If Brock Lesnar had one more match


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The Goldberg thread inspired me to start this one. We all know that its very unlikely we'll see Brock in a WWE ring one day much less WWE television period, but if he chose to come back and have one more match who would you like it to be? For me it would be Cena at Wrestlemania. They had a feud in 03 and Cena started using the FU now Attitude Adjustment to mock Lesnar but that was when Cena was just starting to find his groove and working his way up the ladder. Now a match between the 2 would easily be a dream match. I've read that WWE originally wanted Lesnar vs Cena at WM 21 but Lesnar left and JBL filled that heel role. So if Lesnar were ever to return for one more match, who would you have liked to him face?
I doubt Lesnar will be in the ring anytime soon, but I wouldn't doubt it if he did come back down the road to wrestle a few matches.

I'd say Randy Orton, but we've already seen him face Batista and Cena, who (in my opinion) would mix together to make Brock.

Really the best match I think would be Wade Barrett. I'm not a big fan of Nexus, but I have grown to like Wade. He's pretty good on the mic and impressive in the ring. Besides, by the time Lesnar came back, Barrett (assuming he's still with the WWE) would be polished pretty well.

Jack Swagger would be pretty interesting too.
I would like to see him face randy orton because they both have great in ring talents and could make a great match
Well Cena and Orton i could agree with but wade barrett? come on, If lesnar came back for one more match it would have to be epic-i always thought it should of been against HBK but i would say HHH as they were supposed to battle at wrestlemania before he left, but other then that i would say orton or taker again as the deadman not big evil- F-5 reversed to an RKO- shaaaaaz
I would love an Brock Lesnar vs HBK feud. Don't know why, but not in 2010. If couldn't be at 2003 or 2004, at 2008 at least. Imagine HBK just winning , finally, the WHC in a PPV. And the raw next day, Brock appears and makes a brutal assault on HBK, just like he did at Hogan in 2002.

They would build up , for a couple of months, first in the PPV before SummerSlam, and make Brock lesnar winning by Cheat, then make a Ladder Match at SummerSlam when HBK would won, and then in the Next Raw , it would be a Carrer vs Title , that The HeartBreak Kid would win, and Brock Lesnar leaves the company with a final great feud.

As i see now, what i've written, i think this may be a horrible idea, but oh well :blush:
Before I give my opinion on who he SHOULD face, just imagine how bad he could fuck up Evan Bourne haha. Bourne is the best at selling and imagine him just bouncing off the mat 5 feet in the air after an F-5.

Onto the topic. If Lesnar were to return at SummerSlam, I'd have him fight Kane. That's right, I said it. Kane. Lesnar attacked the Undertaker and now wants to take advantage of Kane's vengeful spirit to get a shot at the WHC. He could easily take Rey out this week on Smackdown and announce he attacked Taker and it'll be game on.
I think he would have a good match with Chris Jericho and thats match I would want to see. Jericho usually puts on good to great matches imo with just about everyone he faces and program between these two would be one to watch espicially in this day of age.
It's gotta be a big money fued so I would have to go for

Brock vs HBK
Brock vs HHH

Both these matches would have stellar buildup and could give a great WrestleMania match!
man i was actually thinking the same thing, i was going to say bourne but he would be destroyed (literally) but one thing i wish they did with lesnar was keep his undefeated streak going and not losing it to big show?? i mean come on? seriously. if takers streak was wwell established enough back then it would of been good for them to go at it at mania streak vs streak, i know wrestlemania streak is crazier but still i seriously never knew who was gunna take lesnar or how it would end up, just like i think of takers streak, and what it will be like when it ends, so then i look at how awesome that feud would of been, but anyways the big show ruined everything, which makes me think, maybe it will be stupid if takers streak ends. anyways gettin way to off topic but yeah that would be a crazy feud, i think lesnar and william regal would be foolish...................... joking.
I would say Sheamus! Because both Sheamus and Brock Lesner had won the WWE championship in there rookie year (Sheamus twice now). And didn't they receive monster heel pushes in there first year with the WWE?

The only thing that Brock Lesner hasn't done was wrestle Triple H in a one-on-one match. And if I had to say who would win a wrestling match between both Lesner and Sheamus, I would pick Brock Lesner!
This is a hard one, When he was in the WWE i was so anxious to see him vs goldberg (we all know how that turned out much to my dismay) lol! but anyway I would have to go with Randy mainly because Lesnar was my favorite and one of the reasons i started watching wrestling in the first place (started in like 2002). But ive always loved randy so it would be a personal favorite of mine for my 2 favorites to go one on one. I dont think they ever did either but correct me if im wrong.

Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton FTW! :worship:
idk why people were making fun of the guy who said barrett.... hes actually a very logical choice if wwe continues his push..... the people saying hbk,hhh,kane,jericho.... that wont happen..if you look at the realistic side, by the time lesnars done with mma these guys would be retired. hbk is "retired" now and theres no word when or even if hes coming back.hhh career is winding down and seems to be getting injury ontop of injury. and with kane , it seems it comes up every 2-3 months about how kane will retire. dana would NEVER let lesnar actively wrestle. he wasnt gonna let lashley do it if lashley signed he wont let lesnar whos a bigger star. yes rampage was on but he wasnt actively wrestling. timeline lesnar wont be done with mma for ATLEAST 3-4 years where those guys would be gone...you have to look at younger stars...and that right now would be shameus,barrett, orton and cena
My dream match would be Brock Lesnar vs. Hornswaggle. I could just see the F5 on Hornswaggle now. I would have picked Yoshi Tatsu, but he gets less TV time than the Brooklyn Brawler
I always think of Brock's amazing match vs. Eddie Guerrero at No Way Out when I think of him, and that's the type of guy who I think he would face. However, it would have to be a money feud, and there aren't many small wrestlers that are a draw. The best option, in my opinion, would be Shawn Michaels. Not now, obvoiously, but back in about 2007-08 they could've had a great match. Shawn would've played the lovable babyface, which he plays well, while Lesnar would play the monster heel that would destroy Shawn any chance he wanted.

However, looking at the current roster, a match vs. HHH, Jericho, or Cena wouldn't be too bad, either.
The best feud Brock Lesnar never had that I would have liked to see was a feud with Shawn Michaels. Lesnar was basically SmackDown's golden boy until he left the WWE in 2004, during this time Michaels was on RAW so essentially the two of them never crossed paths. Had Lesnar stuck around for one more program before calling it quits, this would have definitely been the feud to see. Lesnar could have easily been drafted to RAW after WrestleMania, from there he could have made a huge first night impact by destroying the beloved HBK on his first night as RAW roster member.

To start of the feud he could have done an absolutely vicious beat down of Michaels, beating him to a bloody pulp, and leaving him motionless on the arena floor. In response we could get a great Michaels come back for revenge. The two could have got at each other's throats until the Backlash. This pay-per-view bout I would have had Brock get the win here. But I would book it where he was barely able to beat Michaels and maybe had to cheat a little bit to get the win.

From there on Shawn would most certainly want a rematch. Now depending on how Brock felt with the company, whether he wanted to leave sooner or later would have an affect on this program. Shawn could convince Brock that the WWE was not big enough for the two of them and since he beat him before he could do it again, but this time both of their careers would be on the line. So if it were on an edition of RAW or even on the upcoming pay-per-view, the two would square off for their one last big encounter, to which they would put on a hell of a match with Michaels getting the win. Making the illusion that due to the stipulation Brock Lesnar was forced out of the WWE and he could go on to pursue the endeavors he went on to do. Could have been great and just like HBK vs. The Rock this will be one fantasy Michaels match we will never get to see.
This is a hard one, When he was in the WWE i was so anxious to see him vs goldberg (we all know how that turned out much to my dismay) lol! but anyway I would have to go with Randy mainly because Lesnar was my favorite and one of the reasons i started watching wrestling in the first place (started in like 2002). But ive always loved randy so it would be a personal favorite of mine for my 2 favorites to go one on one. I dont think they ever did either but correct me if im wrong.

Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton FTW! :worship:

They did, once on Smackdown. Lesnar won; he took a diving cross body from Orton, rolled through it, and hit one of the best F5's ever in terms of Orton selling.

Anyway, back on topic. Taking the fact that it won't happen out of the equation, there are two I'd like to see; one from the past and one from now.

From 2002, I'd have loved to see him face The Rock again. Yup, I would love to see a rematch with those two. They worked great together as far as I'm concerned and I would have liked to see the psychological side behind a rematch between the two. Could have made for interesting watching.

As for a current active wrestler, I'd love to see im and Randy Orton. Now Orton is established, this match would be intense. As someone else on here said, F5 into an RKO. Nuff said, frankly.
i would say HHH or cena. HHH because we have never seen that. and cena because he is the face of the company now and i hate to admit it but i think that has the chance to be one of the greatest matches ever
Hmmm... it's an interesting question.

The absolute first person that comes for me is Samoa Joe. I just feel their styles would mesh really well and we'd end up with just a superb, hard-hitting match between two bad motherfuckers.

However, I think the OP would like for the match to be in WWE, so with that in mind... Shawn Michaels would have been my answer a year ago, for sure, because HBK always has tremendous matches against big guys, so God knows what he would have been able to come with against a guy who is as big AND athletic as Brock Lesnar. But, since HBK isn't a possibility at this point... I'll go with Randy Orton. I know they've had a match before, but that was back when Orton was a rookie. I think today Orton is just phenomenal and it would be interesting to see The Viper vs. The Next Big Thing.
SpoodBeest™;2261556 said:
The best feud Brock Lesnar never had that I would have liked to see was a feud with Shawn Michaels. Lesnar was basically SmackDown's golden boy until he left the WWE in 2004, during this time Michaels was on RAW so essentially the two of them never crossed paths. Had Lesnar stuck around for one more program before calling it quits, this would have definitely been the feud to see. Lesnar could have easily been drafted to RAW after WrestleMania, from there he could have made a huge first night impact by destroying the beloved HBK on his first night as RAW roster member.

To start of the feud he could have done an absolutely vicious beat down of Michaels, beating him to a bloody pulp, and leaving him motionless on the arena floor. In response we could get a great Michaels come back for revenge. The two could have got at each other's throats until the Backlash. This pay-per-view bout I would have had Brock get the win here. But I would book it where he was barely able to beat Michaels and maybe had to cheat a little bit to get the win.

From there on Shawn would most certainly want a rematch. Now depending on how Brock felt with the company, whether he wanted to leave sooner or later would have an affect on this program. Shawn could convince Brock that the WWE was not big enough for the two of them and since he beat before he could do it again, but this time both of their careers would be on the line. So if it were on an edition of RAW or even on the upcoming pay-per-view, the two would square off for their one last big encounter, to which they would put on a hell of a match with Michaels getting the win. Making the illusion that due to the stipulation Brock Lesnar was forced out of the WWE and he could go on to pursue the endeavors he went on to do. Could have been great and just like HBK vs. The Rock this will be one fantasy Michaels match we will never get to see.

I'm sorry I'm gonna be an annoying Smark here and say; they DID cross path once for like 1 min!

It was the Raw before SummerSlam 2002 and during the main event, The Rock vs HHH, Brock interfered and then Shawn came in.
Trying to superkick HHH, he ducked and nailed Brock who was on the apron and sold it beautifully.

It was then and there I thought, Man! I'd love to see this two go at it!!

They did, once on Smackdown. Lesnar won; he took a diving cross body from Orton, rolled through it, and hit one of the best F5's ever in terms of Orton selling.

Anyway, back on topic. Taking the fact that it won't happen out of the equation, there are two I'd like to see; one from the past and one from now.

From 2002, I'd have loved to see him face The Rock again. Yup, I would love to see a rematch with those two. They worked great together as far as I'm concerned and I would have liked to see the psychological side behind a rematch between the two. Could have made for interesting watching.

As for a current active wrestler, I'd love to see im and Randy Orton. Now Orton is established, this match would be intense. As someone else on here said, F5 into an RKO. Nuff said, frankly.

Oh yes I had forgotten about that match.
Orton with those god-awful latex blue-trunks, mind you he did have, and still has the best dropkick in the business.

I would like to see him square off with the Rock again but their first match just set a very high bar and I think is underrated as a match.
It was a very well storied match, with some great spots, great tempo and above all........
Only the 2nd double turn match in the history of modern pro wrestling!
If Brock came back and could face anyone in wrestling, I would say Kurt Angle. The 2 of them had great chemistry in the ring, and Angle never has a bad match. They could go 45 minutes to a hour and still have you on the edge of your seat, I would pay alot of money to see this match.

If he came back to the WWE in the near future, I would say Vince should do everything in his power to get Shawn Michaels back for one more match against Brock. Again, HBK is a man who never lets you down and can put on a classic match at any time. I think he would work well with Brock, their styles would go well together.

Or, Triple H. The two never feuded during Lesnars run in the WWE, due to Triple H refusing to put him over, and attempting to bury him on the mic. However, these two guys could have a phenomenal match in my opinion. A hell in a cell, a cage match or a 3 stages of hell would be epic

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