn I wouldn't want to see him come back for another match because he promised he would remain retired and I can't see him breaking his promise.

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