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If Daniel Bryan is stripped....how to determine the new champion?

How to determine the new champion?

  • Tournament

  • Battle Royal

  • Call up Jericho

  • Give to Kane

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Mid-Card Championship Winner
If Daniel Bryan is stripped of the belt due to injury then how should the new Champion be crowned?

The most obvious solution is a tournament. I love tournaments and the recent IC one wet my appetite!!!I would love to see a 32 man tournament with the winners of both semi finals meeting at Payback. Matches can take place on Raw, Smackdown and Main Event. The only issue is alot of the current stars are involved in major storylines. John Cena vs Bray Wyatt, Evolution vs The Shield. The flipside is that this could be a chance to push Cesaro to the moon with Heyman by his side? It could also make someone like The Miz or Dolph Ziggler relevant again by 'defying the odds'. Maybe give the ball to Cody Rhodes?

Battle Royal
Have a 40 man Battle Royal with the last man standing winning the belt. Smackdown once did something similar and Kurt Angle won.

Call up Chris Jericho
Give Jericho a call and see if he fancies carrying the belt to Summerslam in Bryans absence where the two can square off. Jericho is a legit main eventer.

Give to Kane
Stephanie could simply give the Title to Kane like Bischoff did Triple H all them years ago. Kane is the number 1 contender and the one to put Bryan on the shelf.

Your thoughts?
Triple H strips him and puts the belt on himself. It'd work in terms of The Authority storyline even though HHH has seemingly moved on, it gives the promotion a credible champion and, as surprising as it sounds, Triple H would be fresh in the role. It also sets up a Bryan/HHH rematch for the title down the road which I'd personally like to see.
A tournament for the top title in terms of Kayfabe is historically a terrible idea. The title is supposed to carry hungry contenders with it, not randomly lucky guys. A tournament for King of the Ring makes sense in kayfabe, because there is no real reward besides being called King.

A battle royal is slightly better, but Ambrose just lost the US Title in a battle royal, so I don't see it working.

Calling up Jericho is a great idea for pushing young talent, just not a good one for giving him a title.

Giving it to Kane is the only option presented that makes even the slightest sense in kayfabe, since they are running the storyline that Kane broke his neck.

Getting down to brass tacks, the best idea is to do what they did last fall and just vacate the title. Only this time you have Kane, Orton, and HHH as 3 heels competing for the title. You have either Cena, Reigns, and Cesaro competing as faces. At Money in the Bank, you have them compete for the title in an Elimination Chamber, have one of the heels win it. Have Seth Rollins win the Money in the Bank ladder match. Seth Rollins cashes in the same night he wins it against the battered winner of the Elimination Chamber. Seth Rollins carries the belt into Summerslam.
I was actually just going to start a thread to discuss Kane as champion. I think it should go on him for a number of reasons.

1) In his 17 years as Kane, he has only had 2 world championship reigns. The first one was what, a day? The second one, was only the WHC and took place on Smackdown. This could be a nice "thank you" for the years of service, the hard work, and letting WWE just ruin his character over and over again.

2) Kane would be a fresh face in the title scene. Cena is doing his program, and I would hate to see him get the strap. Orton is involved in a stable feud. Sheamus has the US title. Punk is gone. I suppose ADR is possible, but he's mid carding. Rock is gone. That's pretty much the title scene for the past few years. So Kane would be a good fit and he could bring some nice feuds. The big unstoppable demon, being controlled by the master minds in the Authority. This will allow for other people to get title shots. I'd like a feud with Kane and Ziggler for the title.

3) Kane is getting a real strong push right now. Or rather, strong booking. It would make sense for him to get it, because at this point, who can honestly stop him. Anyone who would, is already wrapped up in another feud. This is the perfect time for the monster to dominate. It will give Bryan the perfect feud for his return.
What's the next PPV after Payback, Money in the Bank? If so, I'd like it to see it put on the line in a 6-Man Ladder match. Gives the WWE an excuse to book two MiTB Ladder matches this year, one of the briefcase, the other for the title. For the title match, they can use main eventers/former world champions, and for the briefcase rising talent/guys who have never been champion before.
The last proper stripping of a title I recall off the top of my head is when Batista had to be stripped of it. The WWE put together a four way of top guys and they slugged it out, with Orton (the former champion) coming out on top. The same scenario doesn't quite work - Orton holding the title again just isn't smart business, especially now that he's clearly become a lackey to Triple H in Evolution, and not his top dog. The other piece of trouble is that everyone who's anyone in the WWE right now is tied up in a feud that doesn't work too well with a title attached. No one in Evolution or the Shield could really hold the belt right now believably, since we have to imagine either group would fall apart as its own members would want that same belt. Cena vs. Wyatt is so weird and personal that attaching a title to it would feel forced and silly. This is more or less the same reason that Kane is the guy fighting the title, and more or less the same reason he's just about the only guy who could logically hold it, right now. The WWE would probably do well, altogether, to not make a move on a new champion until after Payback. There's a lot of talk of Cena vs. Wyatt continuing, and maybe it will, but if it doesn't, this is as good a time as any to put the belt on Old Reliable in Cena. There's really nothing wrong with Cena fending off a few random heels as an Emergency Plan B while Evolution vs. Shield continues to play out.

If they had to put it on someone today, I figure it'd be Kane. They'd do better to wait for Cena to be available, I think.
Stephanie can strip the title and give it to Kane. Storyline wise, that makes the most sense. Bryan beats Kane and wins back the title whenever he comes back.

Giving the title to Orton right now doesn't make sense. He decided to delay his title rematch because of the Shield. Right now getting back the title is not his main focus. It's trying to get rid of the Shield.
Tournament of course..
Somehow make CM PUNK return...
Make a six man Hell in a Cell match for the WWE World heavyweight Title..

Roman Reigns vs Kane vs Bray Wyatt vs John Cena vs CM Punk vs Chris Jericho/Randy Orton...
Money in the bank is the best possible option, but it has to be done with qualifying matches on Raw leading up to it so that you can use those matches to still accelerate storyline plans...

You can do HHH vs. Rollins, Orton vs. Ambrose and Reigns vs. Batista in qualifying matches, HHH and Orton win and go on to the MITB championship match and Reigns wins and that gets Batista injured and is out of the picture for Guardians of the Galaxy promotions...

Then you do Kane vs. John Cena and have the Wyatt family cost cena the shot at the title and Kane moves on to the title match.

You do Bray Wyatt vs. Cesaro and Cena returns the favor and costs Bray the Match setting up their final blow off at summer slam.

You do a last chance fatal four way with Bray Wyatt, John Cena, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins

Ambrose goes over and the MITB match is Ambrose, Reigns, Cesaro, HHH, Orton and Kane...

Ambrose turns on Reigns, jealousy and what not and HHH goes over for the title, Ambrose becomes the third member of evolution in Batistas absence and fueds with reigns, Bryan returns and chases HHH through the end of the year....

Bam, top of the card is booked for the next 6 months
Tournaments are always fun. Maybe have a companywide 64-Man tournament over the course of 4 months, culminating at SummerSlam.

Battle Royal for a Championship is not one of my favorite choices, unless the Championship up for grabs is vacant. I didn’t really like what they did with the United States Championship, but I understand why.

Give to Kane…No!! If Kane wins it, fine, but don’t just flat out hand him the Belts.

Call up Jericho?? Yes!! Even if Daniel Bryan is 100% healthy, call up Jericho anyway and have him unify the Intercontinental Championship and the United States Championship!!
Giving it to Kane is the best option. It creates heat for Kane and the Authority and makes sense because Kane was the number one contender. I think it makes more sense for DB to come back with a built in feud and claim to the title instead of having to be booked into an angle with a champion who legitimately won a tournament or some other kind of match to become champion. If DB doesn't come back in a timely manner then some other superstar will be able to benefit from beating Kane. But I think Kane should be given at least 4 or 5 months as champion to see if Daniel Bryan can come back to challenge, because the pay off would be worth it. And then hopefully while DB is gone he can practice his promos and acting in a mirror or something.
I would hold a tournament for an 'interim' champ until DB is fit enough to come back.
Given those options, a tournament is easily the best scenario in my eyes.

Battle royals are fine every so often and the title was actually decided during the '92 Royal Rumble, but it'd be an underwhelming way to crown a champion. For the most part, battle royals generally aren't tremendously memorable and most usually don't get really good until about 75% of the competitors have been eliminated.

Why the sudden clamor for Jericho to return? Everything I've read has said that WWE has reached out to him, but Jericho already has other commitments and projects he's right in the middle of.

As far as giving it to Kane, it's just not at all exciting. I don't think Kane has generally gotten enough credit as he's been a strong, consistent player in the upper mid-card picture for the better part of 15 years. At this time, however, Kane as champion sounds about as interesting as another John Cena or Randy Orton reign to me: which is pretty much not at all.

I mentioned in a few other posts that if the title was vacated, have a ladder match at MITB to determine the new champ along with the traditional MITB ladder match. If Cena wound up winning said match, the winner could cash in and take the title from Cena. It'd be a risk on WWE's part to some degree if they elevated someone to that spot, especially a fresh face so suddenly. At the same time, as I alluded to, most people just aren't excited about the prospect of Cena, Orton or Batista as champion. If it went down this way and this elevated guy ultimately crashed & burned, then at least WWE tried to go a different route instead of going into some sort of panic mode by putting the strap on Cena immediately.
I could see it actually going to Roman Reigns considering that any strip of the title will have to involve The Authority. This would then allow the title picture to be reopened and have Kane be involved in the feud if and when Batista leaves for a while.

You then have the plan for Wrestlemania mixed up, as I'm sure it was planned for Reigns. Instead have Reigns be screwed by Orton (yes I know, but it makes sense) at the RR, only for Bryan to win the Rumble and have the match everyone thought would be this year had Batista not be signed up. Bryan wins the title by actually beating Orton one and one and closes up WM30's match in the process.
IF (and that's a big 'if) he's stripped of the belt, give it back to Orton! It's not that I like Orton, but it makes the most sense. Bryan already beat Kane and Triple H, he still hasn't beat Orton, the guy who was NEVER pinned to lose the title in the first place. Play that up until Summerslam and if Bryan is ready by then, their feud, and all of this can come full circle exactly one year later! Again, I'm not for Bryan being stripped of the belt if he is going to be ready by Summerslam anyway.
Ok to start and reply to an earlier post Kane has had 3 title reigns because he's also had the ecw title

I think they should do a king of the ring style tournament with only former wee and world champions. It can be a jump start to some careers with big wins over top names. Rhodes miz Ziggler if they beat HHh Batista orton Wyatt cena Kane Christian names like that during the tournament could set up future feuds and make them winning the title legit and fresh
The most logical thing, story wise, would be just to give it to Kane as Stephanie's way to award him for taking out the B+ player and "ending his career", but I'm not too thrilled to see Kane with another run with the belt. Kane's character has been fucked up so many times, I stopped seeing him as a threat long before he even started discussing politics in a suit. I mean, he gets squashed in 3 minutes at WrestleMania this year and we're just supposed to take his character seriously despite it? Sorry, not buying it.

A Battle Royal is an underwhelming way to decide "the face of the company". It never really showcases the best in the company of the guy who wins just got lucky. I mean, Great Khali won a 20 Man Battle Royal on Smackdown back in 2007 for the World Heavyweight Title. Look where that run got him. Look how "legitimate" he made that belt.

I guess it would be cool to see Jericho get another run with the belt. It's easy to have him feud with Orton, claiming Y2J is the original Undisputed Champion and the first to do it; not Orton. Though it's not a great reason to bring Jericho back. If he's just there to be a filler champion till Bryan comes back, what does he do when Bryan returns? Leave again?

A tournament could be ok, but I'd rather see them do something a little different. Make it seem a little more important by inserting it into the Evolution vs Shield feud. The last few weeks, that's the feud that has ended the show so it's definitely the biggest feud going right now. I'd say have some sort of big 6 man match or even 3 on 3 match (Elimination Chamber?) for the belt. It can be used as a way of causing dissention between Evolution or just break them up completely. You can do the same to The Shield too, but I don't think Creative is quick to break them up right now as they were about 6 months ago. If they do that, they can:

A. Put it on HHH, to establish himself as the biggest heel by putting the belt on himself.

B. Put it on Batista, as a consolation prize for changing their minds about putting the belt on him at WrestleMania. It gets them back in his good graces. Plus, he can keep it until he has to leave to promote his movie soon and then when he drops it, they just write him off tv.

C. Put it on Reigns, see how he works as a filler champion before making the full turn as "Face of the company".
I'd like a tournament with everyone in it, NXT included. Have a "random" draw to determine who goes against who, obviously going to need some big matches in the early rounds to make the random draw idea seem credible eventually leads to a Final 4 come Night of Champions (which is after Payback if I'm not mistaken). A tournament allows for the continuation of feuds because Harper or Rowan could meet Cena or cost him a match. But it also allows for new feuds to be started Cody Rhodes could have to face Goldust, a Dolph Ziggler/ Miz could make a deep run and suprise everyone or a big star fails to make it out of the first round after being beaten by a mid carder or NXT star. It could set the stage for the arrival of a Sami Zayn who takes everyone by suprise with his superb offence.
I would go with a tournament. make it last a few weeks and encompass both RAW and SMACKDOWN. Hold the final on a PPV. Built in feud for Bryan upon his return.
I also think MITB is the best way to determine the new champ. For the first time ever, they should have an 8-man ladder match with the WWE WHC hanging high above the ring. But, I think they should also have the match for the briefcase as usual. So this is what I would do.

After Bryan is stripped, you have 8 matches on Raw and SD leading up to MITB.

The 8 wrestlers who win advance to the match to determine the new champion.

The 8 who lose are thrown into the match for the contract.
I have a different suggestion altogether.

I would have Bryan v Kane at "PayBack" in a "Buried Alive" Match. If Bryan needs time off, have him lose, be buried alive by Kane and Kane wins the WWE Title as a result. This will write Bryan off screen.

Have Kane then defend it against someone like John Cena (the storyline can be that Brie and Nikki beg John Cena to defend DB's honor). Have Cena and Kane feud.

At "MITB" have Kane retain against John Cena, but Daniel Bryan returns and the PPV ends with Bryan putting Kane into a "Yes" Lock.

Then at "Summerslam" have Kane defend his title against Daniel Bryan in an "Inferno" or "Ring Of Fire" Match (I know the one last year sucked, but Bryan can make any match good). Have Kane catch on fire, and this allows Bryan to win back the title.

Then at "Hell-In-A-Cell", have Daniel Bryan defend the WWE Title against Kane in a Hell-In-A-Cell Match. Bryan retains, ending the feud and the PPV ends with DB standing on top of the HIAC shouting "YES! YES! YES!"

Doing this keeps Kane strong until Bryan returns, takes the belt off Bryan, ready for him to win back when he can, will provide some great matches and will take things until late into the year.
Brock Lesnar. Hear me out...

So Bryan is stripped of the title, and HHH starts a tournament to crown a new champion, an eight man tournament. Then have him put Evolution in the tournament, out comes the Shield, blah blah, they are put in as well (you can put them in ridiculous qualifying matches, whatever). There are two spots left, cue Paul Heyman who demands a spot for Cesaro, as well as the returning Brock Lesnar.

The brackets look like this:
HHH vs. Cesaro, with Cesaro winning (huge rub for Cesaro)
Orton vs. Lesnar, Lesnar winning
Batista vs. Reigns, Reigns winning (another decent rub for Reigns)
Rollins vs. Ambrose, Ambrose winning (playing up the inevitable Shield collapse, however on the surface they are quite respectful to one another, make it a close win)

The next bracket looks like this, with announcers hyping the possibility of Shield v. Shield or Heyman Guy v Heyman Guy:
Cesaro vs. Reigns, with Reigns winning
Lesnar vs. Ambrose, with Lesnar winning

Final is Lesnar v. Reigns, with Lesnar winning a close one and holding the belt until Bryan returns.
I might be biased, but I voted for Jericho. Before I get bashed for the whole "part-timers come back and steal spotlight" and stuff, let me remind you that no other name is able to hold those titles and create good tv. After all, I wanted to see Y2J hold those titles anyway, because it would be a great story, as he was the first undisputed champ.

If it isn't Y2J, I would make everything possible to bring Punk back, obviously. But since that ain't gonna happen either, the battle royal seems the best option. I wouldn't like a vacant title situation again, since it happened relatively recently. The problem with a tournament is that there are not many big names to go for it at the moment and this is the risk that the WWE took when they decided to unify them. You can't just throw the titles to anyone. And at the moment, the top guys have their feuds and there are no top guys left. So, it seems like the tournament is the best option at the moment. Maybe you can have the semi-finalists draw so that we have a fatal-four way for the title. Since two mid-carders can't create much heat, four guys sure will and will probably put on a great show too.
Does anybody remember the tournament that TNA does around BFG time, I believe? Where each match is worth a certain amount of points? Yeah that, I think WWE should do that to crown a new champion as well.

HHH could come out next week and strip D Bry of the title and say he has a rematch ready for him when he returns but till than every single match that happens whether it be at house shows or live shows from now till MITB is under the radar. Each win counts and the top 4 of the tournament will have a fatal four at MITB.

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