Ideas I needed to get off my chest


World W Entertainment
Been a long time since I posted so I figure spam section is the best place as any. Tell me what you think:

Have top heels win clean and top faces lose clean: The biggest reason WWE has been so crappy for the past few years is simply this – there is no real threat to any of the faces from the heels. They are all cowardly cheaters that only cleanly guys below them (latest example Del Rio beats Ryder in two minutes for the what… 4th or 5th time?) or cheap wins over the top guys (Del Rio can sneak attack Sheamus all he wants but he has yet win the WHC). If the bad guys start actually winning by being better wrestlers you will create a tense atmosphere that people will need and want to watch. I’m not saying eliminate dirty wins but they need to be toned down severely. Tough heels make faces better which make the product better. Plus, if the product is better there is less need for stupid surprises and announcements and guest hosts and all the other crap we’ve had to see.
CM Punk – A New Degeneration X: If anything, this should have happened when he was feuding with HHH or Big Johnny but I think it could work after he loses the belt. Either it would be just Punk by himself or with a couple other guys, no old members at all. A DX made up of guys who watched the original when they were kids. Revamped theme, logo, everything.
A 31 man Royal Rumble: Again this could have been done with Big Johnny but any evil authority figure will do. A face wins rumble and starts celebrating. All of a sudden, timer starts counting down again and buzzer sounds. A heel sneaks up from behind or comes charging down ramp and throws the face over top rope and wins. Next night, evil authority comes out and gives whatever reason for adding 31st man.
Spirit of The Undertaker leaves Mark Calloway and takes on a new host: This is more just personal idea but whatever. WM season comes around and Taker returns. Starts to attack a single superstar for next couple of months talking about being chosen or something like that. Reason being that Calloway’s body is becoming too old and the Taker spirit wants a new host to continue his reign of darkness. Challenge is made, Mania comes and Taker loses. Superstar is awestruck the he beat the streak as the tron marks whatever number of wins and1. Then lights go out druids come to ring with a coffin and take Calloway’s body away. The superstar starts convulsing or shaking or something, finally coming to rest in the kneeling Undertaker pose. The tron reverses the numbers to X and 0 again. However, this new guy wouldn’t be the new Undertaker for the rest of his career but instead have the spirit come out every now and then to keep the mystique around. My choice for the new host would probably be Chris Hero. He’s almost as big as Taker and with the long hair and beard could give off the same type of vibe. Plus, if he needed a gimmick change, he could really slip into the American Badass role too.
Turn the live audience and TV viewers heel: I really have no idea how to implement this but when I thought of it something just made me think it could be gold. To somehow make us the bad guy for liking a certain superstar or not liking another. Any Ideas?



Sorry just had to take a second to regain the ability to think there. This is perhaps the stupidest set of ideas I've ever read in my entire time as a human being.
Been a long time since I posted so I figure spam section is the best place as any. Tell me what you think:

Have top heels win clean and top faces lose clean: The biggest reason WWE has been so crappy for the past few years is simply this – there is no real threat to any of the faces from the heels. They are all cowardly cheaters that only cleanly guys below them (latest example Del Rio beats Ryder in two minutes for the what… 4th or 5th time?) or cheap wins over the top guys (Del Rio can sneak attack Sheamus all he wants but he has yet win the WHC). If the bad guys start actually winning by being better wrestlers you will create a tense atmosphere that people will need and want to watch. I’m not saying eliminate dirty wins but they need to be toned down severely. Tough heels make faces better which make the product better. Plus, if the product is better there is less need for stupid surprises and announcements and guest hosts and all the other crap we’ve had to see.
CM Punk – A New Degeneration X: If anything, this should have happened when he was feuding with HHH or Big Johnny but I think it could work after he loses the belt.
Either it would be just Punk by himself or with a couple other guys, no old members at all.
A DX made up of guys who watched the original when they were kids. Revamped theme,
logo, everything.
A 31 man Royal Rumble: Again this could have been done with Big Johnny but any
evil authority figure will do. A face wins rumble and starts celebrating. All of a sudden,
timer starts counting down again and buzzer sounds. A heel sneaks up from behind or comes charging down ramp and throws the face over top rope and wins. Next night, evil authority comes out and gives whatever reason for adding 31st man.
Spirit of The Undertaker leaves Mark Calloway and takes on a new host: This is more just personal idea but whatever. WM season comes around and Taker returns. Starts to attack a single superstar for next couple of months talking about being chosen or something like that. Reason being that Calloway’s body is becoming too old and the Taker spirit wants a new host to continue his reign of darkness. Challenge is made, Mania comes and Taker loses. Superstar is awestruck the he beat the streak as the tron marks whatever number of wins and1. Then lights go out druids come to ring with a coffin and take Calloway’s body away. The superstar starts convulsing or shaking or something, finally coming to rest in the kneeling Undertaker pose. The tron reverses the numbers to X and 0 again. However, this new guy wouldn’t be the new Undertaker for the rest of his career but instead have the spirit come out every now and then to keep the mystique around. My choice for the new host would probably be Chris Hero. He’s almost as big as Taker and with the long hair and beard could give off the same type of vibe. Plus, if he needed a gimmick change, he could really slip into the American Badass role too.
Turn the live audience and TV viewers heel: I really have no idea how to implement
this but when I thought of it something just made me think it could be gold. To somehow
make us the bad guy for liking a certain superstar or not liking another. Any Ideas?

Are you on drugs?
Just to break these down.

1. There are heels that win clean all the time. They're called faces.

2. Yes, let's have a guy known for his respect for the business and wanting to make everything about being the best be about rebellion and getting in people's faces.

3. Or they could do it with thirty people.

4. Vince Russo would look at that idea and say "Dude what are you on and can I get some of it?"

5. So you want to turn the crowd, as in THE PEOPLE PAYING YOUR SALARIES, evil? That's just brilliant.



Sorry just had to take a second to regain the ability to think there. This is perhaps the stupidest set of ideas I've ever read in my entire time as a human being.

Come on KB, there's some good ideas in there. Just imagine all the crowd jumping the rail amd start beating up superstars. That is genious. /Sarcasm
Come on KB, there's some good ideas in there. Just imagine all the crowd jumping the rail amd start beating up superstars. That is genious. /Sarcasm

And remember, the beatings need to be clean while having Undertaker's spirit transfer to another body so the new one can feud with the Degenerate Punk for 10 more years.



Sorry just had to take a second to regain the ability to think there. This is perhaps the stupidest set of ideas I've ever read in my entire time as a human being.

Tell us how you really feel kb :lmao:

Just to break these down.

1. There are heels that win clean all the time. They're called faces.

2. Yes, let's have a guy known for his respect for the business and wanting to make everything about being the best be about rebellion and getting in people's faces.

3. Or they could do it with thirty people.

4. Vince Russo would look at that idea and say "Dude what are you on and can I get some of it?"

5. So you want to turn the crowd, as in THE PEOPLE PAYING YOUR SALARIES, evil? That's just brilliant.

Ah thanks :thumbsup:
What's wrong with a heel winning clean? Sounds perfectly fine to me. You can be a bad guy and not have to cheat.

The 31 man Royal Rumble is a great idea. Have a popular face "win" the Rumble and then have another guy come out and throw him over the rope as a 31st entrant is brilliant. It would have to be someone aligned with a heel GM/Commissioner though.

Don't think the Undertaker's spirit idea would ever work though, and the Punk reforming DX idea sucks
Have top heels win clean and top faces lose clean: The biggest reason WWE has been so crappy for the past few years is simply this – there is no real threat to any of the faces from the heels. They are all cowardly cheaters that only cleanly guys below them (latest example Del Rio beats Ryder in two minutes for the what… 4th or 5th time?) or cheap wins over the top guys (Del Rio can sneak attack Sheamus all he wants but he has yet win the WHC). If the bad guys start actually winning by being better wrestlers you will create a tense atmosphere that people will need and want to watch. I’m not saying eliminate dirty wins but they need to be toned down severely. Tough heels make faces better which make the product better. Plus, if the product is better there is less need for stupid surprises and announcements and guest hosts and all the other crap we’ve had to see.

Sounds good I hope you tyhen don't give a storyline idea where a heel wins by using sneaky tactics...

A 31 man Royal Rumble: Again this could have been done with Big Johnny but any evil authority figure will do. A face wins rumble and starts celebrating. All of a sudden, timer starts counting down again and buzzer sounds. A heel sneaks up from behind or comes charging down ramp and throws the face over top rope and wins. Next night, evil authority comes out and gives whatever reason for adding 31st man.

Heels win clean (Kane vs. Orton at WM28 for example) but I understand what you are saying.

31 man Rumble just sounds stupid, why such an obscure #? Why not just have a 53 1/2 (1/2 being Hornswoggle) Royal Rumble?

The Undertaker storyline isn't gonna work in this day and age, may have 10-15 years ago.

To the fans being heel: What is this The Hart Foundation vs. America?

DX has been done to death. Punks been the leader of 2 stables, how about give him something new to do?

So there you have it, 1 good idea in theory that's already been implemented and 4 absolutely terrible ideas.
What's wrong with a heel winning clean? Sounds perfectly fine to me. You can be a bad guy and not have to cheat.

Quick question: what do Kurt Angle, Austin Aries, Randy Savage, Chris Benoit, and Daniel Bryan have in common?

They're people that can have excellent matches as heels and win without cheating. Remember what happened to them? They were all turned face by crowd support. If you have these guys go out and have great matches, they're going to get over because at the end of the day, fans appreciate great wrestling. Also if heels don't cheat, what exactly keeps them as heels?
Also if heels don't cheat, what exactly keeps them as heels?

You can be a bad guy and not have to cheat.

KB, I don't see why you think some random cheating is going to cause people to miss that these guys are all great wrestlers anyway. Most of those you did name cheated extensively at points and it made little difference in what ultimately happened.

The problem isn't heels cheating or faces not. The problem is that it almost always plays that way. Why not mix it up a little bit more to add some variety? I have never been much of a fan of that when a top heel faces a midcarder how those matches are booked.
OP - don't be discouraged by the creatively void. Your ideas are better than half the hindsight crap that usually gets spewed around here.

You'll never turn a whole crowd heel, they're too busy trying to do that themselves. But there can be a story or vignettes where WWE hires actors to play fans that turn on their favorite faces due to the influence of heels like Sandow.

Keep building on your ideas if you want. Focus on making specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, time-specific ideas.
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KB, I don't see why you think some random cheating is going to cause people to miss that these guys are all great wrestlers anyway. Most of those you did name cheated extensively at points and it made little difference in what ultimately happened.

The problem isn't heels cheating or faces not. The problem is that it almost always plays that way. Why not mix it up a little bit more to add some variety? I have never been much of a fan of that when a top heel faces a midcarder how those matches are booked.

Mixing it up some wouldn't be that bad, but doing it as a rule/in general wouldn't work.
Did you read more than the bold statements in the OP then?

When the opening posts have stuff like turning the audience heel, I didn't really see the need to.

As for that though, the way the OP is written implies that heels cheating to win should be a rare occurrence. Wrestling that way is dull, as without them cheating, there's far less drama. Watch WCW from summer of 92 and see how well it works.
Bret Hart vs Steve Austin made us heels. Of course we were too busy liking who we liked to notice.
When the opening posts have stuff like turning the audience heel, I didn't really see the need to.

Should have remembered that all you politics marks only need a headline to go off, who cares about the details?

As for that though, the way the OP is written implies that heels cheating to win should be a rare occurrence. Wrestling that way is dull, as without them cheating, there's far less drama. Watch WCW from summer of 92 and see how well it works.

I don't read it like that. If he is saying they all do it now then even a decrease to 75 or 50 percent of the time would be a fairly substantial toning down. I like cheating specialists and such but too often when these finish types are overused the booking becomes just lazy. That is why people have developed this odd aversion to dusty finishes. So many of them are utter shit and thrown in just because supposedly that is what you have to do.

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